Feb. 14, 1967 E. v. CAVAGNERO 3,303,679 I MACHINE FOR COILING STRIP METAL Filed Dec. 30, 1963 8 Sheets-Sheet 1 INVENTOR. [kw/w .V 69144 G/I/Zf/PO BY Feb. 14, 1967 E. v. CAVAGNERO 3,303,679 MACHINE FOR COILING STRIP METAL 7 Filed Dec. 30, 1963 ' 8 Sheets-Sheet 2 F/G. 2 Feb- 14, 1967 E. v. CAVAGNERO 3,303,679 'MACHINE FOR COILING STRIP METAL Filed Dec. 30, 1963 8 Sheets-Sheet 3 U99iiknzvlli UH IJ|xl Feb- '14, 1967 E. v. CAVAGNERO 3,303,679 MACHINE FOR COILING STRIP METAL Filed Dec. 30, 1965 8 Sheets-Sheet 4 [-76.5 ,,w I/ I / / F. W Feb- 14, 1967 E. v. CAVAGNERO 3,303,679 MACHINE FOR COILING S'I'RllD METAL Filed Dec. 30, 1965 8 Sheets-Sheet 5 QMm Feb. 14, 1967 E. v. CAVAGNERO 3,303,579 MACHINE FOR COILING STRIP METAL Filed Dec. 30, 1963 8 Sheets-Sheet 6 Feb. 14, 1967 E. V. CAVAGNERO 3,303,679 MACHINE FOR COILING STRIP METAL Filed Dec. 50, 1963 8 Sheets-Sheet 7 Feb- 14, 1967 E. v. CAVAGNERO 3,303,679 MACHINE FOR COILING STRIP METAL Filed Dec. 30, 1963 8 Sheets-Sheet 8 3,303,679 United States Patent 0 Patented Feb. 14, 1967 1 2 upcoiler constructed in accordance with the present in 3,303,679 vention is shown with a base frame means 10 and a front MACHHYE FOR COILING STRIP METAL Erman V. Cavagnero, Torrington, Conn., assignor to The or ?rst generally longitudinally extending side frame Torrington Manufacturing Company, Torrington, means 12. A second or rear generally longitudinally ex Comm, a corporation of Connecticut tending side frame means, not shown, is spaced trans ' Filed Dec. 30, 1963, Ser. No. 334,239 versely from the front side frame means 12 and a space 13 Claims. (Cl. 72—35) is de?ned between said two side frame means for the generally longitudinal right to left passage of strip metal This invention relates to coiling machines of the type as indicated generally by the arrow 14. The machine re commonly referred to as “upcoilers” and which are em ceives the strip metal and in right to left movement there ployed in steel and brass mill lines to coil heavy strip 10 through imparts an arcuate bend whereby to coil the metal for ease and convenience in storage and in transfer metal for the purposes previously mentioned. A com to subsequent operations. The machine of the present pleted coil of strip metal is shown at 16 ready for removal invention provides coils weighing several tons from strip and delivery to storage or a subsequent operation. metal varying in thickness up to one-half inch and varying Preferably, the coiling machine includes a strip metal in width up to thirty inches. Further, the coiling machine 15 feed means and a feed roll assembly is illustrated at 18. of the present invention is particularly well suited for use The feed roll assembly 18, to be described more fully in coiling relatively soft copper base alloy strip, but the hereinbelow, grips and advances strip metal in a right to invention is not so limited. left direction and at a uniform rate of movement to a One object of the invention is to provide a coiling ma coiling roll assembly indicated generally at 20. chine of the type mentioned which is capable of forming 20 The coiling roll assembly 20, receiving the strip metal a more perfect metal coil than has heretofore been attain in continuous passage therethrough from the feed roll able, improvement in the strip metal coil being effected assembly 18, bends the metal arcuately in a generally left primarily in the formation of the innermost coil or coils ward and upward direction in the machine shown. From to the end that subsequent handling and mounting of the the coiling roll assembly 20, the arcuately bent strip metal coils on mandrels and the like may be accomplished with 25 advances upwardly and leftwardly and thence rightwardly increased facility and e?iciency. and downwardly whereupon it coils upon itself and is Another object of the present invention resides in the held by a coil support means. provision of a coiling machine which includes at least The coil support means is not clearly shown in FIG. 1 two relatively adjustable strip metal engaging rolls and a but will be described in detail hereinbelow. Said means supporting frame, and which is also provided with roll 30 is indicated generally by the reference numeral 22 and position indicators visually exposed from outside the includes coil support rolls 24, 26 and 28. As will be seen, frame and which contribute substantially to the ease the coil support means is at least approximately partially and ef?ciency of set-up operations on the machine. circular viewed in cross section and is adapted to ef?— The drawings show a preferred embodiment of the ciently receive a leading free end of strip metal advanced invention and such embodiment will be described, but it 35 through the coiling roll assembly 20, and is further will be understood that various changes may be made adapted to support the strip metal as it coils upon itself from the construction disclosed, and that the drawings and as it forms a complete coil such as 16. and description are not to be construed as de?ning or There is also included in the coiling machine, in ac limiting the scope of the invention, the claims forming a cordance with the present invention, a recoil roll disposed - part of this speci?cation being relied upon for that 40 between the coiling roll assembly 20 and the coil support purpose. means 22 and which is operable arcuately to bend the Of the drawings: strip metal slightly in a direction generally opposite to the FIG. 1 is a front elevational view of a coiling machine direction of bend imparted by the coiling roll assembly. constructed in accordance with the invention; The recoil roll is not clearly shown in FIG. 1 but extends 45 FIG. 2 is a right-hand end view of the machine; between the aforementioned side frame means on a trans FIG. 3 is an enlarged fragmentary transverse and ap verse and generally horizontal axis indicated approxi proximately horizontal section taken generally at 3—3 mately by the remerence numeral 30. Thus, the recoil in FIG. 1; roll is disposed above and in engagement with the strip FIG. 4 is an enlarged fragmentary transverse and ap 50 metal as it emerges from the coiling roll assembly 20 proximately horizontal stepped section taken generally at and said roll has effect upon the strip metal at least dur 4-4 in FIG. 1; ing an initial portion of coil formation as will be more FIG. 5 is an enlarged partial front elevational view of fully described hereinbelow. The said effect of the recoil the machine; roll upon the strip metal includes the formation of a de-. FIG. 6 is an enlarged fragmentary transverse and ap 55 sirably uniform ?rst coil and comparatively tight forma proximately horizontal section taken generally at 6—-6 tion of the initial coils, all of this resulting in ease and in FIG. 5; e?iciency of subsequent handling as aforesaid. FIG. 7 is an enlarged fragmentary transverse vertical section taken generally at 7—7 in FIGS; Feed roll assembly FIG. 8 is an enlarged partial front elevational view Referring now particularly to FIG. 2, it will be ob- ‘ with several parts of the machine removed for clarity of 60 served that the feed roll assembly 18 comprises ?rst and illustration; second or upper and lower feed rolls 32, 34. The feed FIG. 9 is a schematic front elevational view of the rolls 32, 34 extend transversely about generally horizontal machine illustrating initial operations in coil formation; and parallel axes in the coiling machine and are supported FIGS. 10 and 11 are side views of portions of strip at their ends by suitable bearing means. Bearing means metal coils formed respectively on a prior coiling ma 65 36, 36 are shown for the upper roll 32 and bearing means chine and a machine constructed in accordance with the 38, 38 for the lower roll 34. Each of the bearing means invention; and 36, 36 has associated therewith a roll de?ection compen FIG. 12 is a schematic view of a coiling roll assembly. sating device 40, said devices being of known construction and requiring no further description here. General organization 70 The lower bearing means 38, 38, respectively have as Referring particularly to FIG. 1, a coiling machine or sociated therewith and in supporting realtionship therewith 3,303,679 3 4 ?rst and second‘ hydraulic cylinders 42, 42. The'cylinders rear bearing means as indicated at 80, 80 and 82, 82. 42, 42. are carried by a vertically adjustable bridge 44 in The said rolls engage the strip metal'from beneath in turn connected with a jacking device 46 by means of a right to left passage of the latter thereover, and cooperate rod 48. The jacking device 46 is operable by means of with the coiling roll 66 to bend the metal arcuately in a hand wheel 50 and a shaft 52. Thus, it will be apparent a conventional three-point bending operation. Power that the hand wheel 50 may be manipulated to rotate the operated means associated with the lower rolls 76, 78 shaft 52 and to operate the jacking device 46 whereby are represented by drive shafts 84, 86 which may be vertically to adjust the position of the bridge 44 carrying provided with ?exible couplings or the like.
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