The Preparatory Survey for Final Report Urban Transport Development Project in São Paulo CHAPTER 5 PROJECT SCOPE 5.1 DESIGN CRITERIA AND POLICY FOR CIVIL WORKS Following design policy is established and applied for the project design of civil works, based on the site reconnaissance and discussions with SPTrans. 5.1.1 Route alignments Connect with beginning point, end point and transfer stations required by the demand forecast and transport planning Avoid removal of established cemetery, university, school, important churches which have negative impacts in social environment Design flexible alignment, utilizing steep slope and small radius (advantage of Monorail) if necessary to match with the terrain condition of São Paulo Take into account existing development plans Minimize relocation/removal of utility structures such as buried pipes, high voltage lines, grade separated crossing structures, elevated structures Evaluate carefully the possibility of the relocation of number of houses particularly illegal occupation because São Paulo city is implementing restructuring of land use in parallel with other development projects such as transport Consider landscape aspects Evaluate possibility of repercussion during the construction work 5.1.2 Civil structures Generally the design shall be done in accordance with ABNT (ASSOCIACAO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TECNICA) standard in Brazil Provide access-friendly stations for all the uses. Provide attractive appearance for users and society. 5.1.3 Applicable design standards (1) Geometric Design MLIT - Structure design standard for urban monorail (2) Geo Technical Investigation ABNT NBR 6484 -Sondagens de simples reconhecimento com SPT - Metodo de ensaio (Soil -Standard penetration test - SPT - Soil sampling and classification - Test method) (3) Earthworks ABNT NBR 7182 - Solo - Ensaio de compactacao (Soil . Compaction Test Method) ABNT NBR 7185 Solo - Determinacao da massa especifica aparente, “in situ”, com emprego dofrasco de areia (Soil. Determination of apparent specific mass, on site, with the application of sand bottle) ABNT NBR8044 - Projeto geotecnico (Geotechnical Design) ABNT NBR9061 - Seguranca de escavacao a ceu aberto (Open Excavation Safety) ABNT NBR11682 - Estabilidade de taludes (Slope stability). Page 5-1 The Preparatory Survey for Final Report Urban Transport Development Project in São Paulo (4) Foundations ABNT NBR6122 - Projeto e execucao de fundacoes (Foundations - Design and construction -Procedure) ABNT NBR12131- Estacas - Prova de carga estatica - Metodo de ensaio (Piles - Static Load ABNT NBR12655 Concreto de cimento Portland - Preparo, controle e recebimento - Procedimento Test - Procedure) ABNT NBR13208 - Estacas - Ensaio de carregamento dinamico (Dynamic testing piles - Methodof test); (5) Concrete Structure ABNT NBR6118 - Projeto de Estruturas de Concreto Procedimento (Design of structural concrete - Procedure) ABNT NBR6489 - Prova de carga direta sobre terreno de fundacao (Foundation Ground Direct Load Test); ABNT NBR9062 Projeto e execucao de estruturas de concreto pre-moldado (Project of execution of pre-stressed concrete elements) ABNT NBR12654 - Controle Tecnologico de Materiais Componentes do Concreto .Procedimento (Technological Control of Concrete Component Materials - Procedure); ABNT NBR12655 Concreto de cimento Portland - Preparo, Controle e Recebimento .Procedimento (Portland Cement Concrete . preparation, control and acceptance -Procedure); ABNT NBR14931- Execucao de Estruturas de Concreto - Procedimento (Execution of concrete structures - Procedure) ABNT NBR15200 - Projeto de estruturas de concreto em situacao de incendio- Fire design of concrete structures (6) Steel Structure ABNT NBR-8800 Projeto de estruturas de aco e de estruturas mistas de aco e concreto de edificios (Project of structures made of steel and concrete-steel mixed structures) ABNT NBR-6123 Forcas devidas ao vento em edificacoes (Forces due to wind on buildings) ASTM, JIS shall be supplementary applied. (7) Fire Prevention ABNT NBR6135 Chuveiros automaticos para extincao de incendio (Showers, automatic extingishing) ABNT NBR8681 Acoes e seguranca nas estruturas – Procedimento (Actions and security structures - Procedure) ABNT NBR9077 Saidas de emergencia em edificios (Emergency exits of buildings) ABNT NBR11742 Porta corta-fogo para saida de emergencia (Fire doors) ABNT NBR11785 Barra antipanico - Requisitos ABNT NBR13435 Sinalizacao de seguranca contra incendio e panico ABNT NBR13768 Acessorios destinados a porta corta-fogo para saida de emergencia - Requisitos ABNT NBR14880 Saidas de emergencia em edificios - Escadas de seguranca - Controle de fumaca- Procedimento ABNT NBR14432 Exigencias de resistencia ao fogo de elementos construtivos de edificacoes –Procedimento Page 5-2 The Preparatory Survey for Final Report Urban Transport Development Project in São Paulo (8) Station design (Barrier free design) DECRETO No 5.296 DE 2 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2004 (Barrier Free low in Brazil ) ABNT NBR-9050 Acessibilidade a edificacoes, mobiliario, espacos e equipamentos urbanos (Accessibility to buildings, furniture, spaces and urban equipment) ABNT NBR-13994 NBRNM313 Elevadores de passageiros - Requisitos de seguranca para construcao e instalacao - Requisitos particulares para a acessibilidade das pessoas, incluindo pessoas com deficiencia (Passenger lifts - Safety requirements for construction and installation - Particular requirements for accessibility for persons including persons with disabilities) Japanese barrier free standard shall be supplementary applied. 5.1.4 Design controls of route alignment Major design controls are identified through the site visits of each route. Following tables show identified design controls by route. Line-2A is divided into two sub-sections in order to make a comparison of two route alternatives namely Original (M’boi corridor) route and Area development route. Orange lines are the selected alignments. Table 5-1 List of Design Controls (1) (Line-1) No. Location Item Description/Counter measures 1 Km0+000 Connection with Line-2A Connect smoothly with Line-2A (certain length of tangent should be provided for operation purpose) 2 Km0+000 Location of Terminal Connect smoothly with Jardim Ângela terminal 3 Km0+020 M Boi Mirim Avoid influence in the existing traffic 4 Km0+000~Km0+300 Steep slope Existing road has approximately 10% down slope. Underground structure is designated together with Jardim Angela terminal. Vertical alignment should be less than maximum slope established in design criteria 5 Km0+000~Km0+600 Narrow road Existing road width is 10-12m. Try to acquire only one side of road to avoid total removal of the existing commercial Take into consideration a road project planned by DERSA 6 Km0+600~Km1+850 Narrow road Existing road width is 10-12m. Minimize the land acquisition. Try to acquire only one side of road to avoid total removal of the existing commercial 7 Km0+750 School and Church (left) Avoid 8 Km1+000 High Voltage Line Avoid 9 Km1+200~Km3+200 River Try to utilize river space 10 Km1+800~Km2+150 Hill Compare with option to use river 11 Km2+400 Hospital (AMA) Avoid 12 Km3+200~Km4+100 Ave. Ellis Maas Busy road 13 Km3+200~EP Ave. Carlos Caldeira Spacious road Filho (River) 14 Km3+550~Km4+100 Line 5 depot Avoid 15 Km4+100~EP Estrada Itapecerica Busy road (bus corridor) W=37.0 16 Km4+100 Metro Line 5 Capao Provide easy transfer to the Metro line Redondo Station 17 EP (Km4+200) Estrada Itapecerica Consider further extension of monorail line to Campo Limpo and Vila Sonia 18 Capelinha bus terminal Consider connection by bus operation Source: JICA Study Team Page 5-3 The Preparatory Survey for Final Report Urban Transport Development Project in São Paulo Slope over 10% Hill Public Metro Line Ave. Carlos Caldeira Road width 10~12m Hospital 5 depot Filho (along river) School and Church on left side L2A High Voltage Line Estrada Itepecerica METRO Line 5 Capelinha bus Terminal Jardim Ângela River (Favela (w=37m) Capao Redondo terminal (Connection Line-2A) along the river) Bus corridor station Source: JICA Study Team Figure 5-1 Design Control of Line-1 Table 5-2 List of Design Controls (2) (Line-2A – 1/2) No. Location Item Description/Counter measures Option 1 (Original Route: Along Estrada M’Boi Mirim) 1 Km0+000 Location of Terminal Connect smoothly with Jardim Ângela terminal 2 Km0+000 Hospital Jardim Ângela Secure distance 3 Km0+600 Water tank Avoid 4 Km0+000~Km0+800 Hill Minimize the impact 4 Km0+900~Km5+300 Estrada M’Boi Mirim W=25m average (refer to the typical cross section) 5 Km0+800 Estacion de Transferencia High demand/ Provide station at appropriate location Jardim Angela 6 Km1+750 Symbolic tree Avoid 7 Km2+500 Municipal School C.E.E Clube da Turma Avoid / Provide station at appropriate location 8 Km2+800 High retaining wall for H=9m with earth anchors. Avoid modification M’Boi Mirim 9 Km3+500 Small radius of curve Employ horizontal curve in accordance with design criteria 10 Km4+000~Km4+250 Steep slope Existing road has over 10% down slope. / Limit the gradient under the maximum gradient by changing the height of piers. 11 Km4+200 Small radius of curve Employ horizontal curve in accordance with design criteria Option 2 (Area development route) 1 Km0+000 Location of Terminal Connect smoothly with Jardim Ângela terminal 2 Km0+000 Hospital Jardim Angera Secure distance 3 Km0+800 Water tank Avoid 4 Km1+000~Km1+400 Steep slope Existing road has over 10% down slope. / Limit the gradient under the maximum
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