PARIS INSPIRATIONS/8-10 CHANEL’S HELLEU DEAD AT 69/18 WWDWomen’s Wear Daily • The Retailers’MONDAY Daily Newspaper • October 1, 2007 • $2.00 Accessories/Innerwear/Legwear Texture Message MILAN — Versace provided a fi tting fi nish for the Milan spring collections. While many of Donatella Versace’s fashion looks were relatively toned-down, the stylized heels and richly textured bags she showed with them — like this one — were still notably dramatic. For more on accessories, see pages 6 and 7. Grueling Pace Aside, Buyers Praise Milan For Color, New Shapes By WWD Staff MILAN — A strong euro, snarled traffic and grim weather notwithstanding, retailers left Milan in high spirits thanks to a gust of fresh, colorful and feminine fashions. Buyers said they welcomed a shift from overt hard-edged sexiness to something softer and more romantic, with lots of floral prints and artistic touches. Collections by Dolce & Gabbana, Jil Sander, 6267, Marni, Fendi, Prada and Versace won wide praise, while ethnic-themed prints, transparency and full skirts of all lengths were cited among key trends. See Buyers, Page4 PHOTO BY STEPHANE FEUGERE STEPHANE PHOTO BY 2 WWD, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2007 WWD.COM YSL Launches Upgraded Web Site WWDMONDAY By Miles Socha stockkeeping units displayed in Among exclusive features for crisp, Mondrian-esque arrange- the launch are 24 short fi lms by Accessories/Innerwear/Legwear PARIS — Interactive is the new ments, allows New York and Los Nick Knight with model Jessica black at Yves Saint Laurent’s re- Angeles shoppers to schedule Miller wearing Edition 24 items, FASHION vamped Web site, slated to go live a fi tting and showcases shoes, plus an animated, making-of ver- today, complete with an online bags and clothes from multiple sion of the house’s fall campaign From fl owered heels to bright leathers, the season’s accessories stand- store for U.S. shoppers and lots angles. Muse bags in various featuring Gisele Bündchen. 6 outs in Milan defi nitely rate a double take. of animated Web-only content. sizes are held by a model to Meanwhile, the “Company Overhauling a bare-bones site better illustrate the silhouette. History” section resembles an largely unchanged since Tom For women’s ready-to-wear, the art gallery, where Web surfers GENERAL Ford’s days at YSL, the French initial focus is on Edition 24, a can learn more about Yves Saint Retailers gave the Milan spring collections a general thumb’s-up, but fi rm aims to expand traffi c to ysl. range of seasonless, well-priced Laurent himself, such iconic 1 said it was a bit of a smorgasbord of trends. com by fi vefold over the next 18 wardrobe essentials. products as tuxedos and trench- months — and generate consid- YSL boasted approximately coats and the brand’s current Active apparel sales are growing as activewear becomes more accepted erable sales volume. 100,000 registered users for its creative director, Stefano Pilati. 20 as fashion, according to The NPD Group’s second survey of the sector. Valerie Hermann, YSL’s previous site, and some 38,000 New Web-only content will EYE: Riffi ng with Annie Lennox, who will release “Songs of Mass De- president and chief executive more signed up to be alerted be added regularly to drive traf- 24 struction,” only her fourth record in 15 years, on Tuesday. offi cer, declined to give revenue about the new one, a company fi c, the spokesman said. The site projections, but said the online spokesman said. will also be promoted with ban- Classifi ed Advertisements.............................................................22-23 boutique should become one of The home page resembles ner ads on Style.com and iht. the company’s top-fi ve locations a multiple-screen television, com, he added. To e-mail reporters and editors at WWD, the address is fi rstname. within three years. E-commerce broadcasting runway images YSL is the third Gucci [email protected], using the individual’s name. could eventually be expanded to from the get-go and “trailers” of Group brand to add e-com- WWD IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF ADVANCE MAGAZINE PUBLISHERS INC. COPYRIGHT the U.K., she noted. other elements in the site — no merce in the U.S., after Gucci ©2007 FAIRCHILD FASHION GROUP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. The site, with some 500 extra clicking required. and Bottega Veneta. VOLUME 194, NO. 69. WWD (ISSN 0149–5380) is published daily (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, with one additional issue in January, two additional issues in March, May, June, August, October, November and December, and three additional issues in February, April, and September) by Fairchild Fashion Group, which is a division of Advance Magazine Publishers Inc. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 750 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017. Shared Services provided by Condé Nast Publications: S. I. Newhouse, Jr., Chairman; Charles H. Townsend, President/CEO; John W. Bellando, Executive Vice President/COO; Debi Chirichella Sabino, Senior Vice President/CFO; Jill Bright, Executive Vice President/Human Resources. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offi ces. Canada Post Publications Mail Former BBW Exec to Crabtree & Evelyn Agreement No. 40644503. Canadian Goods and Services Tax Registration No. 886549096-RT0001. Canada Post: return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: P.O. Box 503, RPO West Beaver Cre, Rich-Hill, ON L4B 4R6 POSTMASTER: NEW YORK — vately held furniture He also plans to reevaluate “ev- SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY, P.O. Box 15008, North Hollywood, CA Crabtree & Evelyn Ltd. retailer with more erything we do to make sure 91615–5008. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADDRESS CHANGES, ADJUSTMENTS, OR BACK ISSUE INQUIRIES: Please write to WWD, P.O. Box 15008, North Hollywood, CA 91615-5008, call 800-289-0273, or visit has appointed Michael than 130 stores under it’s consistent with the updated www.subnow.com/wd. Please give both new and old addresses as printed on most recent label. First copy of new Stromberg, a former the names American look.” The idea, he continued, subscription will be mailed within four weeks after receipt of order. Address all editorial, business, and production Bath & Body Works ex- Signature, Value City is to “amplify the brand in correspondence to WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY, 750 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017. For permissions and reprint requests, please call 212-630-4274 or fax requests to 212-630-4280. Visit us online at www.wwd.com. To subscribe to other ecutive, chief execu- Furniture and Rooms every experience the customer Fairchild magazines on the World Wide Web, visit www.fairchildpub.com. Occasionally, we make our subscriber list tive officer of Crabtree Today. has with it.” available to carefully screened companies that offer products and services that we believe would interest our readers. & Evelyn Group. Prior to working at He added that he plans to If you do not want to receive these offers and/or information, please advise us at P.O. Box 15008, North Hollywood, CA 91615-5008 or call 800-289-0273. WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RETURN OR LOSS OF, Stromberg, who American Signature, evaluate the brand’s product OR FOR DAMAGE OR ANY OTHER INJURY TO, UNSOLICITED MANUSCRIPTS, UNSOLICITED ART WORK (INCLUDING, took the post earlier he spent 12 years at assortment, merchandising and BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DRAWINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND TRANSPARENCIES), OR ANY OTHER UNSOLICITED this month, succeeds Bath & Body Works, the way store associates interact MATERIALS. THOSE SUBMITTING MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOGRAPHS, ART WORK, OR OTHER MATERIALS FOR CONSIDERATION SHOULD NOT SEND ORIGINALS, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED TO DO SO BY WOMEN’S WEAR Rob Ditchfi eld in the where he was execu- with customers. “These are all DAILY IN WRITING. MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND OTHER MATERIALS SUBMITTED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY ceo role. Ditchfield, tive vice president key parts that touch our custom- A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. who will remain pres- for BBW and execu- ers,” he said. ident of Crabtree & Michael Stromberg tive vice president During Stromberg’s tenure at Evelyn Group, will BBW, he helped oversee expan- MONDAY: Paris Ready-to-Wear Collections continue support Stromberg in sion of the personal care and home (through Sunday). managing the fi rm’s in- fragrance retailer. Prior to BBW, Las Vegas International Lingerie Show (through ternational business. BEAUTY BEAT Stromberg worked for 10 years in Wednesday). Stromberg will over- various roles at KAO Corp. and, see Crabtree & Evelyn Group’s and general manager for BBW’s before that, at Borden Inc. TUESDAY: Walgreen Co. reports fourth-quarter and operations in the U.S., the U.K., White Barn Candle division. — Michelle Edgar year-end sales and earnings. Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Stromberg said his goal as ceo Malaysia and Australia. of Crabtree & Evelyn Group is to WEDNESDAY: International Vision Expo West, Las Vegas Most recently, Stromberg continue updating the brand. Marionnaud Ex-CEO Fined (through Saturday). spent roughly a year as chief “My priority is clarifying and PARIS — Marcel Frydman, for- Interstoff Asia Essential — Autumn and Fashion merchandising officer at updating the brand’s image,” he mer chief executive officer of Access, Hong Kong (through Friday). American Signature Inc., a pri- said during an interview Friday. Marionnaud Parfumeries, has Workshop Paris (through Sunday). been fined 15,000 euros, or $21,230 at current exchange, THURSDAY: Tranoi Femme and Vendôme Luxury Trade plus thousands of euros in dam- Show, Paris (through Sunday). Major U.S. retailers re- ages for having illegally sold port September same-store sales. fragrance tester bottles from prestige beauty brands such as FRIDAY: Paris Sur Mode, Premiere Classe, Rendez-Vous Parfums Kenzo and Parfums Femme, Atmosphère and The Box, Paris (through Oct.
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