REVIEWS J. M. MARKS Der textkritische Wert des Psalterium Hieronymi Juxta Hebraeos, Winterthur, 1956, 155 S. Abbreviations: Hg = Psalterium Gallicanum, Hh = Psalterium iuxta Hebraeos, α' = Aquila, σ' = Symmachus, θ' = Theodotion, ε' = Quinta Editio, SH = Syro-Hexapla, AM = Anecdota Maredsolana, edid. G. MORIN. In Chapter I Jerome is speaking himself on his method(s?) of translating the 'hebraica veritas'. Chapter II discusses the afflnities between Hh and the other Latin Psalters (some of the evidence should weaken ALLGEIER'S thesis that Hh preceded Hg). Chapter III investigates the relations between Hh and LXX, and especially the all-pervading influence of a.', a', (0', upon Hh (this being the main part of the book: 62 out of 139 pages). Jerome's insufficient knowledge of Hebrew along with some other observations on the nature of Hh, compel M. to minimize the value of Hh for recogniz- ing the Hebrew text on which Jerome was working. It is a great pity that this book will have lost some of its importance before coming into general use, since M.'s book (preface dated June 1955) is based upon HARDEN'S 1925 edition 1) of Hh, which was based upon 9 Mss, and not upon the more recent edition (imprimatur dated June 1954) of H. de SAINTE-MARIE,which is based upon 19 Mss. The use of SAINTE- MARIE's edition invalidates a number of the examples given in HARDEN. Thus we find that on p. 113 (Ps. xc 3) convertens has become convertes= / MT and Hier. ep. 140, 7, 1 [converto(r) 6 times reflecting LXX : the change Hg averto(r) > Hh converto(r) (which therefore not necessa- rily goes back to influence of a') occurs: Ps. xxxv 4, lxx 4, lxxiv 11, lxxxv 4, cvi 23]. On p. 115 (Ps. cx 3) duces does not occur any more in the 'textus receptus' 2); spontaneus, however, reflects Hebrew ;ts?5; it appears there- fore that Jerome was following a' (and c, though not mentioned by M.): EXOUOt.<X<7?0L. M. makes no pertinent use of the app. crit. of LXX. He cites the Vulgate according to an unnamed edition of the Sixto-Clementine revision (the critical edition of the Benedictine Fathers being available since 1953). He further makes no use of the app. crir. of Hh itself, though there also occur readings, which could reinforce M.'s main argument, e.g. Ps. cxxxii 18 Hh (text) sanctificatio eius, variant diadema eius [ = Ps. xlv 10 (0' Ps. lxxxix 40, 2 Sam. i 10 (a',0' cf. Jerome's own comment: (AM III, 1, p. 91) " ... signifi<at laminam ex auro, .... in fronte 1) Unavailablc to me. 2) In the app. crit. (cf. also ibid. p. xvii) duces spontaneiis characterized as 'lectio conflata'. 215 pontificis"]. - Ps. cxlii 8 Hh (text) me expectant iusti, variant in me coronabuntur iusti : Hg me exspectant iusti : 6' cr't'EcpiXvc0croniX? LXX voumv 3?XiXW?. New materials available since FIELD'S edition of the Hexapla, are, if at all, only sporadically used. These are as follows : I: C. F. TAYLOR:Hebrezv-Greek Cairo Genizah Palimpsests from the Taylor- Scbecbter Collection, London 1900. New data to be gathered from this publi- cation are e.g. : Ps. xxii 21 Hh agladio; Hgaframea: &7tà LXX Ps. xci 6 Hh a peste : Hg a negotio :a' &7tà ÀOL?OULXX : (cf. already FIELD, II, p. 248, n. 12). Ps. cii 24 Hh adflixit: Hg respondit: oi Exa,xoux?6sv, 6' (FIELD) LXX &7tExp?EhJ' Some of the Hexaplaric fragments retranslated by FIELD from the Syriac, are available in the original Greek in TAYLOR'Spublication, e.g.: Ps. xxii 17 a' (SH) (W+ now xocxoupycw. Ps. cii 21 a' (SH) now ; Other retranslations appear to be questionable e.g. Ps. xci 3 a' (SH) is now &7tà ÀO??ou and not (FIELD): 6ocv«TOV] With a view to TAYLOR'Sbook a number of the examples in Table B (p. 99) (Hh < a') can equally well be ascribed to iX', e.g.: Ps. xcvi 9 Hh in decore sanctuarii not going back to TM Tou but to a' representing : 81a<pl<aia occurs Ps. xxix 2, 4 (oc'), xlv 5 a'), civ 1 (a')]. Ps. cii 24 a', identical with cr', has ?xoÀó- (3cos?v Ps. ciii 1 a' identical with 6' : ËyXiX't'iX The last-named examples are classified by M. as going back to a', 'Aquila silente'. The foregoing means that more than half of Table B-for more than - 50% of the examples in this Table are cited 'Aquilä silente' has been thrown open to question. II: Even the tiny scraps of a' (sic!, cf. Rev. Bén., 1911, 64-68 and XB, 1911, 266-272) published by C. WESSELYin Mélanges Chatelain (Paris, 1910) provide us with a new example: Ps. lxix 31 Hh in confessione : Hg in laude: (FIFLD) : LXX Ev . III : Also the new Hexaplaric fragments to be found in G. MERCATI : Alla ricerca dei nomi degli "altri" traduttori nelle Omilie sui Salmi di san Giovanni Cbrisostomo e variazioni su ??? catene del Salterio, Citta del Vaticano, 1952 (Studi e Testi, 158), give new examples, e.g. : Ps. cxxxii 7 Hh scabillum pedum eius: Hg in loco ubi steterunt pedes eius: a', a', 8, (Ibid. p. 81) TM u?o?o8ic;? 't'wv <081§iv a6<05 [also at the 4 other places where E<o<o8iov occurs in LXX (Ps. xcix 5, cx 1, Is. lxvi 1, Thr. ii 1) it is rendered scabellum in the Latin] : LXX de; Tov <6<ov ol £a<3iaav ot 7r68E<;(xurou, The contention (p. 71) thatin his commentaries on the Psalms Jerome iden- tified 'Hebraeus' with a', is contradicted by the following facts : more than i) In Hh confusio < occurs Ps. xlii 5, cxlvii 7, but as rendering of awEwS (LXX, a', a') it occurs: Ps. 1 23. .
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