200 Da-Oz Medal

200 Da-Oz Medal

200 Da-Oz medal. 1933 forbidden to work due to "half-Jewish" status. dir. of Collegium Musicum. Concurr: 1945-58 dir. of orch; 1933 emigr. to U.K. with Jooss-ensemble, with which L.C. 1949 mem. fac. of Middlebury Composers' Conf, Middlebury, toured Eur. and U.S. 1934-37 prima ballerina, Teatro Com- Vt; summers 1952-56(7) fdr. and head, Tanglewood Study munale and Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Florence. 1937-39 Group, Berkshire Music Cent, Tanglewood, Mass. 1961-62 resid. in Paris. 1937-38 tours of Switz. and It. in Igor Stravin- presented concerts in Fed. Repub. Ger. 1964-67 mus. dir. of sky's L'histoire du saldai, choreographed by — Hermann Scher- Ojai Fests; 1965-68 mem. nat. policy comm, Ford Found. Con- chen and Jean Cocteau. 1940-44 solo dancer, Munic. Theater, temp. Music Proj; guest lect. at major music and acad. cents, Bern. 1945-46 tours in Switz, Neth, and U.S. with Trudy incl. Eastman Sch. of Music, Univs. Hawaii, Indiana. Oregon, Schoop. 1946-47 engagement with Heinz Rosen at Munic. also Stanford Univ. and Tanglewood. I.D.'s early dissonant, Theater, Basel. 1947 to U.S. 1947-48 dance teacher. 1949 re- polyphonic style evolved into style with clear diatonic ele- turned to Fed. Repub. Ger. 1949- mem. G.D.B.A. 1949-51 solo ments. Fel: Guggenheim (1952 and 1960); Huntington Hart- dancer, Munic. Theater, Heidelberg. 1951-56 at opera house, ford (1954-58). Mem: A.S.C.A.P; Am. Musicol. Soc; Intl. Soc. Cologne: Solo dancer, 1952 choreographer for the première of for Contemp. Music; Nat. Assn. Composers and Conds; Am. Istvan Arato's Reigen der Zeii: 1953 title role in Eur. première Music Cent. Reed: Ditson Found. Award (1964); N.E.H. spec, of Samuel Barber's Medea. 1950-65 num. intl. tours and inti- award (1967); commns. of num. orgs, and insts. incl. Kousse- mate dance evenings with -» Alexander von Swaine, then with- vitzky Found, Libr. of Cong, and Los Angeles Philh. drew from prof. life. Reed: Prize, Org. Ger. Critics, Fed. Re- Biblio: Arts, in Mod. Music, Music Libr. Assn. Notes, Musical pub. Ger. (1962). A: (1980) Hamburg. Quart, Musical Digest: co-trans, Stravinsky's Poetics of Music Lit: Kiirschner, Theater: Friedrich, Ballett. Sources: Hand, into Eng. (Cambridge, Mass, 1947). Works: Andante and Ario- Pers, Print. — IfZ. so. for flute, clarinet, oboe, horn, and bassoon (1942); music for brass instruments (quintet, 1944); Concerto a tre. for cla- rinet, violin and cello (1946); Duo, for cello and piano (1946); Divertimento, for viola and piano (1948); concerto for saxa- phone and wind orch. (1949; rev. 1953); Symphony Concer- tante, for two clarinets and orch. (1952?); Sonata Seria. for pi- D ano (1953); The Tower of Saint Barbara, symphonic legend, al- so ballet (Louisville, Ky, 29 Jan. 1955); piano quartet (1957); Sonata Pastorale, for piano (I960?); Serenade, for four flutes Da-Oz, Ram (Julius Hermann Abraham Daus), composer; b. (1960); Sinfonietta, for concert band (1961); piano trio (1962); Berlin 17 Oct. 1929. E: 1934 Pal. Cit: Isr, fmly. Ger. F: Heinz Aria Sinfonica, for orch. (1964?); Duettino Concertante, for Baim Daus, b. Berlin 1903, Dipl.-Ing. T.H. Berlin, mech. engr, flute and percussion (1966); Four Intervals, for string orch. 1934 to Pal, chief engr. of Egged bus. co, Isr. until ret. M: Miri- (1967); Sonata da Camera, for clarinet and piano (1967-69); am Freudenberg, b. Berlin 1909, rehab, therapist. S: Bagnith, Elegy, for violin and chamber orch. (1967-70); Lieder cycle for b. Tel Aviv 1935, secy. *> 1950 Sari Gross, b. Cent. Eur, W.W. baritone and piano (1968); five clarinet duets (1970); Little Ca- II in hiding, 1949 to Isr. C.-(none). nonic Suite, for violin (1970); A Noiseless, Patient Spider, for 1934 emigr. to Pal. Studied oboe and piano, Tel Aviv Cons. women's chorus and piano, based on Walt Whitman (1970); Serv. in Haganah (I.D.F.) in War of Independence; wounded arr. Stravinsky's Danses Concertantes for two pianos. Lit: H. and lost eyesight. 1948 att. agric. sch, Kibb. Givat haSheloshah. Stevens, in Perspectives of New Music (vol. 9, 1970/71, no. 1). Studied music with Prof. A. Hajosh, Haifa. 1953 grad. Tel Aviv Sources: Hand, News. — R.F.J.I. Acad, of Music. 1954- piano tuner, composer. 1963 composi- tion entitled East and West perf. at Intl. Cong, Jerusalem. Mem: A.C.U.M; Composers League of Isr; Artists and Dalith, Fritz (fmly. Saalberg), physician; b. Frankfurt/M Teachers Assn. of Haifa. Reed: Isr. Song Fest. Prizes (1960, 27 Apr. 1910, d. Isr. 21 Nov. 1973. E: 1937 Pal. Cit: Isr, fmly. 1964); 2nd prize piano, Isr. Music Inst. (1966); A.C.U.M. prize Ger. F: Isidor Saalberg, b. Hessen, Ger. 1873 (1874?), d. Ausch- (1967). A: (1978) Haifa, Isr. witz concentration camp, Jewish, cantor. M: Fanny Lorsch, b. Works: Suite in Old Style, for strings (1958); Of Grief and Birstein, Hessen, Ger. ca. 1880, d. 1918 (epidemic). » 1937 Consolation, for orchestra (1960); Trio for Strings (1961); Con- Else Dahl, b. Geilenkirchen, Rhineland, Ger. 1913, dipl. in certo for Violin and Strings (1961); Suite for Cembalo. Oboe, inst.mgt. C: Michael, b. Petah Tikvah, Isr. 1938, M. A. in biol. flute and Cello (1962); Capriccio for Piano (1962); Nine Dance 1928-33 studied med, Univs. Berlin and Frankfurt, 1933 ex- Movements for Piano (1963); Trio for Strings (1963); Trio for Pi- pelled, allowed to complete state med. exams but denied Dr. ano. Violin and Cello (1964, 1965); Changing Phantoms, for med. degree; worked at K.K.L. off. in Frankfurt; concurr. un- orch. (1967); Prologue, Variations, and Epilogue, for piano til 1933 active in Blau-Weiss, Kadimah, K.J.V. 1935-36 att. (1968); also: Ten Miniatures for Two Clarinets: Illuminations, Univ. Bern; 1936 Dr. med; concurr. 1936 vol. with Hechaluz. violin solo; other compositions incl. three string quartets, two 1937 youth leader at Hachscharah cent. Aug. 1937 emigr. to Pal. sonatas for piano, two song cycles, woodwind quartet, suite for on C-cert. 1937-40 mem. Kibb. Shaar haNegev. 1940-48 mem. harpsichord, flute, and cello. Sources: Hand, Print, Qu. — staff, Beilinson Hosp, Petah Tikvah, 1940-44 resid, 1944-1948 R.F.J.I. trainee in diagnostic radiol. under — Hans Salinger. 1948-73 head, diagnostic radiol. dept, Tel Hashomer Govt. Hosp, later called Chaim Sheba Med. Cent, Tel Aviv, 1959-73 head, Patho- Dahl, Ingolf, composer; b. Hamburg 9 June 1912, d. Frutigen, radiol. Res. Inst. Concurr: 1948-65 serv. with I.D.F. med. near Bern, Switz. 7 Aug. 1970. E: 1935(38?) U.S. Cit: 1943 U.S. corps, finally as adv. in radiol. to sr. med. off; 1964-73 mem. Fand M: Swed. Two bros; Mrs. Morris Keller, a: Woodland fac, Tel Aviv Sch. of Med, 1968 assoc. prof, of diagnostic radi- Hills, Calif, oo 1940 Etta, b. Bialystok, Pol. 1905, d. 1970, 1927 ol, 1968-72 chmn. of diagnostic radiol. dept; lect. at Albert Ein- teaching dipl, U.C.L.A, 1961 Ph.D. in Ger. lang, Univ. S. Calif. stein Coll. of Med, Yeshiva Univ, New York (1962), Univs. C: (Stepson) Anthony Linick, prof, at Mich. State Univ. Stockholm, Goteborg and Lund, Swed, Oxford, Cambridge, 1931-32 studied music at Cologne Hochsch. 1932-36(7) London, others; consult, to Isr. Min. of Health and Isr. Nat. In- studied musicol. at Univ. Zurich and its cons; also studied sur. Off; partic. in intl. congs. Res. on structure of arterial wall composition and piano in Swed. and Switz; studied with Stra- and renal circulation, appl. res. on arterial disease, hyperten- vinsky. 1934-38(7) coach and cond, Zurich Opera. 1935(?) sion, partial lung hypoplasia. Mem: Intl. Comm. Radiol: Intl. emigr. to U.S. 1938 settled in Hollywood, where worked as Soc. Diagnostic Radiol; Intl. Soc. Cardiology; Intl. Exec. cond, composer, arr. of film music. Concurr: Worked in radio Comm. Nephrology; Histadrut; Am. Coll. of Radiol. (hon. (Can. Broadcasting Syst.); partic. in popularizing mod. music fel.). on west coast; pianist and cond. for Hollywood Theater Alli- Biblio: Tenuhot Rentgenografiyot (Roentgenographical Posi- ance prod, of "Evenings on the Roof." 1945-70 assist, later full tions; Jerusalem, part 1, 1951; part 2, 1967); contrib. arts, to prof, of music, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, also prof, journs. incl. Acta Radiologica, HaRefuah, Dapim Re- Daman 201 fuiim: for biblio. to 1973 in R.F.J.I. arch. Sources: Hand, Pers. Bolsheviks, Russ. 1921 emigr. to Berlin, as stateless Russ. émi- - R.F.J.I. gré, joined deleg. of Russ. Soc. Dem. Party abroad, 1934 dropped out due to political disagreement, 1939 rejoined. 1923-48 mem. ed. bd. and contrib, Socialist Courier, Berlin. Dallin, Alexander (to 1943 Dalin), prof, of history and political 1935 emigr. to Warsaw. 1939 emigr. to Paris. 1940 emigr. to science; b. Berlin 21 May 1924. R: None. E: 1939 Fr, 1940 U.S. U.S. 1941-60 contrib. and assoc. ed, New Leader, New York; Cit: 1943 U.S, fmly. stateless (Nansen passport). F: — David 1947 pubi, Forced Labor in Soviet Russia (New Haven). Based J. Dallin. M: Eugenia Bein, b. Odessa 1889, d. Los Altos, Calif. on previous autobiographical literature and recently available 1973, Jewish, att. Berlin music cons, pianist, 1921 to Ger, 1938 new eyewitness-accounts on Russian labor camps, the book to Fr, 1940 to U.S, active in Russ. emigr. orgs, in New York. S: gained wide publicity in the U.S. and in international relations (none). ~ 1953 Florence R. Cherry, b. Morristown, N.J. 1926, circles and brought about further inquiries and public debates Methodist, M.A, admin, teacher of children with learning dis- of the Russian camp and penal systems as the cold war un- abilities, 1975 div.

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