ClT / CIH /ITH 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0090400007 I Le I 09 MAl 2012 NOMINATION OF EMPAAKO TRADITION FOR W~~.~.Q~~}~~~~.P?JIPNON THE LIST OF INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN NEED OF URGENT SAFEGUARDING 2012 DOCUMENTS OF REQUEST FROM STAKEHOLDERS Documents Pages 1. Letter of request form Tooro Kingdom 2 2. Letter of request from Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom 3 3. Statement of request from Banyabindi Community 4 4. Statement of request from Batagwenda Community 9 5. Minute extracts /resolutions from local government councils a) Kyenjojo District counciL 18 b) Kabarole District Council 19 c) Kyegegwa District Council 20 d) Ntoroko District Council 21 e) Kamwenge District Council 22 6. Statement of request from Area Member of Ugandan Parliament 23 7. Letters of request from institutions, NOO's, Associations & Companies a) Kabarole Research & Resource Centre 24 b) Mountains of the Moon University 25 c) Human Rights & Democracy Link 28 d) Rural Association Development Network 29 e) Modrug Uganda Association Ltd 34 f) Runyoro - Rutooro Foundation 38 g) Joint Effort to Save the Environment (JESE) .40 h) Foundation for Rural Development (FORUD) .41 i) Centre of African Christian Studies (CACISA) 42 j) Voice of Tooro FM 101 43 k) Better FM 44 1) Tooro Elders Forum (Isaazi) 46 m) Kibasi Elders Association 48 n) DAJ Communication Ltd 50 0) Elder Adonia Bafaaki Apuuli (Aged 94) 51 8. Statements of Area Senior Cultural Artists a) Kiganlbo Araali 52 b) Master Kalezi Atwoki 53 9. Request Statement from Students & Youth Associations a) St. Leo's College Kyegobe Student Cultural Association 54 b) Fort Portal Institute of Commerce Student's Cultural Association 57 c) Fort Portal School of Clinical Officers Banyoro, Batooro Union 59 10. List of individual contribution to nomination and safeguarding 64 11. The list of Empaako Nomination Committee 67 12. Engabu Za Tooro Membership list as a facilitating institution 69 ii Tel: 772 t::(\t"\n~'.., OFFICE OF HIS ROYAL MAJESTY Email: [email protected] THE KING OF TOORO, P.O BOX 10017, IN ANY CORRESPONDENCE Kampala, ON THIS SUBJECT PLEASE Uganda, NO.: . TOORO KINGDOM EEF: Date: March 2012 The UNESCO Ihte>n.'nhlc Hprit;:,c'p Section 75732 Paris CEDEX 15 FFV\NCE Dear SJr,/l\i1acliJm, RE: !\lOMINATION OF EMPAAKO ORAL TRADITION FOR lNSCHIPTION ON UNESCO's OF INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HEHJTAGE IN NEED OR URGENT SAFEGUARDING. The inctiee'n') communities of Toom are bearer; of trnpa,3Ko Lradition the It,ntTrlnm 'p;:,r!p,'ch,n and on behalf of the we have rnrrn;c·r! consent in the nomination of r:ffl[Jd,~,<.[J tradition for UNESCO's on the iist of hont:",p in need of urgent (I0le with concern the threats ,m,nn,-T;:]"T hpnr;:,p,p which gives us a sense of identity and we are committed to out sareglJardl measures and in the future. In the service of Rukirabasaija Omukama -~ Wensles Stephen Rwakijuma Nyabongo Rev. Richard Baguma;.\dyeeri REGEI\ITTOORO KINGDOM REGENT TOORO KINGDOM Rec;u ClT I CIH 11TH Le 09 MAl ~:J OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER P.0. BOX 8, HOIMA TEL: 039-2841216/0704735200/0772360167 E-MAIL: [email protected] Our Ref: BKKlPM/2012 Date: 28/03/2012 THE HEAD UNESCO INTANGIBLE HERITAGE SECTION 75732 PARIS CEDEX 15 FRANCE Dear Sir 1 Madam, RE: NOMINATION OF EMPAAKO ORAL TRADITION FOR INSCRIPTION I am writing on behalf of the Rukurato (The Supreme Council) of Bunyoro ­ Kitara Kingdom, which convened and resolved that the EMPAAKO ORAL TRADITION should be inscribed on the list of UNESCO INTANGIBLE HERITAGE as deserving to be safeguarded for the present and future generations. This is a cultural value that highlights the identity and indigenous characteristics of the people of Bunyoro - Kitara Kingdom and indeed the neighboring regions. We look forward for your cooperation. In His Majesty's Service, R'v. Kyaligonza Katiikiro of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom (BACDET) Requ CLT I CIH 11TH C/O: P.O.BOX 187, KASESE Le 09 MAl 2012 UNESCO Intangible Heritage Section 75732 Paris CEDX 15, France Dear Sir / Madam, RE: NOMINATION Of EMPAAKO TRADITION FOR UNESCO'S INSCRIPTION ON THE LIST OF INTANGIBLE CUtTURAL HERITAGE IN NEED OF URGENT - SAFEGUARDING We, the representatives of lBanyabindi Community - Uganda, confirm that we are bearers of Empaako tradition and we hereby nominate the tradition for UNESCO's inscription on the list of intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent safeguarding. We provided free, prior and informed consent and fully participated in the nomination. Realizing the cultural need to safeguard our threatened Empaako Tradition, we commit ourselves to do our best to implement the proposed safeguarding measures today and in the future. fOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY Signed, NO NAME CONTACT SIGNATURE 1 2 3 4 5 4- CONTACT ABATAGWENDA COM UNITY .. UGANDA 25th Jan. 2012 UNESCO Intangible Heritage Section, / C!H / 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Le Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Nomination of Empaako Tradition for UNESCO's Inscription on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. We, the Abatagwenda community affirm that we are the bearers and custodians of Empaako tradition by birth and ancestry and with the mission to safeguard our cultural identity and heritage do hereby confirm that we gave free, prior and informed consent and fully participated in the nomination of Empaako tradition for UNESCO's inscription on the list of intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent safeguard 2012. Realizing the critical need to safeguard our threatened Empaako tradition, we commit our selves to do our best to implement the proposed safeguarding measures, today and in the future. fOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY Signed, NO. NAME CONTACT SIGNATURE .------- r(j5N;r,~~C-T ------------rslcNAl~tjlzIT-------i , J j Ibf;[Il~&IJ5LKA~~~~~i'I'~_~i~~.-=~~Z-7J1.~;;Wr-----, _~~~~~~ --7-1f!eaf..Zl. R2v's/ rtiC:J~ ·____L ~-----------J-----------------~ -.1:J.,-:J~~f\f~£ j(,.·-KAS(Jhtl.3L------=---- \__~Y~bA.------1 ~I{/3J-J! 1{ A-j"AM~l"i..§_~Lf2""ffi~~---J~ J ~ I i I fj-R.A.NKt.JiV - fUf(l~~~~________________ i j:: .1:.W)~~(,\z.e.. j t~~1:~::':~Jd::~~t~'--~~~~-~-j~~~~\,~==~1 7tj~b~'i~ 1 .. .MVl$AN:Ay-___..J_________ J I ~~\)\lJ\- _vVt~~ jQ3~_~f~!_i:>.I§ {_~lb.?_.~ ~ I • .. ( ....________IlJ'{,J~., _l.._Q;1A-.;;k-.c\ .. ,.. ,_J I i ,LQM_U~l_, 1 i ! I I, '---',' " """""""" '- ",! -,---" ",,,,-,,,,,,,,,, """''''''" I I I Le N° ........"7... Telephone G/line: +256483422326 KYENJOJO DISTRICT CAO's Office: +256 700 570644 LOCAL GOVERNMENT CFO's Mob: +256 772 638679 D/Engineer's Office: +256 772 960609 P. O. BOX 1002 DDHS's Office: +256 702 587838 KYENJOJO FAX: +256483422842 Date: 23th March 2012 OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT SPEAKER In any correspondence concerning This subject please quote: CR.212/6 KYENJOJO DISTRICT MINUTE EXTRACT Subject: Min KJD COU 32 ~) 02/2011/2012 PRESENTATION AND RESOLUTION ON PRESERVATION OF EMPAAKO CULTURE FOR BATOORO /BANYORO. The presentation on Empaako nomination for UNESCO's inscription was rnade by Msgr Fr. Peter Kumaraki and Mr. Stephen Rwagweri to Kyenjojo District Council on 28/02/2012. After deliberation on the presentation (Empaako nomination and preservation). Hon. Ruth Katabarwa moved a motion to support the nomination. Hon. Kalyegira Joseph and others seconded the motion and the nomination was unanimously=ggQ2!~,gQYS;()llncil. iF .. 'h., •• -- •..•-., -,.. , .. ,.".,- - "-, _•., .•-. "·_';;;:";;:';._i7"'n''';Cz_n_'"·"_._.,,",,,,,''·''_. .~,.,.'~''"''''_ "., V Hon. K Silver Atwoki Kajumba Enid DISTRICT SPEAKER/ KYENJOJO CLERK TO COUNCIL /KYENJOJO Date: ... Date:........ \ , MINUTE EXTRACT OF KABAROLE DISTRICT COUNCIL SITTING OF 28 TH FEBRUARY 2012 AT MUCWA CHAMBERS: MIN.KAB.CQU.69/12. PRESENTATION OF THE NOMINATION OF EMPAAKO TRADITION FOR UNESCO'S INSCRIPTION ON THE LIST OF INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN NEED OF URGENT SAFE GUARDING SEEKING COUNCil RESOLUTION. The presentation was made by Msgr. Peter Kumaraki and Mr. Stephen Rwagweri, officials of Engabu la Tooro. It went as follows: - The Banyoro Batooro communities, with the technical facilitation of Engabu la Tooro, are currently nominating Empaako Tradition for UNESCO's inscription on the list of intangible Cultural Heritage in need of urgent safeguarding. The process of nomination include; identification, survey and inventorying the element, filling the form and mobilizing concerned communities to express their request to UNESCO through declaration statements and resolutions of their cultural, social and political institutions. As a Primary mover community, about 30 Tooro Clans has so far submitted their statements signed by hundreds of members of each Clan. These are followed by elders, groups, youths and students Cultural Associations. The benefit of inscription among others include; UNESCO raising the visibility and profile of the Cultural elements to international level, and funding Cultural groups and organizations to implement programmes based on the meaning of the element from a renewable period of If years. The officials therefore, requested the District Council as an internationally recognized centre of people's voice to pass a resolution in support and as part of nominating entities. Hon. Businge Prosper, Councillor West Division, Fort-Portal Municipality thanked officials of Engabu la Tooro on behalf of Council that what had .be~n.pre~ented was good for the society. He thus requested for Council's ~~trst>approval, which was seconded by Hon. Kagaba Joshua and Hon. Rwabuhinga Richard. wan <:J: essy Smart CLERK TO COUNCIL C/Man's Office: +256-772-894170 CAO's Office: +256-772-480054 ............ ·· .. ·.. ·.... ·.. ·..IffEGEGWA DISTRICT Speaker's Office: +256-779-814324 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Clerk to Council 0772/0702682426 P. O. BOX 99, THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA KYEGEGWA OFfICE OF THE DISTRICT SPEAKER In case of any correspondence Concerning this please quote: eR 212/6 Date: 26th March, 2012 DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTE EXTRACT SUBJECT: PRESERVATION OF EMPAKO CULTURE FOR BATOORO & BANYORO A presentation on the preservation of Empako culture for Batooro & Banyoro for UNESCO inscription was made to Kyegegwa district council on i h March, 2012 by Mr.
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