Abrams, M. H. 167 Absurdist Theatre 271 Académie Française 141

Abrams, M. H. 167 Absurdist Theatre 271 Académie Française 141

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-30011-7 - The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 6: The Nineteenth Century, c. 1830–1914 Edited by M. A. R. Habib Index More information Index Abrams, M. H. 167 Andersen, Vilhelm 471, 472 Absurdist theatre 271 Anderson, Benedict 101–2 Academie´ Franc¸aise 141, 386, 424–5 Andreevich (Evgeny Solovyov) 224 The Academy 2, 30, 32 Anglican Church, defence of 432 Acmeism 227–8 Annenkov, Pavel 6, 209, 212–13, 214 Adams, Henry 339 The Extraordinary Decade 213 Adams, John 188 On the Meaning of Literature for Adderly, Charles 425 Society 213 Addison, Joseph 70, 583 Annensky, Innokenty 227 Adorno, Theodor 238, 244 anthologies 168–9 Aeschylus 146, 222 anthropology 570–1 Aestheticism 8, 10, 65, 231, 344–5, Antin, Mary 338 346–9, 524–5 Antoine, Andre´ 15, 305, 548, 549–50 aesthopsychology 515–16, 578–9 Apollinaire, Guillaume 11, 358–9, African Americans 332, 337 363 Aikins, John (ed.), British Poets 168 art criticism 358–9 Akhmatova, Anna 227 The Cubist Painters (1913) 358, Aksakov, Konstantin 208, 212, 217 372 Aksakov family 206, 211 ‘The Futurist Antitradition’ (1913) Albert, Prince Consort 163 368 Albright, W. F. 270 ‘Zone’ 358–9 Alcott, Bronson 201 Appia, Adolphe 558 Alcott, Louisa May 10 Appleton, Charles 30 Little Women 336 Aquinas, Thomas, St 269 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey 43 Aragon, Louis 365–6 Alfieri, Vittorio 410–11, 494 Paris Peasant 368 Allen, Grant 33, 34, 35, 41, 44 Arber, Edward 60–1 Althusser, Louis 284, 288, 412 Archer, Frank 560 Althusserian 100 How to Write a Good Play (1892) American Civil War (1861–5) 450 546 American Revolution 188 Archer, William 548 Ammons, A. R. 204 Play-Making (1912) 555 Ampere,` J. J. 40 architecture 258–9 Analytical Review 24 The Argosy (periodical) 31 anarchy, fears of 524 Ariosto, Ludovico 415, 494 Andersen, Hans Christian 468 Aristophanes, The Symposium 202 655 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-30011-7 - The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 6: The Nineteenth Century, c. 1830–1914 Edited by M. A. R. Habib Index More information 656 Index Aristotle 231, 262, 265, 399, 481, Cromwell 419–20 493, 497, 498 Culture and Anarchy 102, 421, Poetics 557 423, 426–30, 431–2, 437, 442 Arnim, Bettina von 73–4 ‘Democracy’ 422 Arnold, Basil 431 ‘Dover Beach’ 421, 426 Arnold, Frances Lucy (nee´ Wightman) ‘Emerson’ 438 421 ‘Empedocles on Etna’ 421, 426 Arnold, Matthew 1, 5, 7, 12–13, 15, Essays in Criticism 48, 423–5, 426, 17, 18, 22, 27, 46, 48–9, 62, 70, 441, 447, 451, 614 102, 154, 162, 166, 170, 172–3, Friendship’s Garland 426, 430–1 180, 181, 183, 185, 233, 249, ‘The Function of Criticism at the 250, 263, 270, 392, 419, 451, Present Time’ 12, 24, 424, 425, 509, 535, 603, 608, 611, 613, 428, 442 615, 622 God and the Bible 432, 433–4, 614, ‘aliens’, treatment of 428–9 617 classification of British society ‘The Influence of Academies on 428–9 National Spirit and Literature’ comment on his own work 426 424 contemporary response 425, Irish Essays 436–7 430–1 Last Essays on Church and Religion critical approach 423 432, 434, 614, 617 definition of culture 427 Literature and Dogma 432–3, 434, disdain for Dissenters 614–15 603, 604–5, 614–17 education 419–20 ‘Literature and Science’ 437 as an educator 173 Merope 421, 498 French influences 422, 425 New Poems 421, 425 hostile criticism 617 ‘Numbers; or The Majority and the influence 419, 431, 441, 442 Remant’ 438 marriage/family life 421, 431 ‘Obermann Once More’ 426 on the nature of Jesus 616 ‘On the Modern Element in as a poet 419, 420–1, 425–6 Literature’ 422 poetic theory 531–2, 534 On the Study of Celtic Literature political backgrond 427–8 104 professional life 419, 421, 422, ‘On Translating Homer’ 422–3 426 ‘Pagan and Christian Religious public debate 437 Sentiment’ 424 religious and Biblical criticism Poems of Wordsworth 435 431–4, 606–7, 614–17 ‘Sohrab and Rustum’ 421 as school inspector 53–4 St. Paul and Protestantism 432, sense of audience 422 614 social commentary 425, 426, ‘Stanzas from the Grande 427–31 Chartreuse’ 421 theological writings 166 The Strayed Reveller 420 touchstone method 436, 532 ‘The Study of Poetry’ 435–6 undermining of ideals 182 ‘Tolstoi’ 438–9 ‘Balder Dead’ 421 ‘A Word About America’ 437–8 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-30011-7 - The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 6: The Nineteenth Century, c. 1830–1914 Edited by M. A. R. Habib Index More information Index 657 Arnold, Thomas (father of Matthew) moral function 242 62, 419–20, 432 poetry 262–3 Arnold, Tom (brother of Matthew) avant-garde 420 antecedents 357–8 Arp, Hans 364–5, 373 cafe culture 367–8 ‘art for art’s sake’ movement 239–40, collaboration 373–4 411, 534 conflicts with the mainstream 368, see also Aestheticism; Parnassians 374–5 Artaud, Antonin 368 definition 357 arts (in general) female artists 367 connections with literature 16–17 journals 370 criticism 80–1 linguistic innovation 371 Hegelian theory of 253–61 manifestos 368–70 importance 269–70 politics 374 independence from ideology range of groupings 357, 367, 374 212–13 spiritual and mythical ideas 372 progressive stages of art 256–8 theatre 370–1 purpose 255–6 twentieth century 10–11 self transcendance 258 visual artists 372–3 sensuous aspect 255 d’Azeglio, Massimo 406, 410, 416 theory of development 7 see also visual arts Baader, Johannes 364 Ashbery, John, ‘Self-Portrait in a Baargeld, Johannes 364–5 Convex Mirror’ 204 Bacon, Francis, Sir 402 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, Lord see Taine’s commentary on 401 Shaftesbury, third Earl Badaloni, Nicola 416 Ashton, Jennifer 535 Bagehot, Walter 14, 22, 23, 28, 32, Astruc, Zacherie 595 34, 489, 516 Athenaeum 29, 32, 36, 104 Bahr, Hermann 351 Atlantic Monthly 43, 44 Die Uberwindung¨ des Naturalismus Auber, Daniel 592 554 Augier, Emile 15, 544–5 Bain, Alexander 514 Augustine of Hippo, St 602–3, 607 The Emotions and the Will 509, Aurier, Albert 588–9, 598 512–13 Austen, Jane 76, 77, 512 Baju, Anatole 342 Jane Eyre 329 Bakhtin, Mikhail 14, 222, 228, 502, Pride and Prejudice 329 523 Austin, Linda 178 Bakunin, Mikhail 215, 358 Austin, Mary 338 Baldick, Charles 57 Austria 351–2 Ball, Hugo 364, 371 avant-garde movements 359 Balla, Giacomo 372 Austro-Prussian War (1866) 430 Balzac, Honorede´ 9, 14, 40, 148, autonomy, literary/artistic 6–7, 150, 293–5, 297, 298, 304, 231–6, 246–7, 255, 272 311–12, 332, 385, 399–400, 445, criticism as extension of 247–8 447, 448–9, 452, 458–9, 509, in Hegelian theory 264–5 518, 539 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-30011-7 - The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 6: The Nineteenth Century, c. 1830–1914 Edited by M. A. R. Habib Index More information 658 Index Balzac, Honorede(´ cont.) Baumgarten, Siegmund Jacob 17, 606 comparisons to Trollope 453 Bavaria, education in 52 letters 449 Bazille, Fred´ eric´ 595 novel theory 517 Beardsley, Aubrey 346–7 Taine on 401 Under the Hill 347 ‘Avant-Propos’ 521 Beauclair, Henri, and Gabriel Vicaire, La Cousine Bette 303 Les Deliquescences´ d’Adore´ The Human Comedy 294, 383, 517 Floupette, poete` decadent´ 342 Lost Illusions 294–5 beauty, science of 256 Bancroft, George 77 Beckett, Samuel 271 Bang, Herman 472 Becque, Henry 304–5 Barbauld, Anna, On the Origin and Belgravia (periodical) 31 Progress of Novel Writing 516 Belinksy, Vissarion 6, 14, 15, 206, Barbey-d’Aurevilly, Jules Amed´ ee´ 341, 208–12, 218, 223, 486, 518, 342 541–2 Les Diaboliques 343–4 ban on works 213 Barlow, Joel, ‘The Hasty Pudding’ 189 criticism 213, 225 Barres,` Maurice 151, 371 genre theory 485 Barrish, Phillip 335 influence 494 Barthes, Roland 190, 309 ‘On the Character of Pushkin’s Bartoli, Adolfo 494 Poetry’ (1828) 212 Bataille, Georges 367 ‘Gogol and the Russian Tale’ Baudelaire, Charles 4, 7, 8, 10, 15, 16, 209–10 139, 142, 143, 144, 148–9, 191, ‘The Idea of Art’ (1859) 209 247, 248, 250, 297–8, 341, 342, ‘Literary Reveries’ (1834) 208 357, 386, 447, 450, 503, 531, ‘A Look at Russian Literature in 533, 536, 544–5, 592 1846’ 211 aesthetic theory 233, 240–2, 243–4, ‘ThePoetryofA.A.Fet’(1857) 526–9 212–13 commentary on visual arts 589, 591 ‘A Speech about Criticism’ 211 contrasts with Cousin 527–8 Bely, Andrei 206, 211, 226 influence 309–10 Benard,´ Charles 398 ‘Carrion’ 242 Benda, Julien 391, 392 ‘Correspondances’ 309–10, 526, Benjamin, Walter 190, 191, 248, 285, 591 354, 500 Les Fleurs du Mal 242–3, 301–2, Bennett, Arnold 458 341, 504, 527, 533 Bentham, Jeremy 200, 213–14 Notes nouvelles sur Edgar Poe 341 Bentley, Nancy 335 ‘The Painter of Modern Life’ 242 Berdyaev, Nikolai 225 ‘Les Phares’ 591 Berg, Leo 550 Salon of 1846 591 Bergson, Henri 12, 273, 310, 404, ‘Richard Wagner et Tannhauser¨ a` 546, 599–600 Paris’ 557–8 Berlioz, Hector 16, 592 Bauhaus 360 Bernard, Claude 548 Baumgarten, Alexander 6 Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Aesthetica 231 Jacques-Henri 140 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-30011-7 - The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 6: The Nineteenth Century, c. 1830–1914 Edited by M. A. R. Habib Index More information Index 659 Bernays, Jacob, Grundzuge¨ der Bonnard, Pierre 559 verlorenen Abhandlung des Bookman 30 Aristoteles uber¨ die Wirkung der Booth, Wayne 462 Tragodie¨ 557 Borel, Petrus´ 140 Berst, Charles 184–5 Borges, Jorge Luis 363 Bertrand, Aloysius 143 Borne,¨ Ludwig 41–2, 116, 117–20, Besant, Walter 451, 454 121, 122, 128–9, 130, 132–3 ‘The Art of Fiction’ 454–5 contrasts with other critics 123, Bible 124 debate on authenticity 434, 606–7, focus on moral character 118 615–17 focus on political convictions literary criticism 17, 432–4, 602–22 119–20 non-literal interpretations 433–4 Die Waage 117–18 role in education 53–4 Bosanquet, Bernard 270 translations of 127 Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne´ 384 Bildung, notion of 52–3 Boswell, James 175–6 Bildungsroman genre 9, 315–16 Botkin, Vasily 6, 212–13 Bismarck, Otto von 115, 470 Bouilhet, Louis 297 Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne 474 Bourdieu, Pierre 242, 243 Blackmur, R.

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