ALIEN CITY ON MARS? TiTil W i^ -A Im; SCENES Lji U *' Ul EDITOR IN CHIEF & DESIGN DIRECTOR: BOB GUCCIONE PRESIDENT a C.O.O.: KATHY KEETON VP/EDITOR' KEITH FERRELL EXECUTIVE VP/GBAPHICS DIRECTOR- FRANK DEVINO MANAGING EDITOR: CAROLINE DARK ART DIRECTOR: CATHRYN MEZZO First Word Continuum By Dana Rohrabacher 42 Fighting for Opening the X-Files U.S. patent rights By David Bischoff S Mulder and Scully know Communications something is m out there—and so do their Funds many fans. A behind- By Linda Marsa the-scenes lool< at this fas- Cashing in on collectibles cinating and m increasingly popular Electronic Universe new show. By Grsgg Keizer ArchiTreIc Medicine Designing Generations By Anita Bartholomew By Herman Zimmerman m and Philip Thomas Edgerly .Sounds Boldly going where By Steve Nadis few. production designers Sounds of the silent have gone before: 22 designing the Star Trek Eanii By Melanie Menagh Choices Fiction: S.4 Dying Virtual Realities [Vlichael IVlarshall Smith By Tom Dworetzl<y 7^ 23 Cartoon Feature Artificial Intelligence . By Steve Nadis Interview: 32 Richard hioa gland Mind By Steve Nadis By Steve Nadis A close-up lool< at the Hallucinations, man behind delusions, the face on Mars and schizophrenia SS 33 Tsuneo Sanda's cover painting, On Patrol, made possible by Antimatter the PI" I p Edge ly Age cy n a'^sar qt on witi ZD^sgn Copyrght Pa amount PcturesCorporaticn Games (Additional art rred t"^ page 110) By bi, iff Morris SR1''6ril7'iBn FIRST UUORD INVENTING AMERICA: Patent laws and the protection of individual rights By Dana Rohrabacher merica's greatest asset side. According to Rufus Yerxa, technology An American patent is not found in its vast Deputy U.S. Trade Representa- has an assured life of 17 years. It P^^ natural resources, or tive, the Ciinton administration can be challenged, but only after even in its great universities. The specifically advocates changing it has been issued and become mainspring of our progress is our the term of patent protection enforceable. As a result, Ameri- people's creative genius, entre- from 17 years after grant to 20 cans have had the incentive to preneuhal spirit, and their willing- years after filing an application. forge ahead and to develop the ness to invent, innovate, and In Europe and Japan, the many revolutionary inventions change, America has led the cbck starts immediately at filing, that have made America a tech- world in revolutionary tiventon"^ and the patent application is nology leader. The hope that a such as the airplane publ shed shortly af- revolutionary patent will recoup a Rep. Dana transistor, and micro terward, encourag- large return to the inventor pro- Robrabaciier, processor which n ng competitors to vides our nation with a ready (R-GA) turn have created copy and to oppose source of capital for research is fighting Id jobs and brought patents. Patent ap- and development of totally new pnitei;! U.S. tremendous increases pi cations on major products and technologies. A patent laws and in our gross domes nnovations in Japan, strong patent policy thus accom- regulations. tic product and up for instance, are often plishes more good than all the lifted our standard of vigorously challenged government-sponsored jobs, living, This in large by large companies technology transfer programs, part Is due to Amer wh oh can afford a and other industrial policy ca's recognition and battery of attorneys to schemes could ever hope to do. protection of Intel lee pore over documents The American system works, and tual properly Irokng for any weak- we are better for it. A recent proposal npsses. The onus is Today as in yesteryear, Amer- puts that protection in jeopardy. on the creator to defend his in- ica cannot take prosperity and In the name of harmonization, vention. Under the American progress for granted. We should foreign governments are pres- system, the invention is kept con- absolutely not degrade our peo- suring our government to funda- fidential until the patent is is- ple's patent rights in the name of mentally change the patent rules sued, and after that the burden harmonization with other lands. that have served us so well. Sen- of proof is on the challengers to The protection of our inventors ate Bill 1854 contains some of prove their case. afforded by our intellectual prop- the worst aspects of Japanese Similarly when a Japanese in- erty laws has enabled the genius and European patent laws. It ventor files a patent application of the American inventor to de- would, in essence, gut the legal on a major invention, it is not un- velop bold new ideas and tech- protection of our most innovative common to witness a flood of nology that have provided our citizens, disenfranchising them small-improvement patent appli- workers with jobs, kept our coun- from the benefits of their own cations, making minor changes try competitive, and maintained creativity, a ripoff of American in this breakthrough technology our high standard of living. rights that should be opposed. Through this whittling-away America has always been and American patents are valid for process, the financial rewards should continue to be a sanctu- 17 years after issue. They are enjoyed by the original patent ary for individual rights. In the kept confidential during the ap- holder are substantially reduced. tradition of our greatest inventors, plication process and cannot be The deflated incentives for the beginning with Benjamin Franklin contested until after issuance. Japanese to invent and patent and Thomas Jefferson, rigorous Conversely, European and revolutionary new products has patent laws have helped to en- Japanese patents have a life of ensured that Japan has an in- sure the thriving successes of 20 years after filing, are not con- dustrial system oriented to mere American innovation by protect- fidential throughout the applica- incremental developments. ing the rights of the individual in- tion process, and can be chal- By contrast, the American ventor. As we move into the lenged throughout that process. system Is conscientious about technological age, we must look One of the more frightening ele- protecting our innovators by pro- to strengthen, not weaken, the ments of this debate is that the hibiting the patenting of obvious protection rights of our most val- White House is on the wrong variations in newly developed uable resource, DO — connruiuruic/TTiofus READERS' WRITES: Weaving dreams, finding a cosmic connection, and if an E.T. burps in space, would we hear it? Kudos for the Dream Weaver UFO researchers photographic evi- The articie "Lucid Dreaming Revisited" dence that cnce and for all either proves [September 1994] cauglit my attention, or disproves Hoagland's theories. I'm very fascinated with dreams, and K. A. IVlcllwain believe tliey mean something. After Molalla. OR F J Cb C I reading this article, realized that I have had lucid dreams before. I never l<new I find it very ironic that you ran a story there was such research in this area. I about the face on Mars in the same now have a belter understanding of issue as the UFO cover-up. The two lucid dreams and how you can use seem to be quite related in my mind. them, Stephen LaBerge, the brain be- Consider this possibility: The Mars Ob- hind this theory, is undoubtedly bril- server was never lost; the media story liant. I hope to read more about was created to cover up a secret mis- LaBerge's lucid dreaming progress in sion to photograph these very struc- future issues of Omni. tures on Mars. Our government feels David Andrews that releasing the news of a civilization Hunlock Creek, PA on Mars would undermine our notions of history, evolution, and creationism. Silent Citizens of the Universe Omni has shown that in the past our The "Great Silence" referred to in Con- government has created false news re- tinuum's "Anybody Home?" [Septem- ports to cover up evidence of extra- ber 1994] has several explanations; terrestrial intelligence. The Mars OtD- Advanced civilizations evolve from server's supposed failure is merely an- predatory species, hence self-preser- other example. One can only hope that vation suggests deliberate conceal- the Russians ?^ill have the decency to ment; the most thermodynamically share the truth with the world when efficient form of electromagnetic com- they launch their own probe. Our gov- munication is "spread spectrum," ernment has repeatedly lied to us with which is indistinguishable from noise to regard to this issue. Don't look to NASA those not part of the conversation; and, to solve the mystery the most energetically efficient form of Steve LaPeikis electromagnetic communication Uses San Francisco, CA the narrowest beamwidth possible suggesting optical rather than mi- Can't Get Enough UFOs crowave frequencies, with little likeli- Please continue ycur series on UFOs hood that we'd intercept the beam. [April through September 1994]. I find Francis J. [Vlerceret, Ph.D. the topic quite interesting and enjoy- Merritt Island, FL able. The articles seem to be balanced and well-researched. I have not been A Cosmic Mars Conspiracy? following the UFO phenomenon for a Thanks for the article about the face on number of years, except when an arti- Mars. A few years ago I heard Richard cle appears in your magazine. These Hoagland speak on this ccmpeiiing last few issues have been a real treat, subject. His conclusions appeared to David Kruse be derived from an objective, if not San Antonio, TX painstakingly scientific approach into AOLiAceDeucyDO the matter. They left me with the im- pression that It is quite possible that the Got something to say but no time to curious Cydonian mesa bears physical write? Call (900) 285-5483.
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