Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84200-6 — Managing Transition Sabina Henneberg Index More Information Index 12/12 movement, 128–129 Amor Commission, 34–38, 61–62, 77, 18 October collective, 64 86, 90–91, 96, 174–175, 182–183, 211 Abassi, Houcine, 73 Amor, Abdelfatah, 34 Abu Salim massacre, 2, 102 AMT (Tunisian Magistrates’ Abushagur, Mustafa, 148–149 Association), 96n135 Addis Ababa, 139 Ansar al-Sharia, 151, 154n16, 157, 162 Afghanistan, 116 Arab League, 112, 131–133, 137 Africa, 18, 164 Arab Spring. See Arab uprisings North, 7–8, 14, 207, 219 (See also Arab uprisings, 7–8, 10, 14 MENA (Middle East and North Arabian Gulf Oil Company, 129 Africa)) ARP (People’s Representative Sub-Saharan, 6, 56, 201 Assembly), 171, 173, 186–187 African Union (AU), 137–139 Article 105, 178n28. See also Tunisian AFTURD (Association de la Femme Bar Association Tunisienne pour la Récherche et le Article 15, 78, 94–95, 180 Développment), 43n93 Article 18, 34n61, 43, 49. See also Agence Tunisienne des gender parity Communications Externales Article 28, 23n15 (ATCE), 75–76, 81 Article 30, 141–142, 218. See also Ahd Joumhouri. See Republican Pact National Transition Council Ajdabiya, 133, 148 (NTC) al-Baida, 2, 103, 105, 107–108 Article 56, 20–21 al-Qaeda, 136n148, 202–203 Article 57, 21 Alaqi, Mohamed al-, 110 Article 8, 34n61 Algeria, 136n148, 201, 216n14, Association de la Femme Tunisienne 224 pour la Récherche et le 1988 protests, 7n21 Développment (AFTURD), 2019 protests, 225n35, 227n40 43n93 colonization of, 18n3 Association des Magistrats Tunisiens Gouvernement Provisoire de la (AMT), 96n135 République Algérienne (GPRA), Association Tunisienne des Femmes 118n73 Democrates (ATFD), 36, 43n93 Algiers, 1 ATCE (Tunisian External Ali, Zaid al-, 141, 142n173 Communications Agency), 75–76, Amazigh, 189–190 81 American consulate in Benghazi, ATFD (Tunisian Association of 151–153, 157 Democratic Women), 25n27, 36, American embassy in Tunis, 69 43n93 Amnesty International, 162–163 AU (African Union), 137–139 256 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84200-6 — Managing Transition Sabina Henneberg Index More Information Index 257 Awjali, Ali al-, 111 17 February Coalition and, 102–103, Awlad-Suleiman, 200n110 117 Ansar al-Sharia assault on, 157 Ban Ki-moon, 130 Central Bank of, 129, 196 Bani Walid, 2, 119, 167 Haftar assault on, 153, 192 bar association. See Libyan Bar National Oil Corporation (NOC) in, Association; Tunisian Bar 129, 197 (See also National Oil Association Corporation (NOC)) Barakat, Naji, 111 NTC headquarters in, 3, 117, 120, Bardo National Museum attack, 172, 122–125, 128–129, 215 (See also 182 12/12 movement) Bardo Palace sit-in, 71 protests in, 2–3, 102 Barqa Council, 144–145, 154–155 Qadhafi assault on, 133 Bashir, Omar al-, 224 Benghazi Council, 103–104, 109 Basic Freedoms and Human Rights Benin, 10 Council (BFHRC), 190, 199 Bennour, Jamal, 109 Belaïd, Chokri, 70 Berlin, 194 Ben Achour Commission, 48, 50, Berlusconi, Silvio, 130–131 53–54, 56, 62, 66–68, 87, 89, 211, BFHRC (Basic Freedoms and Human 220 Rights Council), 190, 199 consensus and, 52 Bhriri, Nourdine, 96–97 decree laws and, 30, 40–42, 47, 80 Bilhaj, Abdelhakim, 117, 123, 128, elections and, 38, 51, 57–58, 83, 94, 136n148, 137n154, 149 180, 184 Bilhaj, Alamin, 116 expert core, 52, 63, 73–78, 210 Black Book, 93, 97 formation of, 25–27, 33 Bouderbala Commission, 35–36, media freedom and, 80–82 49–50, 61–62, 77, 182, 211 representation in, 42–46, 49, 186, Truth and Dignity Commission 210 (See also gender parity) (TDC) and, 90, 92, 174–175 Ben Achour, Yadh, 25–26, 32–33, Bouderbala, Tawfik, 35–36 44–46, 58, 68 Boughaigis, Salwa, 110, 168 Ben Ali, Zine al-Abidine Bourguiba, Habib, 18–19, 40, 42, 48, 1987 coup, 20, 67n23 53, 55, 63, 78, 180 exile and resignation, 1–3, 12, liberalization and reform, 30, 17, 20–21, 25, 29, 34, 43, 208–209 209 overthrow of, 20 government of, 28, 30–31, 40, 42, Tunisian national identity and, 18, 44, 48, 50–51, 53–55, 59, 63–64, 212 72, 83, 88–91, 94–95, 180–182, Bouteflika, Abdelaziz, 224 184–185 Brahim, Ahmed, 22, 24 judiciary under, 75–76, 96 Brahmi, Mohammed, 71–72 reforms introduced by, 20, 209 Brazil, 132 restrictions on freedom of expression, Brussels, 134 54–55, 63, 75–79, 93, 219–220 Ben Ammar, Rachid, 23–24, 89 Caïd Essebsi, Béji, 30–31, 51, 210 Ben Jafar, Mustafa, 22 conflict with Yousef Chahed, Ben Sassi, Othman, 113 173–174, 177 Ben Yousef, Salah, 19 death of, 177 Benghazi. See also American consulate interim cabinet of, 24–26, 48, 56–58, in Benghazi 62n6, 66, 74–77, 89, 211 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84200-6 — Managing Transition Sabina Henneberg Index More Information 258 Index Caïd Essebsi, Béji (cont.) Constitutional Democratic Rally interim prime ministership of, 24, 31, (RCD), 21–24, 28–30, 32n56, 89, 40–41, 44, 50, 57–58, 61, 63, 93–95, 180–181, 184 74–77, 87, 216n13 Constitutional Drafting Assembly media freedom and, 77–80 (CDA), 15, 148, 161, 189, Nida Tounis and, 69–70, 173 (See 192–193, 196 also Nida Tounis) Consultative Support Group, 155–156 presidency of, 98, 171, 173–174, CPR (Congrès Pour la République), 22, 181, 214 65, 68 Caïd Essebsi, Hafedh, 173, 177n23 CSM (Conseil Supérieure de la Cameron, David, 130 Magistrature), 174, 178–179 Carthage Declaration, 173–174 Cyrenaica, 100, 113, 192 CBL (Central Bank of Libya), 196–198, 200 Dabbashi, Ibrahim, 104 CDA (Constitutional Drafting Day of Rage, 2, 103, 109, 115. See also Assembly), 15, 148, 161, 189, February 17 revolution 192–193, 196 DDR (Demobilization, Disarmament, Central Bank of Benghazi, 129, 196 and Reintegration), 136n149, 150, Central Bank of Libya (CBL), 196–198, 217, 220 200 de Gaulle, Charles, 1 Chad, 111 Deauville, 139 Chahed, Yousef, 173–174, 177, 184 Demobilization, Disarmament, and Chamber of Deputies, 21–23, 29, Reintegration (DDR), 136n149, 89 150, 217, 220 Chambi mountains, 72 Democratic Forum for Work and Charlie Hebdo attack, 172 Liberties (FDTL), 22, 56, 65, 68 Chebbi, Ahmed Najib, 22, 24 Democratic Patriots Movement, 70 China, 131–132 Democratic Progressive Party (PDP), Clinton, Hillary, 109, 130n127, 132, 22, 24, 56 159 Derna, 2, 157, 197n100 CNPR (National Council for the Destour Sagheer, 34, 47–48, 66, 75 Protection of the Revolution), Doha, 124, 135 25–27, 48, 87, 89 colonialism. See also neocolonialism Eastern Libyan Shield, 157–158 in Algiers by France, 1, 18n3 Economic Reconciliation Law, 182 in Libya by Italy, 209 Egypt, 104, 118, 147–148, 177, 192, Congrès Pour la République (CPR), 22, 201, 203–204 65, 68 1952 revolution, 101, 209 Conseil Supérieure de la Magistrature 2007 “bread riots,” 7n21 (CSM), 174, 178–179 2011 revolution, 223–224 consensus 2013 protest movement, 71, 73, lack of, 11n33, 24, 74, 142, 144, 202n119 161, 169, 177, 199 el-Magariaf, Muhammad, 148 spirit of, 17, 32–33, 46, 51–52, elections. See specific governing body 55–56, 58, 65, 68–69, 97–98, 122, Enahda, 22, 25, 70–73, 82, 179, 183. 170, 172, 178–180, 184, 188, 205, See also Troika 211–212 ban on, 19, 67 Consensus Committee, 179 elections and, 46, 65, 68, 98, Constitutional Council, 21, 96 185 Constitutional Court, 32, 177–179 lustration law proposed by, 95 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84200-6 — Managing Transition Sabina Henneberg Index More Information Index 259 ties to radical Islamist groups, 69, gender parity, 186 181 in the Amor Commission, 34 Equity and Reconciliation Commission, in the Ben Achour Commission, 27, 36 41n88, 43–44, 49, 82–83, 184, Erdogan, Tayyip, 131 186 ésprit de consensus. See consensus in the Bouderbala commission, 36, Essid, Habib, 89, 171–173, 181, 214 90 ethnic groups General National Congress (GNC), 15, Amazigh, 189n68 170, 196, 200–201. See also Libya Farjan, 110 Dawn; Libya Political Agreement Tebu, 157, 189n68, 199 (LPA) Touareg, 111, 189n68, 199 distribution of seats in, 155 Tubu, 111 elections, 3–4, 116, 142–146, 155, Zawiya, 122, 133, 157, 164, 200 159, 161, 214 Ettajdid, 22, 24, 56 international assistance, Ettakatol (FDTL), 22, 56, 65, 68 159–160 EU (European Union), 130, 137, 203 security, 4, 151–153, 157, 167–168, Europe, 18, 48 199, 203 Eastern, 6, 14 selection of prime minister, 148–149, European Parliament, 114 162, 189, 192 European Union (EU), 130, 137, 203 split with HOR, 153–154, 162, 167, 190–191, 198 fact-finding commission on state abuse. General Tunisian Workers’ Union See Bouderbala Commission (UGTT), 1, 19, 22, 25, 27, 43–45, Fajr Libya. See Libya Dawn 48, 53–54, 70–74, 173, 178, 184, Farjan, 110 212 FDTL (Ettakatol), 22, 56, 65, 68 Geneva, 190 February 17 Coalition, 103, 112–113, Germany, 132 117, 123, 155 Ghannouchi, Mohammed February 17 revolution, 166. See also interim cabinet of, 22–23, 31 Day of Rage prime ministership of, 20–26, 28–29, Fezzan, 113, 189n68 34–35, 37–38, 53, 56, 59, 89, 210, Fishman, Benjamin, 160 216, 224 Fituri, Anwar, 111 Ghannouchi, Rachid, 22, 69n29, Forum Démocratique Pour le Travail et 174n10, 207n1 les Libertés (FDTL), 22, 56, 65, 68 Gharyani, Sheikh al-Sadiq al-, 117 FP (Front Populaire), 71 Ghazal, Salah, 103n15, 109 France, 1, 100, 109, 113, 127, Ghoga, Abdel Hafez, 103, 105, 108, 130–135, 139–140, 158–159, 190, 144 193, 202–204, 209. See also Ghwell, Khalifa, 192 colonialism GNA (Government of National protectorate in Tunisia, 18, 30, 208 Accord), 191–194, 200, 203–204 Free Libya Armed Forces, 120 GNC (General National Congress).
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