Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42170-6 — Eponyms and Names in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 3rd ed. Thomas F. Baskett Index More Information Index abdominal palpation in pregnancy, American Birth Control League, 365 The Anatomy of the Human Gravid 322–3 American College of Obstetricians and Uterus (William Hunter), 198 Leopold’s manoeuvres, 238–9 Gynecologists, 191, 332 Anatomy of the Nervous System abdominal surgery American College of Surgeons, 61 (Klumpke), 222 Cherney incision, 81 American Gynecological Society, 33, Andrews, Charles James, 56 Maylard incision, 267–8 73, 109, 114, 121, 177, 195, 218, Andrews, Mason, 57 Penrose drain, 315–16 263, 297–8, 314, 357, 363, 391–2, Andrews, William, 57 Pfannenstiel incision, 318 397, 426, 450 androblastoma, 380 Smead–Jones suture, 393 American Journal of Obstetrics,22 antenatal care, 20–1 Aberdeen Maternity and Neonatal American Journal of Obstetrics and antenatal corticosteroids and neonatal Databank, 17 Gynecology, 120, 297 respiratory distress, 241–3 abortion, 17 American Medical Association, 121, Antenatal Pathology and Hygiene: The backstreet abortion, 365 210, 391 Embryo and Foetus (Ballantyne), habitual abortion in the second American registries of 20 trimester, 385–6 chorionepithelioma and rare antepartum haemorrhage, 252–3 therapeutic abortion, 50–1, 202 ovarian tumors, 298 causes, 342–4 Abrégé de L’art des accouchemens American Roentgenological anterior asynclitism, 248 (Le Boursier du Coudray), 98 Association, 67 anterior pituitary necrosis, 383–4 abruptio placentae, 100, 114, 342–4 American Society of Anesthesiologists, antibiotics Abulcasis, 439 432 for puerperal sepsis, 89–90 Aburel, Eugen Bogdan, 1 amniocentesis in rhesus antiglobulin, 92–3 acanthosis nigricans, 327–8 isoimmunisation, 38–9 Apgar, Virginia, 5–6, 42 accouchement forcé, 180, 240, 343 amniotic fluid embolism, 409–10 Apgar score, 5–6, 42, 402 acrodermatitis continua, 166 Amreich, Alfred, 371 Aphorismes touchant la grossesse, Active Management of Labour anaesthesia, 86–7, 185 l’accouchément, les maladies et (O’Driscoll and Meagher), 300 aspiration of stomach contents in autres dispositions des femmes Addison, Thomas, 93 pregnant women, 277 (Mauriceau), 266 adhesions chloroform anaesthesia, 384, Arantius, Giulio, 171 abdominal, 108–9 387–9 Archbishop of Canterbury, 400 intrauterine, 10–11 epidural anaesthesia, 141 Archive für Gynäkologie, 102 The Aetiology, the Concept and the ether anaesthesia, 77–8, 175 Arias-Stella, Javier, 7–8 Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever origin of the term, 188 Arias-Stella reaction, 7–8 (Semmelweis), 379 analgesia in labour, 329 Aristotle, 259 Aitken, John, 153 continuous epidural analgesia, 1 Arnott, Neill, 257 Albert, Prince, 400 Entonox, 283 arrhenoblastoma, 380 albuminuria and eclampsia, 239–40 epidural analgesia, 414–15 Aschheim, Selmar, 8–10 Alcock, Benjamin, 2 ether analgesia, 204–5 Aschheim–Zondek test, 8–10, 50 Alcock, Thomas, 2 gas-air analgesia, 283 Aschoff, Carl, 281 Alcock’s (pudendal) canal, 2 Minnitt apparatus for inhalation Aschoff, Ludwig, 55 Aldridge, Albert Herman, 2–3 analgesia, 283 asepsis, 421 Aldridge sling, 2–3 nitrous oxide and oxygen, 221 Asherman, Joseph, 10–11 Allen, Edgar, 3–5, 94 twilight sleep, 408–9 Asherman’s syndrome, 10–11 Allen, Willard Myron, 94–5 Anarcha (young slave), 390 asphyxia at birth, 400–1 Allen–Masters syndrome, 95 Anatomia secundinae humanae Atlee, Washington, 443 Álvarez, Hermógenes, 65 (Hoboken), 183 Australian Paediatric Association, amenorrhoea Anatomical Exercitations Concerning 69 Asherman’s syndrome, 10–11 the Generation of Living Creatures Aveling, James Hobson, 11–12, 27 American Association of Dental (Harvey), 171 Aveling’s repositor, 11–12, 174 Surgeons, 205 Anatomical Tables (Smellie), 394 Avicenna, 439 508 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42170-6 — Eponyms and Names in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 3rd ed. Thomas F. Baskett Index More Information Index axis of parturition betamethasone, 242 Bracht–Wächter bodies, 55 curve of Carus, 71 Betke, Klaus Hermann, 219–20 Brandt, Murray Lampel, 56 Ayerst, McKenna and Harrison Betsey (young slave), 390 Brandt–Andrews method of placental (company), 91 Bevis, Douglas Charles Aitchison, delivery, 56 Ayre, James Ernest, 12–13, 312 38–9, 243 Braun, Carl Rudolph, 21, 57–8 Ayre’s spatula, 12–13 bilateral renal agenesis, 331–2 Braun, Gustav August, 58 Bird, Geoffrey Colin, 39–41, 257, 434 Braun, Carl von Fernwald, 327 Bird OP cup, 39–40 Braun, Hildegard, 220 bacterial vaginosis, 148–9 Birnberg, Charles, 245 Braun-Fernwald sign, 58 Baer, Karl Ernst Ritter von, 14, 157 Birnberg bow, 245 Braun’s decapitation hook, 57–8 Bailey, Hamilton, 203 birth control, 16–18 Braxton Hicks bipolar version, 179–80, Baillie, Matthew, 15–16 Comstock Law, 365 252, 458 Baird, Dugald, 16–18, 214 work of Margaret Sanger, 364–5 Braxton Hicks contractions, 180 Baird, John Logie, 191–2 work of Marie Stopes, 415–16 breech delivery, 151–3, 163–4 Baldwin, Lucy, 283 birth control movement, 119–21, 159 Bracht’s manoeuvre, 55 Baldy, John Montgomery, 18–19, 101 birth stool, 360 Burns–Marshall manoeuvre, 63–4 Baldy–Webster uterine Bishop, Edward Harry, 41–2 Løvset’s manoeuvre, 250–1 ventrosuspension, 18–19 Bishop, Eliot, 329 Pinard’s manoeuvre, 322 Ballantyne, John William, 20–1 Bishop score, 41–2 Prague manoeuvre, 218–19 Ballot, Christophorous Buys, 127 bivalve vaginal speculum, 46 Wigand–Martin manoeuvre, 450 Bandl, Ludwig, 21–2 Bixby, George, 417 Breisky, August, 22, 58 Bandl’s contraction ring, 21–2 bladder Brenner, Fritz, 59 Banting, Frederick, 91 interstitial cystitis, 197–8 Brenner tumour, 59, 441 Barcroft, Joseph, 22–3, 112–13, 141 Blair-Bell, William, 42–3, 112 Bright, Richard, 93 Bard, John, 24 Blenkinsop, Henry, 453 Bright’s disease, 93 Bard, Samuel, 23–4 Blond, Kasper, 44–5 British College of Obstetricians and Bardenheuer, Bernard, 268 Blond–Heidler saw, 44–5, 57 Gynaecologists, 48 Barker, David James Purslove, 24–5 blood banking, 227 British Gynaecological Society, 27, 421 Barker hypothesis, 24–5 blood groups, 226–7 British Medical Association, 305, 399 Barnes, Philip, 27 blood transfusion, 45 British Orthopaedic Association, 248 Barnes, Robert, 26–7 Blundell, James, 45, 187 Brödel, Max, 104 Barnes Bag, 27 Boerhaave, Herman, 293 Brooklyn Gynecological Society, 72 Barnes–Neville forceps, 26–7 Bogen, Emil, 232 Brown, Louise Joy, 410–11 Barr, Murray Llewellyn, 28–9 Boivin, Marie Anne Victoire, 46, 80, 160 Brown, Natalie, 411 Barr, Wallace, 124 Bonnaire, C, 275 Brown, Tom, 124 Barr body (sex chromatin), 28–9 Bonney, William Francis Victor, Browne, FJ, 285 Bartholin, Caspar, I, 29 47–8, 262 Browne, Thomas, 59–60 Bartholin, Caspar, II, 29, 138 Bonney hood, 47 Brück, Carl, 441 Bartholin, Thomas, 29 Bonney’s blue solution, 47 Bué, E, 275 Bartholin’s gland duct cyst or abscess, Bonney’s test, 47, 262 bulbocavernosus graft, 264 456–7 Boston Medical Library, 73 Burch, John Christopher, 60–1 Bartholin’s glands, 29 Boston Society for Medical Burch, Lucius, 61 Barton, Lyman Guy, 29–31, 67 Improvement, 187 Burch colposuspension, 60–1 Barton’s forceps, 29–31 Botanica-Mex, 261 Burckhardt, E, 285 Basset, Antoine, 32 Botkin, Sergei, 222 Burnham, Walter, 61–2, 84, 217 Battey, Robert, 32–3 Bourbon-Montpenseir, Marie de, 49 Burns, John William, 63–4 Battey’s operation, 32–3 Bourgeois, Louyse, 48–50, 353 Burns–Marshall manoeuvre for breech Baudelocque, Jean-Louis, 34–5, 79–80 Bourne, Aleck William, 50–1 delivery, 63–4 Baudelocque’s diameter, 34–5 Boursier, Martin, 49 Butendandt, Adolf, 4, 95 Behçet, Hulusi, 35–6 Bovie, William T, 51–2 Butter, Alexander, 133 Behçet’s syndrome, 35–6 bowel closure The Byrth of Mankynde (Rösslin), 354 Behold the Truth (Logothetopoulos), 249 Lembert suture, 237–8 Bell, Arthur, 43 Bowen, John Templeton, 52–3 Bell, John, 273 Bowen’s disease of the vulva, 52–3 caesarean hysterectomy, 329–30, Bennewitz, Heinrich Gottlieb, 36–7 Bozzini, Philipp, 53–5, 310 417–18 Bergström, Karl Sune Detlof, 136–7 brachial plexus palsy, 222, 454 caesarean section, 35, 64, 70, 85, 100–1, Berkeley, Comyns, 47–8 brachial plexus paralysis, 450 154, 240, 267, 278, 303 Bertram, Ewart, 28 Bracht, Erich Franz, 55 first text on, 355 Best, Charles, 91 Bracht’s manoeuvre, 55 Green-Armytage forceps, 161–2 509 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42170-6 — Eponyms and Names in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 3rd ed. Thomas F. Baskett Index More Information Index caesarean section (cont.) Chamberlen, Hugh, Sr., 74, 265 Cochrane, Archibald Leman, 87–8 lower-segment caesarean section, 214 Chamberlen, Paul, 74 Cochrane Collaboration, 87–8 ‘once a caesarean, always a Chamberlen, Peter the Elder, 74 Colebrook, Leonard, 89–90 caesarean’ dictum, 101–2 Chamberlen, Peter the Younger, 74 collargol, 72 post mortem, 354–5 Chamberlen, Peter III, 73–4 Collins, Robert, 142, 211 Robson 10-group classification Chamberlen, William, 74 Collip, James Bertram, 90–2 system, 349–50 Chamberlen forceps, 74 colposcopy, 182–3, 372 Sänger classical caesarean section, Champetier de Ribes, Camille Louis colposuspension, 60–1 366–7 Antoine, 76 combined cephalic version, 458 transverse lower-segment Champetier de Ribes’ balloon, 76 Comstock, Anthony, 365 abdominal, 207 Chang, Min Cheuh, 324 congenital abnormalities vaginal caesarean section, 131 Channing, Walter, 76–8, 175, 387 associated with maternal rubella, vesicouterine fistula, 460 Channing, William Ellery, I, 78 162–3 Caldeyro-Barcia, Roberto, 65–6, 190 Channing, William Ellery,
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