Sri Krishna Kathamrita Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa( tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam BBBiiinnndududu Issue No. 77 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications 1 May 2004 Śrī Mohinī Ekādaśī, 26 Madhusūdana, 517 Gaurābda Circulation 1,511 • JAYANANDA PRABHU’S DISAPPEARANCE Remembrances of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada • HARI! HARI! GOVINDA! HARI! Sri Paramananda Das • HIRANYAKASIPU, RAVA N AND SISUPAL Viu Purāa and Srila Jiva Goswami’s Ka Sandarbha Highlights Highlights • KINGS MUST RULE FIRMLY Śiva Mahā-purāa PAGE ONE TOP COLLUMN TWO JAYANANDA PRABHU’S Srila Prabhupada received further word about his last hours. Jayananda had been in great DISAPPEARANCE pain for months, but he never ceased serving Remembrances of His Divine Grace Lord Jagannath and making arrangements for A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami His Ratha-yātrā celebration. Prabhupada On his last day, the pain increased to the 3 May 1977: Today, we received point that he could no longer even chant the word that Jayananda Prabhu had holy name. Moaning in great pain, he ex- given up his body. When pressed the uselessness of maintaining his Prabhupada was informed he diseased body any longer. At the very end, said, “Yes, sooner or later we must he hugged his tape recorder tightly, listening all go.” Afterwards, tears came to His Divine to his spiritual master’s chanting of Hare Grace’s eyes. “He was one of my very best dis- Krishna, and left his body. ciples. He was the first to give me five thou- Of his beloved disciple, Srila Prabhupada sand dollars, which was used for printing Teach- said, “I am very proud to have such a disciple. ings of Lord Caitanya. He used to drive me in the He has died gloriously. His death is wonderful car, and while driving he would be chanting.” and we should all follow his example.” I asked Prabhupada about Jayananda’s des- Prabhupada quoted Bhagavad-gītā 8:5 and tination. “He is not lost. He will be promoted. If read the purport in confirmation. Jayananda he still has some desire for sense gratification, has gone to Vaikuntha to be with Krishna. then he will be promoted to the higher planets His photo will be placed on the Ratha cart, where he will live for ten thousand years with and in all our temples we will hold a feast in full enjoyment. By then, he may have perfected his honor as we do on the other vai ava’s his devotional service and he will be transferred disappearance days. Jaya Jayananda! Jaya back to Godhead. Or, if he has not yet perfected Jayananda! Jaya Jayananda! Prabhupada his devotional service, he will be reborn in a cries remembering you. very high, aristocratic, pious family. But if he 13 June 1977: The new Ratha-yātrā issue of was thinking of Krishna, then he can have gone Back to Godhead arrived, and Prabhupada had directly to Krishna-loka.” me read a few of the articles. After looking for 11 May 1977: Today, everyone thought much a long time at the cover photo of Lord Jagannath, about the departure of Jayananda Prabhu. pictured with His faithful devotee Jayananda, next column !!! !!! Issue Seventy-seven, Page — 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu top left 2 Top right 2 Prabhupada took off his glasses and wiped tears HIRANYAKASIPU, from his eyes with his handkerchief. — From TKG’s Diary. Pundits Press. Dallas, Texas. 1998. RAVA N AND SISUPAL A comparison of the respective destinations of HARI! HARI! GOVINDA! HARI! these three demons is found in Viu Purāa, A Medieval Gauīya Vaiava Poem canto 4, chapter 15: By Sri Paramananda Das Maitreya Muni asked the great sage Parasara, Bihāga ā-rāga “O best of the followers of dharma, previously, hare hare govinda hare after being killed by the Lord, Hiranyakasipu kāliya-mardana kasa-nisūdana did not achieve liberation but appeared as devakī-nandana rāma hare Ravan. Ravan was also killed by the Supreme (Refrain) Hari! Hari! Govinda! Hari! O Lord, but again he did not achieve liberation crusher of Kaliya! O killer of Kamsa! O de- and appeared as Sisupal. After being killed by light of Devaki! O Rama! O Hari! the Lord, though, Sisupal achieved liberation. Why is it that although the Lord killed all three matsya kacchapa-bara śūkara narahari of them, only Sisupal achieved liberation and vāmana bhgu-suta raka-kulāre Hiranyakasipu and Ravan did not?” śrī-baladeva bauddha kalki nārāya a Parasara Muni replied, “When the Supreme deva janārdana śrī-kasāre Lord assumed the form of Narasinghadev O Matysa! O Kurma! O Varaha! O and killed Hiranyakasipu, his mind covered Nrisingha! O Vamana! O Parasurama! O en- by the mode of passion, Hiranyakasipu only emy of the demons! O Balarama! O Buddha! saw Narasinghadev as a living entity of half- O Kalki! O Narayana! O maintainer of all liv- man and half-lion. He did not recognize Him ing entities! O enemy of Kamsa! as the Supreme Lord Vishnu, and hence did keśava mādhava yādava yadu-pati not obtain sāyujya-mukti or the liberation of daitya-dalana du kha-bhañjana śaure merging with the Lord. goloka-indu gokula- candra gadādhara As a result of his death at the hands of garu a-dhvaja gaja-mocana murāre Vishnu, he merely obtained unlimited power O Kesava! O Madhava! O Yadava! O king and enjoyment upon the earth as ten-headed of the Yadus! O Lord who rips the demons to Ravan, the ruler of the three worlds. Ravan shreds! O Lord who breaks sufferings into kidnapped Sita, the consort of Lord pieces! O descendant of King Surasen! O Ramachandra. Blinded by his lusty desires for moon of Goloka and moon of Gokula! O Lord Sita, Ravan could not recognize that Sri Rama who holds a mace! O Lord whose flag bears in His incarnation as the son of Maharaja the emblem of Garuda! O deliverer of Dasarath was the Supreme Lord Vishnu. Gajendra! O enemy of Mura! At the moment of his death, Ravan’s concep- tion was that Lord Rama was a human being. śrī-puruottama parameśvara prabhu Thus, the fruit of his being killed by the infal- parama-brahma parame hī aghāre lible Personality of Godhead was confined to du khite dayā kuru deva devakī-suta durmati paramānanda parihāre his receiving nearly unlimited wealth and power in his next birth as Sisupal, the son of O supreme person! O supreme controller! the king of Chedi. Due to his past births and O master! O Supreme Brahman! O Supreme his demoniac nature, Sisupal always envied the Lord! O destroyer of sin! O Lord, O son of Lord. Thus he constantly criticized and disre- Devaki, please be merciful and deliver miser- spected the Lord, and in doing so he was al- able, troubled, wicked-hearted Paramananda ways repeating the different names of the Lord Das! — Unknown translator. and remembering His pastimes. Whether walk- Bibliography ing, eating, sitting or sleeping, Sisupal’s animos- — Gokulananda Sen. Pada-kalpa-taru. Syamacharan Library. Calcutta. 438 ity towards the Lord was never at rest. The tran- Gaurabda (1924). Bengali. scendental form of Krishna with His beautiful — Jagadbandhu Bhadra. Gaura-pada-tara ginī. Sri Gauranga Press. Calcutta. 1931. Bengali. lotus eyes, yellowish garments, decorated with !!! !!! TopSri leftKrishna-kathamrita 3 Bindu top right 3 Issue Seventy-seven, Page — 3 garlands, crown, bracelets, and carrying the āsurī yonim āpannā mū hā janmani janmani conch, disk, club, and lotus flower in His four mām aprāpyaiva kaunteya tato yānty adhamā gatim hands, was ever present in his thoughts. Attaining repeated birth amongst the species of In criticizing the Lord, Sisupal was always demoniac life, there is no possibility of such per- uttering the Lord’s divine names; in enmity, sons ever approaching Me. Gradually they sink he was always remembering the Lord’s form down to the most abominable type of existence. in his mind and heart. Thus when he was According to the descriptions of the Vedic lit- killed by Krishna, all of his passion and ha- eratures, although the enemies of the Supreme tred ceased, he was purified from every de- Lord attain liberation by constantly thinking of fect, and he attained liberation. the Lord or by inadvertently serving Him in some Srila Jiva Goswami also comments on this sub- capacity, generally they do not all become lib- ject in Ka Sandarbha, anuccheda 29: erated simply by associating with the Lord or being killed by Him. By killing and liberating The Padma Purā a, uttara-kha a, explains: these demons, Lord Krishna reveals His tran- nsiha-rāma-k eu ā -gu ya-paripūra am scendental opulence, which is greater than that The six opulences of wealth, strength, fame, beauty, of any other form of the Personality of knowledge and renunciation are fully present in Godhead. These statements are all confirmed the forms of Lord Nrisingha, Rama, and Krishna. by the explanations spoken by Parasara Muni Although all the forms of the Personality of and recorded in the Vi u Purā a. Godhead fully display these six opulences, these Lord Krishna saw that by killing Putana and three forms are singled out as especially display- some other demons they had become liberated. ing them. The most significant word “nsiha- However, Kalanemi and the other remaining rāma-k eu” is a dvandva compound. Because demons had not yet achieved liberation. Find- the most important word is generally placed at ing this intolerable, He began to think how to the end of a compound word, and because kill them. This astonishing transcendental na- Krishna is placed at the end of this compound, ture of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we may conclude that He is the most impor- Lord Krishna, is described by Parasara Muni tant of all the forms of the Lord.
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