WINCHESTER COMMON COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 AGENDA 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL MOMENT OF SILENCE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES – August 13, 2013 Regular Meeting, August 20, 2013 Work Session, and August 27, 2013 Work Session REPORT OF THE MAYOR REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER REPORT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 1.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.1 CU-13-372: Conditional Use Permit – Request of Morris & Ritchie Associates on behalf of the City of Winchester for a conditional use permit to construct a telecommunications tower at 700 Jefferson Street (Map Number 190-01-3) zoned Education, Institution and Public Use (EIP) District. (REQUIRES ROLL-CALL VOTE)(pages 4-54) 1.2 O-2013-25: Second Reading – AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE 8.523 ACRES OF LAND AT 1900 VALLEY AVENUE, 211 AND 301 WEST JUBAL EARLY DRIVE FROM LIMITED INDUSTRIAL (M-1), HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HR), AND HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL (B-2) DISTRICTS TO B-2 DISTRICT WITH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) OVERLAY RZ-13-196 (Proposed Jubal Square Development Plan) (REQUIRES ROLL-CALL VOTE)(pages 55-87) 1.3 CU-13-422: Conditional Use Permit – Request of Daniel T. Knight, Jr. for a conditional use permit for motor vehicle painting, upholstering, and body and fender work at 427 North Cameron Street (Map Number 173-01-K-1) zoned Commercial Industrial (CM-1) District. (REQUIRES ROLL-CALL VOTE)(pages 88-92) 1.4 O-2013-22: Second Reading – AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND RE- ADOPT SECTION 10-51 OF THE CITY CODE TO INCLUDE AN EXCEPTION FOR BLASTING OPERATIONS RELATED TO CEMETERY BURIAL OF DECEASED HUMAN REMAINS (Reduction of insurance requirement for blasting at cemeteries) (REQUIRES ROLL-CALL VOTE)(pages 93-96) 1.5 O-2013-24: Second Reading – AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE 44.44 ACRES AT 2410 AND 2416 PAPERMILL ROAD (Map Numbers 272-01-8 AND 291- 02-A-B) FROM INTENSIVE INDUSTRIAL (M-2) DISTRICT TO HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL (B-2) DISTRICT RZ-13-289 (Proposed rezoning for the former Federal Mogul property)(REQUIRES ROLL-CALL VOTE)(pages 97-102) 1.6 O-2013-23: Second Reading – AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL SECTION 26-7 OF THE WINCHESTER CITY CODE WHICH WOULD ELIMINATE THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE PROPERTY OWNER OR OCCUPIER TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO THEIR PROPERTY (with the exception of snow removal) (REQUIRES ROLL-CALL VOTE)(pages 103-108) 1.7 CU-13-361: Conditional Use Permit – Request of Shenandoah Mobile, LLC for a conditional use permit to construct a telecommunications tower at 2633 Papermill Road (Map Number 291-01-7) zoned Commercial Industrial (CM-1) District. (REQUIRES ROLL-CALL VOTE)(pages 109-115) 1.8 R-2013-42: Resolution – Approval of Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (pages 116-137) 2.0 PUBLIC COMMENTS 3.0 CONSENT AGENDA 3.1 O-2013-27: First Reading: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA, IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $27,000,000, TO FINANCE THE COSTS OF CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (pages 138-141) 3.2 O-2013-28: First Reading – AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND RE-ENACT ARTICLES 1, 8, 9, 10, AND 13 OF THE WINCHESTER ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO RESTAURANTS AND ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS. TA-13-146 (pages 142-151) 3.3 O-2013-29: First Reading - AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 41.5 ACRES OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 86 PARCELS, EITHER IN FULL OR IN PART, TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CORRIDOR ENHANCEMENT (CE) DISTRICT; SUBJECT PARCELS ARE ADJACENT TO, OR WITHIN 400 FEET OF, THE BERRYVILLE AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY RZ-13-380 (Establishes a Corridor Enhancement District along Berryville Avenue)(pages 152-159) 3.4 O-2013-30: First Reading – AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE 1.295 ACRES OF LAND AT 1720 VALLEY AVENUE (Map Number 231-04-K-8A) FROM HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL (B-2) DISTRICT WITH CORRIDOR ENHANCEMENT (CE) DISTRICT OVERLAY TO B-2 DISTRICT WITH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AND CE DISTRICT OVERLAY. RZ-13-292 (Redevelopment plan for the former Coca-Cola plant)(pages 160- 170) 3.5 O-2013-14: First Reading – AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT ARTICLES 18, 21, AND 23 OF THE WINCHESTER ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO SIGNS, VIOLATION AND PENALTY, FEES, AND CORRIDOR ENHANCEMENT TA-13-138 (Revision to temporary sign provisions and permit requirements)(pages 171-188) 3.6 R-2013-39: Resolution – Adoption of the Street Maintenance Master Plan to be used as the City’s guide for future street maintenance program (pages 189-212) 3.7 R-2013-40: Resolution – Approval to create a formal policy for Council review and approval of grant applications (pages 213-217) 3.8 R-2013-43: Resolution – Request for submission of application for the SAFER Grant (pages 218-220) 4.0 AGENDA 4.1 Motion to appoint _____________ and _____________ as members of the Handley Board of Trustees each to a six year term expiring June 30, 2019 4.2 Motion to appoint ______________ as the parent representative to the Community Policy and Management Team 4.3 Motion to appoint ____________ as a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals to an unexpired term ending July 31, 2014 4.4 Motion to appoint ______________ as a member of the Social Services Advisory Board for an unexpired four year term ending March 31, 2015 5.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION 5.1 MOTION TO CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO §2.2- 3711(A)(7) OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING LEGAL ADVICE AND STATUS UPDATE FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LEGAL CONSULTATION REGARDING THE SUBJECT OF SPECIFIC LEGAL MATTERS REQUIRING THE PROVISION OF LEGAL ADVICE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY AND MATTERS OF ACTUAL OR PROBABLE LITIGATION 6.0 ADJOURNMENT I — C N I A IROPOSED CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF: 8/27/13 (work session), CUT OFF I)ATE: 8/21/13 9/1 0/1 3 (renular rnt RESOLUTION ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING X ITEM TITLE: CU-13-372 Request of Morris & Ritchie Associates on behalf of the City of Winchester for a conditional use permit to construct a telecommunications tower at 700 Jefferson Street 1 Number 190-0] (Ma -3,) zoned Education, Institution and Public Use (EIP) District. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions PUBLIC NOTICE AND HEARING: Public hearing for 9/10/1 3 Council meeting ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission recommended appro al with conditions FUNDING DATA: N/A INSURANCE: N/A The initiating Department Director will place below, in sequence of transmittal, the names of each department that must initial their review in order for this item to he placed on the City Council agenda. INITIALS FOR INITIALS FOR DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL DATE 1. Planning 2. Emergency Management 3. City Attorney 9? Z/2t’i2 4. City Manager 22—/3 5. Clerk of Council Initiating Department Director’s Signature:_______________________________ 4 CITY COUNCIL ACTION MEMO I I To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Aaron Grisdale, Director of Zoning and Inspections L. A. Miller, Emergency Management Coordinator Date: August 21, 2013 September 5, 2013 Update Re: Conditional Use Permit (CU-13-372) — Public Safety Communications Tower THE ISSUE: Request for CUP for installation of a new public safety communications tower at 700 Jefferson Street. RELATIONSHIP TO STRATEGIC PLAN: Goal #2 — Develop a High Performing Organization, Goal #4 Create a More Livable City for All, Management in Progress (2013-2014) — Public Safety Communications System Provide City Council with information relating to the utilization of an alternate site located at Winchester Medical Center. BACKGROUND: City staff has received a conditional use permit application for the construction of a 237-foot radio communications tower on City owned property at 700 Jefferson Street. This request is part of the required upgrades to the City’s public safety communication system that has been in the development stages for several years. (Full staff report is attached). See attached Information from Motorola and Staff Report BUDGET IMPACT: No funding is required. Alternate tower site will reflect cost increase. See attached from Motorola Solutions OPTIONS: - Approve with conditions recommended by the Planning Commission - Approve with revised conditions - Deny the application - Consider utilization of alternate site RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Commission and recommend approval with conditions as noted within the staff report on a 4-2 vote. 5 SUPPLEMENTAL STAFF REPORT PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS TOWER ALTERNATE SITE EVALUATION - WINCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER CAMPUS THE ISSUE: Provide City Council with requested information relating to the utilizing an alternate location for the erection of the City’s proposed Public Safety Communications Tower. Develop background information based on identified site on Winchester Medical Center Campus. BACKGROUND: During the Council Work Session of August 27, 2013 Council requested an analysis of an alternate site for the erection of the proposed Public Safety Communications Tower be conducted. Council specifically identified a site on the campus of the Winchester Medical Center be considered in lieu of the proposed site at 700 Jefferson Street. Motorola Solutions, Teltronics, R. L. Kimball and city staff proceeded with the analysis including locating a probable site for the tower on the campus of Winchester Medical Center. Propagation studies were performed to identify the specifications of the tower enabling compliance with the system’s performance standards, consideration of cost differential that may be associated with the alternate site, identification of the impact on project schedule and other items such as zoning were for the alternate site. Attached for review and consideration are the following items: > Cover letter crafted by Motorola Solutions Table 1 created by Motorola Solutions addressing estimated pricing and projected schedule modification.
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