INDEX A Bertsch, Fred, 16 Caslon Italic, 86 accents, 224 Best, Mark, 87 Caslon Openface, 68 Adobe Bickham Script Pro, 30, 208 Betz, Jennifer, 292 Cassandre, A. M., 87 Adobe Caslon Pro, 40 Bézier curve, 281 Cassidy, Brian, 268, 279 Adobe InDesign soft ware, 116, 128, 130, 163, Bible, 6–7 casual scripts typeface design, 44 168, 173, 175, 182, 188, 190, 195, 218 Bickham Script Pro, 43 cave drawing, type development, 3–4 Adobe Minion Pro, 195 Bilardello, Robin, 122 Caxton, 110 Adobe Systems, 20, 29 Binner Gothic, 92 centered type alignment Adobe Text Composer, 173 Birch, 95 formatting, 114–15, 116 Adobe Wood Type Ornaments, 229 bitmapped (screen) fonts, 28–29 horizontal alignment, 168–69 AIDS awareness, 79 Black, Kathleen, 233 Century, 189 Akuin, Vincent, 157 black letter typeface design, 45 Chan, Derek, 132 Alexander Isley, Inc., 138 Black Sabbath, 96 Chantry, Art, 84, 121, 140, 148 Alfon, 71 Blake, Marty, 90, 92, 95, 140, 204 character, glyph compared, 49 alignment block type project, 62–63 character parts, typeface design, 38–39 fi ne-tuning, 167–71 Blok Design, 141 character relationships, kerning, spacing formatting, 114–23 Bodoni, 95, 99 considerations, 187–89 alternate characters, refi nement, 208 Bodoni, Giambattista, 14, 15 Charlemagne, 206 American Type Founders (ATF), 16 boldface, hierarchy and emphasis technique, China, type development, 5 Amnesty International, 246 143 Cholla typeface family, 122 A N D, 150, 225 boustrophedon, Greek alphabet, 5 circle P (sound recording copyright And Atelier, 139 bowl symbol), 223 angled brackets, 225–26 one- and two storey as and gs, 47 Clarendon, 60, 95 apostrophe typeface character, 38–39 Clarendon Light, 149 fi ne-tuning, 162 boxed initial letters, refi nement, 203–6 Clarendon serif typeface, 41 kinetic typography, 268 braces, 225–26 ClearviewHwy signage system, 20 Apple computer, 12–13, 21 brackets, 225–26 Cole, Amanda, 157 Aram, 84 Brewer, Amber, 289 Colines, Simon de, 9 Araújo, João, 139 Bronkhorst, Mark van, 93, 119, 200 color Arial, 238, 239 Brothers, 95 fi gures, 217 arm, typeface character, 38–39 brush scripts typeface design, 44 hierarchy and emphasis techniques, 146, Armstrong, Michael, 275 bullets, 220 147 Art Chantry Design Co., 84, 121, 140, 148 kinetic typography, 266 ascender, typeface character, 38–39 C refi nement, 209 audience, typeface selection, 67 Caldwell, Christopher, 105–6 typeface selection, 68, 72–73 Aufuldish, Bob, 86, 94, 123, 206 calligraphy type on the web, 238 Aufuldish & Warinner, 123, 206 custom treatments, typeface selection, column depth, type on the web, 238 auto leading, soft ware design, 113 78–84 column width, type on the web, 237 Avant Garde magazine, 12 fonts, typeface selection, 77 Commercial Script, 43 axis, typeface character, 38–39 typeface design, 44 Compatil type system, 74 Campbell, Nancy, 209, 228 computer-generated styling, 151 B cap height consistency, typeface design selection, 71 Banham, Stephen, 93, 190 COPYRIGHTEDtypeface character, 38–39 MATERIALConsul, 169 bar, typeface character, 38–39 type size formatting, 109, 110 contextual alternates, OpenType fonts, 32 baseline, typeface character, 38–39 caps and lowercase, hierarchy and emphasis contoured type, formatting, 116, 118–24, 125 baseline shift , glyph positioning, 175 technique, 144, 145 contrast, mixing typefaces, 91, 92, 149 Baskerville, 17 Caracappa-Qubeck, Amy, 272, 273 Cooke, Nick, 282 Baskerville, John, 15 Carpio, Th omas Jason, 230 Cooper, Oswald Bruce (Oz Cooper), 16 Batty, Mark, 200 Carrosserie, 93 Cooper Black, 16 Bauhaus, 10, 14 Carter, Matthew, 18–19, 21 Cooper-Hewitt museum, 20, 21 Bayer, Herbert, 10 Cascading Style Sheets copperplate Gothic, 42 Bell, Jill, 19, 78, 284 line length, 237 copyright, music, kinetic typography, 267 Bembo, 17, 45 type on the web, 244, 256–57 copyright symbol, 220, 222–23 Bembo Titling, 45 case, hierarchy and emphasis technique, Coquette, 49 Benguiat, Edward, 18, 208, 284 144, 145 Cordoba, Ricardo, 96 Benton, Linn Boyd, 8 Casey, Mary Anne, 112 CornerStore, 93 Benton, Morris Fuller, 16 Caslon, William, 14, 15 counter, typeface character, 38–39 INDEX 303 220_9781118454053-bindex.indd0_9781118454053-bindex.indd 303303 55/12/14/12/14 33:55:55 PMPM Courier, 191 E fonts. See also typeface cuneiform writing, 4 Eagle Bold, 92 defi ned, 27 Curlz, 48 ear, typeface character, 38–39 formats, 27–31 Currency Redesign assignment, 157 Ed Interlock, 31, 208 information resources, 98 curved type, spacing considerations, 192 Ed Roman, 174 typeface compared, 34 custom kerning, spacing considerations, education, typography, 13 type size formatting, 109 184–89, 195. See also kerning ellipses, 227 web-safe, type on the web, 238–40 custom treatments, typeface selection, em dash, fi ne-tuning, 164–65 font selection. See also selection process 78–84 Emigre Triplex type family, 74 kinetic typography, 265 Emigre type library, 21 type on the web, 235–36 D emphasis. See hierarchy and emphasis footnotes, formatting, 129 Dali, Salvador, 243 en dash, fi ne-tuning, 164–65 formal scripts typeface design, 43 D’Amico, Dee Densmore, 283 end marks, 228–29 format(s), fonts, 27–31 Davidson, Mike, 236 endnotes, formatting, 129 formatting, 109–35 Deaver, George, 206 Engravers Gothic, 90 alignment, 114–23 decorative initial letters, refi nement, 203 Engravers Old English, 45 footnotes and endnotes, 129 decorative typeface design, 48–49 EPUB, 249 indents and paragraph separators, 125–27 de Haas, Bart, 153 e-readers, type on the web, 248–49 line length, 110, 111 Denman, Jessica, 60 euro symbol, 227 line spacing (leading), 110–13 Desai, Mansi, 87 expanded character sets, fonts, 30 page-layout, 109 descender, typeface character, 38–39 Expo Sans, 112 style sheets, 128 design. See typeface design Expo Sans Pro, 216 type size, 109–10 design goals, typeface selection, 65–67 Expo Serif Pro, 221 Foundry Gridnik, 149 desktop typography, 13 expressive typography, 11–12 fractions, 219–20 Diaz, Bernard Ryan L., 133 extreme indent, formatting, 125, 127 OpenType fonts, 32, 219 Didot, 186, 189 Extreme Sans, 71 Frank Holme School of Illustration, 16 Didot, Firmin, 9, 14 Franklin Gothic, 16, 42 digital typesetting, 12–13 F Frere-Jones, Tobias, 21 dingbats Fahey, Richard, 66 Frutiger, Adrian, 18 described, 227–28 Fajardo, Christine, 88 Futura Bold, 86 formatting of, 126, 127 Ferreira, Ana Rita, 272, 273 Futura Th in press type, 121 discretionary hyphens, fi ne-tuning, 168 Fette Fraktur, 45 display type fi gures, 215–18 G design of, 48–49 ligning (aligning), 215, 216 Garage Gothic, 149 line breaks, fi ne-tuning, 174 OpenType fonts, 32, 218 Garamond, 101 text and spacing, 215–16 Garamond, Claude, 9, 14 mixing typefaces, 90 tabular to proportional shortcut, 218 Gee, May, 231 selection process, 73 fi ne-tuning, 161–77. See also refi nement geometric sans serif typeface design, 43 type size formatting, 109, 113 alignment, 167–71 Georgia, 239 distressed type, kinetic typography, 268, punctuation marks, 161–66 Germany, type development, 6–7 279 rags, 172 Gerrit Noordzij Prize, 21 DIY typeface design, 281–94. See also widows and orphans, 173–74 Gideon, Kyle, 105–6 typeface design fi nial (terminal) typeface character, 38–39 Gigi, 19 approaches to, 284–85 Firefox, 236 Gill, Eric, 17 guidelines, 286–87 fi rst line indent, formatting, 125, 127 Gill Sans, 17, 61 handwriting, 281–83 Fleuron Society, 17 Ginnel, Ben, 83 test document for, 287 f-ligatures, formatting, 126 Giza, 96 Dougless, Hunter, 56 fl oating accents, 224 Gloucester MT Extra Condensed, 189 Doyle Partners, 153, 201, 203 fl opping, hierarchy and emphasis glyph Drake, Patrick, 260 techniques, 148 character compared, 49 Dreher, Nicole, 252–53 fl ush left alignment positioning of, baseline shift , 175 dropped initial letters, refi nement, 202 formatting, 114, 115 substitutions, fonts, 31 dumb quotes. See also smart quotes hanging punctuation, 167–68 glyphic serif typeface design, 42 fi ne-tuning, 161–62, 163 rags, 172 glyph panel type on the web, 243 fl ush right alignment, formatting, 114, 115 accents, 224 Duong, Grace, 117 font management utilities, 33 circle P (sound recording copyright Dwiggins, William Addison, 16 font production editor, selection of, 287 symbol), 223 304 INDEX 220_9781118454053-bindex.indd0_9781118454053-bindex.indd 304304 55/12/14/12/14 33:55:55 PMPM OpenType fonts, 32 House Industries, 31, 208 Johann Sparkling, 282 Golden Cockerel Press, 17 Hsaio, Christina, 81 Kabel Ultra, 180 Golden Type, 10 HTF Knockout, 122 Kendo, 205 Goldstein, Abby, 40 Huerta, Gerard, 80, 199 Legacy Pro type family, 75 Gotham, 21, 96 Huet, Rita, 139 Legacy Serif, 28 Goudy, Frederic W., 15, 16 humanistic sans serif typeface design, 43 Lubalin Graph, 41 Goudy Old Style, 15, 191 hyphenation, fi ne-tuning, 166 New Baskerville, 41 Granier-Gwinner, Églantine, 231 hyphens, fi ne-tuning, 164–65, 168 Pious Henry, 48 Granjon, Robert, 14 Rennie Mackintosh, 48 graphic, type as, type on the web, 244 I Slimbach, 20 graphic design production methods, 13 IBM, 12–13 Stone Serif, 143 Greek alphabet, development of, 4, 5 indents Stone type family, 75 Greenhood + Company, 69 bulleted lists, 221 Woodland, 118 Gretzinger, Katja, 186 formatting, 125–27 Zapf Dingbats, 220, 227 Grimshaw, Phil, 282 InDesign soft ware. See Adobe InDesign Zemke Hand, 283 Gutenberg, Johannes, 6–7 soft ware Industrial Revolution, type development, 8 J H information resources, fonts, 98 Jacobs, Bas, 285 Hagmann, Sibylle, 122, 285 initial letters, refi nement, 200–206 Jaisonkowski, Christy, 266, 277 hairline, typeface character, 38–39 inks, printing method, typeface selection, Jenson, Nicolas,
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