The Laboratory of the Atomic Age Edward Teller ll of us hope that, in the long New Mexico would be an ideal place ongoing liberalism in the old sense run, the energy of the atomic to develop weapons. That remark of the word, that is, an unques- A n nucleus will be used struck me as rather peculiar at the tioned—perhaps even unnoticed— only for peaceful purposes. After a time because it wasn’t until a year tolerance of widely different ideas. half century of nuclear explosives later that Fermi made the final deci- Another remarkable fact about Los and nuclear reactors, the practical sion to emigrate from Fascist Italy Alamos is the uniformity of the effect of the former has been more to the United States. standard of living of its residents. important, both in our thinking and When we arrived in Los Alamos There are no very rich and no very in our expenditures. The existence in late March of 1943, we found a poor. Perhaps this characterization of nuclear weapons has had a decid- striking contrast between the beauti- of Los Alamos sounds too good to ed influence on human affairs. Los ful mountain surroundings and the be true, but I think such praise is Alamos, since its beginnings in dreary, green, barracks-like build- not unfounded. In large part, this March 1943, has been a unique ings in which we were going to live liberal environment is attributable place, distinguished both by its na- and work. Today, nothing is left of to the founder of Los Alamos, ture as a community and its continu- those early structures. After the Robert Oppenheimer. ing influence on world history. I Second World War, people were Los Alamos National Laboratory, will speak to several aspects of both permitted to own the houses in together with its sister laboratory in characteristics. which they lived, and the once uni- Livermore, California, is currently In 1938, Enrico Fermi, my wife, form dwellings were replaced by a near the center of a great controver- Mici, and I were planning to drive beautiful variety. sy. On one side, it can be claimed from Stanford, California to the East Los Alamos is different from all that the efforts undertaken by the Coast. I clearly remember Oppen- other communities not only in ap- weapons laboratories won the Cold heimer’s suggestion that we stop on pearance but also in spirit. It was War and are ultimately responsible the way and spend some time in founded by scientists, and through- for the collapse of the Soviet Union. New Mexico. Even more particular- out its existence, has been led by If even a small portion of this claim ly, I remember Fermi’s remark that scientists. The result has been an is justified, the implied effect on 32 Los Alamos Science Number 21 1993 The Laboratory of the Atomic Age world history is most important— spontaneous fission would trigger a United States to retain great influ- particularly because expenditures on diverging chain of nuclear-fission re- ence in world affairs during the fol- nuclear weapons amounted to rough- actions, and a premature explosion of lowing half century. It was, in my ly only 3 percent of the United far lower energy-yield, that is, a fiz- opinion, an unprecedented situation States military budget over the past zle, would result. It was not many in history: that low-cost military half century and, even more so, be- months afterwards that the complete power should become available and cause the Cold War was won without concept of the solution appeared: an nonetheless not be used for con- any significant loss of life. On the elaborate spherical assembly of the quest, or for the imposition of our other side of this argument, it is fissile material wrapped in “lenses” of wishes in general, but rather for the claimed that we would be better off chemical high explosive, the operation sole purpose of deterrence, stability, had we never created atomic bombs, of which would result in substantial and peace on a global scale. and, now that the Cold War is over, compression of the “incompressible” In the meantime, the development we may forget about them forever. plutonium (or uranium). of nuclear weapons in the Soviet I intend to address this controver- The implementation of this con- Union, Great Britain, France, China, sy at some length as well as its rele- cept required a great deal of refine- India, Israel, and Pakistan is proof vance to the future of the weapons ment of both the techniques for han- that the technology to make nuclear laboratories. But to discuss the fu- dling chemical explosives and the weapons is there to be used by any- ture, we must first consider the past. calculations required for reliable esti- body. The detailed facts about such The most important accomplish- mates of the performance of the de- developments have been kept secret ment of Los Alamos was the con- sign. The result was the experimental and can therefore not be quoted. struction of atomic bombs in the two production of unprecedented pres- But in the special case of Iraq, a years and four months from the sures, exceeding even those that we commission of the United Nations founding of the Laboratory to the knew existed at the center of the has investigated, in an open manner, test in Alamagordo. Before this his- earth. In a period of twenty-eight the work of Saddam Hussein’s tory-making period I had been work- months, several new branches of ex- regime. They found not only that ing in the Manhattan Project labora- perimental physics and numerous cal- Iraq was within a few years of hav- tory in Chicago, which was code- culational techniques were opened up. ing nuclear weapons but also that named the Metallurgical Laboratory, All this was made possible by the these developments had required the and while there I saw a lot of my skillful leadership of Oppenheimer. expenditure of billions of dollars good friend Eugene Wigner. I had That we “created” the atomic and the work of more than twenty come to learn that he was almost al- bomb is not an entirely correct state- thousand remarkably well-trained ways right, and he strongly advised ment. The atomic bomb had been Iraqis in addition to the importation me not to go to the new Los Alamos long since predicted by Leo Szilard, of a great deal of equipment and laboratory. The only difficulty, ac- and it would have been developed, supporting technology. The UN cording to Wigner, was the produc- in any case, in the next one to two commission’s findings have under- tion of the needed nuclear explosive decades. That the nuclear explo- mined two opposing myths: First, material, that is, plutonium. Once sives were made available in time to that a nuclear explosive could be se- we had enough of that, he asserted, write a favorable conclusion to the cretly developed and completed in it would be easy and obvious to put Second World War is the great ac- someone’s garage, and second, that together an atomic bomb. For once complishment of Los Alamos. secrecy will stop the proliferation of Wigner was completely wrong. In fact, the early availability of nuclear weapons. Just a few weeks after we arrived in nuclear explosives and the subse- After the Second World War, Op- Los Alamos, Emilio Segré discovered quent possession of an overwhelm- penheimer’s slogan concerning Los spontaneous fission, a most important ing military force at a continuing Alamos was, “Let us give it back to and unwanted source of neutrons. cost of a small fraction of 1 percent the Indians.” To his great credit This discovery meant that as we tried of our gross national product (count- Norris Bradbury, as the first postwar to assemble the fissile material into a ing only the essential nuclear explo- director of Los Alamos, prevented configuration that would result in a sives on which this force was cen- that from happening. As for the fur- nuclear explosion, the neutrons from tered) have made it possible for the ther development of nuclear explo- 1993 Number 21 Los Alamos Science 33 The Laboratory of the Atomic Age sives, Oppenheimer’s attitude was up and, soon thereafter, are realized. With the passage of many years, it summarized in the statement he While some people may believe we has become quite clear that the hy- made to me in the fall of 1945, “We are fast approaching “the end of his- drogen bomb played an important did a wonderful job and it will be tory,” I still find myself in agree- role in the national military posture many years before anybody can im- ment with Plato: “Only the dead of both the United States and the So- prove on it.” have seen the end of war.” viet Union. I have had the privilege After the war I left Los Alamos to Although Bradbury took a strong of meeting some of the Russian sci- go to the University of Chicago, but stand on advancing the development entists who worked on nuclear I came back for frequent visits. In of fission weapons, he nevertheless weapons. Most important was An- the summer of 1946, I traveled to considered the development of the drei Sakharov, who is credited with Albuquerque to participate in dis- hydrogen bomb to be either an im- the development of the hydrogen cussions with the military regarding possibility or, at best, a challenge bomb in the Soviet Union and who further developments of nu- later became an exception- clear weapons.
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