I I I WAMPUM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I WAMPUM BOROUGH I LAWRENCE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA WAMPUM BOROUGH COUNCIL Anthony D'Arrigo, Mayor I Milton Gene Cody, President Karolee Loughhead, Vice Resident Eugene Bessell I Emelene Deitrick Charles Kelly Peggy Rychlicki I Victor Short, Sr. WAMPUM BOROUGH PLANNING I COMMISSION Karolee Loughhead, Chairperson Shirely Grymes, Secretary Louis Ferrante I Milton Gene Cody Eleanore Mecklem ~I WAMPUM BOROUGH SECRETARY Susan Beall I WAMPUM BOROUGH CONSULTANT Mourice Waltz Planners and Consultants I I 'I I I I 1 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES .... 1 THE PEOPLE POPULATION STUDY ...................... 9 I HOUSING INVENTORY AND PLAN ............. 14 THE LAND I PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHIC & ENVIRONMENT STUDY . 23 LAND USE STUDY ........................ 28 I THE INFRASTRUCTURE COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND UTILITIES ........ 30 I TRANSPORTATION ....................... 36 THE PLAN PROPOSED LAND USE ...................... 49 I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN .............. 51 DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PLAN ........... 53 I HISTORICAL PRESERVATION PLAN ............ 61 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES PLAN . 85 I EXHIBITS FOLLOWINGPAGE ........................ 117 I I I I I I I I 1 I I COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND OBECTIVES Fundamentally, the community planning process involves the intelligent guidance and I confrol of a municipality's growth and improvement. Community planning is based on the I premise that existing conditions can be improved, future needs can be fulfiied and steps can I be undertaken to development and maintain a desirable physical, social and economic environment within the community. I In planning, it is an axiom that every municipality is unique, and no standardized I concepts or patterns of development can be expected to validly apply to all Communities. It is necessary that each community decide for itself how it wants to grow, and the kind of I community it wants to be. The first step m formulating a comprehensive planning program I is to determine general goals and objectives which will reflect what is expected, or hopes to achieve through planning. I A goal can be defmed as a desirable state toward which me is working. To maintain I their long term validity, the goals must be general in nature and reflect the desire to provide an attractive community with quality neighborhoods, schools, recreational facilities, and other I public facilities, and employment opportunities. I Planning objectives describe specific facets of each goal in terms of attainable I conditions, and thereby indicate more precisely the individual components that make up the goal. From these plan goals and objectives, one can then begin to analyze a community's I characteristics and develop specific recommendaticms or projects to intelligently guide and I control a municipality's growth and improvement. I 1 I 8 I The goals described below, (not necessarily in order of importance), are I intended to serve as statements of long range direction toward which the more specific objectives show the way. I OVERALL GOAL I It is the overall goal to develop and preserve a pleasant, attractive, healthy, safe, and I convenient environment for living, working, shopping and relaxing. LAND USE I General Goal I Encourage and perpetuate a land use pattern which includes a wide variety of interrelated land uses in proper proportion, which is able to function efficiently, which I features an optimum degree of compatibility between land uses and between development and I the natural environment, and which enhances the orderly timing of development. Specific Objectives I Discourage undesirable land use relationships by avoiding the mixing of incompatible I uses, yet still maintain neighborhood and CBD conveniences. Support and encourage community revitalization activities. I Encourage the concentration of land uses in discernable clusters, and provide for I reimplantation during revitalization activities. I Support appropriate land use controls to guide future uses and densities or development in accordance with a land use plan. I ENVIRONMENT I General Goal I 2 I I I Encourage the preservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural environment I so that people and nature will exist inproductive harmony. I SDecific Objectives Encourage protection of unique geologic, vegetative and other ecological zones to I ensure variety in the environment, to maintain the habitats of living things found only in such I localized areas, to serve as outdoor educational resources to guard against damages to life and property, and to preserve the natural amenities. I Discourage encroachment upon streams and their flood plains, ponds, and high water I table areas that threaten to &grade the natural condition of their water and/or banks. Encourage elimination or careful control of all causes of pollution, including but not I limited to noise, water, air, and surface pollution. I Encourage a cultural as well as a social heritage through viable historic preservation projects. Cooperate with local historical society and the State Historic Preservation Office. I AESTHETICS I General Goal I Endeavor to enrich the lives of all residents by striving to improve the aesthetic quality of visual impact of the man made environment and by preserving and enhancing the I natural environment. I SDecXic Obiectives Discourage the violation of the usually scenic element of the natural enviroment, I such as dense woodlands, water bodies, steep slopes and hilltops, by relating all development I to natural features. I 3 I I Encourage the elimination, isolation or screening of all scenic detriments created by I man. Encourage the use of aesthetically pleasing landscaping practices to enhance the visual I quality of the man made environment. I Encourage the underground placement of utilities when practical, and attractive design I or blending with nature1 when the underground placement of essential facilities is not practical. I Encourage the protection of pleasing view. I Endeavor to control the use of signs in terms of number, type, size and location, and encourage the aesthetic and attractiveness in their design. I Encourage innovative development concepts such as planned residential developments I which stimulate variety in neighborhood and architectural design. TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION I General Goal I Encourage the safe and convenient circulation and movement of goods and people within the community, and to points beyond, utilizing all methods practical. ‘I SDecific Goals I Encourage the coordination and the integration of the transportation systems of the community with those of the region. I Encourage pedestrian walkways wherever warranted by vehicular traffic and other I activities. I Encourage public mass transit services where appropriate. I 4 I Encourage the provision of adequate off-street parking in all future developments. Encourage the provision of adequate streets and street systems in all future residential, commercial and industrial subdivision. I Encourage and promote bridge maintenance and major access improvements leading I into the area. Maintain project coordination with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. I ECONOMY General Goal I Encourage a diversified and enduring economic structure which provides residents with a variety of employment opportunities while at the same time, preserving a healthful, I secure and pleasant residential environment. I Specific Objectives Encourage commercial and industrial revitalization and development. Encourage the concentration of commercial and industrial developments within I selected areas by designating these areas in a land use plan supported by land use regulations. Encourage a community facilities infrastructure that stimulates business and industrial I development, e.g., utilities, streets, police and fue protection, etc. Discourage the intrusion of residential uses into existing and proposed commercial and I industrial areas. I Encourage a local government and business Community relationship conductive to I economic development. I 5 I I I HOUSING I General Goal I Endeavor to promote adequate housing for all the residents. SDecifk Obiectives I Encourage a diversity m housing types and residential areas in the community, so that I every family bas a choice of residential environment and life style. Encourage the preservation of the existing housing stock through public and private I actions and incentives that encourage housing upkeep. I Encourage the elimination of all substandard housing Units by removal of those units beyond salvage, and by rehabilitation of those units that can be feasibly salvaged. I Encourage the preservation of the residential character and quality of viable 'I residential areas. COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES I Genexal Goal I Endeavor to provide for faculties, services and utilities of the quantity and quality necessary to meet the physical, social, cultural, recreational and aesthetic needs of the II community and to do so in a timely and fiscally responsible manner. 'I Specific Objectives I Endeavor to provide adequate police and fire protection throughout the community. Endeavor to provide for adequate water, sewerage and solid waste management I services in all areas of the community. I Encourage the provision of adequate public school facilities, including buildings and I 6 I grounds that have multiple community use capacity. a. Promote adequate community parks and recreational systems offering a wide range of easily accessible
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