Prevention Through Design Peer-Reviewed Practice Designing Out Hazards in the Real World By Anjali Lamba IOSH is leading a national initiative, development, implementation, employee training launched in July 2007, called Prevention and surveillance (Schulte & Heidel, 2009). NThrough Design (PTD). This initiative has As awareness of the PTD concept grows, more engaged the government, academia and industry SH&E professionals are calling for a concerted em- in promoting the concept of designing out and phasis on the engineering and technical aspects minimizing occupational risks. Following is a com- of a safe design during the planning phase, which prehensive definition of PTD: reduces risks and minimizes hazards throughout The optimal method of preventing oc- a facility’s life. This requirement is illustrated by a cupational illnesses, injuries and fatal- recent request for proposal for work at the Ports- ities is to “design out” the hazards and mouth Naval Shipyard that specified, “If it is not risks; thereby, eliminating the need to feasible to eliminate or prevent the need to work control them during work operations. at heights with its subsequent exposure to fall haz- This approach involves the design of ards, control measures shall be included in the de- tools, equipment, systems, work pro- sign to protect personnel conducting maintenance cesses and facilities in order to reduce work after completion of the project.” or eliminate, hazards associated with Research conducted in the U.S., European Union and some countries in the British Commonwealth IN BRIEF work. (Young-Corbett, 2011) has linked a good percentage of construction inju- •This article provides real- The purpose of PTD is to eliminate haz- ries and fatalities to decisions made before any con- world examples of preven- ards and reduce risk at the source by con- struction work started. This has resulted in an effort tion through design (PTD) sidering safety and health implications to get the designers to assess the risk their designs and successful applica- early in the design cycle; this is more ef- create for construction workers during construction tions of PTD concepts and fective than the traditional risk manage- of facilities and structures (Furst, 2011). principles. ment approach. PTD principles also tie in This article is based primarily on proceedings of • Early collaboration among with the well-known hierarchy of controls the practice session held during the August 2011 stakeholders is crucial for where engineering controls are always the NIOSH conference, “Prevention Through Design: successful incorporation of most effective, because they either remove A New Way of Doing Business,” which was orga- PTD elements in design and the hazard at its root, or contain or isolate nized to highlight the progress made in implement- construction. the hazard so that exposures are controlled ing the PTD initiative since its inception. Through •Other potential avenues to through design. PTD supports the adoption presentations focusing on real-world practice, pre- maximize PTD benefits in- of hazard control measures higher in the senters showcased successful applications of PTD clude working with design- hierarchy of controls by focusing on haz- concepts and principles that resulted in the design build firms, incorporating ard elimination and substitution followed or redesign of work premises, tools, equipment, PTD into LEED and involving by risk minimization through the applica- machinery, substances and work processes. De- OSHA in actively promoting tion of engineering controls and warning sign solutions ranged from reducing asphalt-fume PTD in construction. systems applied during design, redesign exposure of workers paving roads to redesigning •Strong federal agency and retrofit activities. However, PTD also a forklift to optimize the operator’s field of vision. leadership support of this supports the application of administrative Many sources create workplace hazards. A com- initiative is crucial. controls and PPE when they supplement or mon way to classify hazards is by type of hazard or complement an overall risk minimization hazard category. With this in mind, and to allow strategy and include appropriate program readers to quickly identify their areas of interest, practice examples have been organized according to these hazard categories: chemical, physical, er- Anjali Lamba, M.P.H., CIH, is a senior industrial hygienist with the Chemical gonomic and safety. Several presentations also pro- Engineering Branch within the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics at EPA. In this role, she provides technical support and guidance on worker exposure and moted the implementation and evaluation of PTD protection as well as workplace regulatory issues for EPA’s new chemicals and practices by utilizing rating systems and other tools existing chemicals programs. Before joining EPA, Lamba worked for consulting and products that aid practitioners in the design and companies and provided industrial hygiene support to several federal government construction of safe and green buildings and work- departments and agencies. She holds an M.P.H. in Environmental and Occupa- places. These are discussed in the “Rating Systems, tional Health from George Washington University. Tools, Products and Approaches” section (p. 38). 34 ProfessionalSafety JANUARY 2013 www.asse.org PTD: Practice Area The area of practice in PTD focuses on demonstrating the value of including workers’ safety and health in design Chemical Hazards decisions and exploring links with the movements toward In keeping with PTD principles green and sustainable design. It also includes identifying and and the hierarchy of controls, en- sharing successful procedures, processes, equipment, tools gineering controls were developed and results through various means (e.g., online databases). and implemented to reduce work- For worker safety and health, sustainable design enhances er exposures to chemicals in the indoor environmental quality and optimizes operational and examples highlighted here. In ad- maintenance practices. Including provisions during facility dition, in two cases, multifaceted design, construction, occupancy and maintenance to prevent control strategies were developed injuries, illnesses and fatalities among workers is an essential through partnership between gov- component of sustainable design. ernment agencies, unions and in- dustry to reduce worker exposures to chemicals. Laboratory Chemicals Spray Polyurethane Foam Transportation of hazardous liquids poses risks In 2009, EPA established the Federal Advi- to facility occupants. Designing suitable routing sory Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) workgroup through low-traffic areas and avoidance of exit in partnership with NIOSH, OSHA, Consumer corridors becomes difficult if not addressed during Product Safety Commission and the polyurethane the early-stage design of the facility (e.g., design industry to address several issues associated with of vapor-mitigation systems can enhance a facil- worker exposure to methylene diphenyl diisocya- ity’s operational safety should a liquid spill occur). nate (MDI) and other chemicals in SPF products. Some facilities use highly toxic, flammable and From top: Metal The workgroup has developed guidance on simple even pyrophoric gaseous materials. Exposure can grating (Photo 1) exhaust ventilation design principles for SPF ap- be prevented and mitigated by using overpacks controls expansion plicators and helpers since engineering control and containment carts for liquid chemical trans- of foam, while air strategies are the most effective means to pro- portation; installing emergency exhaust systems movers (Photos 2 tect workers during all phases of SPF application for vapor exhaust in case of a liquid spill event; and 3) can be used (www.epa.gov/dfe/pubs/projects/spf/ventila and separating dock area and gas storage area to to exchange air in tion-guidance.html). Other on-site controls such handle dock area traffic when hazardous chemicals the spray zone. as isolation that are also effective in controlling are present (Weaver, 2011). chemical migration include: enclosing the spray zone as much as possible; supplying air (active or Physical Hazards passive) at one end of spray zone and directing air- Noise and radiation were two physical hazards flow through spray zone from clean to contaminat- addressed during the presentations. Repeated expo- ed; filtering and exhausting air at the opposite end sures to loud noise can lead to permanent, incurable of the spray zone; and creating negative pressure hearing loss or tinnitus. Ionizing radiation has wide within the enclosure (Lamba, 2011). application in medicine and industry (e.g., in X-rays, Controls that are already being used at applica- as radioactive isotopes). Exposure to ionizing radia- tion sites include plastic sheeting to cover wall studs, tion can cause genetic changes, cancer and other metal grating to control expansion of foam (Photo health effects including death in extreme cases. 1), and using air movers to exchange air in the spray zone to reduce airborne chemical concentrations Buy Quiet & Quiet-by-Design (Photos 2 and 3). In addition, NIOSH has developed Controlling equipment noise emissions lim- a prototype SPF spraying booth (Photo 4). Com- its employee exposure and reduces the need for prehensive hands-on safety and health training for personal hearing protection. It lowers the risk of workers also is crucial to prevent and reduce ex- noise-induced hearing
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