AGENDA ITEM NO. .......................act) CP) CHRYSTON OMMUNITY ULLOUNCIL Mrs L Lane, Mr G Egan, Mr D Murray, Mr R Herron, Mr J F Rose, Mr J D Lindsay, Mrs E M Young, Mrs N Corrigan, Mr B Rice, Mr R Campbell, Miss R Anderson Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Seran, Mr Toner, Mr Stirling, Mr Clelland, Mr Stark and Councillor C. Gray. Chair: Mr Robert Herron chai33laIk'S Mr Herron welcomed the Members attending the Meeting - the last one Relmrks: before the Summer Break in July. The Minutes of the Meeting on 21st May had been circulated. Adoption was proposed by Mr Murray, seconded by Mrs Corrigan and agreed by the Council. mlice It was reported that Constable Leeming was off ill, it was agreed to Liaison: send him a get well card, and the Secretary would,alert the Police to the problems with alcohol consumption still ifi place in Mollinsburn Swing Park. Planning o0nsult;atians: Weekly Plannins Lists The Lists from 18th May to 15th June were considered. Amongst the items noted, were change of use from Offices to Dwelling House in Mollinsburn, 25 dwellings at Millbrae Farm Chryston, alterations to La Campagnola Restaurant, and the formation of three Residential Plots at the Former Church Hall in Chryston. Millbrae Nursery The plans for 25 homes were noted and a letter of objection had been sent, on the grounds of over development of the area and consequent road hazards. It was agreed to continue with objections against infringement into the greeribelt and potential hazards of such an increase of traffic exiting from the proposed development. Lindsaybeq Road Develoment Scottish Executive acknowledged the Community Council's letters. Lochend Avenue, Mount Ellen An acknowledgment of the Community Council's letters was still awaited. Outstandins/ ..... me2 PldImlW*" Qmsultaticms continued: Outstandinq Items The Secretary was requested to pursue replies to the Outstanding Items. These were, the Pigeon Loft in Cumbernauld Road, Car Repairs at Mount Ellen, The Tree at Wmdhead Road, the Advert in Station Road, Limousines at Mollinsburn, and the Trout Fishery at Mollinsburn. miness North Area Committee Arising fran the The Community Councilts adverse comments had been noted and had been Minutes: replied to at length by Administration Department and Councillor Jean Jones. An invitation to a further Meeting on 14th June at Kilsyth had been declined. Various - Roads, Footways, Liqhtinq, Clearinq of Rubbish etc. 1. Repair of the footway to Moodiesburn and clearing of weeds would have attention. 2. The pavement in Station Road would be placed on the proposed works list. 3. The Neighbourhood Watch signs had been replaced in Potassels Road, but the original signs could not be traced. 4. 'The lighting schemes for the next three yea& did not include further works in Chryston. (re request made for Chryston Road) 5. A grit bin had been placed in Woodhead Road. 6. Rubbish would be cleared from the A.80 path and the area included in the litter picking rota. The rubbish in Station Road would be cleared and Old Lindsayhg Road would be checked on a regular basis. Hall Charges Information was received regarding the new charges and accounting system. Insurance The Community Councilts Insurance, Beaconbus Garage and the contents of the Beacon Community Shop had been renewed with Zurich Insurance for 6157.50. Insurance for the Premises Building would be due in December. Balloch/Eastfield Comnunity Council Advice of the proposed Forum Meeting was given as 13th June. Scottish Natural Heritaae Mrs Lane gave a short report on the Workshop that she had attended on 11th June. The Chairman thanked her for attending on the Counciltsbehalf. operation/ ..... pase 3 Bus- Operation Clean Up Arisjng continued: A request had been submitted to Councillor Gray for the clean up of the Wellbrae Path and the A.80 paths to Moodiesburn. m-: Association of Scottish Community Councils Further information on the A.G.M. on 9th June was received. Postal Voting on Motions was: an entitlement. MVA Advice of the new contact details were received. Newslink A Copy of the June Issue was noted. Scottish Ricrhts of Way Society Comments on the Draft Land Reform (Scotland) Bill were invited per the Legal Committee's submission to Scottish Executive. The Ramblers - Scotland Comments and points of concern were forwarded. * Mobile Phone Masts. An exhibition had been arranged in Cunibernauld for 29th May to explore Health and Safety Issues. Greater Glasgow Health Board 1. Copies of the Drug Action Teams purposes were received. 2. Orthopaedics in North East Glasgow - Problems Needing Urgent Resolution: A copy of the paper was received. West of Scotland Water A survey was sent for completion and return. Mr Lindsay volunteered to take charge. ENTRUST - Scottish Landfill Tax Credit Forum A copy of the ENTRUST Newsletter was received and a copy of the May Landfill Tax Credit Forum was also noted. Scottish Executive Matched Fundina Prosramme - Foot & Mouth Disease Details of a scheme were given on matching funds donated by individuals to Voluntary Organisations for the relief of distress in rural communities affected by the outbreak. Various Roads and Liqhtina Reparts: It was agreed that the Traffic Police be contacted with a request for monitoring speeding traffic in Main Street Chryston, and Drumcave1 Road. A request for the cutting back of grass in the central reservations Of the A.80 was made - sight lines were being affected. Viiiaus Rep- amtinued: Roads and Liqhtinq continued It was agreed to request attention to the pot-hole situation at Alldays, to complain also of the dog dirt at the entrance and also of that of horses deposited on the pavements throughout the area. Citizens Advice Bureau Mr Murray reported that the next Meeting would be om27th June and that the Bureau were looking for new premises. Beaconbus The Minibus was still being well used by Local Organistations. Anstruther Holiday Project The caravan was fully booked for the Season. Beacon Cuinmunity Shop The next opening of the Shop would be on 30th June. Mrs Young resigned from her recent appointment as Convener as she found it difficult to always be in attendance. Mr Herron paid tribute to her work with the shop, and hoped that she could attend when she was able. The Members were pleased to agree. fmmsr Chilterns Home for the Elderlv cbmpetent Business: The Chilterns Home had held a Fund Raising Went on 23rd. June and it was agreed that a donation of &50 be made to the Home. Mr Pat Ferrie MBE It was agreed that a Card be sent to Mr Ferrie on his well deserved Honour in the Queen's Birthday Honours List. That being all the Business in Hand, Mr Herron reminded the Members that the next Meeting would be on 27th August, and the Meeting closed with thanks to the Chair. sederunt: Mr R Stirling, Mr D Murray, Mrs N Corrigan, Mrs E M Young, Mrs L Lane, Mr R Herron, Miss R Anderson. In Attendance: Councillor Gray, Sergeant Harvey and Constable Leeming. Chair: Mr Robert Herron Apologies for absence were intimated from Mr Rose, Mr Lindsay, Mr Campbell, and Mr Rice abair's Mr Herron welcomed the Members attending, with a special word of welcome R!mRrks: to Sergeant Harvey and Constable Leeming. tEe htipat;ed the sad news that Mr Pat Tcxmer had died. He asked for a message of amdo1- to be sent to Mrs lbrmer and that the Camurn' tY Council be repmat Mr Tamrer's funeral. Minutes of The Minutes of the Meeting on 25th June had been circulated. Adoption was preoiaus proposed by Mrs Lane, seconded by Mr Murray and agreed by the Council. Meet*: pblice CosLatable Leaning reported five crimes in the previous month. These included Liaison: three thefts of petrol and two of vehicles, one of which was recovered. There had been eleven road offences, mainly for spding and one breach of the peace. The District had been quite quiet over the period, with no break-ins. Sergeant Harvey introduced himself and spoke of monitoring of speeding traffic through Chryston by Traffic Motor Cycle Patrol. He also had arranged control of traffic for the Auchengeich Memorial Service on 16th September. Members spoke of speeding traffic in Station Road, of parking on the pavements, and of abandoned cars. A request for more supervision of Mollinsburn Swing Park was made, where revellers created a disturbance into the early hours of the morning, leaving a trail of litter behind. These complaints were noted and Sergeant Harvey and Constable Leeming were thanked for their attendance and assistance. It was noted with regret that Constable Leeming would shortly be moving to Cumbernauld Office. planning canmiltaticms: Councillor Gray explained the letter that he had sent. Some Greenbelt would have to be released in order to accommodate executives coming to Gartcosh Industrial Site. A very high standard of housing was required. He mentioned the proposals at Millbrae Nursery, and in answer to questions from the Members, stated that Roads Department were satisfied and that twenty five houses would be the maximum. There would be a further opportunity to consider the Local Plan. Weekly/. .= Weekly Planninq Lists The Lists from 22nd June to 17th August were considered. An application for illuminated signs at the former Campagnola Restaurant was noted. Mobile Phone Mast At Glaudhall Farm Strong objections were sent on Health and Safety Issues on an application for the erection of an additional Dish and for the enlargement of two existing dishes. Prowsed Residential Development at Mount Ellen Scottish Ministers had decided that there should be no Planning Permission before 30th July. Scottish Executive explained that only the applicant had a right of appeal, but other parties views should be taken into account by the Council.
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