contents... Editorial 3 Editorial Editor: Andri Stander The end brings a new beginning... Cover Design: 4 Messages from Rob, CP and Mhlobo Mathys Briers-Louw Photographers: Our Residents Mathys Briers-Louw 7 All the guys who made our res work this year: Albert Retief HK 2006, Senaat, SBA I,II,III and SB I,II,III James Pieters Johhnie Tolken the social pages... Ruan du Plessis 23 Contributors: 24 Blougattyd: A fi rst year and HK perspective Steve Tindall 26 JOOL! 28 The Simonsberg MET: Kuier till you forget! André van Zyl 30 The Simon social scene Matthew Sterne 32 Huisdans:Langarm...Simon Style! Matthew MacDevette 33 First Year and beyond: Sterne’s view on life as a second year Jo-hann Thörmahlen 34 Simonstock: Raging bigger and bigger! Pietman Schoeman Erald Smith Jacques Verreyne 36 sport Gerhard Liebenberg 37 Interfl oor carnage!: The Simonstock Challenge Jermaine Rhoda 38 Simon rugby’s closest shave ever... Richard Bruiners Dawid Dippenaar 40 Diverse sport’s rise to fame Dewald van der Berg 43 Hane dinee HERE it is...The Simonsberger for 2006 2006. I really hope you all have a The organised and disorganised achievements from Simon life fantastic read and that we’ll all re- member, laugh and cry together about the good old days in Die 44 Funnies and so forth ... Withuis when we look back at this at our next big reunion! From our funny plays, to the things we watch, say and do If there are any mistakes in the con- tent, I apologise profusely! If there 48 are any problems, phone me at 082 A Secial Mention buzz off. Sit back, relax and enjoy A dedication to an old and new friend of Simonsberg this Simonsberg style...with a cold one in one hand and a cigar in the other. Have a good one and see you 50 soon, cheers. a last thought...A closing message from the editor STANDI The end brings a new beginning... Simonsberg will forever hold a very important place in my Simonsberg comes to an end, but hindsight allows for life… It has been a privilege and honour to be Primarius the perfect refl ection of yesterday. I share my fondest of “Die Withuis” for 2006. I can proudly report back that memories with all of you. I thank you all for the good times 2006 was a successful year for Simonsberg. Simonsberg’s and sometimes the sad times. strength is its people. The history and culture of “Die I have learnt much from you all and it has been a privilege Withuis” has been moulded by fellow Simonsbergers to lead you in 2006. Special thanks to my House Committee around the world. Simonsberg is only as strong as the and Mr Jadezweni for your guidance and help. I will forever people who reside in its building. walk through life as a proud Simonsberger. Despite the beauty of our establishment, it is us who steer the culture of Simonsberg for years to come and create the history for fellow Simonsbergers to follow. It is for this reason that I thank you all for a wonderful year and salute you for making 2006 a fantastic year. Sadly my time at Rob enslin moving in as inwonende hoof. From all the Simon manne: CP Mouton “Sir it is an honour to have you with us, you are already a Simonman!” Overall, what a great year! So what’s next, where is Die Withuis going? To keep the uniqueness of Simonsberg in a way that only the residents Ek sal nooit my doopkaptein se woorde vergeet nie: know. “Blougat, die tyd wat voorlê is die enigste vakansie tussen Uitdagings vir die jaar wat voorlê is eerstens defnintief die jou ma en jou vrou”. Dit is presies wat ek in Simon beleef. Met. Metsec gaan weggeneem word en die event gaan Die tye wat ek saam met al jul ouens beleef is iets wat ’n meer formeel wees. Hierdie is nie om die Met vir jul as mens vir almal in hierdie wêreld toewens. Dit is een groot Simonsbergers slegter te maak nie, maar om eerder te fees! verseker dat hierdie tradisie nie saam met so baie ander in Die jaar wat voorlê is vol uitdagings, maar met dié die stof moet byt nie. Blougattyd soos altyd is ’n uitdaging, huiskomitee, wat julle as Simonsbergers gekies het, sien veral die manier hoe die seniors betrek word by die hele ek vir enige berg kans (Sterri…). Die HK is besonders geleentheid. Weereens sal ons die braai by die Hangbrug divers en alle groepe in die koshuis word verteenwoordig. probeer reël en ook kyk of daar nie ander plekke is waarby Dit is dan ook ’n spesiale geval van 5 souties op die HK. ons julle kan betrek nie. Die gevaar is wel dat sekere ouens Guys it is awesome to see the amount of English guys nie weet hoe om die eerste jaars te hanteer nie, maar my staying in res next year! Jammer Pieter Steenkamp, maar en Stephen se vertroue is in julle dat jul die regte oordeel ons moet plek maak vir ons maatjies! sal gebruik. En wie anders as Stephen “Precious” Morgan Let’s have a look at what happened in 2006. Participation in vir doopkaptein 2007? Ek weet hy gaan ’n ongeloofl ike res activities was awesome, the rugby went great, we won werk doen. the gees beker again at fi rst years athletics, blougattyd was Nog ’n uitdaging is die betrekking van die Senaat by die a huge success, Simonstock and intervloer events showed koshuis. Nadat die Senaat aangekondig is weet ek dat us the spirit in res, and we had the best organised Met yet. dit verseker nie ’n probleem gaan wees nie, veral nie met Many thanks to Cape Town Fish Market for sponsoring us Sterri se invloed op die klubbers nie. with some money to work with. To manage these challenges the HK identifi ed 3 goals for It was also the beginning of a new era with Mr Jadezweni the res which we are striving for: The fi rst is Ownership: Participation and upholding of our three values. Secondly is Pro-activeness: Organised, paradigm shift and leadership. Third and last is Uniqueness: Fun, self-confi dence and balance. I put all my trust in the HK and know that they will not let me and you okes down. So die eerste kwartaal van my termyn lê op sy rug, dit was nogal uitdagend, maar defi nitief die moeite werd. Aan elkeen wat homself ’n Simonsberger noem wil ek net bedank vir die manier waarop jul die Hane dinee en ook die huisvergadering bygewoon het. Tenminste weet ons dat die konstitusie ons nie in die steek gaan laat nie... Die afgelope jaar met Rob aan stuur was weereens onvergeetlik. Rob, dankie vir al die entoesiasme waarmee jy die koshuis gelei het. Vir al die ouens wat die koshuis verlaat, sterkte vir dit wat voorlê. Ek glo die kontakte wat jul in die koshuis opgebou het sal jul help met als wat voorlê. Vir die ouens wat bly, kom ons maak die beste van elke oomblik en geniet ons studentelewe solank ons kan. Pred. 11:9 Jy wat jonk is, moet vreugde vind in jou jeug en jou dae ten volle geniet. Doen wat jy goedvind en waarvan jy hou, maar moenie vergeet dat God van jou rekenskap sal eis oor alles nie. Simonsberg?” to which I replied in the affi rmative so as to Mhlobo Jadezweni hasten their response. It is amazing! Isn’t it? This telephone call thing can yield a lot of interesting reactions. Jool tyd is probably the best at Simonsberg. The fi rst year residents fi nd it most exciting. What a way to begin a year! After the festive season there can’t be a perfect way to start an academic year. In no time semester tests were on “If you touch his cleanly shaven, shiny, little kop then we our faces and soon thereafter the mid-year examinations will vote you in!” I overheard them say. Little did I know that started. Without anyone explaining it to you, as a fi rst indeed he would touch the head and win the bet. Perhaps, year you know now what varsity is all about. Briefl y, it it is about time we talk diversity. You have to have a heart is about working at pace as soon as classes start. This of steel to be able to touch a shaven head of a man from is important because the transition between school and Dutywa. On the one front, such an act means challenging varsity is usually not easy. The Raadgewers do a very for a fi ght. On the other hand only a man of your age sterling job in our res. Looking at the increased number who is a great friend of yours can shave thus touch your of fi rst years who lost their places for 2007 compels this head. Whichever way one looks at it, the act was meant body to look at other strategies of intervention in order to to be a jest which turned out to have great signifi cance. At change this tide around. What it means for us is that we Simonsberg we will continue to be enriched if only we look will need to tree op even before the danger signs show up. closely at each and every little moment and act. Some professionalism in this regard will save the situation. Each one of such acts poses a challenge to us more than Sharing of experiences among the Raadgewers will also at any other time in the history of the house.
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