0203 C2 & Pgs 1-3 3/3/04 9:07 AM Page ii The greatest lesson of this war has been the extent to which air, land, and sea operations can and must be coordinated by joint planning and unified command. —General Henry H. (“Hap”) Arnold Report to the Secretary of War Cover 2 0203 C2 & Pgs 1-3 3/27/04 7:18 AM Page iii JFQ Page 1—no folio 0203 C2 & Pgs 1-3 3/3/04 9:07 AM Page 2 CONTENTS A Word from the Chairman 4 by John M. Shalikashvili In This Issue 6 by the Editor-in-Chief Living Jointness 7 by William A. Owens Taking Stock of the New Joint Age 15 by Ike Skelton JFQ Assessing the Bottom-Up Review 22 by Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr. JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY Living Jointness JFQ FORUM Bottom-Up Review Standing Up JFQ Joint Education Coalitions Theater Missle Vietnam Defense as Military History Standing Up Coalitions Atkinson‘s Crusade Defense Transportation 25 The Whats and Whys of Coalitions 26 by Anne M. Dixon 94 W93inter Implications for U.N. Peacekeeping A PROFESSIONAL MILITARY JOURNAL 29 by John O.B. Sewall PHOTO CREDITS The cover features an Abrams main battle tank at National Training Center (Military The Cutting Edge of Unified Actions Photography/Greg Stewart). Insets: [top left] 34 by Thomas C. Linn Operation Desert Storm coalition officers reviewing forces in Kuwait City (DOD), [bottom left] infantrymen fording a stream in Vietnam Preparing Future Coalition Commanders (DOD), [top right] students at the Armed Forces Staff College (DOD), and [bottom right] a test 40 by Terry J. Pudas launch from USS Bunker Hill (U.S. Navy). The front inside cover and cross-over page capture Boeing B–17Gs of the 8th Air Force’s 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy)—known as “The Ragged Irregulars”—over England during Europe, Forward Presence, World War II (National Air and Space 47 and the Future Museum/USAF Collection). The background illustration for the table by James P. Stanton of contents depicts a C–5 Galaxy transport during Operation Able Sentry (Combat Camera Imagery/Efrain Gonzalez). Insets [from top A Soldier Is a Soldier left]: 6/502d Infantry arriving in Macedonia by Rosemary Bryant Mariner (Combat Camera Imagery/Efrain Gonzalez), 54 F/A–18 Hornet being readied for takeoff from USS America during Operation Deny Flight (Combat Camera Imagery/Raymond T. Conway), EOD officer putting on parachute (U.S. Navy/Carolyn Harris), Scud missile being recovered during the Persian Gulf War (U.S. Air Force/Pedro Ybanez), and troopers of the 1st Air Cavalry Division moving into Bong Son District in South Vietnam during Operation White Wing (U.S. Army/Gilbert L. Meyers). The back inside cover shows a Sea King helicopter over USS Hammerhead (U.S. Navy/ John K. Sokolowski). Page 2 = no folio 0203 C2 & Pgs 1-3 3/3/04 9:07 AM Page 3 WINTER 1993–94 / NUMBER 3 Joint Force Quarterly Joint Education: Where Do We Go From Here? A PROFESSIONAL MILITARY JOURNAL 63 by William M. Steele and Robert B. Kupiszewski Editor-in-Chief OUT OF JOINT Stuart E. Johnson Executive Editor Jointness, Service Culture, and the Gulf War Patrick M. Cronin 71 by Bernard E. Trainor Managing Editor Robert A. Silano Associate Editors Reengineering Defense Transportation Martin J. Peters, Jr. 75 by Ronald R. Fogleman Calvin B. Kelley Editorial Assistant Florence P. Williams Theater Missile Defense: 80 A Joint Enterprise Art Direction Typography and Design Division by Dennis McDowell Government Printing Office The Single Manager Joint Force Quarterly is published by the Institute for National Strategic Studies, 88 for Air in Vietnam National Defense University, to promote by Willard J. Webb understanding of the integrated employ- ment of land, sea, air, space, and special operations forces. The journal focuses on Of Chiefs and Chairmen: Arthur William Radford joint doctrine, coalition warfare, con- 99 tingency planning, combat operations conducted by the unified commands, and joint force development. FROM THE FIELD AND FLEET The editors invite articles and other contributions on joint warfighting, inter- 100 Letters to the Editor service issues that support jointness, and topics of common interest to the Armed Forces. Please direct manuscripts, letters, THE JOINT WORLD and editorial communications to: Managing Editor 101 Doctrine, Education, and Documentation Joint Force Quarterly National Defense University Fort Lesley J. McNair 108 A Quarterly Review of Joint Literature Washington, D.C. 20319–6000 Commercial Telephone: (202) 475–1013 Defense Switched Network OFF THE SHELF (DSN): 335–1013 FAX: (202) 475–1012 / DSN 335–1012 110 Vietnam as Military History: The opinions, conclusions, and recom- A Book Essay mendations expressed or implied within by Mackubin Thomas Owens are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the De- partment of Defense or any other agency 119 A Reflection on We Were Soldiers Once...And Young of the Federal Government. Copyrighted by David J. Andre portions of this journal may not be re- produced or extracted without permis- sion of copyright proprietors. An ac- 123 Managing the Schwarzkopf Account: knowledgment to Joint Force Quarterly Atkinson as Crusader—Two Book Reviews should be made whenever material is quoted from or based on its contents. by Paul D. Wolfowitz and Ronald H. Cole This publication has been approved by the Secretary of Defense. POSTSCRIPT January 1994 128 A Note to Readers and Contributors ISSN 1070–0692 Page 3 = no folio Joint Force Quarterly A PROFESSIONAL MILITARY JOURNAL Publisher GEN John M. Shalikashvili, USA Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff AWordfrom Chairman of the Advisory Committee LTG Paul G. Cerjan, USA National Defense University am pleased to offer a few thoughts to the Members of the Advisory Committee BG David A. Armstrong, USA (Ret.) readers of Joint Force Quarterly in this, the Office of the Chairman Col William R. Donnelly, USMC third issue. JFQ fills a longstanding gap. Marine Corps War College It offers a professional forum to trade Brig Gen Marvin R. Esmond, USAF I Armed Forces Staff College views and opinions, discuss ideas, and edu- Maj Gen John C. Fryer, Jr., USAF cate ourselves on jointness. National War College Brig Gen Hal M. Hornburg, USAF As General Powell did in the inaugural The Joint Staff BG Randolph W. House, USA issue, I invite any and all to participate, to U.S. Army Command and General Staff College submit articles, or at the very least to read VADM R.C. Macke, USN The Joint Staff and mull over what others are thinking. Col Andrew Nichols Pratt, USMC There are no boundaries on who should be Marine Corps Command and Staff College Maj Gen Peter D. Robinson, USAF writing for this journal. Napoleon was a Air War College RADM Jerome F. Smith, Jr., USN young and relatively unseasoned officer Industrial College of the Armed Forces when his brain was forming the electrifying MG William A. Stofft, USA U.S. Army War College ideas that would revolutionize warfare and RADM Joseph C. Strasser, USN overpower nearly every army in Europe. A Naval War College Col John A. Warden III, USAF little over a century later, a young, medically Air Command and Staff College discharged captain named Liddell-Hart was Chairman of the Editorial Board struggling to get Britain’s senior military Stuart E. Johnson Institute for National Strategic Studies leaders to hear his controversial views on Members of the Editorial Board warfare. Unfortunately, his own military Richard K. Betts wouldn’t listen, but its future enemy did. Columbia University Eliot A. Cohen When it comes to good ideas, neither rank The Johns Hopkins University COL Robert A. Doughty, USA nor age confers a monopoly. U.S. Military Academy JFQ is intended to stay at the vanguard, CAPT George L. Drummond, USN to raise and air controversies, to tell us what Armed Forces Staff College The White House LtCol Robert C. Figlock, USMC we don’t understand. Since World War II we Marine Corps War College General John M. Shalikashvili, Aaron L. Friedberg have moved a long way toward jointness. It USA (center), speaking in the Rose Princeton University Garden at the White House, after COL Robert A. Gimbert, USA has been a prolonged march, punctuated by U.S. Army Command and General Staff College occasional disagreements, but ushered by a being nominated to become 13th Alan L. Gropman recognition that unity is dangerous as a bat- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Industrial College of the Armed Forces Staff on August 11, 1993. General COL Peter F. Herrly, USA tlefield advantage over disunited opponents. National War College Shalikashvili is seen (from left to Col Douglas N. Hime, USAF But jointness is not a science, it is surely not right) with General Colin Powell, Naval War College President Bill Clinton, Vice President William T. Hodson static, and the march is by no means over. Information Resources Management College We need this journal, we need it to be Al Gore, and Secretary of Defense COL Richard L. Irby, Jr., USA Les Aspin. U.S. Army War College open-minded, and above all it must be acces- Mark H. Jacobsen sible. When you think back to General Billy Marine Corps Command and Staff College Thomas L. McNaugher Mitchell’s frustrating crusade to educate the Brookings Institution John J. Mearsheimer Armed Forces about the dawn of airpower, University of Chicago General George Marshall’s tireless efforts to Col Philip S. Meilinger, USAF Air Command and Staff College form a unified military establishment, or the LTG William E. Odom, USA (Ret.) more recent efforts by our own Congress—in Hudson Institute Stephen Peter Rosen the face of considerable military stubborn- Harvard University James H.
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