၂၀၁၈ ခုှစ်၊ ြမန်မာိုင်ငံ ဝိဇာှင့်သိပံပညာရှင်အဖွဲဆုရ ပါရဂူကျမ်း okawoevkyfief; tpD& ifcHpmrsm; 2018 Calendar Year, Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science Award Winning Doctoral Dissertation Research Reports ၂၀၂၀ ြပည့်ှစ်၊ ေအာက်တိုဘာလ 2020 October - ၂၀၁၈ ခုှစ်၊ ြမန်မာိုင်ငံ ဝိဇာှင့်သိပံပညာရှင်အဖွဲဆုရ ပါရဂူကျမ်း okawoevkyfief; tpD&ifcHpmrsm; 2018 Calendar Year, Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science Award Winning Doctoral Dissertation Research Reports ၂၀၂၀ ြပည့်ှစ်၊ ေအာက်တိုဘာလ 2020 October rmwdum pOf taMumif;t&m pmrsufESm trSmpm jrefrmbmomjzifh t*Fvdyfbmomjzifh (Foreword) 1/ 2018 ckESpf? jrefrmEkdifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm½SSiftzGJUqkESifh ESD;EG,faom 1-10 yg&*lusrf;^ okawoevkyfief;tpD&ifcHpm a&G;cs,frI 2/ 2018 ckESpftwGuf jrefrmEkdifiH0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm½SSiftzGJUqk& yg&*lusrf;^ 11-262 okawoevkyfief;tpD&ifcHpmrsm; jrefrmEkdifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm½SSiftzGJUqk&pmwrf;rsm; 11-88 0dZÆmynm&yf 2-1/ Royal Boatman Groups in Lower Myanmar (1752-1852) 11-28 2-2/ Geographical Analysis of Land Cover and Land Use Changes in 29-56 Chaungzon Township 2-3/ jrefrmbmompum;&Sd tajympum;yHkpHrsm; avhvmcsuf 57-88 (vlrIbmomaA') jrefrmEkdifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm½SSiftzGJUqk& pmwrf;rsm; 89-204 odyÜHynm&yf 2-4/ Hydroxyapatite and Hydroxyapatite Magnesium Oxide 89-122 Nanocomposites from Waste Cow Bone 2-5/ Implementation of Analog Signal Synthesizing System to Generate 123-146 Digital Sound of Myanmar Gong 2-6/ Applicability of Fish Scale Based Biomaterials in Hard Tissue 247-174 Implantation 2-7/ Process Development on the Production of Dry Cat Food from Fish 175-204 Factory Wastes jrefrmEkdifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm½SSiftzGJUqk& pmwrf;rsm; 205-240 vlrIa&;ynm&yf 2-8/ An Assessment of Reasoning Skills Enhancing Problem Solving 205-226 Ability Among Student Teachers from Universities of Education in Myanmar 2-9/ The Incidence of Non-Tariff Measures on Market Access for 227-240 Myanmar Fishery Exports pOf taMumif;t&m pmrsufESm 3/ aemufqufwGJ 241-262 (u) (13) Budrfajrmuf jrefrmEkdifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm½SSiftzGJUqk twGuf 241-244 NydKifyGJ0if yg&*lusrf;^ okawoevkyfief; tpD&ifcHpmrsm;pm&if; (c ) *kPfjyKvTmrSwfwrf; 245-252 (* ) jrefrmEkdifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm½SSiftzGJUqk& yk*¾dKvfrsm;\ 253-262 udk,fa&;tusOf; (*-1)/ a'gufwm jrjzLrdk;? 0dZÆmynm&yfqk&Sif (*-2)/ a'gufwm cifwdk;wdk;vGif? 0dZÆmynm&yfqk&Sif (*-3)/ a'gufwm pdkif;armifarmifjrifh? 0dZÆmynm&yfqk&Sif (*-4)/ a'gufwm csdKvGifvGifcdkif? odyÜHynm&yfqk&Sif (*-5)/ a'gufwm odef;xGef;OD;? odyÜHynm&yfqk&Sif (*-6)/ a'gufwm vJhvJhat;? odyÜHynm&yfqk&Sif (*-7)/ a'gufwm BudKifolZmrGef? odyÜHynm&yfqk&Sif (*-8)/ a'gufwm &mZmcspf? vlrIa&;ynm&yfqk&Sif (*-9)/ a'gufwm ZifZifEdkif? vlrIa&;ynm&yfqk&Sif trSmpm ynma&;onf yk*¾dKvf wpfOD;csif;ESifh rdom;pk wpfpkvHk;\ usef;rma&;udk jr§ifhwifay; ½Hkomru? 0ifaiGudk wdk;yGm;aponfhtjyif? vlrItpktzGJUrsm;tMum;üvnf; vlrIqufqHa&;? jynfwGif; Nidrf;csrf;a&;? EdkifiHawmf\ pD;yGm;a&;ESifh trsdK;om; pnf;vHk;nDñGwfa&; tp&Sdonfh vkyfief;wdkYudk zGHUNzdK;wdk;wufap&mwGif t"du tcef;u@rS yg0ifaeygonf/ EdkifiHawmfu jrefrmEkdifiH\ ynma&;tqifhtwef;udk tmqD,H tzGJU0if EdkifiHrsm;\ tqifhtwef;rSonf urÇmhzGHUNzdK;NyD;EdkifiHBuD;rsm;\ tqifhtwef; rDonftxd jr§ifhwifay;oGm;&ef &nfrSef;xm;ygonf/ ynma&;0efBuD;Xmetaejzifh þ&nfrSef;csuf txajrmufapa&;twGuf trsKd;om;ynma&; r[mAsL[mpDrHudef; (2016-2021)udk a&;qGJcsrSwfí taumiftxnfazmf aqmif&Gufvsuf&Sdygonf/ trsKd;om;ynma&;Oya'udk jyifqif onfhOya' (2015)? pmrsufESm (13)? yk'fr (28) wGif okawoe aqmif&GufrIESifhpyfvsOf;í tqifhjrifhynm oifMum;ydkYcsaeaom wuúodkvf aumvdyf rsm;tm; okawoeESifh ynm&yfzGHUNzdK;rIudk OD;pm;ay; aqmif&Guf&rnf[k jy|mef;xm;ygonf/ EdkifiHawmftpdk;&u jrefrmEkdifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm&SiftzGJUudk 1999 ckESpf? Mo*kwfv (16)&ufaeUwGif zGJUpnf;ay;cJYygonf/ þynm&SiftzGJUtaejzifh ynma&;ESifh ESD;ET,faom vkyfief;rsm;udk- (u) oifMum;a&;ESifhoif,la&;? (c) okawoe vkyfief;vrf;ñTefrI ay;a&;? (*) ynmjyefYyGm;a&;ESifhynmjzefUjzL;a&;? (C) ynm&Sifrsm; jyKpkysKd;axmifa&;[lí vkyfief;BuD;av;rsKd; cGJjcm;um? ynma&;u@\ vdktyfcsufrsm;t& OD;pm;ay;tpDtpOftwdkif; jynfwGif;jynfy ynm&Sif rsm;ESifh yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufvsuf&Sdygonf/ 2019 ckESpftxd ESpfaygif;ESpfq,ftwGif;ü okawoepmwrf;zwfyGJrsm;udk ynm&SiftzGJU pwifzGJUpnf;csdef 1999 ckESpfrSpwifí ESpfpOf usif;y ay;vsuf&Sdygonf/ 2005 ckESpf yOörtBudrf okawoe pmwrf;zwfyGJrS tpjyKí taumif;qHk; okawoepmwrf;qk(Best Paper Award)udk csD;jr§ifhcJh&m? wpfESpfxufwpfESpf qk&pmwrf;rsm;\ ta&twGuf ydkrdkí wdk;yGm;vmcJhygonf/ 2019 ckESpf okawoe nDvmcHü taumif;qHk; okawoepmwrf;qk& pmwrf;&Sif pkpkaygif; (32)OD; tm; qkrsm; csD;jr§ifhEdkifcJhygonf/ okawoevkyfief;rsm;ay: tajccHí yg&*lusrf;jyKpkcJhaom ynm&Sifrsm;teuf xl;cRefol rsm;tm; a&G;cs,fí jrefrmEdkifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm&SiftzGJUqk csD;jr§ifh&ef ynm&SiftzGJY taejzifh BudK;yrf;cJhygonf/ 2018 ckESpftwGif;ü yg&*lbGJU &&SdcJholrsm;tm; NydKifyGJ0if&ef ynm&Sif tzGJUrS zdwfac:cJh&m? yg&*lbGJU& ynm&Sif pkpkaygif; (46)OD; ,SOfNydKifcJhMuygonf/ bmom&yfwdkif;ü ynm&SiftzGJUqk\ ta&twGufESifhtwl qkaiG\ yrmPudkvnf; wdk;jr§ifhay;tyfoGm;&ef tzGJUu BudK;pm;aeygonf/ ynm&SiftzGJUqk tpysKd;csdefwGif ynm&SiftzGJU? xGef;azmifa';&Sif;? oD&drGef azmifa';&Sif;wdkY\ vSL'gef;aiGjzifh qkrsm;udkcsD;jr§ifhcJhygonf/ ,cktcg (u) jrefrmEkdifiHpmppftzGJU Ouú|(Nidrf;) OD;armifarmifpdef ESifhZeD; a':cifrmrmwdkYu &efukefwuúodkvf ygarmu©csKyf q&mBuD; a'gufwm xifatmif txdrf;trSwftjzpf vSL'gef;aiG? (c) &efukefpD;yGm;a&;wuúodkvfrS q&mBuD; OD;0DvsHayg txdrf;trSwftjzpf vSL'gef;aiG? (*) &efukefwuúodkvf jrefrmpmXmerS jrefrmpmXme wnfaxmifcJhonfh (75)ESpfjynfh txdrf;trSwftjzpf vSL'gef;aiGESifh (C) q&mrBuD; a':cifodef;? ygarmu©(Nidrf;)? ta&SUwdkif;ynmXmerS &efukefwuúodkvf ygarmu©csKyf q&mBuD; OD;azarmifwif txdrf;trSwf tjzpf vSL'gef;aiG rsm;udk bPfwGif ya'omyiftjzpf tyfESHumwdk;yGm;vmonfh bPftwdk;aiGrsm;jzifh qkaiGudk csD;jr§ifhvsuf &Sdygonf/ xdkvSL'gef;aiGrsm;tjyif okawoepmwrf;qkESifh ynm&SiftzGJUqk twGuf 2016 ckESpf? (16)Budrfajrmuf okawoepmwrf;zwfyGJrS tpjyKí ynma&;0efBuD;XmerS qkaiGrsm;udk xkwfay;ae ygonf/ wuúodkvf? aumvdyfrsm;rS q&m? q&mrrsm;\ pGrf;aqmif&nfonf wpfOD;csif;\ ynmt&nftcsif;ESifhtwl rdrdwwfuRrf;aom bmom&yfü rdrdaqmif&GufcJhaom okawoe vkyfief;rsm;rS &&Sdxm;onfh tawGUtMuHKrsm; tay:wGifvnf; trsm;tjym; rlwnfaeygonf/ (19)Budrfajrmuf okawoenDvmcHwGif 2018 ckESpf twGuf jrefrmEkdifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜH ynm&SiftzGJUqk &&SdcJhonfh okawoevkyfief; tpD&ifcHpmrsm;rSm atmufygtwdkif; jzpfygonf - (u) 0dZÆmynm&yf . ordkif; bmom&yf Royal Boatman Groups in Lower Myanmar (1752-1852) . yx0D0if bmom&yf Geographical Analysis of Land Cover and Land Use Changes in Chaungzon Township . jrefrmpm bmom&yf(bmomaA') jrefrmbmompum;&Sd tajympum;yHkpHrsm; avhvmcsuf (vlrIbmomaA') (c) odyÜHynm&yf . "mwkaA' bmom&yf Hydroxyapatite and Hydroxyapatite Magnesium Oxide Nanocomposites from Waste Cow Bone . ½lyaA' bmom&yf Implementation of Analog Signal Synthesizing System to Generate Digital Sound of Myanmar Gong . owåaA' bmom&yf Applicability of Fish Scale Based Biomaterials in Hard Tissue Implantation . ukefxkwf"mwkaA' bmom&yf Process Development on the Production of Dry Cat Food from Fish Factory Wastes (*) vlrIa&;ynm&yf . ynma&; bmom&yf An Assessment of Reasoning Skills Enhancing Problem Solving Ability Among Student Teachers from Universities of Education in Myanmar . pD;yGm;a&;ynm bmom&yf The Incidence of Non-Tariff Measures on Market Access for Myanmar Fishery Exports jrefrmEdkifiH0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm&SiftzGJUqk (9)qkudk okawoDrsm;tm; csD;jr§ifhEdkifcJhygonf/ NydKifyGJ 0ifcJhMuaom yg&*lusrf;qdkif&m okawoejyKpkolrsm; tygt0if wuúodkvf q&m? q&mrrsm; ESifh trsm;jynfolwdkY avhvmcGifh &&Sdap&ef &nf&G,fí þpmtkyfudk yHkESdyfxkwfa0 jzefYcsdjcif; jzpfygonf/ a'gufwmoufvGif Ouú| jrefrmEdkifiH 0dZÆmESifhodyÜHynm&SiftzGJU FOREWORD It cannot be denied that education plays a vital role in increasing the family income, promoting the general well-being of an individual as well as that of his family, invigorating the cooperative spirit of communities, developing the country's economy, and last but not least, contributing positively to all endeavours for national unity and peace. Our country has been engaged vigorously in the task of enhancing the quality of education with a view to raising it from the current ASEAN standard to that of the developed countries. In order to achieve that objective, the Ministry of Education drew up the National Education Strategic Plan 2016-2021 and has since been implementing the projects under that plan. Section 28 on page 13 of The Republic of the Union of Myanmar National Education Law (2014) stipulates that all colleges and universities under the Department of Higher Education give priority to carrying out research programmes and education development. The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, instituded in 1999, is fully committed to: 1) The dissemination of modern methods and techniques of teaching and learning, 2) The promotion of research and providing guidelines for research programmes and projects, 3) The dissemination and propagation of knowledge and expertise among the general public, and 4) The promotion of measures aimed at the generation and proliferation of competent researchers, academicians and Technocrats. Ever since its institution, the Academy has endeavoured to meet those commitments through national and international networks. From the year 2000, a year after its inception, the Academy has been holding Annual Research Conferences, and from the Fifth Annual Research Conference onwards, the Academy commenced bestowing the Best Paper Award. The number of quality research papers has increased from year to year; it is most gratifying to find that a total of 32 researchers won the Best Paper Award at the 2019 Research Conference. In 2006, the Academy
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