MEMORANDUM DATE: August 31, 2017 Project No.: 592-10-16-05 SENT VIA: EMAIL TO: Harish Bagha, Grant Manager State Water Board Division of Financial Assistance Kari Holzgang, Program Analyst State Water Board Division of Financial Assistance FROM: Millicent Cowley-Crawford, Russian River Watershed Association Jarod Thiele, Grant Contact, City of Ukiah REVIEWED BY: Elizabeth Drayer, PE, RCE #46872 SUBJECT: Task 4.3 Description of Approach to Addressing Water Quality The Russian River Watershed Association (RRWA) has prepared this memorandum to provide a description of the approach to address water quality requirements in the Russian River Storm Water Resource Plan (SWRP). The approach identifies activities generating or contributing to polluted runoff or that impair beneficial uses of storm water and dry weather runoff and outlines potential strategies to address these issues. In addition, the consistency of the SWRP with applicable water quality regulatory requirements is outlined. STORM WATER RESOURCE PLANNING AREA The Planning Area of the Russian River SWRP has been determined in the Task 3.2 Planning Area and Watershed Descriptions memorandum dated June 9, 2017. As a brief overview, for the purposes of the SWRP, the Russian River watershed includes three divisions with nine U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 10 watersheds, and 43 HUC 12 subwatersheds. With twenty major tributaries and covering an area of 950,360 acres, the Russian River runs a length of 110 miles and is susceptible to water quality threats both in its tributaries and mainstem. The Russian River Watershed Association complies with ADA requirements and will attempt to reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities upon request. Please contact Andy Rodgers, Executive Director, at 707-508-3670 with any questions. Russian River Watershed Association Memorandum, August 31, 2017 Page 2 In discussing water quality regulations, the Russian River watershed will be organized by hydrologic subareas (HSA) of the watershed, as defined by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB), which are shown on Figure 1. For the most part, particularly in the upper portions of each sub-region of the watershed, each NCRWQCB HSA correlates to one or more of the planning area HUC 12 sub-watersheds. Russian River Watershed Association s\c\592\10-16-05\wp\4.3\WQA\072017_TM Water Quality EPILL K S A B L U R Y Last Saved: 8/30/2017 1:41:33 PM S:\Clients\592 Russian River Watershed Association 2014-2015\10-16-05 RRWA SWRP\GIS\MXD\WaterQuality.mxd : cleung GGLL EE NN NN CC OO .. EE L R R IVE CCOO LL UU SS AA CC OO .. R E 101 V ¬ K « B u r r i g h t I B u r r i g h t CREE FORK S a l t T H BIG R S a l t CCrreeeekk--EEaasstt AL T H o l l o w S H o l l o w FFoorrkk RRuussssiiaann R C r e e k - R u s s i a n C r e e k - R u s s i a n RRiivveerr WWaatteerrsshheedd RRiivveerr US C O YPH R W a t e r s h e d H EEK N W a t e r s h e d RIVER C o y o t e B IG F o rr s y tt h e C o y o t e C rr e e k H S A V a ll ll e y R F o r s y t h e LITT F o r s y t h e U H S A LE S C r e e k L a k e M e n d o c i n o - E a s t TON C r e e k S L a k e M e n d o c i n o - E a s t Y F o r k R u s s i a n R i v e r CR WWaatteerrsshheedd S F o r k R u s s i a n R i v e r EEK I WWaatteerrsshheedd A N EEaasstt FFoorrkk RRuussssiiaann M R RRiivveerr--RRuussssiiaann I I RRiivveerr WWaatteerrsshheedd V D E CCoolldd CCrreeeekk D R WWaatteerrsshheedd L EC R E AAcckkeerrmmaann E CCrreeeekk K WWaatteerrsshheedd OOrrrrss CCrreeeekk--RRuussssiiaann RRiivveerr WWaatteerrsshheedd Ukiah ! 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WWaatteerrsshheedd A GGiillll H C r e e k - R u s s i a n C rr e e k H S A C S O N O M A C O . C r e e k - R u s s i a n LLiittttllee REEK S O N O M A C O . RRiivveerr WWaatteerrsshheedd S u l p h u r R S u l p h u r U CCrreeeekk S W a t e r s h e d S W a t e r s h e d IA W a rr m N R S p r i n g s IV S p r i n g s ER SSaauussaall CCrreeeekk--RRuussssiiaann H S A RRiivveerr WWaatteerrsshheedd G e y s e r v i l l e O .. WWaarrmm SSpprriinnggss G e y s e r v i l l e E CC O CCrreeeekk WWaatteerrsshheedd MMaaaaccaammaa AAKK E CCrreeeekk LL O .. H S A CC O WWeesstt H S A WWaatteerrsshheedd PPAA SSlloouugghh--DDrryy NNAA CCrreeeekk PPeennaa WWaatteerrsshheedd CCrreeeekk WWaatteerrsshheedd D R Healdsburg BBrrooookkss Y CCrreeeekk--RRuussssiiaann C ! 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R i v e r R i v e r U p p e r S a n t a W a t e r s h e d 116 U p p e r S a n t a W a t e r s h e d «¬ Santa R o s a C r e e k R o s a C r e e k W a t e r s h e d GGrreeeenn VVaalllleeyy LLoowweerr LLaagguunnaa Rosa W a t e r s h e d CCrreeeekk DDee SSaannttaa 12 WWaatteerrsshheedd RRoossaa «¬ WWaatteerrsshheedd P a c i f i c O c e a n ! Sebastopol L a g u n a H S A S O N K E O E UUppppeerr LLaagguunnaa CR ! Rohnert Park M S N DDee SSaannttaa RRoossaa A AL C M O WWaatteerrsshheedd Cotati R ! E E K A K MERIC EE AN R K O C P E E T E A R L C UM Symbology A H R C IV N E Y County Boundaries R L Figure 1 SWRP Defined Sub-Regions Hydrologic Unit Code Boundaries Russian River Watershed Highways Hydrologic Sub-Areas Notes: 0 3 6 1. Subwatersheds shown are named after the HUC12 Russian River Watershed Association subwatershed name given to the main course of the Russian River. Miles Russian River Storm Water Resources Plan (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY) Russian River Watershed Association Memorandum, August 31, 2017 Page 4 BENEFICIAL USES OF WATERS IN THE RUSSIAN RIVER WATERSHED Water bodies are regulated based on “beneficial uses” defined by the NCRWQCB. The Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region outlines beneficial uses for the Russian River watershed.
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