Index Abbas, Mazhar, 172 African National Congress, 134 Al-Qaeda, 56 Abdi, Abbas, 148 African Union, 115 Al-Sham (ISIS), 56 Abdinuur, Abdiaziz, 62, 65 Afrobarometer, 115, 135 Alves, Henrique, 155 Abdo, Alex, 14, 20 Afro-Realism, 121 Alves, Rosental, 111 Accountability, 28, 30, 110, Aga Kahn, 95 Amanpour, Christine, 195 119, 170 Agos, 107 Amollo, Otiende, 98 ACLU (American Civil Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 6, Among, Babara, 94, 97 Liberty Union), 20 144, 147, 148 Amoro, Edgar, 165 Acosta, Julio Bernal, 179 Akhmednabiyev, Akhmednabi, Ampatuan, Alijol, 166 Adams, Brad, 104 209 Ampatuan, Andal, Jr., 165, Advertising, 92 Akin, Dogan, 198–199 169 Advertorials, 94 Akko, Massoud, 53, 56, 58 Ampatuan, Zaldy, 169 Afghanistan Al-Assad, Bashr, 52 Ampatuan family, 170 international withdrawal, Al-Assad, Hafez, 52 ANA News Media Association, 69–74 COPYRIGHTEDAlemu, Reeyot, 117–118 MATERIAL54, 57, 59–60 sexual violence, 64 Alexander, Keith, 15 ANC (African National Africa, 4–5, 31, 99, 114–116, Alfonso, Luis Eduardo, 178, 179 Congress), 108, 119, 120–121, 134, 142, 214. Ali, Haidler, 164 134, 136–140, 142 See also East Africa; Ali, Muhammed, 114 ANC Today, 137 South Africa; West Al-Jazeera, 6, 15, 204, 208 Anderson, Lonny, 16 Africa; specific countries Alkhani, Omar, 57–58, 59, 60 Anomysing software, 21 Africa is a Country (blog), 119 AllAfrica, 120 Anti-state laws (crimes), 124, Africa News Network, 141 Almedia, Monica, 215 125 Africa rising narrative, 115 Al-Mizan, 116 Anti-terror laws, 206, 212 217 bindex.indd 217 1/9/2014 1:00:22 PM 218 index Anti-Terrorism Act (1997) of Babar, Wali Khan, 164, 167, Brazil, 6, 33, 151–159 Pakistan, 167 168, 172 Brazilian Constitution, Anti-Terrorism Law Bad news, 141 155–157 (of Turkey), 196 Badri, Rania, 58 Brazilian Electoral Code, 157 Apartheid, 134–136, 139–140 Bahrain, 207 Brennan Center, 18–19 Apple Daily, 80–81, 84, 87, 88 Baidu, 8–9 BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, Arab Spring, 53 Balile, Deodatus, 93, 98 China, South Africa), Aranas, Dennis, 170 Balthar, Victoria, 153 133 Ardila, Julio César, 176 Bamford, James, 13, 17, 20, 21, Brookings Institute, 21 Aref, Mohamed Reza, 144 22, 23 Brown envelopes, 106 Argentina, 93 Ban Ki-Moon, 32 Bryon, Kieron, 209 dirty war, 43 Bangladesh, 204, 205, 206, 207, Bulla, Godfrey Victor, 96 Dirty War tactics, 43 212–213 Bulut, Yigit, 196–197 financial conditions, 42 Baquero, Claudia, 177 Bundotich, John, 96 Armenia, 106 Baquero, Danilo Alfonso, 177 Buriro, Muhammad Khan, 169 Arranged marriages, 64 Baraybor, Jose Pablo, 166–167 Burma, 208 Arrests, 63, 125, 130, 150 Barbosa, Joaquim, 158 Burundi, 105, 106 Arroyo, Gloria Macapagal, 169 Basic Law of Hong Kong, 79 Business Day (column), 142 Article 19 on Freedom of Bastam, Masoud, 145 Business elites, 43 Information (Brazil), Baydar, Yavuz, 107, 196 Bwire, Thomas, 115 156 BBC, 71, 212 Article 73 of the Mexican BBC Media Action, 30 Caccitori, Mattia, 195 Constitution, 156 Behesti, Sattar, 148 Cacho, Lydia, 65 Article 109 of Brazilian Beketov, Mikhail, 209 Calheiros, Renan, 155 Constitution, 156 Belgium, 109 Cameron, David, 30 Article 258 of penal code Benavides, Carlos, 186 Cano, Guillermo, 107 (Vietnam), 125, 129 Bengali, Rajab Ali, 168 Carlucci, Paul, 215 Article 258 on domestic Berger, Gay, 32 Cartoon, 138 freedom (Vietnam), 125, Bernanke, Ben, 42 Catatumbo, Pablo, 178 129–130 Bernstein, Carl, 109 Cay, Dieu, 124, 210 Asia, 124 Berthelson, John, 82 Cemal, Hasan, 199 The Asia Internet Coalition, Bertoni, Eduardo, 7 Censorship, 5, 79, 81, 104, 127 Bianet, 195 144–146, 149, 152, Asia News Network, 86 Big data, 40 157–159, 204–208. See Asia Sentinel, 82, 83 Binney, William, 13, 16, 17–18, also Self-censorship Associated Press, 127, 208 19, 22, 23 Center for International Media Asylum, 74 Bloggers Assistance, 111 Attacks, 52, 55–56, 70, 78–79, detained, 53 Central Africa, 92 83–84, 105, 107–108, harassment and threats, 129 Central Intelligence Agency, 19 151, 153–154, 205–206, in Iran, 146 Chan, Tim, 80 208, 212. See also role of, 29 Chanam, Urmila, 62, 63–64 Cyberattacks; Sexual self-publishing, 33 Chang, Allen, 85 attacks in Turkey, 213 Chaudry, Iftikhar Mohammad, Attalah, Lina, 208 in Vietnam, 123–130, 206, 171 Authoritarian governments, 210–211 Cheema, Umar, 27–28 105 Blogs, 53–54, 59, 128–129, 213 Chehadé, Fadi, 7 Awami League-controlled Bloomberg, 8, 38, 42 Chemaly, Sorova, 64 government, 213 Boroujerdi, Mehrzad, 145, 147 Chen Hsiao-yi, 85 Azerbaijan, 105 Borri, Francesca, 56 China Boyle, Brendan, 31–32 African growth and, 115 Ba, Amadou Mahtar, 115 Braimah, Sulemana, 92 control of Internet, 4 Baath Party, 52 Brandeis, Louis, 23 currency reserves, 42 bindex.indd 218 1/9/2014 1:00:22 PM Index 219 economic rise of, 29 vs. Somalia on violence on Defamation laws/suits, 65, 85, government influence, 86 news media, 175 105, 107, 137, 138, 152, hacking operations by, 8 vs. Sri Lanka violence on 157, 206, 213 Internet repression vs. news media, 175 Democracy, 28, 30–32, 71, 88, United States, 204 Communications Law, 206, 108, 114, 126, 135–137, Iran vs., 149 214–215 140, 142, 194, 197, 199, journalist influence of Confidentiality, 17 206 Hong Kong and Taiwan Çonger, Yasemin, 199 Democracy Now! 15 vs., 77–90 Connelly, Terry, 43–44 Democratic governance, 28, journalists jailed, vs. Turkey, Consent of the Networked 30, 32 193–200 (MacKinnon), 7, 8 Democratic Progressive Party media development model, Constitution Amendment 45 (DPP), 85 31 (Brazil), 155 Democratic Republic of national sovereignty vs. Coordination committees, 54 Congo, 66 individual rights, 5 Correa, Rafael, 104, 206, 214, Der Spiegel, 6, 15, 204 push for U.N. control, 7 215 Derivatives market, 46 search engine Baidu, 9–10 Corruption, 27–28, 30–32, Detention, 117, 124, 146–147, social media controls, 207 107, 115, 117, 120, 126, 150, 208, 212 support of ITU, 4 134–135, 138–139, 141, Deutsche Telecom, 6 vs. United States on Internet 153, 164, 170, 174–176, Digital privacy, 207 use, 8 179, 188, 208, 214 Dink, Hrant, 107 Vietnam vs., 124 Court orders, 20, 152, 172 Do Rosário, Maria, 153, 155 China Daily, 86 Credit bubble, 39 Dodd-Frank Act (2010), 44–45 China Post, 86, 87 Credit-default swap, 45 Dogan Group, 196–197 China Times, 87 Crime cartels, 184–191 Dow Jones Industrial Average, Chinese media development Crime reporting, 118 208 model, 31 Crime statistics, 186 Drugs (illicit), 70, 105, 185, Citizen, 99 Crispin, Shawn, 170 187–191, 215 Citizen independent media, Cuellar, Mireya, 186 Dubai, 5 53–54 Cuesta, Dennis, 170 Dun, Phuong, 130 Citizen journalists, 57, 210 Currency swaps, 45 Dündar, Can, 196 Citizen reporting, 54 Cyberattacks, 204, 207–208 Dung, Nguyen Tan, 128 Civil war, 66, 71, 93, 213 Clapper, James, 14 Dacero, Leo, 168 East Africa, 91–100 Clemente, Tim, 19 Daily Dispatch, 31 corporate influence, 97 Clinton, Hillary, 5 Daily Monitor, 94, 96 internet usage, 100 CNN, 208 Daily Nation, 92, 95, 97 media and press freedom CNN International, 194, 212 Damalerio, Edgar, 165, 168 in, 99 CNN Türk TV, 107, 194 Danlambao (blog), 126, 211 press, 95 Cobb-Smith, Chris, 167 Dao, Pham Viet, 123, 125, 211 Economies, 38 Coc Coc, 127–128 Dark pools, 44 Ecuador, 104, 106, 205, 206, Code of conduct, 198 Data centers, 12 214–215 Code of ethics, 104, 105, 110 Data storage, 12, 21 Edward, Joseph, 95 Coercion, 118, 170, 175 Davari, Mohammad, 145 Efficient markets, 47 Colci, Marie, 57 Davis, Harvey, 19 Egypt, 104, 105, 204, 208–209 Cole, Michael, 86–87 Deane, James, 30 press freedom decline in, Colombia, 154 Deb, Siddhartha, 114 203 Iraq vs., on violence on Declaration of Table Mountain, risk growth, 205 news mdia, 175 213 El Espectador, 107 murders of journalists, 174 Decree 72 on Internet usage El Tiempo (newspaper), 174, 175 vs. Philippines on violence (Vietnam), 126, 127, El Universal (newspaper), 188 on news media, 175 128, 211 Electoral code, 159 bindex.indd 219 1/9/2014 1:00:22 PM 220 index Electoral process, 71 “Flash crash” of 2010 in Gezi park protests, 92–93, 107, Electronic trading, 38 market, 44 193–196, 198–199, 200, ELN, 178 Flores, Bob, 170 206, 212 Encryption, 22 Forbes, 87 Ghaemi, Hadi, 146, 147, 150 Enog, Esmael Amil, 166 Foreign agents, 209 Ghazzawi, Razan, 55–56 Envelope journalism, 43 Foreign exchange market, 45 Gibson, Janine, 9 Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 107, Foreign journalists, 21, 52 Gilmore, Dan, 4, 7 194, 195, 196–197, 212 Foreign Policy (magazine), Girit, Selin, 195 Ergenekon case, 212 145 Global spying, 9 Eshraghi, Alireza, 148 Foundation for Press Freedom Gökcek, Melih, 195 Etemad (reformist papers), 145 (FLIP), 174, 175, 177 Gomes, Francisco, 155 Ethical breaches, 108 Fox Business, 42 González, Ferney Tapsco, 176 Ethical journalism, 105 Francisco, João, 154 González, José Gregorio, 174 Ethics, 104 Free press, 30, 32, 38, 106, 109, Good news, 119, 134, 141. See Ethics and the Media (Ward), 109 111, 118, 136, 138, 149, also Positive news focus Ethiopia, 32, 117–118 153. See also Freedom of Goodman, Amy, 15 Ethiopian People ’s the press Google, 8, 127, 207 Revolutionary Free Syria fighters (FSA), Google’s Transparency Report, Democratic Front tolerance from, 56 157 (EPRDF), 117 A Free and Responsible Press” Government advertising, 94, Ethnic reconciliation, 120 (Hutchins Commission), 98, 99 Europe, 5 110 Government by security forces, European Parliament on NSA Freedom for the Thought We Hate 64, 65 activities, 7 (Lewis), 110 Government Communication Exchanges, traditional, 39 Freedom House (foundation), Headquarters (GCHQ), Extortion, 70, 185, 187–189, 32 20, 207 191 Freedom indicators, 205 Graham, Paul, 135 Freedom of Information Act Great Lakes Voice, 97 Facebook, 8, 127, 128, 144, 149 requests, 42 Greenpeace protest, 209 Familia Michoacana, 184, 187, Freedom of information and Greenspan, Alan, 38 191 free markets, 45 Greenwald, Glenn, 9, 15, 152 FARC, 177–178 Freedom of the press, 12, 78, Grevisse, Benoît, 109, 111 Farmers, small-scale, 118 82, 93, 106, 108, 110, The Guardian, 9, 16, 18, 20, 207 Faruk, Omar, 65 204.
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