A Quarterly Journal of the Wisdom Tradition Following the Blavatsky/ Point Loma Tradition IN THIS ISSUE Essential Wholeness: Transformation through Self-Becoming Helen Tocld Compassion, Poetry, and Paradox: Insights on Blavatsky’s “Voice of the Silence” Bhikshu Sangharakshita Theosophy and Buddhism Christmas Humphreys The Whole and its Parts Henry T. Edge Ayurvedic Healing Depak Chopra Poem: The Meditations of Ssu-k’ung T’u Kenneth Morris The Path of Heart Wisdom from “The Voice of the Silence”, Helena Blavatsky Story: The Last Adventure of Essential Wholeness: Don Quixote Kenneth Morris Transformation through Universal Perspective: Self Becoming What Am I? W. Emmett Small Helen Todd Moreover, the Secret Doctrine teaches:—"The fundamental iden­ philosophy admits no privileges or special gifts in man, save those tity of all Souls with the Universal Over-Soul, the latter being itself won by his own Ego through personal effort and merit throughout an aspect of the Unknown Root; and the obligatory pilgrimage for a long series of metempsychoses and reincarnations." every Soul—a spark of the former—- through the cycle of the In­ —The Secret Doctrine 1-17 carnation (or "Necessity") in accordance with Cyclic and Karmic law, during the whole term. In other words, no purely spiritual The above quotation constitutes the third of the three Buddhi (divine Soul) can have an independent (conscious) existence before the spark which issued from the pure Essence of the Universal fundamental propositions which H.P. Blavatsky sets forth Sixth principle,) or the OVER-SOUL,—has (a) passed through every in the Proem of her great work. In its broad sweep it is elemental form of the phenomenal world of that Manvantara, and a magnificent description of the doctrine of emanational (b) acquired individuality, first by natural impulse, and then by evolution—the only genuine evolution the Esoteric Phi­ self-induced and self-devised efforts (checked by its Karma), thus losophy recognizes. Furthermore, it serves as an excellent ascending through all the degrees of intelligence, from the lowest to the highest Manas, from mineral and plant, up to the holiest introduction to the subject of our study: the Doctrine of archangel (Dhyani-Buddha). The pivotal doctrine of the Esoteric Swabhava—The Doctrine of Self-Becoming. Continued on page 22 EDITORIAL THE FUTURE OF THE groups within this Classification who New Series Vol XXI Ndl Spring 1992 THEOSOPHICAL follow both Judge as well as HPB, and ISSN: 0890-8117 MOVEMENT still others who include also succes­ sors such as de Purucker and/or A Quarterly Journal of the s the year 1992 begins we need to Crosbie, called by some 'leaders' and Wisdom Tradition look at the future of the Theosophical by Others commentators. This varied Following the Movement. The Movement began its group, however, is; importantly fun­ Blavatsky/Point Loma Tradition current cycle in 1875 and is now in its damentalist in that it points to that 117th year. In its early years it achieved original corpus of writings as being Editor. a large degree of fame, even of noto­ the true source of Theosophy. W. Emmett Small riety; but in the year 1992 it is an almost Then there is a second tradition forgotten relic of a magnificent past. which by some can be called progres­ Associate Editors: Members of the various groups within sive, since it is more concerned with the Movement are content to either what they view as later revelations, John Cooper KennethSmall quote earlier teachers or to follow the such as those contained in the writings latest of the New Age gurus. The strin­ of Besant, Leadbeater, Bailey, gent and austere search for Truth that Krishriamurti, Steiner/ and many of Acknowledgements: was there in the early Movement is now the New Age gurus. Many of the feuds Christine Mellen simply the repeating of the platitudes and splits within the Theosophical Vera Meyer Carmen Small of the past. Movement have arisen as a result of Eldon Tucker Back in 1875 the Theosophical So­ conflicts between the fundamentalists ciety was vital and a leading expounder and the progressives. of the lost truths of antiquity, and one The third position I am calling the Issue Composition: of the major sources for Eastern phi­ Point Loma tradition though possibly Kenneth Small losophy arid religion being recognized IV. Emmett Small this is a poor title. It is chosen to de­ by the West. Now in the year 1992 we scribe a middle position between the have a large number of groups and fundamentalists and the progressives, Design: sects who are engaged in transmitting a position based' firmly on the John Odam Design Associates the wisdom of die East to the West. Blavatsky/Mahatma corpus, but These include Buddhist/ Hindu, and which, like the Romain god Janus, looks Islamic organizations who at one de­ in two directions — back beyond gree of authenticity or another are mak­ Blavatsky to what can be called the ing the Western mind aware of the Source Tradition, and includes what Eastern traditions. What then is the HPB described in tlfie Esoteric teach­ role of Theosophists today in these ings of Hinduism, Neoplatonism, Gnos­ areas? ticism, and Kabbalism; and also looks With this issue the Eclectic is reborn forwards towards sound contempo­ Note to Subscribers: as a quarterly, retaining the same slo­ rary academic and scientific thinking. gan on its front page, "following the Within the abdve context, the Due to increased cost of Blavatsky and Point Loma tradition." Eclectic wishes to open its pages to all printing and postage, the Just what do we mean by these words? Theosophists and seekers of Truth, re­ new quarterly subscription If we look at the contemporary Theo­ gardless of the Theosophical organi­ rate is: sophical Movement we can see three zation to which they belong. We believe major traditions at work. The first is there are a number of issues, both philo­ USA 7.00/year the Blavatsky tradition, which is fun­ sophical and historical, that need con­ OVERSEAS 10.00/year damentalist in that it refers back to a sideration and discussion, and that our (All overseas subscriptions specific, if limited, volume of works— worldwide readership, which today will only be sent airmail.) essentially those of Blavatsky and the has the advantage of the records of a Mahatmic writings. However, apart century of theosophical history, will from those few who stay strictly with welcome such. Some of these issues these above sources, there are larger are: Eclectic Theosophist Spring 1992 3 —The relationship between Truth —The relationship between the and Theosophical history, including and Brotherhood in the theosophical teachings of Krishnamurti, Steiner, and never before published Blavatsky world. Bailey, and those of Theosophy. material. In doing so we wish to work —The issues raised by John Algeo, —The deeper understanding of in tandem with the Theosophical His­ Jeannine Miller, Charles James, John Theosophical teachings. tory Journal. Crocker, Geoffrey Farthing and others —Consideration of the current dis­ Finally we extend our hands in in terms of understanding and coveries in Buddhism, Gnosticism, etc. friendship to all true seekers and The­ defining the structure of the Theo­ in relation to Theosophy. osophists and welcome them to con­ sophical Movement both present and Also in future issues we intend to tribute to the new Eclectic Theosophist. past publish rare material on Theosophy —John Cooper COMPASSION, POETRY move. So important is a clear under­ AND PARADOX: INSIGHTS standing of the difference not merely ONBLAVATSKY’S between the kinds of effect they are calculated to produce and the organs ‘VOICE OF THE SILENCE’ main groups, each possessing certain upon which they are intended to act, Bhikshu Sangharakshita distinctive features. The sutras, as the that, according to The Voice of the Si­ From the Introduction of the Publishers when works comprising the first and more lence itself, the disciple at the very onset this lecture was first given in 1954, we ex­ important group are designated, pur­ of his quest is admonished, "Learn cerpt the following: "The Voice of the Silence port to be discourses delivered by the above all to separate Head-learning has a universal message. Compassion Ab­ Lord Buddha himself or, in a few cases, from Soul-wisdom, the 'Eye' from the solute, about which Bhikshu Sangharakshita writes, is the great archetypal virtue, the those gi ven by Arahant and Bodhisattva 'Heart7 doctrine." ... Just as it is the mother of all Paramitas." disciples speaking either with his ap­ function of the 'Eye' Doctrine of the "The lecturer, Bhikshu Sangharakshita, is proval or under his inspiration. The sastras to impart Head-learning, so it an Englishman, bom in London in 1925. When sastras, the works comprising the sec­ is the function of the 'Heart7 doctrine fourteen years old he read the two volumes ond group, are treatises composed by of the sutras to stimulate the devel­ of the world-famous Isis Unveiled, by H.P. Blavatsky. He writes: 'It liberated me from the great acharyas, founders and ex­ opment of Soul- wisdom. We are not the bonds of dogmatic Christianity, and ponents of the various Buddhist to suppose, however, that there are though I never became a theosophist, I am schools, in order to elucidate and two doctrines, in the sense of two dif­ deeply sympathetic to certain aspects of the systemize the teachings of a particular ferent bodies of teachings: it is a ques­ Theosophical Movement, though frankly sutra or group of sutras. The distinctive tion of a difference of attitude, of ap­ speaking I regard some of the later devel­ opments as deviations.' He visited Malaya, features of these two groups of works proach. Inasmuch as it conforms to the Ceylon and South India, reached North India .
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