7860 CONGRESSIONAL ~ ~ECORD-SENATE. AUGUST 23, order, and even the adoption of these general rules for the government JOHN W. REYNOLDS-VETO MESSAGE. of the House can not rescind it. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following Mr. BUCHANAN. And it was never intended to do so. message from the President of the United States: which was read: Mr. O'NEILL, of Pennsylvania. No. To the Senate: . Mr. WILSON, of Minnesota, was recognized, but yielded to Mr. I return without approval Senate bill No. 1542, entitled "An act granting a. BURNES. pension to John W . Reynolds." Mr. BURNES. 1\Ir. Chairman, in order to test the judgment of the The bill describes this beneficiary as being" late of the One hundred and fifty­ sev-enth Ohlo Volunteer Infantry." committee, I ask unanimous consent that the session may be continued He filed a claim in 1872 that he was a. deputy United States provos~mn.rshal for half an hour, at the end of which time the Chairman shall pass for the Twelfth Ohio district from October, 1864, to 1\Iarch, 1865, and that in De­ upon the point of order. cember, 1864, whlle ascending a stairway to arrest two deserters who had been -drafted, a barrel of cider was rolled down upon him, by which he was severely Ur. BLAND. We have the whole fall to discuss this matter, sow by injured. need we extend the session to-day? [Laughter.] The claim having been rejected on the ground that the claimant was not en· Mr.,BURNES. Then I move that the committee rise. titled to a pension as a civil employe of the Government, he afterwards, and in January, 1888, informed the bureau that he was drafted in November, 1864, The motion was agreed to. while serving as assistant deputv provost-ma.rshal, and was sworn in and re­ The committee accordingly rose; and Mr. McCREARY having taken served for home duty, and wa~ discharged from the One hundred and fifty-first the chair as Speaker pr.o tempore, Mr. SPRINGER, from the Committee Ohio Volunteers. The records of the War Department show tbatJohn W. Rey­ nolds served in the One hundred and fifty-first Ohio Regiment from May 2,1864, of the Whole, reported that they had bad under consideration the bill to August 27, 1864. (H. R. 10896) making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appro­ It is perfectly apparent that this beneficiary was injured whlle acting as a dep­ priations for the fiscal year ending J nne 30, 1888, and for prior years, uty a~:sistant provost-marshal, arresting deserters t'or the pay and rewards al­ lowed him, and that his injuries were not at all connected with actual military and for other purposes, and bad come to no resolution thereon. service. The House then, on motion of Mr. KILGORE (at 4 o'clock and 55 GROVER OLEVELAND. minutes p.m.), adjourned. EXECl:TIVE l\IANsw~. Augusl22, 1888. The PRESIDENT pro tempm·e. Shall the bill pass, the objections of PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED. the President of the United States to the contrary notwithstanding? Mr. DAVIS. I move that the bill, with the accompanying message, Under the ruie private bills of.tbe following titles were introduced be referred to the Committee on Pensions, and printed. and referred as indicated below: The motion was agreed to. By Mr. CLARDY: A bill (H. R. 11249) amendatory of an act au­ JA thorizing the construction of a bridge over the Mississippi River at St. !ESE. KABLER-VETO MESSAGE. Louis, :Mo., approved Feb:mary 3, 1887-to the Committee on Com­ The PRESIDENT pro tempo1·e laid before the Senate the following merce. message from the President of the United States; which was read: By Mr. LIND: A bill (H. R. 11250) granting a pension to Braddock To the Senate: F. Stocking-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. !"return without approval Senate bill No. 2Gl6, entitled ".An act granting a pen­ sion to James E. Kabler." By Mr. LODGE: A bill (H. R. 11251) for the relief .of William W. Thls beneficiary enlisted August 10, 1862. He is reported as absent uick tor .neck-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. November and December,1862; present for January and February, 1863; on the By Mr. McCREARY: A bill (H. R. 11252) for the relief of James rolls for .1\fa.rch and April he is reported as deserted, and for 1\Iay and June as under arrest. On the 17th of September, 1863, after having been in the service a Clark-to the Committee on War Claims. little over a year, he was mustered out with his company with the remark," Ab­ sent without leave and returned to duty with loss of fifty-two days' pay by order of Genera.l. Boyle." The charge of desertion does not oppear to have been re· PETITIONS, ETC. moved. He filed a claim for pension in 1870 on account of quinsy alleged to have been The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, contracted about December 7,1862, with some evidence to support the claim. under the rule, and referred as follows: Three medical examinations fail to establish the existence of this disease in a pensionable degree, and it is reported to me from the Pension Burean that in By Mr. DOUGHERTY: Petition for the extension of the Govern­ March,l882, the family physicifi¥ of the beneficiary stated tl1at though he had ment telegraph line from Jupiter, Fla., to a point on Lake Worth-to practiced in his family for eight or nine years, he had no recollection of treat­ the Committee on Military Affairs. ing him for quinsy or any other disease. It seems to me that neither the service nor the alleged disability of this bene­ By Mr. McCOMAS: Petition of F. 0. Medley, for payment of his ficiary are of a meritorious character. war claim-to the Committee on War Claims. GROVER CLEVELAND. By 1\fr. MACDONALD: Petition of 40 citizens of the Third district EXECUTIVE l\IANSIO~, August 22,1883. of Minnesota, for prohibition in the District of Columbia-to the Select The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Shall the bill pass, the objections Committee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. of the President of the United States to the contrary notwithstanding? By Mr. P A YSOH: Petition of Job E. Me~gnier, ofLi vingston County, Mr. DAVIS. I move that the bill and message bo referred to the illinois, for an increase of pension-to the Committee on Pensions. Committee on Pensions, and printed. The motion was agreed to. P. E. PARKER-VETO MESSAGE. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following SENATE. message from the President of the United States; which was read: THURSDAY, To the Senate: August 23, 1888. I return without approval Senate bill No. 3038, enlitled "An act for the relief of P. E. Parker." The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. Mr. Parker was a surety with six other pei'sons upon an official bond given Prayer by Rev. A. W. PITZER, D. D., of the city of Washington. by one Franklin Travis; fl. collector of internal revenue, which bond was dated The Journal of yesterday's pro<;eedings was read and approved. on the !lth dayofl\Iay, 18G7. A few years after that the collector became a. de­ fauller to the Government for something over l,l27,000. Suit was commenced SARAH C. ANDERSON-VETO MESSAGE. against the sureties upon the bond, and the defense was pre nted in their be­ half that by reason of the imposition of new duties and responsibilities upon The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following the collector after the execution of the bond, his sureties were relea ed. Judg­ ment however, pa sed against them, and the property of the beneficiary named message from the President of the United States; which was read: in this bill was sold upon said judgment, for the sum of $2,366.95. But only To the Senate : $1,793.16 of such amonnt was paid into the United States Treasury, the remo.in­ der having been applied to the payment of fees u.nd expenses. I return wit.ho :~ t approval Senate bill No. 23i0, entitled "An net granting a After the application of this sum to the payment of the judgment., a bill was pension to Sarah C. Anderson and children under sixteen years of age." pas ed by the Congress relieving all these sureties from liability upon the bond. William H. Anderson, the husband and the father of the beneficiaries named It appem·s that the amount above stated was a.l.l the money colle_cte<l thereupon. in this bill, enli ted on the 27th day of August, 1862, and is reported as sick or The grnntof the relief of these sureties by the Congress apparently was ti.Je same absent n. lnrge part of his short tum of service. He was discharged April 23, interposed by them to the suit in which the judgment was recovered. 1863, to date November 5, 1862, on a surgeon's certificate of di!!ability for "ter­ The present bill directs the Secretary·of the Treasury to pay to the surety, tiu.ry syphilis, with ulcerated throat and extensive nodes on the tibia of both Parker, the sum of$2,336.95, the entire amount for whlch his property w Rs sold, legs." though the Senate committee, to which the bill was referred, reported in favor He never filed nn application for pension; he was admitted to an insane asy­ of reducing this sum to $1,793.16, the amount actually received by the United lum in September, 1883, suffering with epilepsy, chronic diarrhea, and demen­ States upon its indebtedness.
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