TIBETAN ULLETI N BTHE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF T HE CEN T RAL TIBE T AN ADMINIS T RAT ION Volume 17, Issue 6 november - december 2013 Focus • Current Human Rights Situation in Tibet • Tibet Issue Raised in Australian Senate on Rights Day Feature • DIIR Kalon Dicki Chhoyang Testifies Before Italian Senate Documentation • Statement of the Kashag and Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on the 24th Anniversary of the Conferment of Nobel Peace Prize to His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet CTA response to Chinese allegations • Party Boss in Tibet Plans to Separate The 14th Dalai Lama From Tibetan Buddhism www.tibet.net/en/tibbul NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 TIBE T AN BULLE T IN 1 View of the stage during the dialogue between His Holiness the His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s visit to Vasant Valley School Dalai Lama and scientists in Tokyo, Japan on November 17, and the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences in New Del- 2013. Photo/Office of Tibet Japan hi, India on December 6, 2013. Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay met with US Senate Majority Kalons of CTA with Mr. Roberto Pinto, President Ugo Ros- Leader Harry Reid at the Senator’s office in the U.S. Capitol si of President of the Autonomous Province of Trento Building on 14 November 2013 “Yesterday, I noticed two girls on crutches begging on the street, their forlorn faces reflecting their deso- lation. The traffic flows past such people, and it seems no one pays any attention. It’s very sad. We really should make efforts to support such people. For example, here in the city I’ve seen the extravagance with which weddings are celebrated these days. Instead of such lavish displays of wealth, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to provide a meal for the poor?” His Holiness said on Care Home for Street Children in Delhi 2 TIBE T AN BULLE T IN NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 contents www.tibet.net/en/tibbul brief news 4. Sikyong Meets with US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid TIBETAN 5. Tibetans mourn passing away of Nelson Mandela BULLETI N Tibetan Bulletin is an official bi-monthly 6. Brazilian Parliamentary Delegation visits Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile journal of the Central Tibetan Admin- istration. Focus 7. Current Human rights situation in Tibet 10. Tibet Issue Raised in Australian Senate on Rights Day 11.UN must hold China’s human rights record to highest level of scrutiny Signed articles or quotations do not neces- 13. Three Canadian MPs raised the issue of Tibet in the parliament after they met His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s new representative sarily reflect the views of the Central Tibet- an Administration. Contributions are wel- come and may be addressed to the editor, Feature Tibetan Bulletin. However the publisher regrets its inability to return unused articles 14. Testimony of Kalon Dicki Chhoyang of the Central Tibetan Administration unless they are accompanied by a self-ad- before the Italian Senate’s Extraordinary Commission for the Protection and dressed envelope with adequate postage. Promotion of Human Rights Tibetan Bulletin is distributed free of charge. To subscribe please email the circu- documentation lation manager or see page 2. 17. Statement of the Kashag on the 24th Anniversary of the Conferment of Nobel Editor Peace Prize to His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet Lobsang Choedak Email: [email protected] 19. Statement of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on the 24th Anniversary of the Conferment of Nobel Peace Prize to His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama of Asst. Editor Tibet Jamphel Shonu Intern/Reporter Tenzin Passang world press Layout & Design Tenzin Passang 21. Desperation in Tibet [The New York Times] By the Editorial Board Circulation Manager Tenzin Choephel 22. An exclusive interview with the Dalai Lama by Amy Kazmin Email: [email protected] Tibetan Bulletin is published by: Department of Information and cta response to chinese allegation International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharam- 27. Party Boss in Tibet Plans to Separate The 14th Dalai Lama From Tibetan shala- 176 215 H.P. India Buddhism Tel: +91-1892-222510 / 222457 Vol. 17, Issue 6 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 REGULARS NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 TIBE T AN BULLE T IN 3 NEWS FROM TIBE T & EXILE Sikyong Meets US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Sino-Tibetan talks could take place in Iceland WASHINGTON, DC – Sikyong Dr. The Sikyong also met two senior edito- Lobsang Sangay met with US Sen- rial board members of The Wall Street ate Majority Leader Harry Reid at Journal, former Senator Joe Lieberman Denouncing the atrocities perpetrated the Senator’s office in the US Capitol and Nicholas Kristoff, the Pulitzer Prize against Tibetans in Tibet, a group of Building on 14 November. The two winner columnist for The New York MPs from all Icelandic political par- leaders discussed the current situation Times. “Great chat today with Lobsang ties except Prime Minister Sigmundur in Tibet and the next visit of His Holi- Sangay, Tibetan leader, about escalat- Davíð Gunnlaugsson’s Progressive ness the Dalai Lama to Washington. “I ing repression in Tibet. Sad to see the Party have submitted a parliamentary have met His Holiness the Dalai Lama oppression there,” Kristoff tweeted af- resolution encouraging the Chinese several times. He is a remarkable fig- ter the meeting to his close to 1.5 mil- government to resume peace talks with ure. What is happening in Tibet is very lion followers. His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s repre- sad,” said Senator Reid. The Sikyong sentatives, ruv.is and Iceland Review spoke about his assumption of politi- He also met with the Washington bu- Online reported on 29 November. cal leadership of the Tibetan people reau chief for The Huffington Post, Ma- and the efforts of his Administration ria Otero and Paula Dobriansky – the The resolution urges the Icelandic par- to draw attention and resolve the Tibet two former US under Secretaries and liament to highlight concerns over grow- issue. Representative Kaydor Aukat- Special Coordinators for Tibetan Issues, ing violence against and oppression of sang and the Senator’s Senior Foreign key staffers of the Senate Foreign Rela- Tibetans by the Chinese government. It Policy Advisor were also present at the tions Committee, and Congress woman calls on the parliament to condemn the meeting. Zoe Lofgren with whom he discussed crackdown on peaceful protests in Tibet immigration-related issues. and insist that the Chinese government With this important meeting and an not stand in way of the UN sending a earlier meeting with Congressman Ed In all his meetings, the Sikyong has delegation to investigate human rights Royce – Chairman of the House For- been speaking of CAN, his Administra- abuses in Tibet. Encouraging the Chi- eign Relations Committee, the Sikyong tion’s commitment to the Middle Way nese government to initiate peace talks has now met with most of the top US Approach, and requesting more sup- with the representatives of His Holiness Congressional leaders. In his ear- port for Tibet and Tibetans. CAN is the the Dalai Lama, the MPs suggest that lier visits to Washington, he met with three-phased integrated approach of talks could take place in Iceland. House Speaker John Boehner, Leader Consolidation, Action and Negotiations Nancy Pelosi, and Senator John Kerry (or dialogue) that serves as a broad stra- A statement accompanying the resolu- then Chairman of the Senate Foreign tegic policy road map for the current Ti- tion said that many parliaments around Relations Committee. betan Administration in Dharamsala. the world have passed resolutions re- garding the critical situation in Tibet. Twelve Nobel Peace winners have sent Beautiful culture of Tibet showcased at Himalayan Festival letters to the Chinese government en- Tibetans showcased their beautiful Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh said: couraging peace talks with the Tibetan culture and tradition at a day-long Hi- “Tibet is a land of religion, and is a re- people. The MPs believe that the Ice- malayan festival at Shimla, the capital pository of unique and beautiful culture, landic parliament should take a stance, of northern Indian state of Himachal language and religion. It is our respon- particularly given that senior officials Pradesh, on 23 November. sibility to take care of Tibetans living in of the Chinese government have visited exile and especially ensure that Tibetan Iceland on a regular basis. “We Iceland- The festival, jointly organised by De- children get good education. We hope ers have a moral obligation under our partment of Tourism, Himachal State and pray to god that Tibetans in exile free trade agreement with China, which Government and Department of Home will return to their homeland with dig- takes effect in early 2014, to highlight of the Central Tibetan Administration, nity within my lifetime,” he said. that we will not accept human rights was aimed at promoting friendship and violations of the kind outlined in the cultural understanding among peoples Sikyong said: “We express our sincere statement.” especially those living in the Himala- and heartfelt gratitude to the govern- yan regions. ment and people of Himachal Pradesh Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the dem- for their long-standing support to the ocratically-elected leader and political Dignitaries present on the occasion in- Tibetan people.” successor to His Holiness the Dalai clude Deputy Speaker Khenpo Sonam Lama, reiterated commitment to dia- Tenphel, Health Kalon Dr. Tsering- Songs and dances of Tibet, Bhutan, logue to find a solution to the issue of Wangchuk and Director of Tourism Ladakh, Sikkim, Kinnaur and Nepal Tibet within the framework of the Chi- Mohan Chauhan. were showcased on the occasion. nese constitution. 4 TIBE T AN BULLE T IN NOVEMBER -DECEMBER 2013 NEWS FROM TIBE T & EXILE Tibetans mourn passing away We aspire for your autonomy status of Nelson Mandela Sikyong Dr.
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