l.OVELL: REVIEW OF NI:PIITYS FROM EASTERN PACIFIC 353 Figure 2. A. Ventral view, dissected specimen of Nephfys caecoides Hartman, 1938, showing pro- boscidial features. Paratype (LACM-AHF 0794). pdp = paired distal papillae, mup = median un- paired papilla. sp = subdistal papillae. B. Frontal view, proboscis of Nephfys caecoides Hartman, 1938, showing paired distal papillae. Paratype (LACM-AHF 0794). pdp = paired distal papillae. Bars I mm. 354 BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, VOL. 60. NO.2. 1997 118°02.53'W,Aug. 1985,Sta. 13, Rep. 4, 59 m., 1 specimen (CSDOC-P475), Rep. 3, 59 m" 1 speci- men (CSDOC-P476),Oct. 1991,Sta. 13, Rep. 4, 60 m., I specimen (LLL), Jan. 1995,Sta. 13, Rep. 2, 60 m" 2 specimens (LLL), 33°35.59'N, 118°00.05'W,luI. 1994, Sta, 11,30 m., 1 specimen (LLL), 33°35.50'N, 117°58.15'W,luI. 1994, Sta. IS, 30 m., 3 specimens (LLL), 33°34.29'N, 118°00.12'W, luI. 1994,Sta. ZB, Rep. 2, 56 m., 3 specimens (LLL); Santa Barbara Co., GOLETA, 4 Oct. 1994, Sta. B2, Rep. 1, 90 ft., 1 specimen (MBC), Sta. B4, Rep. 2, 1 specimen (MBC), Sta. B6, Rep, 3, 2 speci- mens (MBC); San Luis Obispo Co., just north of Morro Bay, 2\ May 1993,Sta. B1, Rep. 1, 2 speci- mens (MBC), Rep. 4, 1 specimen (MBC), Sta. B2, Rep. 2, 2 specimens(MBC); San Diego Co., Fisher, col., 33°\5.17'N, 117°28.09'W,17 m., 2 specimens (LLL). Corrections and Additions to the Description.-Proboscis with 20 paired distal papillae (Fig. 2B), middorsal and midventral distal areas without papilla. Subdis- tal area with 22 rows of papilla, 3-6 per row, unpaired middorsal papillae present (Fig. lA). Proximal area smooth. Interramal cirri begin on setiger four, recurved. Remarks.-Hartman (1938) provided no count for the distal papillae, and reported 22 rows of subdistal papillae, but no count per row. Hartman (1950) stated that some specimens of N. californiensis have interramal cirri beginning on setiger 4 rather than 3. Specimen lots noted by Hartman as having interramal ci.rri begin- ning from seti.ger 4 were reexamined. Lots 1882-49 and 1886-49 proved to be N. caecoides, lot 1620-48 could not be found (pers. com.-L. Harris). Later Hartman (1968) added the presence of a subdistal middorsal papillae to the description. Hilbig (1994) reported 22 paired distal papillae, 22 rows of subdistal papillae, with 3-5 papillae per row, and the presence of subdistal long, unpaired middorsal and shorter unpaired midventral papilla. All of the specimens examined have 20 rather than 22 paired distal papillae, and none have an unpaired midventral sub- distal papilla. In the same paper Hilbig placed Nephtys parva Clark and Jones (1955) in synonymy with N. caecoides. The holotype of N. parva was examined and found to have bifid ventral antennae on the prostomium and interramal cirri beginning on setiger 5, which are not recurved. This suite of characters places N. parva in synonymy with N. cornuta Clark and Jones (1955) (see below) rather than N. caecoides. Clark and Jones (1955) discussed the possibility that N. parva is a juvenile N. caecoides. The material examined from MBC originalIy identi- fied as N. parva are juvenile N. caecoides. Specimens matching the original de- scription of N. parva have not been found by me. Distribution.-British Columbia to western Mexico, intertidal to 110 m, in mud. Nephtys californiensis Hartman, 1938 Nephtys californiensis Hartman, 1938: 150-151, fig. 64; 1950 (in part): 103; \968: 579, fig. 1-3; Banse and Hobson, 1974: 75, fig. 19 g-h; Hilbig, 1994: 346-348, fig. 13.7. Nephthys [sic] californiensis Hartman, 1940:240. .Material Exarnined.-CALIFORNIA: Marin Co., Dillon Beach, Intertidal, Hartman, col., Jul. 1935, holotype (USNM 20320), luI. 1934, 6 paratypes (part, specimens with proboscis everted) (LACM- AHF 0642); VenturaCo., Mandalay Beach, Intertidal, Scanland and Parr, col., Nov. 1972, 1 specimen (MEC P1309). Corrections and Additions to the Description.-Proboscis with 20 paired distal papillae (Fig. 3A), short, unpaired middorsal distal papilla present (Fig. 3B), mid- ventral unpaired distal papilla absent (Fig. 3B). Proboscis with 22 rows of sub- distal papillae, 5-8 per row; unpaired middorsal papilla absent. Proximal area smooth. Interramal cirri begin on setiger 3, recurved. Remarks.-Hartman (1938) reported no count for paired distal papillae and 22 rows of subdistal papillae with 6-8 per row. She also stated "proboscis. usu- ally without a median papilla (rarely one of the paired papillae seems to occupy a LOVELL: REVIEW OF NEPIfTYS FROM EASTERN PACIFIC 355 Figure 3. A. Frontal view, proboscis of Nephtys califomiensis Hartman, 1938, showing paired distal papillae. Paratype (USNM 20320). pdp = paired distal papillae. B. Dorsal view, proboscis of Nephtys californiensis Hartman, 1938, showing paired distal papillae, single middorsal distal papilla, and rows of subdistal papillae. Paratype (USNM 20320). pdp = paired distal papillae, smdp = single middorsal distal papilla, sp = subdistal papillae. Bars I mm. 358 BULLETINOF MARINESCIENCE.VOL.60. NO.2. 1997 Nephtys ferruginea Berkeley and Berkeley, 1945: 327-328; Hartman. 1950: 102-103; 1968: 583, figs. 1-4; Banse and Hobson, 1974: 75, fig. 19. k-1; Hilbig, 1994: 351-352, fig. 13.9 A-H. Nephtys signifera Hilbig, 1992 (in part): 719-721, fig. 5A (?), C, D; Hilbig, 1994 (in part): 356- 358, fig. 13.12A (?), C, D. NEW SYNONYMY. Material Examined.-PERU: Independencia Bay, 14°16'S, 76°IQ'W, VELERO Sta. 834-38, 10 Feb. 1938, 21 fms., mud, holotype (LACM-AHF 0798), 19 paratypes (LACM-AHF (799). CALIFORNIA: Anacapa Is., VELEROSta. 876-38, 1 specimen; southern California Bight, BLM Sta. 82517, 1 speci- men; Santa Maria Basin, Sta. R-2, 35°05.50'N, 120049.16'W, 161 m., holotype (N. sigllifl'l'a) (USNM 148706), Sta. PJ-I, 34°55.79'N, 120°49.91 'w, 145 m., I paratype (N. sigllifera) (LACM-AHF 1(15), Sta. PJ-6, 34°54.71'N, 120049.91'W, 148 m., 1 paratype (N. signifera) (LACM-AHF 1616), Sta. 13, 35°14.54'N, 120059.77'W, 197 m., 3 paratypes (N. signifera) (SBMNH 35617), Sta. 30, 34°54.19'N, 120047.07'W, 98 m., 6 paratypes (N. signifera) (SBMNH 35618); Ventum Co., 34°12.29'N, I 19°30.43'W, 91 m., Sta. 661, 2 specimens, (CSDOC); Orange Co., 33°34.42'N, I 18°01.33'W, 59 m., Sta. 5, Rep. 4, Jan. 1993,3 specimens (LLL), 33°35.59'N, 117°55.57'W, 98 m., Sta. C3, Jul. 1993, 1 specimen (LLL), 33°34.29'N, 117°59.42'W, 56 m., Sta. 4, Rep. 2, Oct. 1993, ] specimen, (LLL), 33°34.20'N, 117°59.26'W, 59 m., Sta. 9, Rep. 3, Oct. 1993, 3 specimens (LLL), 6 m. North of pipe, 30 m., Jul. 1994, 1 specimen (LLL). Corrections and Additions to the Description.-Proboscis with 20 paired distal papillae, middorsal and midventral distal papilla absent. Subdistal area with 22 rows of papillae, 3-6 per row (Fig. 5A). Proximal area smooth. lnterrama] cirri begin on setiger 3, not recurved. Postacicular setae smooth to spinulose; upper- most and lowermost fascicles of both rami with a mix of smooth to spinulose setae, middle fascicles with spinulose setae only (Fig. 5B). Remarks.-Hartman's original description (1940) of N. caecoides ferruginea re- ported no presence of distal paired papillae, 22 rows of subdistal papillae without counts per row, presence of a subdistal unpaired middorsal papilla, proximal region smooth, and recurved interramal cirri starting on setiger 3. Berke]ey and Berkeley (1945) elevated N.ferruginea to specific rank without providing any additional in- formation. Lots 1597-47 and 1759-49 of the material reported as N. californiensis by Hartman (1950) were reexamined and found to be specimens of N. ferruginea (pers. com.-L. Harris). The types of N. signifera were reexamined and the holotype and paratype lot (LACM-AHF) 16] 6 were found to be juvenile N.ferruginea. Para- type 10tLACM-AHF 1615 was found to be an Aglaophamus species (involute inter- ramal cirri) too small to be determined to species. Paratype lots SBMNH 35617 and SBMNH 35618 were examined and found to contain one N. cornuta (see N. cO/'lluta above) each, with the other specimens in the lots being juvenile N. ferruginea. Hilbig (1992) used three characters to separate N. signifera from N.ferruginea: paired distal papillae counts, dorsal methyl green staining pattern, and distribu- tion of post-acicular setal types. Corrected paired papillae counts for N. ferru- ginea are the same as those described for N. signifera. The dorsal methyl green staining area in Nephtys is composed of the anterior nervous system as described by Clark (1955, 1957, 1958a, 1958b). Clark (1955, 1958b) illustrates the anterior nervous system for N. ferruginea and other Eastern Pacific Nephtys species (Fig. 7). The dorsal staining pattern is visible through the body wall of small speci- mens, but not visible through the thicker body wall of large specimens. The stained area can be seen in a ventral dissection with the proboscis moved aside (Figs. 6A). All type material of N. sign(fera from Hilbig (1992) herein referred to N. ferruginea were small specimens. Reexamination of the type material of N. fer- ruginea and N. signifera reveal that the distribution of post-acicular setal types is the same for both species. Examination of all material indicates that smooth post- acicular setae are more abundant in juveniles and the median and posterior seti- gers of adults. This distributional pattern may be due to the effect of setal wear caused by sediment abrasion or setal replacement with age.
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