Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 11-16-1987 Columbia Chronicle (11/16/1987) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (11/16/1987)" (Novembe 16, 1987). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/233 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. -Transcript rule blocks student loan pay-offs By Victoria Pierce saipt. The Rl.'COnJs otl'il.·c rdCrs to this Meanwhile. Annuh 's check has hccn huve gotten it before I registered.·· said. He also >O>id rhe school didn'r as a ··Q rcstrirtion:· sitting in the Financial Aid offil'c for Wells said. know which :-.tudcnts wen:· rcturninJ.! Nearly 350· Columbia studellls an: · "For admission (lo Columbia) all more than two weeks. .. We knew July I rh:~lrhey were gn· and which student!<. were receiving ti­ unable 10 cnllccrrhcir Pcll GrJnls. ISSC you need is a ievenlh semesrer high By law. a s<:hml can on ly hold a 'IU· ing to start enltm:ing the regulation .·· nanc.:ial aid. or student ltXJ.n chct..-ks due to the rcc.:cm school transcript. That is not a final denl loan check fur 45 days. Conaway Conaway said ...h~wevcr. we li:ll rhar ··Seventy-live pcn:ent of the student cnfnn.~mcm of a li.vc-ycar-old rcgula­ high school transcript," Conaway said. said. Afrer lhar rime rhe check is scnl thmughout normal prrw.:e!<.:..C!<. we would population is n:cciving snmc form of fi­ tion. according to Hcnn<.~n Cnnaway. Thlnsfer students are only required to back to the bank and must he n.:pn>­ not huvc ~en in thi !<. :-.ituatinn. We did nandal :.tid.·· Conaway said. ··vnu h:.tvc dean of S1Udcn1 Scrvi<'cs. have transcripts from lhe last college at· c..·cs~'d . nnt anticipare rhe (high) schtx>ls docid· 5.600studcnt!<.. 450 is not that many: · In ··The Ability to Benefic"" rcgulatinn teilded on ftle," he said. A similar incident happened to tnm:-.­ ing to go on strike. So right off the hat other words. eight pcn:ent of Colum­ states that students must pmvc they will Howeve~ Brenda Scott, Associate fcr student Bonnie Wells. She tmnsfcr­ we have n>ughly 700 sruden" rhar may bia's students ~1re having tmnscript benefit from n.~civing financial aid . Director of Admissions, said all transfer rcd into Columbia with only u tmn.~·ript have been aftl."'<.'tcd.'' pnlblcnl!<. One ofrhe 1\.'<(Uin:mcnrs of pmof is hav· siUdents require a complete high school fn>m the lasl college she anendcd. Many of the !<.tudc nt!<. un the "Q" li!<.t "Thi!<. !<.Uilllller alone. Columbia Col­ ing a complcrc high schoolrmnscripr on transcript to be accepted to Columbia. When she wenl to pick up her loan urc fnnn Chicago public schools. yet lege :..cnt me (infonnation on) people fi le arrhe school ancnded. ReiUming SIUdent Sarah Annoh was check she was told she had a .. Q n.:Mric· students fmm suburban :-.c..:hnols arc aiMl who gut job:-. at the college. new i:l!<.t ruc­ The regular ion has hccn on rhe books told she could not pick up her check. tion ... She requested a tmnscript he M:OI h~aving lrJnM·ript prnblem!<. tors. new department!<.. huw dcp;JT1- for five years. bur has no!lx'Cn enl(uced A l(mn letter to Mullcnt!<. Wa!<. nut sent mcnts were going to merge together. Ho~ve~ lhe Records office rold her it to Columbia aucnti'm Admissicm!'<. The unrilrhe 1987-88.school year. said John was only a mix-up in records and lhe tmnscript never arrived. A second never earlier in the !<.Ummcr bl.-causc many sru­ AIDS and hnw In pn>lccr myself.·· An· Olino. direcror of Financial Aid. Fur· , situation would straighten itself out in a arrived either. The high school she al· dents don't read !'ot(.;hool mail sent to noh said . "Not once did they send me ther investigations have shown Colum- few days. She returned a few days later rended . Wendell Phillips. has rcconl of them c.Juri~g the !<.Ummer. ' coru~way Continued on Page 3 . bia 10 be rhe only area school abiding by to fmd she had a "Q restriction" and sending both rmnscripts. Wells said ...It rhis regular ion . things had not straightened lhemselves dncsn ·r take twn weeks to send a lcncr S1udems receiving financial aid were out, she said. Annoh said she was lhen fmm lhe Sourh Side ro here.·· she not aware of the newly enforced regula· told a request for transcripts would lhen added. lion unril after rhey had rcgisren.'d. ar· be sent to her high school by Records. Meanwhile. Wclh' loiln check ha' tended classc> and wenrro pick up rheir She rcrurncd rwo weeks larcr In find been sitting in the Financ.:ial :A.id oftic.:c loan checks. Srudems .wen.: rold rhey thai nol only had her tmm;c:ripr nor ar· ll>r21 day,. couldn '1 receive their money until the rived. but a rcquc:-.t fnrm had nut even .. If I would have known tharlrn:ctled ........................ school received a final high M:hO\lllmn· hccn senfCOher high >ehoul. 'he '"id. my h1gh school rr•n>eriprs. I would Photography's a 'useless' major, profe~sor charges By lee Bey "We're (photography professors) juSI and the ~tudcnt looh at the moun and ~ Cbronk~IMarprd Norton like !hose phony Zen practitioners of not the finger," he S<Jid. ··It ~ccm:-. l in Photography has no place in rhe liSI Chicago Park District FMecutive Vice President, Jesse Madison, unveiled the lhe 1960s," professing to know about • photogmphy classes! as if the student i:-. of college majors and really isn·r an. 1988 budget to a group of community participants at Welles Park Nov. 7. Eastern philosophy when lhey really not looking ut the moon. and the said a college professor at rhe Midwesr 1 dido 't," Jay said. An education in fine teacher i:-. looking at his own di~it. " Regional Conference of lhe Society for an photography is irrelevant to all, ex· Photographic Education held ar Colum· BnurJ:o.. who also host:-. a pmgrJm on cept !hose who hold tightly to !heir WFMT mdio. di,..gn.:cd with Jay. Park district bia Nov . 5-7. teaching positions." .. You can go our and !learn phorogr•· Professor Bill Jay of Arizona State The two-hour discussion was rnodcr­ University spoke at a Saturday morning phyllhat's a disasler. as far as I'm con· ate9 by John Mulvaney. chairman of the panel discussion titled. "The Education cerncd. ·· Boums said . .. Then.: is noth· budget outlined An and Pho10gmphy depanmenls. ing wrong with staying in the <.~cadcm ic.: of lhe Photographer/ Anist in an Age of Orher panelists included Hany Boums. world ... By Karen Brody line rcpamtions. He estimated the coM Ambiguity, Afnuence and Alienation." paimer and Columbia College faculty .. Bill's clarion ca ll to gel our in rhe al $6 mill inn. The Chicago Pari< District outlined member, Mary Dougheny. anist and ··world land learn phologmphy I is very its proposed 1988 budget at a public fo- Acmnling tn 47rh Wanl Alderman. psychotherapist, and Lynn Sloan· Theo­ srirring.'' said Sloon-Thcodon:. wilh a rum· Nov. 7 at Welles Pari<. I Gene Sc.:hulter. a lakcfmnt committee is dore. Columbia College photogr•phy smile ... And my God. rm·going rocan· The budget, appropriated at nearly working on a long-mngc plan in which Inside in~1ructor. eel my classes." $29 million, has increased I.79 percent rwo million dollar.; has already hccn al· "What we have, .. Jay said. " is a fal· Sl<mn-Thcodon.: said acader1>ic in· from 1987. lncared. lacious ragbag of notions rhat lers us srrucrion in photogmphy is beneficial. Forum attendees were welcomed to Student loan checks link ourselves to the painrcr- who is a According to Budget Director, Thay especially for those who an.: inrercsred. take pan in two of lhree group discus­ serious anis t." · Barella, tax levies have not risen, indi· in photogmphy. bur lack initiative. sions in addition to lhe main galhering. collect dust Jay advocared rhosc interested in eating lhe pari< district's ability to gener· ···There arc some people in my They included recreation and program· photography should strike out on their ate revenue from outside sources. classes who I know would be couch p<>­ ming, landscape and architeciUre and I ~ PAGES own and make a living of ir in order !O tatocs if it wcrcn ' t for academics." !-.he The lorurn. nne of rwn scheduled. personnel. · •• I learn lhc cr•ft. said 10 Jay. "There:, sornerhing aboul W:J!<. designed to cncoumge public par­ The di!<oeU!<.!<.iOn!<. focuM.'d on civil Columbia's neighbor ''It makes no sense 10 spend a yc-• r in collc'gc campuses rhal wakes people up ricipatinn in rhe budge! planning pmc- service exam!<. and the allocation of cui· a cia'-' when you can learn rhe lunda­ and I don't think we do a.• much damage tuml fUnding. gets facelift rnentals in a week ... he said ... It rakes as you say we do." Exet:utivc Vice Prc:-.idcnt.
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