Redaksiya Heyəti M.M.Ağahüseynova Professor, Rusiya Təbiət Elmləri Akademiyasının müxbir üzvi (baş redaktor) M.Y.Abdullayeva Dosent, (redaktor müavini) Üzvlər M.B.Babanlı Professor, AMEA-nın müxbir üzvi, Kataliz və Qeyri-üzvi Kimya İnstitutu Q.İ.Kəlbəliyev Professor, AMEA-nın müxbir üzvi, Kataliz və Qeyri-üzvi Kimya İnstitutu B.Ə.Məmmədov Professor, AMEA-nın Polimer Materialları İnstitutu S. R. Hacıyeva Professor, Bakı Dövlət Universiteti T.A.Məmmədova Doktor, Akademik Yusif Məmmədəliyev adına Neft Kimya Prosesləri İnstitutu Amin Mousavi Doktor, University of Campinas,Sao Paulo,Brazil Khaneghah A.Q. Dedov Rusiya Elmlər Akademiyasının akademiki, Qubkin adına Rusiya Dövlət Neft və Qaz Universiteti V.P. Meşalkin Rusiya Elmlər Akademiyasının akademiki, D.İ.Mendeleyev adına Rusiya Dövlət Kimya Texnologiyalar Universiteti V.F.Tretyakov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology Stefan Erast Kaiserslautern Texniki Universiteti, Almaniya K.Y. Əcəmov Professor, Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti S.Ə.Məmmədxanova Professor, Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti Ə.A.Həsənov Professor, Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti F.Ə.Əmirov Professor, Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti Y.N.Qəhrəmanlı Professor, Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti V.L.Bağiyev Professor, Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti T.M.Naibova Dosent, Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti R.V.Qurbanova Dosent (texniki redaktor), Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti Əlaqə Ünvan: 20 Azadlıq pr., Bakı, AZ1010, Azərbaycan, Tel: +994124986533, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]. 1 Azerbaijan Journal of Chemical News EDITORIAL BOARD M.M.Aghahuseynova Professor, corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (editor-in-chief) M.Y.Abdullayeva Associate Professor.(deputy chief editor) Members M.B.Babanli Professor, Corresponding Member of ANAS. Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry Q.J.Kalbaliyev Professor, Corresponding Member of ANAS. Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry B.A.Mammadov Professor, Corresponding Member of ANAS. Institute of Polymer Materials S.R.Hajiyeva Professor, Baku State University T.A.Mamedova Doctor, Yusif Mammadaliyev Institute of Petrochemical Processes Amin Mousavi Doctor, University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Khaneghah A.Q.Dedov Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas V.P. Mashalkin Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia V.F.Tretyakov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology Stefan Ernst Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany K.Y. Adjamov Professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University S.M.Mammadkhanova Professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University A.H.Hasanov Professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University F.A.Amirov Professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Y.N.Gahramanli Professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University V.L.Bagiyev Professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University T.M. Naibova Associate Professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University R.V.Qurbanova Associate Professor (managing editor), Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. [email protected] Contacts Address: 20 Azadliq av., Baku, AZ1010, Azerbaijan, Phone: +994124986533, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]. 2 CONTENT Y.N.Gahramanli, A.M.Gasimov, M.E.Aghazadeh 4 Research of physıco-mechanıcal propertıes of geoconcretes on basıs of the natural powdery lımestone M.M.Aghahuseynova, R.V. Gurbanova 12 Synthesıs and study of transıtıon metal aminonitrile complexes С.А.Маммадханова,Н.И. Душдурова 17 Сравнение термодинамической возможности получения низкомолекулярных кетонов реакциями дегидрирования и окислительного дегидрирования C3-C4 спиртов. K.Y.Əcəmov, E.A.Hüseynova,A.A.Teymurova, L.A.Mürsəlova 21 Кatalitik krekinq prosesinin xammalının maye fazalı oksidləşdirici kükürdsüzləşmə prosesinin tədqiqi M.A.Huseynova A.A.Gasanov 26 Solution to the problem of the possibility of rational use of waste from the sulfiric acid production of isopropyl alcohol M.M.Aghahuseynova 32 Synthesis and properties of polymer nitrile complexes of transition metals Ф. А. Амиров, Т.М.Hаибова, А.А. Мамедова, З.М.Mусазаде 42 Композиты , наполненные биополимером G.Ş.Məmmədova G.Ç. Dədəyeva 49 Seolitlərin iştirakı ilə benzinin pirolizi N.Ə.Məmmədova, A.B.Cəfərzadə - Hüseynova, V.V.Əliyev, T.M.Əliyev 53 Neft fraksiyalarından ayrılmış turşular əsasında qlikol efirlərinin sintezi və xassələrinin tədqiqi F.A.Amirov., N.A.Guliyeva, G.A.Alieva, Z.N.Alieva 59 Screening research on the study of the biological activity of derivatives of polycarbonyl nitrogen containing compounds K. A. Qəzvini 65 Fosforlu mıneral bırləşmələrının qeyrı üzvı turşuların təsırı ılə parçalanması prosesının tədqıqı N. İ. Salmanova, S. A. Qəribova. 70 Biohumus və kompostların dənli bitkilərin məhsuldarlığına təsiri А. Н. Гулиева, У. Г. Гулиева 75 Исследование процесса пиролиза этана в однопоточной и двухпоточной системах 3 UDC 666.965.2 RESEARCH OF PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF GEOCONCRETES ON BASIS OF THE NATURAL POWDERY LIMESTONE 1Y.N.Gahramanli, 1A.M.Gasimov, 2M.E.Aghazadeh 1Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University 2Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction [email protected] In the given paper the results of research of physico-mechanical properties of geoconcretes are presented. Dependence of compression strength and bending strength from filler (limestone) content was studied. Herewith it is established that increasing of filler content from 60 to 80% promotes increasing of compression and bending strength in 1.5 and 1.8 times correspondingly. It is revealed that further increasing of filler content up to 90% leads to sharp decreasing of compression and bending strength. Changing of compression strength and bending strength depending on quicklime content was also studied. It was established that introduction of 5% of quicklime promotes increasing of compression strength and bending strength of material in average in 1.2 and 1.3 times correspondingly. It is established that applying of quicklime up to 5- 10% does not lead to changing of deformation type of geoconcrete specimens. Keywords: geoconcrete, limestone, quicklime, compression strength, bending strength. Intensive development of science in the field of creation of materials activated by alkalis became a reason of appearing of new scientific trend in the given area. Researches on creation of new advanced materials with predetermined properties are conducted all over the world. Development of technologies in area of making such new materials is particularly actively observed in building industry [1]. It is known that building materials are widely used. That is, they are used in hot and cold climate, in moisture and dry conditions, above-water and underwater positions. Herewith a material is subjected to various types of impacts. These impacts can have thermal or mechanical nature. Material is subjected to thermal impact under influence of sun light or under influence of some artificial or natural source of thermal radiation. Herewith irreversible processes occurring in structure of material can lead to its rupture. Sources of mechanical impact on material are also numerous. Among natural mechanical impacts on material it is possible to mention an impact of wind, precipitation, water flows etc. Artificial mechanical impact on material is mainly connected with impact of man-made sources [2,3]. They can also have natural and artificial origin. In all these cases material is subjected to various types of deformations. It can be bending strain, compression strain, torsional strain, tensile strain etc. Therefore, it is important to know behavior of material in each case. This knowledge makes it possible to reveal limits of using of material in one or another technological units or machineries. In the given paper the sources of mechanical impact on material are considered. For the purpose of revealing of main directions of using of geopolymeric concrete it is necessary to study a behavior of material under influence of various mechanical impacts. Herewith compression strength and bending strength were researched depending on composition of geopolymeric concrete, that is, depending on ratio of filler (limestone) and binder (alkali silicate). 4 EXPERIMENTAL PART The following materials and matters were used for an obtaining of geoconcrete specimens: - natural limestone powder from deposit of the second geological production site of Garadagh. It is a sedimentary rock which mainly consists of calcium carbonate (CaCO3); - alkali silicate. It is water-alkali solution of sodium silicate (Na2O(SiO2)n). This thick and semitransparent liquid corresponds to GOST 13078-81; - sodium fluorosilicate (Na2[SiF6]) is colorless crystals which are poorly soluble in water. This compound corresponds to Technical Conditions 2621-010-69886968-2013; - unhydrated lime consist of CaO and MgO and corresponds to GOST 9197-77. The material is obtained by a burning of carbonate rocks (limestone, chalk); - water [5]. The specimens of geoconcrete were prepared in the following way. First of all, coarse-dispersion powder of limestone was sifted through the sieve with diameters of holes equal to 1 mm. The sifting was carried out with purpose of extraction of bigger particles, rocks etc. Then sifted powder was checked by magnet
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