EGISTER VOLUME LXIX, NO. 30. EED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANXTARY .16, 1947 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1. TO The Register Again Red Bank Savings Father And Daughter ^acred Concert Monmouth PaYk Gets Heads The List Killed By Train Triplets, All Boys, ] A sample check up'.of 49 of the And Loan Ass'n Word, has been received of the Sunday Night In better weekly newspapers of the sudden passing of Worth Rhodes June 19 -July 30 Date nation, all members of the Audit Has Good Year Bushnell, 42, and his soven-year-old For Episcopal Rector Bureau of Circulation and the daughter Parmly of Mendenhall, Methodist Church Greater Weeklies division of the Pa., who were instantly killed Sat- American Press association, shows Statement By Its urday, January 4, near their home. Elizabeth Waddell Local-Track Is In Excellent Shape— that the average of this group .ran Mr. Busnell and his daughter were Rev. And Mrs. Spofford, Jr., 6,117 lines of national advertising President Offered To in their car and stopped at a cross- Of Fair Haven Is during November. They ranged ing to allow a train to go by. just Are The Proud Parents • . Racing Commission Issues Schedule torn a high of 20,207 lines to a low Tho Public as the train approached tho cross- Soloist Of Evening of 1,358 lines. ing the Bushnell car suddenly •+• Timothy Spofford, 15-montl Monmouth Park will. open its It is pleasing to the publisher Assets of the Red Bank Sayings sprang ahc^d right In front of the A sacred concert sponsored , by son of Rev. and' Mrs, William , gatea to'horso racing .fans-June IB and-hls, co-workers on the staff of and Loan. Association now total on-coming. train. It is. not, known the Married Couples' Bible class of Rumson Council Spofford, Jr., received a present i Keyport Man and all lain readiness a,t the plant tha Red Bank Register to know over ' $2,600, according to ' a what caused the Btishnell car to Red Bank Methodist' church' will be three brothers in seven mlnuti which is considered one of the fin- that the Register tops this list. tatement made-public, today by Ed- move. given Sunday night in the church, Friday moyiing.. The triplet* Is Candidate , est in the nation, Fred H. Ryan, Second honors go to the Freehold win R. Conover, president. The Bushnells lived }n Baltimore The program will include anthems Suspends License born at Washington, D. C, whe secretary of the state racing com- Transcript with 14,302, followed by "We believe that during 1946 the until last spring, when they moved' by the senior choir .under direction he young mother, 21, has mission, Friday night released the the Dover. (N. J.) Advance with Red Bank Savings and Loan Asso- into their new home at Menden- of Harold J. Sweitzer; a meditation 'taying for the past two monS For Sheriff dates, of Monmouth's meeting, fol- 12,077. ciation rendered a greater service hall; . Ten-Day Penalty - tvith her parents, Mr. and Mrs; lowing failure i by operators of the Not only is it gratifying to the to Us community In the promotion '.Mr, Bushnell was tho husband - For Woodward thur Fawcett, formerly of Middll three tfew Jersey tracks to agree Register'to have been privileged to of thrift and.home ownership than and tho child a daughter-of Mrs. own. The -father of the triplets Charles E. Applegate on schedules. The meeting will end carry' this great amount of adver- n any prior years of its 60 years Virginia Grattan Bushnell', daugh- . A ten-day suspension, of the tav- the son of Rev, and Mrs. W. July 30. ' : tising, but it Is. also a compliment of existence. ". ter of Frank O. Grattan of St. Mi- Spofford of Christ church, Middled • Seeks Democratic <? An inspection of Monmouth Park .paid to the Register by tho nation- "pno of the best measures of this chaels, Md, .former residents of ern license of Charles Woodward, proprietor of Charlie's bar and grill town. ,i .,.' ' • v this week showed that construction al apace buyers, who are exceed- Service i| the gain made in our as- Riverside drive. Mrs; Bushnell will Seldom are triplets, all boys. Of ingly critical in their selection of on River road,' was imposed by the , Nomination To Office is complete and the finish of beauti- sets, ' We closed- the year with re- also bo remembered as tho former most cases they arc cithci all girW fication work on the infield is but newspapers for distribution of the Rumson mayor and council last sources totaling $2,643)375.61, which Mrs. Bertram E. Llndc. or two girls arid' a boy. Alao they a matter of time. The track itself announcements for their clients. represents an increase of $89,105.09 Thursday night on a charge made Promising "sane and conscien- by John E. Shafto, an Investigator, generally ore born about one-has tious handling of the office," Charles Is in readiness, following construc- It also speaks well for Monmouth over the previous year. tion of a super drainage ditch, for the State Alcoholic Beverage, hour apart. The first of these three B.'Applegate of Keyport today aiF county, inasmuch as it is looked "Total members' savings were re- boys was Wn at 4:28 a. m.; tin which is expected to dry out the upon as- a very fertile field by the Eatontown Police Commission, that the tavern pie- nounced his candidacy for sheriff ceived from the people of Red second at 4:31 and the third it oval In record time. Everything ap- national advertiser in all branches Bank and vicinity in the' amount | mlscs were open before noon Sun- of Monmouth countyonthe Demo- 4:35. The first weighed four pound*} pears ,to be in excellent shape. of merchandising for general dis- of $413,500. These savings, to- day, pecember 22( In violation ot cratic ticket. .•••,';'••• eight ounces; the second, thr«4 Tho clubhouse, which was not tribution. gether with other income, made it Chief, Recorder's; the bor-ough ordinance. In L letter p—oLJastt posslble-for-the-Associatlon-to-start- to-the-councll-Mr—Woodward -en- PQUiul3,_l2~ounccs;_the_third,-fo(nFl year's meet, is ready. The lounges 255 local people on the road to *46 Reports Read tered a plea "of.guilty,.but stated pounds, four and one-half ounce*. need but few finishing, touches be- home-ownership by advancing to that no beverages""1tiKt-becn sold. They were all such healthy specif foie the expensive furniture is Conover Model them on first mortgage'loans an The suspension went into effect mens that they were placed In alt moved from storage and placed In aggregate of $1,391,150. All of Both Records Reveal Monday of this week. incubator for but a few hours, aripV the attractive rooms. The Parterre To Attend Cover loans are repayable In monthly In- Mayor Louis M. Hague stated then onjy until a "child specialist- boxes atop the clubhouse, which af stallments. Despite the continued Efficient Service that any violation hurts the entire could have a look at them. He or! ford their holders practically pri- high mortgage loan repayment dur- tavern-business and named further dered them removed from the In^ vate rooms, are finished. With the Girl Contest ing the year, our mortgage port- By Boro Officers infractions of the law will not be cuba tor. insertion of chairs'and other minor folio showed a net increase of $927,- tolerated by the borough officials. Young Spofford, who is a base?, accessories, they will be ready for 000. ' , The police and recorder's annual In reporting three oil burner fires, ball fan, said on hearing the news?. 'That's not doing so badly. Wo'v*; occupancy. Dian Owens Lists ' "During the year'the Association reports were read by Police Com- MJSS ELIZABETH WADDELL Councilman Edgar E. Blake, chair- been married only a little over (v Main attention of the workers made mortgage-loans to 148 veter- missioner Fred S- Morris at a short man of the flro committee, said the . Helpful'Suggestions origin of each was due to the fact years and we already have a whe now centers on the infleld. The ar- ans under the guarantee of the session Friday night of the Eaton- by the minister, Rov. Roger J, tificial lake, which centers the In- Servicemen's Readjustment Act for Squire, and vocal solos ' by Miss1 that each buiner was located on a nflcld." However, when It was sti For Would-Be Models town mayor and council. ' concrete base over a wooden- floor. jested that the boys be named i_ field, has been further excavated a total Qf $879,900. While under this According to tho report of Police Elizabeth Waddell of Fair Haven, and its banks are being graded. act"lehdlngtmstitutions can loan daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fires of this type, ho said, were dif- tcr the famous double-play combln Chief Klrkcgard, five missing per- ficult to control and he asked the ation of former years—Tlnkrf Grass-.planting will be accomplished ( Dlan Owens of Avon, attractive 100% of the purchase price of the ions were picked up in tho borough Waddell. The program folio as soon as weather permits. blonde Conover model, will appea property, providing the appraisal s>rclu Je co-operation of residents in seeking Evcrg and Chance—he balked anS' fo'or othenlh«ir- policnnllrae departmentsdeDortmcnV, 35 ' - "Hsrmonloi, <lu Sol,-.' sald that they would stick to Blb|i» Still to be done in order to finish next Wednesday right at the Stran< made by the Veterans Administra- Karg Elort the advice of the fire chief and ) stolen cars were recovered and 30 Invocation ....: Rev.
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