Kam na Vranskem Where to in Vransko Turistični vodnik - Tourist guide Vransko LEGENDA O NASTANKU VRANSKEGA - THE LEGEND OF ORIGIN VRANSKO O NASTANKU LEGENDA POVRŠINA Legenda o nastanku Vranskega in sosednjih krajev omenja jezero, kjer so se zbirale jate vran. Nastalo TOTAL AREA naj bi zaradi plazu, ki je zajezil reko Bolsko. Jezero so 53,3 km2 prebivalci kasneje prekopali in osušili. The legend of the origin of Vransko and the neighbouring places mentions a lake where flocks of crows gathered. The lake was supposed to form due to the landslide that blocked the Bolska river and was later dug up and drained. 16 NASELIJ SETTLEMENTS 27cca00 PREBIVALCEV RESIDENTS ZBIRKE, - COLLECTIONS, MUSEUMS MUZEJI SCHWENTNERJEVA HIŠA - SCHWENTNER’S HOUSE Nadstropna petosna stavba z dvokapno streho. Bivališče Two-storey five axis building with a gabled roof. Residence of V gasilskem domu v Prekopi se od leta 2015 nahaja premožnih tržanov Schwentnerjev. Rustikalnost ulične fasade wealthy inhabitats of market town the Schwentner's. Simplicity gasilska zbirka, ki je bila pred tem 15 let na ogled v razbijajo lizene med okni. Osnova iz prve polovice 18. stol. of street facades is broken with pilasters between windows. poslovni stavbi podjetja INDE, d. d., na Vranskem. Današnja fasada je rezultat adaptacije po prvi svetovni vojni, Basis is from the first half of the 18th century. Today's facade Posebnost bogate zbirke gasilske opreme so vodne takrat je bil prizidan pritlični objekt – trgovina. V objektu je is a result of the adaptation after the first world war, when a brizgalne na lesenih vozovih iz 19. stoletja. Razstavljeni muzejska zbirka z intaktno ohranjenim pohištvom iz 19. stol. ground floor building – the shop was added. In the facility, eksponati so skrbno obnovljeni in razstavljeni tako, Obnovljen magazin se uporablja kot prireditveni in razstavni the museum collection with an intact furniture from the 19th prostor ter uradni prostor za sklepanje porok, od leta 2014 pa century, is on display. The renovated magazine functions as da obiskovalcu nudijo natančen vpogled v ta del je tam tudi Turistično informacijski center Vransko. an event and exhibition venue and a registered venue for civil slovenske tehniške dediščine. Rojstna hiša Lavoslava Schwentnerja, knjigarnarja, mecena in marriage ceremonies. Since 2014, there is also the Tourist založnika pesnikov ter pisateljev slovenske moderne. Information Centre Vransko. The Fire Collection has been located in the fire house Schwenter's house is also the birthplace of Lavoslav in Prekopa since 2015. Before that it was on display for Schwentner, the bookseller, patron and publisher of modern fifteen years in the office building of the company INDE Slovene poets and writers. JSC in Vransko. The specialty of the rich collection of firefighting equipment are water spray guns on wooden carriages from the 19th century. The exhibited objects are carefully restored and displayed in a way that gives the visitor a thorough insight into this part of the Slovenian technical heritage. ZBIRKE, - COLLECTIONS, MUSEUMS MUZEJI GASILSKA ZBIRKA - THE FIRE COLLECTION Two-storey five axis building with a gabled roof. Residence of V gasilskem domu v Prekopi se od leta 2015 nahaja wealthy inhabitats of market town the Schwentner's. Simplicity gasilska zbirka, ki je bila pred tem 15 let na ogled v of street facades is broken with pilasters between windows. poslovni stavbi podjetja INDE, d. d., na Vranskem. Basis is from the first half of the 18th century. Today's facade Posebnost bogate zbirke gasilske opreme so vodne is a result of the adaptation after the first world war, when a brizgalne na lesenih vozovih iz 19. stoletja. Razstavljeni ground floor building – the shop was added. In the facility, eksponati so skrbno obnovljeni in razstavljeni tako, the museum collection with an intact furniture from the 19th century, is on display. The renovated magazine functions as da obiskovalcu nudijo natančen vpogled v ta del an event and exhibition venue and a registered venue for civil slovenske tehniške dediščine. marriage ceremonies. Since 2014, there is also the Tourist Information Centre Vransko. The Fire Collection has been located in the fire house Schwenter's house is also the birthplace of Lavoslav in Prekopa since 2015. Before that it was on display for Schwentner, the bookseller, patron and publisher of modern fifteen years in the office building of the company INDE Slovene poets and writers. JSC in Vransko. The specialty of the rich collection of firefighting equipment are water spray guns on wooden carriages from the 19th century. The exhibited objects are carefully restored and displayed in a way that gives the visitor a thorough insight into this part of the Slovenian technical heritage. ZBIRKE, - COLLECTIONS, MUSEUMS MUZEJI ETNOLOŠKA ZBIRKA - THE ETHNOLOGICAL COLLECTION Etnološka zbirka se nahaja na domačiji »pri Knežari« v vasi The Ethnological Collection is located at the homestead "pri Muzej motociklov Grom je odprt od leta 1997 ter Brode. Lastnik Knežarjeve domačije je tudi sam strasten Knežari" in the village Brode. The owner of the homestead is prikazuje zgodovino in razvoj slovenskega in svetovnega zbiratelj, zato se je zbirka od odprtja leta 2006 že močno a passionate collector himself, which is why the collection motociklizma. V zbirki je približno 140 motociklov in drugih povečala. Eksponati so obnovljeni in razporejeni po celotni has increased significantly since the opening in 2006. redkih predmetov, ki datirajo v čas od začetka razvoja domačiji, ki zato daje vtis muzeja. V zbirki je poleg stare Objects are restored and distributed throughout the entire motociklizma do devetdesetih let 20. stoletja. Izstopajo kovačnice kmečko in obrtniško orodje, ki se je v preteklosti grounds, which gives the impression of the museum. Puchovi motocikli ter redki primerki znamk Indian, Harley- uporabljalo v naših krajih in okolici. In addition to the old blacksmith's shop, the collection Davidson, Moto Guzzi, Ariel, Gilera in Ner-a-Car. Slednji includes farm and handicraft tools, used in the past in the je bil izdelan posebej za dekleta. V zbirki je tudi Pohorc – local area. prvi motocikel, ki je bil izdelan v Jugoslaviji, vendar le kot prototip. Med vojaškimi in dirkalnimi motocikli izstopajo TOMOS-ovi in prisilno polnjeni DKW 250 »ladepumpe« iz leta 1937. The Museum of Motorcycles Grom opened in 1997 and shows the history and development of Slovene and world motorcycling. There are about 140 motors in the collection and other rare artifacts, dating from the beginning of the development of motorcycling to the 1990s. Puch's motorcycles and rare examples of brands Indian, Harley- Davidson, Moto Guzzi, Ariel, Gilera and Ner-a-Car stand out. The latter was specially designed for girls. The collection also includes Pohorc - the first motorcycle that was made in Yugoslavia, but only as a prototype. Among the military and racing motorcycles stand out TOMOS motorcycles and forcedly filled DKW 250 »ladepumpe« from 1937. ZBIRKE, - COLLECTIONS, MUSEUMS MUZEJI MUZEJ MOTOCIKLOV GROM - THE MUSEUM OF MOTORCYCLES GROM The Ethnological Collection is located at the homestead "pri Muzej motociklov Grom je odprt od leta 1997 ter Knežari" in the village Brode. The owner of the homestead is prikazuje zgodovino in razvoj slovenskega in svetovnega a passionate collector himself, which is why the collection motociklizma. V zbirki je približno 140 motociklov in drugih has increased significantly since the opening in 2006. redkih predmetov, ki datirajo v čas od začetka razvoja Objects are restored and distributed throughout the entire motociklizma do devetdesetih let 20. stoletja. Izstopajo grounds, which gives the impression of the museum. Puchovi motocikli ter redki primerki znamk Indian, Harley- In addition to the old blacksmith's shop, the collection Davidson, Moto Guzzi, Ariel, Gilera in Ner-a-Car. Slednji includes farm and handicraft tools, used in the past in the je bil izdelan posebej za dekleta. V zbirki je tudi Pohorc – local area. prvi motocikel, ki je bil izdelan v Jugoslaviji, vendar le kot prototip. Med vojaškimi in dirkalnimi motocikli izstopajo TOMOS-ovi in prisilno polnjeni DKW 250 »ladepumpe« iz leta 1937. The Museum of Motorcycles Grom opened in 1997 and shows the history and development of Slovene and world motorcycling. There are about 140 motors in the collection and other rare artifacts, dating from the beginning of the development of motorcycling to the 1990s. Puch's motorcycles and rare examples of brands Indian, Harley- Davidson, Moto Guzzi, Ariel, Gilera and Ner-a-Car stand out. The latter was specially designed for girls. The collection also includes Pohorc - the first motorcycle that was made in Yugoslavia, but only as a prototype. Among the military and racing motorcycles stand out TOMOS motorcycles and forcedly filled DKW 250 »ladepumpe« from 1937. ZGODOVINSKE ZNAMENITOSTI, STAVBNA DEDIŠČINA – HISTORIC SITES, BUILDING HERITAGE DEDIŠČINA – HISTORIC STAVBNA ZNAMENITOSTI, ZGODOVINSKE NEKDANJI SEDEŽ OBČINE - THE FORMER HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY Nadstropna, petosna stavba s štirikapno streho, zgrajena v Tabli z napisi v latinščini sta vzidani na pročelje nekdanje 18. stol. Nad kamnitim vhodnim portalom je grb Vranskega pošte v trgu. Tja sta bili prestavljeni iz Zajasovnika, s z motivom vrane na smrekovem deblu in pod njim letnica spominske piramide, ki so jo leta 1728 postavili v čast očetu 1868. Stavba je bila sedež občine vse od leta 1868, ko je bilo Marije Terezije Karlu, ker je obnovil staro rimsko prometno Vransko povišano v deželno-knežji trg in dobilo svoj grb. Na pot prek Trojan in ustvaril veliko cesarsko trgovsko cesto hiši je na čelni fasadi pritrjena spominska plošča žrtvam in Dunaj–Trst. padlim v NOB. Two-storey, five axis building with a hipped roof was built Two boards with inscriptions in Latin are built into the in the 18th century. Above the stone entrance portal, a facade of the former market's post office building. They emblem of Vransko with a motiv of crow on a spruce tree were relocated there from Zajasovnik, a rememberance and a year 1868, are shown.
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