拍卖物品清单编号 AUCTION LIST M-2/2020 - 1 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批号 项目 物品详情 数量 Special Terms and Conditions applicable to Lot Nos: M-102, M-103, M-121, M-123, M-129, M-152, M- 153, M-163, M-164, M-165, M-171 & M-175. The following special terms and conditions are applicable when the lot contains item(s) which is (are) e-waste. “e-waste” having the meaning given to such term in Section 2 of the Waste Disposal Ordinance, Chapter 354 of the Laws of Hong Kong (“WDO”). Special Terms: (1) In order to participate in the auction of the said lot of item(s), the bidder must: (a) have a valid licence to use, or permit to be used, any land or premises for the disposal of waste from the Director of Environmental Protection for the type of e-waste which is the subject of the said lot under the WDO; or (b) have a valid permit for the export of e-waste from Hong Kong from the Director of Environmental Protection for the type of e-waste which is the subject of the said lot; or (c) provide the Government with an undertaking as mentioned in Special Term (2)(b) below. (2) Before participating in the auction of the said lot of item(s), the bidder must: (a) provide to the Government a copy of such licence and/or export permit which shall be valid at the auction day, or (b) provide the Government with an undertaking signed by the bidder undertaking that if he successfully bids for the said lot: (i) his operations involved in the storage, treatment, reprocessing and/or recycling of such e-waste are such that he shall not be required to obtain a licence to use, or permit to be used, any land or premises for the disposal of waste from the Director of Environmental Protection for the type of e-waste which is the subject of the said lot under the WDO; and (ii) if he exports the e-waste which is the subject of the said lot from Hong Kong, he shall ensure that he has a valid permit for the export of e-waste from Hong Kong from the Director of Environmental Protection for the type of e-waste which is the subject of the said lot. If the bidder fails to do so, it will not be permitted to participate in the auction of such lot of item(s). Special Conditions: (1) The buyer acknowledges that it is his responsibility to comply with the WDO (including its subsidiary legislation) at all times (including as to the disposal (including storage, treatment, reprocessing and/or recycling) and/or export of the e-waste in the lot). 拍卖物品清单编号 AUCTION LIST M-2/2020 - 2 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批号 项目 物品详情 数量 (2) The buyer acknowledges that it is his responsibility to comply with the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste)(General) Regulation (Chapter 354C of the Laws of Hong Kong) if the lot of e-waste is classifiable as “chemical waste” as defined under such Regulation. 特别条款及条件适用于批号: M-102, M-103, M-121, M-123, M-129, M-152, M-153, M-163, M-164, M- 165, M-171 及 M-175。 以下特别条款及条件适用于载有电器废物物品的批次。「电器废物」一词具有香港法例第354 章《废物处置条例》第2条为其所定的涵义。 特别条款: (1) 竞投者如欲参与该批次物品的拍卖,必须: (a) 持有由环境保护署署长发出的有效废物处置牌照以使用或准许他人使用任何土地或 处所,按《废物处置条例》处置该批次所属类别的电器废物;或 (b) 持有由环境保护署署长发出的许可证,以便把该批次所属类别的电器废物输出香港; 或 (c) 向政府提供下文特别条款第(2)(b)项所述的声明。 (2) 竞投者参与该批次物品的拍卖前,必须: (a)向政府提供上述牌照及/或出口许可证的副本,而有关文件必须于拍卖当日仍然有效; 或 (b) 向政府提供由竞投者签署的声明,承诺如成功竞投该批次: (i) 其作业涉及贮存、处理、再加工及/或循环再造上述电器废物,均无需取得由环 境保护署署长发出的牌照,以使用或准许他人使用任何土地或处所,按《废物处 置条例》处置该批次所属类别的电器废物;以及 (ii) 如该竞投者把该批次的电器废物输出香港,须确保其持有由环境保护署署长发出 该批次所属类别的电器废物的有效出口许可证。 如该竞投者未能符合上述条款,将不获准参与该批次物品的拍卖。 拍卖物品清单编号 AUCTION LIST M-2/2020 - 3 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批号 项目 物品详情 数量 特别条件: (1) 买家明白其有责任在任何时间均须遵守《废物处置条例》及其附属规例,包括就处置(包 括贮存、处理、再加工及/或循环再造)及/或出口该批次中的电器废物。 (2) 如根据《废物处置(化学废物)(一般)规例》(香港法例第354C章)的分类,该批次中 的电器废物被界定为「化学废物」,买家明白其有责任遵守《废物处置(化学废物)(一 般)规例》。 拍卖物品清单编号 AUCTION LIST M-2/2020 - 4 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批号 项目 物品详情 数量 Below Special Conditions applicable to Lot Nos: M-108, M-109, M-110, M-111, M-113 & M-114. Special Conditions: 1. Motor vehicles are sold as they are and with no warranty that they comply in any respects with the provisions of any enactment relating to the construction and use of vehicles. The buyer acknowledges that all the vehicles shown and identified by “M” in the Lot No. of the Auction List are phased out vehicles belonging to Government or subvented public organisations and these vehicles sold by auction may not be registered or licenced for use in Hong Kong under the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations, Chapter 374 unless the vehicles conform to the emission requirements for newly registered vehicles as stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards)(Emission) Regulations and Noise Control (Motor Vehicles) Regulations and are repaired, type approved, as required and certified to be roadworthy by the Transport Department at the buyer’s expense and in such case unless otherwise specified in the auction list, the buyer shall pay the necessary first registration tax, which is to be determined by the Transport Department. For the bidder’s information, the first registration tax is calculated as “C.I.F. value x (1 - depreciation rate) x taxable rate” and is subject to revision. 2. Nothing shall be removed from the vehicles by the buyer whilst the vehicle remains at the Location. 3. These vehicles may only be registered and licenced provided that the buyer is able to satisfy the Commissioner for Transport’s requirements for such registration and licensing, including that all particulars shown on the vehicle should not have been tampered with and that the vehicle in question can pass the required inspection conducted by a Transport Department Vehicle Examination Centre. No warranty is given that the Commissioner for Transport’s approval will be given. The buyer is required to register the vehicle in his name to effect the change in ownership or to report destruction of the vehicle together with the necessary documents to the Transport Department in accordance with the Road Traffic (Registration & Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations Chapter 374. 以下特别条款适用于批号: M-108, M-109, M-110, M-111, M-113及 M-114。 特别条款 : 1. 车辆是以其现有情况出售,政府不保证拍卖车辆在各方面俱符合每一项有关车辆构造及使用的法 例规定。承购人知道所有开列于拍卖物品清单内而货号有"M"记号的车辆乃属于政府或受资助的 公共机构的退役车辆,而根据《道路交通(车辆登记及领牌)规例》(香港法例第374章)的规定, 该等以拍卖方式出售的车辆将不获登记或发牌在本港道路上行驶,除非有关车辆符合《空气污染 管制(车辆设计标准)(排放)规例》和《噪音管制(汽车)规例》分别对新登记车辆有关废气排放的规 定,并已由承购人自费进行修理及车辆类型审核,经运输署证明符合规格及适宜在道路上行驶。 在该等情况下,除非拍卖物品清单另有订明,否则,承购人必须缴交由运输署所定出的车辆首次 登记税,有关税项是以其“到岸价 ×(1–折旧率)× 税率”计算,并会随时作出修订。 2. 当车辆停泊于指定地点期间,承购人不得移去车辆上的任何部分。 3. 该等车辆只可在符合运输署署长规定的登记或领牌条件下,方可进行登记或领牌。该等条件包括 车辆所示一切数据不得窜改,而有关车辆必须能通过运输署验车中心所进行的检验。至于运输署 署长是否会给予有关批准,政府则不能作出保证。承购人须根据《道路交通(车辆登记及领牌) 规例》(香港法例第374章)的规定,向运输署提交所需文件,以个人名义办理车辆登记,完成 过户手续,或据情向其报告车辆已被销毁。 拍卖物品清单编号 AUCTION LIST M-2/2020 - 5 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批号 项目 物品详情 数量 Below Special Conditions applicable to Lot Nos: MS-301 & MS-302. Special Conditions: 1. Prior to collection, the buyer must first go to G/F., Choi Sin House, Choi Fook Estate, Kowloon Bay and contact Mrs LEUNG/ Mr HO (contact tel. no. 3417 1090) for processing the necessary documents. 2. Without prejudice to the terms and conditions of sale stipulated in the Notice of Auction, the buyer agrees and acknowledges that: - (a) The vehicle is sold on an “as is” basis and the Government gives no warranty that the vehicle complies in any respects with the provisions of any enactment relating to the construction and the use of vehicles. The buyer acknowledges that the vehicle is a phased out vehicle belonging to the Government and the vehicle: (i) may only be used for refuse collection by certain estate management companies in certain housing estates; and (ii) may not be registered or licenced for use in Hong Kong under the Road Traffic Ordinance, Chapter 374 and its subsidiary legislation unless the vehicle is repaired, type approved, as required and certified to be roadworthy by the Transport Department at the buyer’s expense. (b) Nothing shall be removed from the vehicle by the buyer whilst the vehicle remains at the Location. (c) The vehicle may only be registered and licenced if the buyer is able to satisfy the Commissioner for Transport’s requirements for such registration and licensing, including that all particulars shown on the vehicle should not have been tampered with and that the vehicle can pass the required inspection conducted by a Transport Department Vehicle Examination Centre. NO warranty is hereby given that the Commissioner for Transport’s approval will be given. The buyer is required to register the vehicle in his name to effect the change in ownership or to report destruction of the vehicle in accordance with the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations, Chapter 374E. 以下特别条款适用于批号: MS-301 及 MS-302。 特别条款 : 1. 取货前,承购人必须首先前往九龙九龙湾彩福邨彩善楼地下联络梁太或何先生 (电话:3417 1090) 办理所需档。 2. 在不损害拍卖通告中拍卖条款及条件的规限下,承购人同意及明白: (a) 该车辆是以其现有情况出售,政府不保证拍卖车辆在各方面俱符合每一项有关车辆构造及使用的 法例规定。承购人知道该车辆乃属于政府的退役车辆及该车辆: (i) 可能只可被某些屋邨管理公司于某些屋邨内进行收集垃圾相关的工作; 及 (ii) 根据《道路交通(车辆登记及领牌)规例》(香港法例第374章)及其附属法例的规定,将可能 不获登记或发牌在本港道路上行驶,除非有关车辆已由承购人自费进行修理及车辆类型审 核,并经运输署证明符合规格及适宜在道路上行驶。 (b) 当车辆停泊于指定地点期间,承购人不得移去车辆上的任何部分。 (c) 该车辆只可在符合运输署署长规定的登记或领牌条件下,方可进行登记或领牌。该等条件包括车 辆所示一切数据不得窜改,而该车辆必须能通过运输署验车中心所进行的检验。至于运输署署长 是否会给予有关批准,政府则不能作出保证。承购人须根据《道路交通(车辆登记及领牌)规例》 (香港法例第374E章)的规定,以个人名义办理车辆登记,完成过户手续,或据情向其报告车辆 已被销毁。 拍卖物品清单编号 AUCTION LIST M-2/2020 - 6 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批号 项目 物品详情 数量 (GLD File Ref. : AUC/01/1448/2019) Department : Government Property Agency Reference : (34) in GPA/SS/3-5/3/1 Pt. 6 DDC Ref. : DDA/SS/2019/4 Location : 17/F., Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road,Wanchai, Hong Kong Contact Person : Miss LEUNG on 3842 6708 部门 : 政府产业署 地点 : 香港湾仔告士打道5号,税务大楼 17 楼 联络人 : 梁小姐 电话: 3842 6708 Remarks: 1. Interested bidders are required to contact the department concerned two working days before the inspection to make a prior appointment for goods inspection.
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