Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00962-2 - Land and Privilege in Byzantium: The Institution of Pronoia Mark C. Bartusis Index More information Index Aaron on Zavorda Treatise, 35 archontopoulos, grant recipient, 348 Aitolia, 231 Theodore, apographeus, 627 Akapniou, monastery in Thessaloniki, 307, Achaia, 234, 241 556, 592–94, 618 Acheloos, theme of, 233 Akarnania, 333, 510 Achinos, village, 556, 592–94 akatadoulotos, akatadouloton, 308, 423–24, 425 Achladochorion, mod. village, 451 akc¸e, 586, 587 acorns, 228, 229, 364, 491, 626 Akindynos, Gregory, 255 Adam akinetos (k©nhtov) see dorea; ktema; ktesis Nicholas, grant recipient, xxi, 206, 481 Aklou, village, 148 official, xv, 123 Akridakes, Constantine, priest, 301 syr, kavallarios,landholder,206, 481 Akropolites, George, historian, 15, 224, 225, Adam, village, 490, 619 284, 358 adelphaton,pl.adelphata, 153 Akros see Longos Adrian Akroterion, village, 570, 572, 573 landholder in the 1320s, 400 aktemon (ktmwn), pl. aktemones, 70, 85, 86, pronoia holder prior to 1301, 520 139, 140, 141–42, 143, 144, 214, 215, Adrianople, 330, 551 590 Adriatic Sea, 603, 604 Alans, 436, 502 Aegean Sea, 502, 510, 602, 604 Albania, 4, 584 aer, aerikon see under taxes, specific Alexios I Komnenos, emperor (1081–1118), xl, agridion, xxii, 466, 540–42, 570 xlii Ahrweiler, Hel´ ene,` 7 chrysobulls of, xv, xvi, 84, 128, 129, 134, on Adrian Komnenos, 137 140, 160, 255 on Alopos, 197 and coinage, 116 on appanages, 290, 291, 292, 293 and gifts of paroikoi, 85 on charistike, 155 and imperial grants, 29, 30, 58, 66, 69, 75, on Choniates’ “gifts of paroikoi,” 87, 89, 95, 76, 85, 87, 101, 105, 110, 115, 117, 121, 109 123, 126, 128–29, 132–52, 159, 164, on Eustathios of Thessaloniki, 99 165, 166, 167, 169, 216, 238, 252, 479, on grants of tax revenue, 78 492, 599, 611, 612 on Komnene Vranaina, 205 and pronoia, 22, 41, 49, 88, 112, 131, 151, on Leichoudes, 24 152, 161–63, 170, 598 on Michael VIII’s chrysobull for the Great prostaxis of, 140 Church, 615–16 Alexios II Komnenos, emperor (1180–83), xlii, on prevalence of pronoia, 267 50, 51, 100, 243 on pronoia, 130 Alexios III Angelos, emperor (1195–1203), xlii, on pronoia and the emperors of Nicaea, 206 103, 168 on the settling of prisoners of war, 110 chrysobulls of, 76, 167, 169 on stratiotikai kteseis, 108–09 and imperial grants, 99, 169, 252, 365 on Synadenos, 37 lysis of, xv, 57, 103 on Syrgares’ pronoia, 206 Alexios III Komnenos, emperor of Trebizond on Xenas Legas, 202 (1349–90), xviii, xliv, 304, 513 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00962-2 - Land and Privilege in Byzantium: The Institution of Pronoia Mark C. Bartusis Index More information Index 661 Alexios IV Angelos, emperor (1203–4), 102 and pronoia, 283, 295, 356, 415, 417, 429, allagion, 267, see also mega allagion 436, 440, 447–56, 463–67, 471, 473, allelengyon,pl.allelengya, 113 508, 510, 536–37, 540–41, 542–43 in Trebizond, 304, 513 prostagmata of, xx, xxii, 243, 423, 466, 510, Almiroi, towns, 168 536, 539, 540, 541 almshouse, 124, 157, 159 and state finances, 433, 527, 529 Alopekai, imperial episkepsis, 123 taxation of imperial grants, 436–37 Alopos, John, prokathemenos of Smyrna, taxation of “pronoiai,” 432–35 pronoia holder, 196, 197–98, 337, 600 and the term oikonomia, 295 Alypiou, monastery on Mount Athos, 348 Andronikos III Palaiologos, emperor Amalfitains, monastery on Mount Athos, 77, (1328–41), xliii, 326, 330, 529 121 acts of, 460 Amazokorakia, bishopric, xvi, 186–88 chrysobulls of, xviii, xix, xxii, 295, 319, 351, Ameras, pronoia holder, 440, 465, 466 424, 481, 483, 542, 543, 570 Amnon and civil wars, 323, 324, 326, 397, 473, 528 Alexios, apographeus, pronoia holder, xvii, exisosis of, xviii, 332 xix, 271, 273, 342, 351, 388, 398, 493, and imperial grants, 324, 325, 352, 420, 620 509, 627 orismos of, xxii, 541 Constantine, 342 and pronoia, 327–28, 331–33, 441, 470–71, Isaac, 342 473, 486, 510, 529, 535 Amoiras, Demetrios, 465 prostagmata of, xviii, xix, xxii, 244, 295, 351, ampelion see vineyard 382, 397, 504, 538 Amygdaleai, village, 402, 574 and tax relief, 72, 334 Amyras, 440 Andronikos IV Palaiologos, emperor anagraphe,pl.anagraphai see fiscal surveys, (1376–79), xliii, 429 reassessments chrysobulls of, xx, xxi, 425, 461 anagrapheus, xxxv, 67, 492 Anemas, Pankratios, pronoia holder, 37–40, Analypsi, mod. village, 39 43, 57, 62, 63, 198, 545 Anastasijevic,´ Dragutin, 57 angareia,pl.angareiai, 71, 76, 83, 84, 288, 367, Anatavlas, landholder, 401 369, 370, 393, 410, 420, 424, 628, see Anchialos, 550 also corvees´ ; taxes, secondary demands andrikotatos see under kavallarios Angelina, Anna, wife of stratiotes Michael Andronikopoulos, sevastos, pronoia holder, Angelos, 259 515, 518 Angelos Andronikos and his brother, Christianized Alexios, brother of Isaac II Angelos, 168 Turks, grant recipients, xviii, 343–45, Constantine, cousin of Isaac II Angelos, 99 435 George Komnenos, pronoia holder, 187–91, Andronikos I Komnenos, emperor (1183–85), 237, 492, 600 xlii, 97, 98, 166 John, doux of Thrakesion, xvi, 195, 208, 209 prostaxis of, xv, 55, 62, 63, 173, 192 John, sevastokrator, governor of Thessaly, Andronikos II Palaiologos, emperor 401 (1282–1328), xvii, xli, xliii, 266–68, Michael, despot, son of Michael II Doukas, 286, 327, 502 293–94, 546 chrysobulls of, xix, xx, xxi, xxii, 107, 245, Michael, stratiotes, grant recipient, xvii, 351, 417, 419, 423, 424, 427, 436, 447, 259–60, 263, 274 449, 453, 463, 471, 482, 483, 508, 511, pronoia holder in 1321, 516, 519 540, 542, 631 Angelov, Dimiter, 442, 613 and civil wars, 323, 352, 473, 528 Angevins, 602 exisosis of, xviii, 326, 415 Angold, Michael and imperial grants, 156, 249, 293, 303, 305, on Alopos, 197 323, 351, 360, 387, 423, 425, 427, 436, on Choniates’ “gifts of paroikoi,” 92, 94 463, 482–83, 546, 601, 631 on grant holders and administrative orismoi of, 440 authority, 207 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00962-2 - Land and Privilege in Byzantium: The Institution of Pronoia Mark C. Bartusis Index More information 662 Index Angold, Michael (cont.) apostrateuo (postrateÅw), 106, 107 on imperial grants and John III, 225 appanages, 137, 290–91, 292, 293, 336, 418, on Komnene Vranaina, 205 505, 506, 512 on Manuel I and grants of land, 100 aprosdioristos (prosdior©stwv), 85 on Michael VIII’s chrysobull for the Great Arabs, 113, 154 Church, 616, 617 Aravenikeia see Revenikeia on pronoia and the Morea, 511 archaism, 108, 309 on Syrgares, 198, 204 Archangelos, mod. village, 51 Ani, city, 113 archons, Gr. archontes, xxxv, 76, 169, 262, 288, Ankara, battle of, 551, 553 305, 323, 357, 361, 531, 596, 618 Anna, daughter of Sarantenos Indanes, stratiotai, 385, 471 448 archontic, Gr. archontikos see under ktema; Anna of Savoy, wife of Andronikos III, 327, oikonomia 349, 375, 529, 556 Archontitzes and pronoia, 403 Michael, paroikos of Nicholas Maliasenos, prostagma of, 402 489–90 Ano, proasteion, 139–40 Niketas, archontopoulos, grant recipient, anorthoton (n»rqwton), 73 348 anthropos (nqrwpov), pl. anthropoi, 32, 133, Archontochorion, a property, 38–39, 42, 47, 399 48, 57, 545 Antigoneia, village, 271 archontopoulos,pl.archontopoula or Antioch, 125, 166 archontopouloi, xvii, xviii, 260–63, 268, Antiochites, Manuel, archontopoulos,grant 323, 337, 348–49, 421, 444 recipient, 348 western archontopouloi, 402, 451 anti-oikoumenou, 364, 369, 372–74, 381, 501, Areti, mod. village, 38 619, 622, 623, 626 Argolid, 427 Antipapas, Michael, vestarches, 29 aristocracy, aristocrats, xl, 113, 132, 331, 340, Anzas, Niketas, official, xvi, 145 587 Apelmene, Demetrios, apographeus, xviii, xxii, as grant holders, 113, 155, 164, 225, 323, 243, 294, 302, 322, 511, 514, 625, 627 441, 447, 599, 610 aphairo (fairä), 344, 397, 435 as pronoia holders, 263, 357, 467 Aphameia, toponym, 387 arithmos (riqm»v), 68, 79 Aplemele Armenians, 123 epistemonarches on Lemnos, 511 Armenopoulos, Demetrios, vasilikos stratiotes, pronoia holder on Lemnos, 511 and pronoia holder, xix, 411 apocharizo (pocar©zw), 181 army, Byzantine apographe,pl.apographai see fiscal surveys after Basil II, 112, 113 apographeus,pl.apographeis, xxxv, 176, 212, and Alexios I, 162, 170 312, 321, 326, 332, 355, 362, 371, 414, and Andronikos II, 415 416, 451, 453 and Andronikos III, 332, 529 apographike, apographikai see under exisosis; financing, 527, 529 paradosis; thesis and John VI, 415–16 apokatastasis, 215, 362, 618 and Manuel I, 64–65, 94, 97, 109 Apokaukos and Michael VIII, 241, 251 Alexios, megas doux, 16, 17, 328, 332 military titles, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii John, metropolitan of Naupaktos, xvi, xvii, and pronoia, xix, 94, 97, 98, 109, 249, 333, 228–33, 234, 285, 340, 409, 429, 490, 334, 395, 415–16, 431, 527, 529, 586, 510, 595 598 Apokope psomion, 219 provisions, rations, 71, 227, 277–78, 344, Apollonia, mod. village, 572 430, 502 aporos,pl.aporoi, 120, 214, 215 recruitment, 54, 65, 90, 93, 221, 262 apospo (pospä), 295, 303, 403, 499, 536, and the themes, 106, 108–09, 111, 119, 541, 543, 546, 555 160–62 Apostolitai, village, 619 see also soldiers © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00962-2 - Land and Privilege in Byzantium: The Institution of Pronoia Mark C. Bartusis Index More information Index 663 army, Ottoman, 326, 585, 586, 588 axia (x©a), pronoiastike, 593 army, Seljuk, 344 Aydin, emirate, 588 Arsenikeia, village, 149, 567 Arvanid sancak, 586, 587 Baghdad, 587 Asan Bagrat, Taronite prince, 122 Constantine,
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