Секция1. Английский язык CHEMICAL WEAPONS (Химическое оружие) Д. Артемьева (студентка) D. Artemyeva (student) Научный руководитель: Г. А. Суромкина Scientific adviser: G.A. Suromkina (lecturer) Юридический Институт, ТМДк-210 The Institute of Law, group C-210 Ключевые слова ( key words): Weapons, toxic properties, chemical substances, chlo- rine, phosgene gas, poisoning agents, mustard gas bomb, global thermonuclear annihilation Аннотация: Статья рассматривает проблемы использования химического оружия в ретроспективе, а также последствия от его использования. В заключении статьи говорится о том, что синтез химического оружия доступен каждому высококвалифицированному специалисту. Chemical warfare is a military operation using lear annihilation was foremost in the minds of most the toxic properties of chemical substances to kill, during the Cold War, both the Soviet and Western injure or incapacitate the enemy. Chemical warfare is governments put enormous resources into developing different from the use of conventional weapons or chemical and biological weapons. Such weapons nuclear weapons because the destructive effects of were used in Vietnam War by U.S army. It was also chemical weapons are not primarily due to any explo- used during the Iran-Iraq War begun in 1980. Early sive force. Although rude chemical warfare has been in the conflict, Iraq began to employ mustard gas and employed in many parts of the world for thousands of tabun delivered by bombs dropped from airplanes; years, «modern» chemical warfare began during approximately 5 % of all Iranian casualties are direct- World War I. Initially, only well-known commercial- ly attributable to the use of these agents. Iraq and the ly available chemicals and their variants were used. U.S. government alleged that Iran was also using These included chlorine and phosgene gas. Germany chemical-weapons, but independent sources were was the first side to employ chemical warfare on the unable to confirm these allegations. Many were hit by battlefield, simply opened canisters of chlorine up- mustard gas. The official estimate does not include wind of the opposing side and let the prevailing the civilian population contaminated in bordering winds do the dissemination. Soon after, the French towns, but about 100,000 Iranian soldiers were vic- modified artillery munitions to contain phosgene — a tims of Iraq's chemical attacks. Shortly before war much more effective method that became the princip- ended in 1988, Iraqi army used chemical weapons al means of delivery and that is for some reason con- against civilians in the Iraqi Kurdish village Halabja* sider them to be the first to use the real chemical killing about 5,000 of the town's 50,000 residents. weapons, because chemical weapon include not only After the incident, traces of mustard gas and the chemicals themselves but also the means of their de- nerve agents sarin, tabun and VX were discovered. In livery. After the war, most of the unused German general about 70 different chemicals have been used chemical weapon agents were dropped into the Baltic or stockpiled as Chemical Weapons agents during the Sea. Over time, the salt water caused the shell casings 20th century. These agents may be in liquid, gas or to corrode, and mustard gas occasionally leaked from solid form. Chemical weapons are classified as wea- these containers and washed onto shore as a wax-like pons of mass destruction by the United Nations, and solid resembling amber. Even in this solidified form, their production and stockpiling was outlawed by the the agent was active enough to cause severe contact Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993. Notwith- burns to anybody handling it. After World War I, the standing some countries keep researching and pro- United States and many of the European powers oc- ducing this kind of WMD. For many terrorist organi- casionally used chemical agents to subdue popula- zations, chemical weapons might be considered an tions and suppress rebellions in their colonies and ideal choice for a mode of attack, if they are availa- dependable territories. During World War II, chemi- ble: they are cheap, relatively-accessible, and easy to cal warfare was revolutionized by Nazi Germany's transport. In 2001, after carrying out the attacks in accidental discovery of the nerve agents tabun, sarin New York City on September 11, the organization Al and soman. The Nazis developed and manufactured Qaeda announced that they were attempting to ac- large quantities of several agents, but chemical wea- quire radiological, biological and chemical weapons. pon was not extensively used by either side because This threat was lent a great deal of credibility, be- German intelligence incorrectly thought that the cause a skilled chemist can readily synthesize most Allies also knew of these compounds fearing a poten- chemical agents if the precursors are available and tially devastating Allied retaliatory nerve agent dep- that is why it is a big concern today. loyment. Notwithstanding the Japanese did used it. After World War TI, the threat of global thermonuc- References 1. Защита объектов народного хо- 2. Семенов С.Н., Лысенко В.П. зяйства от оружия массового поражения: Спра- Проведение занятий по гражданской обороне: вочник/ Под ред. Г.П. Демиденко. – К.: Вища шк. Метод. Пособие. – М.: Высш. шк. 1990. – 96с. Головное изд-во, 1987. – 256с. The history of Windows (История Windows) Е.А. Гладков (студент) E.A. Gladkov (student) Научный руководитель: Т.И. Койкова (доцент) Scientific adviser: T.I. Koykova (associate professor) 1. Факультет информационных технологий, Кафедра ВТ, группа ВТ-111 The fa- culty of Information Technologies, department VT, group ВТ-111 2. Исторический факультет, Кафедра иностранных языков The faculty of History, department of Foreign Languages Ключевые слова (Key words): world famous, announcement, drop-down menus, software, operating system, memory, universal serial bus (USB), desktop. Аннотация: Автор рассматривает операционную систему Windowsс точки зрения ис- торической перспективы. Делается подробный обзор различных версий данной операцион- ной системы. Особое внимание уделяется еѐ преимуществам. The name of Bill Gates is world famous in our On August 24, 1995, Microsoft releases Win- century. You can not find a man who had never heard dows 95, selling a record-setting 7 million copies in the it. Bill Gates received his education at private school. first five weeks. It‘s the most publicized launch Micro- There he began going in for algebra and writing small soft has ever taken on.This is the era of fax/modems, e programs. In 1973 he entered Harvard University.In ‑mail, the new online world, and dazzling multimedia 1975 Bill Gates together Paul Allen founded the com- games and educational software.It‘s available in 12 pany Microsoft. Gates left the University on the third languages. Windows 95 features the first appearance of course and devoted himself to the company. the Start menu, taskbar, and minimize, maximize, and On November 20, 1985, two years after the ini- close buttons on each window. tial announcement, Microsoft produces Windows 1.0. Windows 98 was released on June 25, 1998, Now, rather than typing MS‑DOS commands, you just Windows 98 is the first version of Windows designed move a mouse to point and click your way through specifically for consumers. Improvements include the screens, or ―windows.‖ Bill Gates says, ―It is unique ability to open and close programs more quickly, and software designed for the serious PC user…‖. support for reading DVD discs and universal serial bus On December 9, 1987 Microsoft releases Win- (USB) devices. Another first appearance is the Quick dows 2.0 with desktop icons and expanded memory. Launch bar, which lets you run programs without hav- With improved graphics support, you can now overlap ing to browse the Start menu or look for them on the windows, control the screen layout, and use keyboard desktop. shortcuts to speed up your work. In 1988, Microsoft Windows Me was designed for home computer becomes the world‘s largest PC software company use. Windows Me offers numerous music, video, and based on sales. Computers are starting to become a part home networking enhancements and reliability im- of daily life for some office workers. provements compared to previous versions., A feature On May 22, 1990, Microsoft announces Win- named System Restore can roll back your PC software dows 3.0, followed shortly by Windows 3.1 in 1992. configuration to a date or time before a problem oc- Taken together, they sell 10 million copies in their first curred. 2 years, making this the most widely used Windows Built on top of the proven Windows NT operating system yet. The scale of this success causes Workstation 4.0 code base, Windows 2000 adds major Microsoft to revise earlier plans. Virtual Memory im- improvements in reliability, ease of use, Internet com- proves visual graphics.Windows now has significantly patibility, and support for mobile computing. better performance, advanced graphics with 16 colors, On October 25, 2001, Windows XP is released and improved icons.Windows NT was released on July with a redesigned look and feel that's centered on usa- 27, 1993. It was a 32-bit operating system, which bility and a unified Help and Support services center. makes it a strategic business platform that supports It‘s available in 25 languages. For Microsoft, Windows high-end engineering and scientific programs. XP will become one of its best-selling products in the coming years. It‘s both fast and stable. Navigating the Start menu, taskbar, and Control Panel are more intui- Nowadays Microsoft actively develops and con- tive. tinues create new operating systems for computers. Windows Vista is released in 2006 with the Thefutureisnotasfaraswethink. strongest security system. Search gets new emphasis and helps people find files on their PCs faster. Win- Список использованных источников: dows Vista introduces new editions that each have a [1] Andrew Tanenbaum «Modern operat- different mix of features.
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