«... tK?3| , a. : theCORD weekly 1986 University, 18 Laurier Nfimber 26 ""-jjWHfrid Volume 2 Thursday, January 30, 1986 THE CORD WEEKLY TODAY! JPWk a ii/ J Thursday,Jan.3o a I K 1 d / 4:00 -6:30 p.m. 112# / P1025 -1027 5T Al]k/ jIIIS Jl Bk. \ Don't miss this exciting DAVIE Jr i3p %£ » and informative filnni/discussion! yr SOON — stranger HP 9 ■ ■ JA A B —Archer Winstcn, N Y Post THAN r^KTi —-St. Elmos Fire— A FILM BY JIM JARMUSCH M [ - I - tv- .f.'/a AM ASTRAL FILMS RELEASE \ ''-•/■ jfifeM NOTICE The executive of Gays of W.L.U. asked that the 8.0.D. of WLUSU the club's status as a recognized club. interested in Any persons should retaining this club status - Clubs see Matt Simon Campus Co-ordinator, WLUSU, before Feb. Prescind4:30 p.m. Friday, 7/86. INFO CENTRE 884-5210 GET INVOLVED! WLUSU Elections Feb. 25 - March 5 Nominations Available Feb. 3 -13 - WLUSU CENTRAL OFFICE THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 30, 1986 3 news Basement fire claims life, injures students Sarah Hayward for by someone up a carpool. But then I heard him there say was a fire Laurier students Three escaped next door," said Bergen. from house- early Friday morning a Bergen saw flames flickering in a fire which claimed the life of their basement window, and ran over to housemate, He 23-year-old Kimberley the house. pounded on the door Coe. wake the and shouted, trying to up Victoria Henderson, a second- residents. There was no answer, so economics Lisa year student, he went in and helped McFie and Hoecht, a first-year business stu- Henderson out of the smoke-filled dent, and Carree McFie, a first- house. economics year student, escaped He was unable to find Hoecht serious treated injury; they were for who was overcome by smoke in an smoke inhalation at Kitchener-Water- upstairs bedroom. Const. Andrew loo Hospital, then released. Knetsch of Waterloo regional police The blaze started in the base- went in and carried her to safety. ment of the 1-1/2-storey house at Fred Nichols, dean of students, Columbia Street the 50 West. Police met the three women at hospi- found Coe unconscious in her base- tal. He furnished them with clothes ment apartment, but were unable and food and arranged to have revive her. She was Clara Con- to pronounced locks put on a lounge in dead on arrival at K-W Hospital. rad Hall. The students will be living Coe, formerly of Brantford, had there until suitable accommodation into just moved the apartment three can be found. weeks earlier. She was a hairdresser Nichols said that the landlord of Water- at Terence Hair Design in the building phoned to assure him loo. the that his insurance will cover The students were awakened by losses incurred by the fire. a passerby who roused them and Hoecht, Henderson and McFie them helped to safety. Clifford declined to answer questions about Bergen, 39, of Fort Collins, Color- the fire, although they said they Rre on Columbia Street. A basement fire on Columbia Street early Friday ado the houseat 6 the was jogging past were extremely grateful for help took the life of one woman and injured 3 Laurier students. a.m., when he noticed a man pound- Wilfrid Laurier University gave morning CORD Andrew Dunn. ing on the door of 48 Columbia them. photo by Street. The cause of the fire is still under "At first I he thought was waking investigation. iAA Nichols Centre inaugurated by Andrew M. Dunn The Nichols Campus Centre. PK|A On Monday night, a new name Student Union was given to the Building. The building is now named in honour of Fred L. Nichols, Representatives from Canada's largest GRADUATE dean of students at Laurier for the MANAGEMENTSCHOOLwill be visiting your campus. 23 past years. Come and meet us! The official naming took place at the Wilfrid Laurier University Stu- TUESDAY, FEB. 4 dents' Union (WLUSU) Honour 2:30-3:30 Awards dinner. The dinner was to p.m. Rm. P3015 Peters Professional honour student volunteers, and Bldg. Nichols the although was present at Wilfrid Laurier University dinner as a guest, he had no idea the building was to be renamed. "I'm It's indeed proud. an FACULTY OF honour," he commented. According to WLUSU president Name Game. The Students' Union Building is now ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES the Matt Certosimo, renaming was officially the Nichols Campus Centre The signs went originally supposed to take place at 7:30 a.m. Andrew Dunn. last September. "It was delayed up Tuesday. CORD photo by because we wanted to make it more formal, and last night was," he said. is both the tenth students have to make mistakes to This year more space. learn. "I considered the anniversary of WLUSU and the like being The awards dinner, where the of the student. Most fifteenth anniversary of the build- friend young of the building was it from home will do renaming ing, so was an appropriate time people away sometime announced, was set up to honour for the name change. something foolish ... they students in the many involved volun- After much research, three need someone to let them know activities this and that's teer year, espe- names were taken to the board of okay." cially the eight students selected to directors for a final decision. "There receive honour awards. who was really only one Nichols was much involved person very > Name contributed specifically and con- in the conception and completion of and Address sistently to student life at WLU the Student Union building. Origi- The first-year honour award went to this Certosimo to Catherine building itself," nally, the student union was housed Ould. Second-year r\s; \ said. in the basement of the Health Ser- awards went to Andrea Cole and vices Jane Voll. The » building. More room was recipients of the has been dean of stu- the students of the third-year awards Jane Waur- Nichols needed, so day were Jl He into echen and J. David dents since he came to Laurier. paid $10 per year a trust fund Black, while towards the eventual the originally responded to a magazine construction. fourth-year awards went to Dan advertisement for the position. He Wright, Kathy Diamantes and and When the decision to begin con- was invited to the Jacqueline Bradshaw. campus, Fill in this form and bring it into struction was made, there wasn't took the the he here. / job day got the Cord offices by February 7 his enough money, so only two floors He said he has really loved at noon. could be built. The He remarked top two floors The award were sel- experiences as dean. recipients Turret and the Games ected students are (the Room/- by committee from a that Canadian very number Message their Amer- Offices floors) were built first, with of nominations. The student courteous, compared to com- parking below. This, said ican counterparts, and this fact space mittee based the awards on aca- ensured that the amazed him. "It's been like dying Nichols, last two demic performance, dedication, floors would eventually be com- and felt and going to heaven. I don't think involvement, qualities they pleted. Completion came several were in I've ever seen a problem which was important students. later, when both the student not solvable," he said. years union and The dean feels that sometimes the university needed 4 Thursday, January 30, 1986 THE CORD WEEKLY istYear party I Arts & Science Students with Campus Marketing your best deal to Florida $ Earn As You Learn $ DAYTONA BEACH Computing Sociology you drive O THE PARTY) $ essSS» Geography Biology V jM/W}y' dLtmtf WE DRIVE (THE ARTY STARTS HERE) [M |Rl JS~ JflBR INCLUDES: flip "112 \' • trip motor coach transportation to beautiful ■ ■ Daytona Beach (WE DRIVE Packages Only) We use 112 nothing Put modernhighway coaches • Eight Florida daySfseven nights excitingoceanfronthotels locatedright on theDaytona V Beach strip Your hotelhas a Peautifulpool sun deck air 1 '"f" 1 col °'™ ° na ° nice s.re.cno< Interested in applying your academic studies to a summer job? Vlffivl^ • A full schedule of FREE pool deck parties every day wV •Afull list of pre-arranged discountsto save you moneym 112 ) JL Come and find out more about the INTERNSHIP PROGRAM. '» I" good time 1 || World. deep • Optional side excursions to Disney Epcot sea fishing, party cruises, etc WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1986 B SPEND A WEEK — NOT A FORTUNE ROOM P2031 M.15 Peters Building for further information Departure:sat |c-»— •** Return: Sun. teb. 23 ccwDOfar-oncteoogto^i.oconooo cos>e»ea Dy me Aisin sifiN UP ■ and me«e«o»e * not travel Ac' Curieof irvautlfy Carncxjj enst oo>v 'o e«oedi'e 12:30 4:00 ■ p.m. or p.m. ra„ CALL TOLL FREE ■ 1 -800-423-5264 | fb Note: The deadline for for the is March 6,1986. ... applyingKK 7 InternshipProgram . n n r , oUSm For Waterloo Referral J , sh* MBHHB Sponsored by Campus Marketing M«pttNctop«o«ssK>H*isiNcoui«'ou»s ——J CLOTH OR PAPER - WHETHER USED ON THIS CAMPUS OR NOT. WE BUY ALL TITLES HAVING RESALE MARKET VALUE! - FOLLETT COLLEGE BOOK CO. SELL THEM OUTSIDE THE BOOKSTORE FEB. 11,12 & 13 TUES. WED. & THURS. 10 a.m. • 4 p.m. THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 30, 1986 5 news- Recommendations pass with no opposition Andrew M. Dunn Only one recommendation had distribute election of office into line with the fiscal by uments state that WLUSU is the wear, or post any year more than 40 cast it.
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