EP Information Offices | Annual Report 2016 ReportReport onon eventsevents organisedorganised byby thethe EuropeanEuropean ParliamentParliament InformationInformation OfficesOffices onon thethe occasionoccasion ofof thethe 20162016 LUXSakharov Film Prize Prize Directorate for Information Offices Produced by Horizontal and Thematic Monitoring Unit Directorate for Information Offices Manuscript completed in March 2017 © European Union, 2017 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Report on events organised by the European Parliament Information Offices on the occasion of the 2016 Sakharov Prize TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 7 2 TYPES OF EVENTS 8 3 PARTICIPANTS 14 4 MEDIA AND SOCIAL MEDIA 15 5 FACTS & FIGURES 16 6 ANNEXES 17 EP Information Offices | Sakharov Prize Report 2016 1 INTRODUCTION The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, awarded each year by the Eu- ropean Parliament, is intended to honour exceptional individuals who combat intolerance, fanaticism and oppression around the world. In 2016, the Prize was awarded to Nadia Murad Basee Taha and Lamiya Aji Bashar - survivors of sexual enslavement by Islamic State who have beco- me spokespersons for women afflicted by IS’s campaign of sexual violence. The European Parliament Information Offices (EPIOs) promoted the Sakha- rov Prize via various events and actions organised within the scope of the wider, year-long Human Rights campaign of the European Parliament, rai- sing awareness of the EP’s commitment to the protection of human rights around the world. This report looks at the EPIOs’ activities in more de- The 2016 Sakharov Prize laureates poster © European Union - European Parliament tail and presents key facts and figures concerning their organisation. Iraqi Yazidi activists Nadia Murad and Lamiya Aji Bashar receive 2016 Sakharov Prize Sakharov Prize Award Ceremony © European Union - European Parliament from EP President Martin Shultz © European Union - European Parliament Sakharov Prize Award Ceremony © European Union - European Parliament Iraqi Yazidi activists Nadia Murad and Lamiya Aji Bashar receive 2016 Sakharov Prize © European Union - European Parliament 7 2 TYPES OF EVENTS 66 events were The 66 events organised by EPIOs within the fugees, listen to Lamiya’s story and imagine that this hap- organised by the framework of the 2016 Sakharov Prize encom- pens to your own children.” During her time in Austria, EPIOs in all the passed various types of activities, focusing on rai- Lamiya also had the opportunity to discuss the plight of Member States sing awareness of the EP’s commitment to the pro- Yazidi refugees with Austria’s Chancellor Christian Kern. tection of human rights, with Sakharov Prize being one of the highlights of the year-long campaign. In Bulgaria, the EPIO Sofia organised a presentation on the Sakharov Prize as well as a live discussion on The events included conferences, debates, lectures, the human rights situation in Russia with the 2009 round tables, panel discussions, seminars, exhibitions, Sakharov Prize winner - director of the Moscow-based workshops, competitions, quizzes, meetings, online human rights centre “Memorial” - Kirill Koroteev. He communication campaigns, live online video-confe- acknowledged the resolutions of the European Parlia- rences, press conferences, media interviews, as well as ment on human rights violations in Russia, adding that screenings of films related to the topic. On many occa- even though they do not have a direct effect, the reso- sions they were organised with the participation of for- lutions send a strong signal to the Kremlin about the mer Sakharov Prize laureates or other important guests. European Union’s continuous commitment to defending democracy, human rights and the rule of law. He also The Sakharov Prize events in Austria included two film outlined the main challenges that “Memorial” is facing screenings as well as a press conference with this year’s today, drawing attention to legislation adopted in 2012 laureate Lamiya Aji Bashar, Yazidi activist Mirza Dinnayi whereby every Russian-based entity receiving foreign and the EP Vice-President Ulrike Lunacek. Lamiya’s emo- funding is registered as a “foreign agent” - leading to tionally moving speech at the human rights film festival the cutting off of finances and limiting the organisa- This Human World resulted in a standing ovation from tion’s operational capacity. The debate moderated by a the 800 strong audience. “It is not about me, I want to call renowned Bulgarian journalist triggered a lot of interest. the world’s attention to the destiny of thousands of wo- men and girls whom the IS treat like animals, so that this The EPIO Zagreb hosted a Sakharov-related pa- never happens again,” she said, backed by Ms Lunacek, nel discussion for students of the University of who added “If you think that there is no more space for re- Zagreb, accompanied by a documentary scree- ning, as well as the Model European Coun- cil simulation at the Faculty of Political Science. In Cyprus, a special TV programme “Human Rights: The EP Sakharov Prize”, was organised by the EPIO Nicosia and broadcast by public TV station CyBC. A de- bate with MEPs, an Associate Professor of the Depart- ment of Law and three students from the University of Cyprus was dedicated to the role of the EP in the field of human rights in relation to the Sakharov Prize. Press conference with Lamiya Aji Bashar and the EP Vice-President Ulrike Lunacek , In the Czech Republic, the EPIO Prague pro- organised by EPIO Vienna © Informationsbüro des Europäischen Parlaments/APA-Fotoservice/Schedl moted the Sakharov Prize via dedicated exhi- 8 EP Information Offices | Sakharov Prize Report 2016 bitions held in Prague and in Ústí nad Labem. 2003 Sakharov Prize winner and a representative of the United Nations. In addition, the EPIO Paris organised for A large-scale event paying tribute to the winners of students of journalism to attend a seminar in Brussels on the 2016 Sakharov Prize was organised in Denmark the Sakharov Prize, which also provided an opportunity at the UN City in Copenhagen. It highlighted the EP’s for them to meet with members of the DROI committee. fight for human rights and included presentations by an MEP, General Secretary of the Danish Refugee Council, General Secretary of Amnesty International Denmark, Permanent Representative of Denmark to the United Nations in Geneva and Director of the Da- nish Foreign Policy Association, followed by a debate. The promotion of the Sakharov Prize and the human rights campaign in Estonia was ensured by a series of thematic student debates. They were co-organised by the EPIO Tallinn and the Estonian Debating Society in different towns across the country. Moreover, scree- nings of the LUX Prize films related to human rights issues (Mustang and As I Open My Eyes) were held in the towns of Rakvere and Võru, followed by a debate on human rights issues and the freedom of speech. Poster of the film about Dr Mukwege, winner of the 2014 Sakharov Prize. The film Sakharov Day organised in Finland by the EPIO screenings were organised by EPIO Marseille © European Union - European Parliament Helsinki took the form of a Seminar on the Sakha- In Germany, both EPIOs organised panel discussions rov Prize and Human Rights in the EU and Finland. in the presence of several MEPs. In Berlin, a moderated talk between the two Sakharov laureates was accom- In France, the Sakharov Prize was promoted via semi- panied by an exhibition of European Youth Press. The nars, screenings and debates. The EPIO Marseille held EPIO Munich in cooperation with the Human Rights Of- three screenings of the film The Man Who Mends Women fice of the City of Nürnberg organised a panel discussion about Dr Mukwege, winner of the 2014 Sakharov Prize. on the Sakharov Prize in Nürnberg. It included several They were organised in Grenoble, Lyon and Marseille important guests, such as journalist and filmmaker and important guests included the director of the film, Düzen Tekkal, Professor Petra Bendel from Zentralinsti- Thierry Michel, representatives of Amnesty Internatio- tut für Regionenforschung and journalist Armin Jelenik. nal, representatives of the League of Human Rights and of various NGOs. The last screening was followed by a As well as a media campaign, the EPIO Athens organised debate. Another debate on «Human rights and migra- a Sakharov event for secondary students in the Attika re- tion in third countries» was held at the Institute of Hu- gion which included the participation of two high level man Rights of Lyon in the presence of an MEP, a French speakers - EP Vice-President Dimitrios Papadimoulis and Representative of the Office of the United Nations High the Greek Parliament’s Vice-President Tasos Kourakis. Commissioner for Refugees and Ralf H. W. Gruenert, the 9 The Sakharov Prize campaign in Hungary was or- bourg) and Antonio Tajani, as well as the President of ganised in cooperation with the EC Representation the Italian Senate Pietro Grasso. The President of the and included a photo exhibition Cataracta as well as Senate’s Foreign Affairs and Migration Committee Pier- a public discussion on international development and ferdinando Casini and the President of the Parliamen- humanitarian aid provided to African countries by the tary Press Association, Sergio Amici, who interviewed EU. Important guests such as Dr Hardi (whose work is the 2005 Sakharov Prize laureate Hauwa Ibrahim at similar to that of 2014 Sakharov Prize winner Dennis the event, were also among the speakers. After the live Mukwege - treating people in need in the DRC) as well broadcast from Strasbourg, the EPTV video dedicated as internationally acknowledged photo reporter András to 2016 winners Nadia Murad Basee Taha and Lamiya D. Hajdú participated at the event, resulting in good Aji Bashar was screened, followed by a Q&A session. media coverage of the Sakharov Prize in the country. The EPIO Riga focused on media activities in Lat- via, targeting the largest dailies as well as regio- nal newspapers.
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