MINISTERUL EDUCA łIEI, CERCET ĂRII, TINERETULUI ŞI SPORTULUI ANALELE UNIVERSIT Ăł II DIN ORADEA ISTORIE - ARHEOLOGIE TOM XX 2010 ANALELE UNIVERSIT Ăł II DIN ORADEA FASCICULA: ISTORIE-ARHEOLOGIE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: EDITORIAL STAFF: Acad. Ioan Aurel-POP (Cluj-Napoca) Editor-in-Chief: Barbu ŞTEF ĂNESCU Nicolae BOC ŞAN (Cluj-Napoca) Associate Editor : Antonio FAUR Ioan BOLOVAN (Cluj-Napoca) Executive Editor: Radu ROMÎNA ŞU Al. Florin PLATON (Ia şi) Members : Rudolf GÜNDISCH (Oldenburg) Sever DUMITRA ŞCU Toader NICOAR Ă (Cluj-Napoca) Roman HOLEC (Bratislava) Viorel FAUR Nicolae PETRENCU (Chi şin ău) Mihai DRECIN GYULAI Eva (Miskolc) Ioan HORGA Frank ROZMAN (Maribor) Ion ZAINEA Gheorghe BUZATU (Ia şi) Gabriel MOISA Ioan SCURTU (Bucure şti) Florin SFRENGEU Vasile DOBRESCU (Târgu Mure ş) Mihaela GOMAN BODO Edith Laura ARDELEAN Manuscrisele, c ărŃile, revistele pentru schimb, precum şi orice coresponden Ńă , se vor trimite pe adresa Colectivului de redac Ńie al Analelor Universit ăŃ ii din Oradea, Fascicula Istorie- Arheologie. The exchange manuscripts, books and reviews as well as any correspondence will be sent on the address of the Editing Staff. Les mansucsrits, les livres et les revues proposé pour échange, ainsi que toute corespondance, seront addreses adresses à la redaction. The responsibility for the content of the articles belongs to the author(s). The articles are published with the notification of the scientific reviewer. Redaction: Dr.ing. Elena ZIERLER (Oradea) Address of the editorial office: UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA Department of History Str. Universit ăŃ ii, nr. 1, 410087 Oradea, România Tel/ Fax (004) 0259 408167 e-mail: [email protected] The review is issued under the aegis of the University of Oradea ISSN 1453-3766 Cuprins ••• Content ••• Sommaire ••• Inhalt Alexandru SIMON Genoa, Venice and the Turk in the Black Sea Area ◄► Genoa, Vene Ńia şi Turcia în zona M ării Negre ………………..… ….5 Mihai GEORGI łĂ A Noble Family of Romanian Priests from Transylvania at the End of 17 th Century ◄► O familie nobil ă de preo Ńi români din Transilvania la sfâr şitul secolului al XVII-lea ..........….11 GYULAI Éva Invenissem si Vivissem - The Device of John of Hunyad Drawn by Ottavio da Strada, about 1585 ◄► Invenissem si Vivissem – Emblema lui Iancu de Hunedoara desenat ă de Ottavio da Strada în jurul anului 1591 …………………………………………………….… ...1 9 BODO Edith The Bihor County’s Abandoned Lands (Praedium) after the Theresian Urbarial Regulation ◄► Prediile bihorene dup ă reglementarea urbarial ă terezian ă .........................................................… .37 Emilia-Adina GALE Difficulties Incurred by the Elementary Education in Crisana Region during the 19 th Century ◄► Dificult ăŃ i ale înv ăŃă mântului elementar din Cri şana în secolul al XIX-lea .................…4 3 Andra ARMEAN The contribution of Native Transylvanians to Music Life ◄► Contribu Ńia transilv ănenilor la via Ńa muzical ă ...................... …53 Adrian DUME Some factors of development of viticulture in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries from Cri şana ◄► Factori de dezvoltare a viticulturii în secolele al XVIII-lea şi al XIX-lea în Cri şana ...................................................................................................….63 Marcos CÂMARA DE CASTRO, Ana Carla VANNUCCHI Music in Brazil: the Atlantic as a boundary ◄► Muzica în Brazilia: Oceanul Atlantic ca o grani Ńă …………………………………………………... …77 Barbu ŞTEF ĂNESCU Birth in the Sacal Orthodox Parish on the Eve of the 20 th Century ◄► Na şterea în parohia ortodox ă S ăcal la începutul secolului al XX-lea ..................................................................................…91 Daciana Monica ERZSE The Decline Of The British Conservative Party At The Beginning Of The 20 th Century ◄► Declinul Partidului Conservator Britanic la începutul secolului al XX-lea .......................... ..105 Radu ROMÎNA ŞU In the History of the Romanian Denominational Schools of Voivozi and Varviz at the Beginning of the 20 th Century ◄► Din istoricul şcolilor confesionale române şti din Voivozi şi Varviz la începutul secolului al XX-lea .................................................. .115 Ion ZAINEA Attempts at Regulating the Romanian-Hungarian Relations after the Trianon Treaty. Border Drawing on Ground and Commodities Dispensation. Case of the Former Bihor Committee ◄► Încerc ări de reglementare a raporturilor româno-ungare dup ă Trianon. Trasarea pe teren a frontierei şi împ ărŃirea bunurilor valorice. Cazul fostului Comitat Bihor ................................................... .125 Lilian ZAMFIROIU Consequences of the Peace Treaties (1919-1920) on the Romanian-Italian Relations ◄► Din consecin Ńele tratatelor de pace (1919-1920) asupra raporturilor româno-italiene ........................ .135 4 Gabriel MOISA Romanians’ Historiography in Hungary about the Beginnings of the Romanian Community in the Trianon Hungary ◄► Istoriografia românilor din Ungaria despre începuturile comunit ăŃ ii române şti în Ungaria trianonică ……………………………………….....147 Sever DUMITRA ŞCU , Mihaela CIOCA Roman Ciorogariu about Aurel Laz ăr’s Memory ◄► Roman Ciorogariu despre memoria lui Aurel Laz ăr ……………………………………………………………………...153 Monica POP Evolutionary Aspects of the British Press du ring the Interwar Period ◄► Aspecte ale evolu Ńiei presei britanice în perioada interbelic ă ................................................................................................. .157 Mihai D. DRECIN Bessarabia in Professor Victor Jinga’s Li fe and Memories ◄► Basarabia în via Ńa şi amintirile profesorului Victor Jinga ...........................................................................................................163 Klementina ARDELEAN Aspects of Beiu ş between 1940 and 1944 ◄► Aspecte din Beiu şul anilor 1940-1944 ...................................................... .171 Antonio FAUR Documentary testimonials regarding the treatment the romanian prisoners were subjected to in the german and hungarian camps (1944-1945) ◄► Mărturii documentare referitoare la tratamentul prizonierilor români din lag ărele germane şi maghiare …....177 Anca OLTEAN Historiographical Considerations Regarding the Situation of the Romanian and Hungarian Jews during the Period 1945 – 1953. Con sidera Ńii istoriografice privind situa Ńia evreilor din România şi Ungaria în perioada 1945-1953 ............................................................... 185 KOVACS József Ö The “Rationalization of Subjugation”: Communication Practices in Corre spondence in Hungary after 1956 ◄► “Ra Ńionalizarea supunerii”: practicile comunic ării în coresponden Ńa din Ungaria dup ă 1956 ......................................................201 Mihaela GOMAN Aspects of Constantin Daicoviciu’s Work with the Higher Commission for Diplomas ◄► Din activitatea lui Constantin Daicoviciu în cadrul Comisiei Superioare de Diplome ............................ 209 Clara Isabel SERRANO Augusto de Castro: “An Organic Intellectual” of Salazarism ◄► Augusto de Castro: un “intelectual constitutiv” al Salazarismului .............................................................................................217 Florin SFRENGEU “Gaudeamus - Alma Mater Crisiensis” Students’ Magazine of Cultural. The Establishment and the First Year of Issuing ◄► Revista studen Ńeasc ă de cultur ă „Gaudeamus - Alma Mater Crisiensis”. Înfiin Ńarea şi primul an de apari Ńie ........................................229 The Chronic of the Scientific Activity of the History Department in 2009 ◄► Cronica activit ăŃ ii ştiin Ńifice a Departamentului de Istorie pe anul 2009 (Radu Romîna şu) ....................................................................................... 237 Analele Universit ăŃ ii din Oradea, Seria Istorie, Tom XX, 2010 GENOA, VENICE AND THE TURK IN THE BLACK SEA AREA Alexandru SIMON Abstract: Venice attempts to end the Pontic monopoly of her Genoese rivals increased in number and in impact in the late 1420s and early 1430s in the context of the mounting tensions between the Republic of Saint Mark and the Otto-man Empire (the traditional protector of the Genoese in the East). These attempts were supported by the rapprochement initiated after years of con-flict between Venice and Buda (the traditional anti-Ottoman center of East-Central Europe), as well as by a significant decrease of Hungarian-Molda-vian hostilities (the Moldavian fought to diminish the control of the Geno-ese over their colonies which had come under Moldavia’s nominal rule). These evolutions set the stage for John Hunyadi’s later policy as well as for most of the later conflicts of the 1440s, when the eventual failure of anti- Ottoman crusading and of the Union of Florence helped to maintain the Pontic balance of power in favor of the Ottoman state and its associates. Keywords: Genoa, Venice, Ottoman Empire, Murad II, Moldavia, Crusade In the 1430s, Venice re-attempted to establish herself in the Black Sea. The Ottoman conquest of Thessalonica compelled her to look to the north. The glory days of the Genoese, the ‘rulers’ the Pontic area, often with Mus-lim (Ottoman, Tartar) support, seemed gone. Byzantium needed all the aid it could get. Venice had apparently also overcome the enduring adversity of Byzantium’s ‘western protector’ and Genoa’s traditional ally, Sigismund of Luxemburg. Buda, officially at peace with the Ottomans (1429-1437), and Krakow, since the 1380s on a predominantly pro- Ottoman political course, had difficulties in controlling their ‘eastern extensions’ to
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