Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons The Maine Broadcaster Local History Collections 3-1947 The Maine Broadcaster : March 1947 (Vol. 3, No. 3) Maine Broadcasting System (WCSH Portland, ME) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/mainebroadcaster TBE MAINE BROADCASTER Affiliate PUBLISHED AS AN AID TO BETTER RADIO LISTENING Vol. I I I , No. 3 Por tland, Maine, March, 1947 Price, Five Cents .MeBS TO AIR HIGH SCHOOL HOOP FINALS Former Lewiston Girl 'Featured East And West Playoffs, Championship Tilt Booked On NBC's Borge-Goodman Progran1 Thousands of M uinc basket.):,a!I de~ 'l'his game will be aired by \ VLBZ, votccs urrnblc• to attend the scctionu I l3nngor and WHDO. Aug11sta. Hal play.offs and finals nf the State ln­ Dyl'r, WCSII sportscaster, will ossist Jeannie Mcl(eon tcrsc:holastic Basketball tournament, J\fornn in Portland, while Eddie Owen M,m.:h 8 and 15 respectively, will be of the WLBZ stall' will work with Mc­ In Great Demand nhle to IH'or piny-by-piny accounts of Keroun nt Orono. As i.n years past, the contests over the three stations of the broadca.sts will ,be sponsored by On West Coast tbe Maine Broadcasting System. This Cole Express of Bangor and l'ortland. year, for the first time, Eastern and Take a pretty girl-preferably a Moran will have the ussip:nment on Western play-offs or scmi-linnl con­ March 15 in the State championship Maine girl-add a lovely voice, a won­ tests, will he hrondcast on the same derfu.l disposiition, ,enthusiasm and gmne when the East<'rn and "\Vestern evening. To serve scctio1111l interests, victors meet ut Orono. This will b·e an expert kuowledgc of music ... and the MeBS nel\,;rork will be "split". aired over all three stations, and you have one of the top song stylists Jack Mor11n, regular Mc:BS sports of WAGM,Presque Isle, will he tied in the USA ... Jeannie McKean. She's reporter, will be in Porthrnd for the the former Lewiston girl who recently if a northern Maine team is involve<l, Western pluy-off at the Exposition bus Ileen assigned the featured it i.s unders tood. Buililinf?, March 8. to be Hired by vocalist spot in the Victor Borge ,vcsH. On the same ('VCning, .rack Starting t ime of the games probably Show starring Benny Goodman heard McKernnn, Ba.ogor News sports eclitor. will be 8 o'clock. The officfol time over Maine's three NBC station8 Mon­ will hundle the play-by.piny nccount will ,be announced in advance by the day evenings at 9.80. of the Eastern /il'mi-flnnl from the tlrroo stutions, and will IJc p11blisbetl Born Je11,11 CoUius in Fall River, University of Mnine gym, Orono. in daily newspapers. MllSs., she spent most of her growing­ up years in Lewiston, where her family still resides. J eannie early de­ veloped an interest in singing and Composer, Conductor Hourly News And piano. While attending the Univer­ sity of Maine, sht: found that her voice Frank Black Fame Airport Weather was to mean more to her than con­ tinued study of chemistry, so she Aired transferred to the New England Con­ By WRDO servatory of Music. WRDO has recently instituted two Soon after gradu11,tion she found new service~ to aeeomodatc listeners herself with a radio Jlrogram in Bos­ and bring them up to dute on daily ton, IJut singing classical music. items thut affect their news know­ 'l'hrough her work there, CBS \Jecume ledge of thci r per~onu l plans. interested and gave her a spot in a Supplementing the schcclule of 16 network v11rlety show on the condition daily 1H'wsc11sts, the WRDO mannge- sbe swilcn to jlupufr1r music, whlc1! 1nent has adcled a "news l,ricf'' on the she did. Jn fact it suited her voice hour, <!Very hrrnr. Cogniznnl thtll better in the long run, a1Jcl she quick­ news i~ in the muking e1'ery minute ly developed her OWll styling whicl1 of <·very cluy, W RDO provides the­ has ct1rricd her well along the roud to news brief to bring lisknei·s up-to­ wide recognition. Next stop was New thc-minute covern~c of history-making York for Stage Door Canteen und J eannie McKeon, former Lewiston girl and University of Maine student, Cl'l'nls as they occur. The news brief later she wns given her own show on now featured on the Victor Borge Show starring Benny Goodman, Monday is the vl'ry lutc~t story from WRDO's the Blue 1wtwork. nights over the NBC network. news wires- whctlwr it originates in Next came an NBC offer for the M 11.ine, or lhc nalior\ or hcyond the J aek Kirkwood show. She accepted SCIIS. 1,wd remained for two aud a half years, Another recent innov11 tion is the moving West to Hollywood with this broadcostinµ: of the lntest CAA wea­ program. There i;he hus remained. Telephone Hour Program Marks ther r1•port from Portland, Augusta, Late i11 January Jeannie was assign­ Fronk Black Bangor, M illinockl't and Prcsq11e Isle ed by NBC to the vocal feature role four time.~ daily: 1.35 11.m., 12.ll p.m. in the Victor Borge Show starring Centennial Of Inventor's Birth Currently known for his weekly 7.58 p.m. and Jl.12 p.m. These ar'e Benny Goodm11n. Since arrivi11g in 1tcc11ralc reports from the CAA of­ Hollywood, Miss McKeon has recorded conducting 011 Sund11ys of lhe Hur­ "Mr_ ·watson. co111c here: I want vest nf Stars program, featuring opera fice 11t Augusta 11irport, trnd incl11de for Green Light Review, sponsored by you." Maine Featured On E,reneral sky conditions, visibility, tem­ a lurgc drug store chain 1111d a pro­ slat James Mellor,, Frank Black is These were the first words ever µerature, wiud direction and velocity. gra111 that is heurd twice daily over Network Programs now in his 15th yc11r ,,s general music spoken over a telephone wire - spok,·n, director for the National Broiulcusting These repoi-1s, with (rcsh reports of a nwnber of stations from coast to road conditions from the trnffic amt fittingly enough, by the tdephonl"'h The Stutc of Maine was rcpresent­ Company. Hn rvest of St11rs is en­ coast. Jn addition to her regular sufely division of the Maine Stute invent.or, Alexuncler Graham B'e.ll. ·ecl on two major NDC broadcasts joyed hy thousands of Maine nmsic shows, she has round time to do guest Police, provide listeners with state­ The historic11l significance of thnt late in TfelJruary that were heard lovers un S1uuh1ys at 2.80 p. m. over apprarunccs on network and local wide eovcrnge of weather conditions, ,1 radio progrnrus, 1111d rarely misses ll invention provides the thenrc for from coast-to-coast. WCSH, WHOO, and WLB/.. special one-hour brondcast of NHC'~ enahling then) to plan trips aceor<l­ week without taking her Liny piuno On Friday. Feb. 21, the populnr Though Dlack is best !mown to inp;ly. and spending 11 day with the veterans Telephone Hour, Mond11y, March a singer Perry Como puid tribute to the rndio listeners us Hn orchestra leader, at Wudsworll1 General J-lospital, Lo6 froni 9.00 to 10.00 p. m., ninrking the University of Maine winter carnivul, that post is j U8t one job in his com• Angeles. She also records for Black 100th unnivcrsary of Bell"s birth. und saluted its queen with a special plcx n,usicuJ lifr. In his c,1pacity as and White records with Al Suck and During this broade11st H elen Trau­ song. The event was broadcast on general music director_, his day~ ure Radio Parish Church his orehcstra, for two releases per be) of the Metropolitan Opera and Como's regular Suppe r Cluh show at occupied with rehearsals, IJroadcasts, Lenten Series Begun month. The co111p1111y recently has J·ascha f-lcifetz, worlrl-renowned vio­ 7:00 p. m. arrung<·mcnts, selecting staff J:>and­ ~01nplcted 1111 album of J eannie Me­ linist, appeur together for the first J\faine's Congresswoman, Margarel leadi,rs anti superintending the many Under th<! g1mrral title 'l'he Spirit Kcon numbers. time. Ra)"mond M1.,11ssey heads the C'husc Smith or Skowlu•gan, appe11recl dctnils of th.. husint"SS of producing of J esus. Yesterday, Tod11y, Forever-­ Miss McKeon is dcscl'ibcd as a clram11tic c11st. Donald Voorhees con­ on the (~uiz Kids program, Sunday, 111uic for the 11ir-w;11,es the First Radio Parish Church of ducts the Bell Symphony Orchl'stra. honey-blo,nde, 25 years old, five feet, Fell. 23. Appe11ri11g with Mrs. Srnith Hluck has also won fll1ne us a com­ A mcrica annual Lr ntcn series of Sun­ two inches toll, weighting 109 pounds. A special script for the centennial day morning bro11dcasts has been i11- were three of her "\Vashington- col­ poser, 1111d w11s one of the pioneers who She is rnurrlcd lo former Lieut. celebration program wus written by wrote original music for radio drama,~. 11uguratcd over the three Muine Broad­ leagues: Sen. H omer E. C11pehnrt Comdr. Pa11I Br11b11zo11, a fabric manll­ Normnn Rosten. H e has been composer-conductor of casting System stations by the n... v. facturing executive. They live ir> 'l'he program is brought lo Maine ( rt-Ind.), Sen. Scott LuC!IS (D-IU.), many popular dramatic series on NBC, H oword 0. Hough, 111inistc•r. Hollywood. In addition to l,cr voc!l. liskners over the three stations of the and Rep.
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