St. Veronica Church Established 1951 A Stewardship Parish - Grateful Living through Faith, Fellowship, Service, & Giving 434 Alida Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 www.stveronicassf.com Phone: 650-588-1455 Fax: 650-588-1481 The Last Supper by Juan de Juanes 1523 – 1579 The Crown of Thorns by Howard David Johnson Palm Sunday and Holy Week April 9-14, 2017 St. Veronica Parish Parish Office Hours Mass Intentions Monday to Friday for the Week of April 9, 2017 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed for lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Sun 04/09 7:00 † Edna Semien 8:30 † Ambroscio Sr. & Cresencia Pablo (unless otherwise posted) 10:00 † Patrick Kerrigan Phone: 650-588-1455 Fax: 650-588-1481 11:30 † Juan Escalante 6:00 † Guadalupe Sanchez Parish Staff Mon 04/10 6:30 Viola Baldonado Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor 8:30 † Emeliano & Teresa Valdez Fr. Nicasio G. Paloso Jr., Parochial Vicar Tue 04/11 6:30 † Angela Ancanan Fr. Don Sharp, S.J., Weekend Assistant 8:30 † Anthony Piety Gomes Fr. Al Grosskopf, S.J., Weekend Assistant Deacon Roger Beaudry Wed 04/12 6:30 † Ethel & Henry Ware 8:30 † Concordia Pascual Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Thu 04/13 Holy Thursday - No Morning Masses Patricia Spiteri, Parish Secretary, Ext. 301 6:30 p.m. - No Intention Oneyda Perez, Parish Bookkeeper, Ext. 304 Fri 04/14 Good Friday - No Morning Masses Karen Guglielmoni, Faith Formation & Wedding Coordinator, Ext.305 Sat 04/15 Holy Saturday - No Morning Masses Christopher Lindstrom, Music Director, Ext. 308 8:00 Vigil - No Intention Jim Rodriguez, Custodian/Maintenance Sun 04/16 Easter Sunday - No Intentions St. Veronica Catholic School Have a Holy and Blessed Easter! www.saintveronicassf.org Phone: 650-589-3909 Mrs. Kathryn Lucchesi Mrs. Geninne Ruegg St. Veronica Parish Mission Statement Principal Vice Principal St. Veronica Church is a multicultural community of believers who treasure Je- SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION sus Christ at the center of their profession Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are to be arranged through the Parish Office. of faith & practice. They worship & work Baptisms in English are typically held on the together to build up a community of fam- 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. Baptisms in Spanish are typically held on the ily & friends according to the mind & 2nd Saturday of each month. heart of Christ. Out of the abundance of Baptismal Preparation classes are held once a month. joy & gratitude, they live & share the Call the Parish Office at 650-588-1455 good news of faith & hope, striving to Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) stand up for peace & justice, to spread Call the Parish Office to register 650-588-1455 Ext.309 love & compassion, to care for those who Faith Formation: 650-588-1455 Ext. 305 Catechetical instructions (1st to 8th grades) are in need, and to make our nation & the world a better place for all. Confirmation Classes: 650-588-1455 Parish Office email: [email protected] Mass Schedule ON THE HORIZON Saturdays: 8:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Thurs., April 13: Holy Thursday Mass of the Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 a.m. Lord’s Supper, 6:30 p.m. followed by Eucharis- Spanish Mass: Sundays at 6:00 p.m. tic Adoration until 10:00 p.m. Holy Days: 6:30, 8:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. (English) Fri., April 14: Good Friday - Stations of the Monday - Friday: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. Cross at noon, Choir Cantata at 12:45 p.m., & Confessions Good Friday Liturgy from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Saturdays: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Sat., April 15 & Sun., April 16: Easter Masses Liturgy of the Hours at 8:00 p.m. Saturday (Vigil); 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, Monday - Friday: Morning Prayer at 6:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. (English), and 1:30 p.m. (Spanish). Eucharistic Adoration Mon., April 17: Easter Monday Holiday, Pasto- 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday ral Office closed, one Mass at 8:30 a.m., NO Eu- except as posted for holidays and parish events charistic Adoration Sat., April 29: St. Veronica Catholic School First Holy Communion, 10:00 a.m. Parish Registration Sat., May 6: Marian Retreat, St. Mary’s Cathe- Please complete and return form to the parish office, dral (Save the date and stay tuned for details!) or simply drop it in the collection basket. Sat., May 6 & Sat., May 13: St. Veronica Faith Kindly print all information. Formation First Holy Communion, 10:00 a.m. Name(s): ____________________________________ Sun., May 14: Mother’s Day Name(s): ____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Welcome New Parishioners! ____________________________________________ Our parish continues to be blessed and enriched by the presence of newly registered parishioners: City & Zip: ___________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Robert & Nancy Bartoli E-mail: ______________________________________ Arsenio & Odette Mendoza Primary language spoken at home: ________________ The Vergara Family - Edgardo, Updating Current Parish Registration Melody, Emilio, Emmit & Emma Lea Moving / Please remove from mailing list. May St. Veronica Church become a spiritual home where your faith and fellowship may be nourished with inspiration for you ___This is a new registration Please call me. to live a life of service and generosity toward God and others. Lent Events at St. Veronica Fasting and Abstinence: Everyone 14 years of age and older is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, each Friday of Lent, and Good Friday. Those 18-60 years of age are to fast on Ash Wednesday & Good Friday. On these two days the law of fasting allows only one full meal a day, but does not prohibit taking some food during the day, as long as this does not constitute another full meal. Drinking liquids is permitted. Almsgiving: Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference is accepting non-perishable food items. Through Good Friday, April 14, items may be placed in the baskets in the vestibule or dropped off at the Pastoral Center. Thank you for supporting St. Veronica Parish and its works. Due to holiday printing schedules, our collection numbers for April 1st & 2nd will be reported in the April 16th bulletin. Thank you for your continued support. From the Pastor’s Desk Dear Parishioners, the cross, but we were also filled with hope and grati- Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord: Paul Grant tude for what Jesus brought for us through his ultimate sacrifice. and Marian Palmer sing: “Hey, King! Where’s your crown, where’s your Cadillac? I’ve never seen a king Word of God: This Palm Sunday, the Word of God is before --- on a donkey’s back.” On Palm Sunday, we all about suffering. The first reading is from Isaiah commemorate our King’s triumphant entry into Jerusa- about the suffering servant. He suffers a lot, but he plac- lem. Henry Hart Milman says: “Ride on, ride on in maj- es all his trust in God. The responsorial psalm is about: esty! In lowly pomp ride on to die; O Christ, thy tri- “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” A umphs now begin, O’er captive death and conquered very powerful sentiment indeed! How many times have sin.” Jesus’ triumphal entry will turn into dark, sad days we felt this way in our life? We sometimes feel that we of excruciating suffering and shameful death. But it will are abandoned by everyone, including God. Jesus him- all pale in the resplendent glory that will dawn on Easter. self felt this way. He used these very words on the The profound Christian insight is that it’s always through cross. Jesus knows our human frustrations and anguish the cross that we find our glory. Without suffering, there because he himself has gone through those dark mo- is no love, no redemption, no new life. Suffering is re- ments in his life. That’s the reason we can go to Jesus demptive. Death is the way to resurrection. Let’s look at with great confidence. He knows exactly our struggles the face of Christ this Holy Week. Let’s look into his and sufferings. The second reading is the famous hymn tender eyes. Let’s place our hand on the heart of Christ. from the letter to the Philippians, which celebrates Je- Let’s try to enter his mind and heart to dwell on his sus’s humility, obedience to his Father, his dying on the thoughts and feelings. cross, his exaltation by his heavenly Father above eve- One Practical Suggestion I’ll make for the Holy Week rything and everyone. The gospel reading, the passion is this: Can you choose one of the passion narratives narrative, is taken from Matthew’s gospel. On Good from one of the four gospels? Every gospel, toward the Friday, though, the passion narrative will be from end, has the account of Jesus’ suffering and death. Go to John’s gospel. As we go through these readings, the a church or any other calm place or your living room or Lord will speak to us tenderly and give us the grace to kitchen. Turn the TV off. Sit quietly. Read slowly and enter more deeply the sufferings and death of Jesus so prayerfully the passion narrative and be silent for a few that we can rise with him to a new life in the glory of the resurrection. minutes after reading it. It will only take about 20 minutes or so to do this. You will not regret spending Good Friday quotes: “Christmas and Easter can be some quality time on this simple form of prayer.
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