List of Publications Mikko K. J. Kaasalainen Refereed Papers In

List of Publications Mikko K. J. Kaasalainen Refereed Papers In

List of Publications Mikko K. J. Kaasalainen Refereed papers in international journals 1. M. Kaasalainen, L. Lamberg, K. lumme, and E. Bowell (1992): Interpretation of lightcurves of atmosphereless bodies. I. General theory and new inversion schemes. Astron. Astrophys. 259, 318. 2. M. Kaasalainen, L. Lamberg, and K. Lumme (1992): Interpretation of lightcurves of atmosphere- less bodies. II. Practical aspects of inversion. Astron. Astrophys. 259, 333. 3. M. Kaasalainen and J. Binney (1994): Torus construction in potentials supporting different orbit families. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc. 268, 1033. 4. M. Kaasalainen (1994): Hamiltonian perturbation theory for numerically constructed phase-space tori. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc. 268, 1041. 5. M. Kaasalainen and J. Binney (1994): Construction of invariant tori and integrable Hamiltonians, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2377. 6. M. Kaasalainen (1995): Construction of invariant tori around closed orbits. Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc. 275, 162. 7. M. Kaasalainen (1995): Construction of invariant tori in chaotic regions. Phys. Rev. E 52, 1193. 8. M. Kaasalainen, K. Muinonen, and T. Laakso (2001): Shapes and scattering properties of large irregular bodies from photometric data. Optics Express 8, 296 ( 9. M. Kaasalainen and T. Laakso (2001): Near-integrability as a numerical tool in solar system dynamics. Astron. Astrophys. 368, 706. 10. L. Lamberg and M. Kaasalainen (2001): Numerical solution of the Minkowski problem. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 137, 213. 11. M. Kaasalainen and J. Torppa (2001): Optimization methods for asteroid lightcurve inversion. I. Shape determination. Icarus 153, 24. 12. M. Kaasalainen, J. Torppa, and K. Muinonen (2001): Optimization methods for asteroid lightcurve inversion. II. The complete inverse problem. Icarus 153, 37. 13. M. Kaasalainen (2001): Interpretation of lightcurves of precessing asteroids. Astron. Astrophys. 376, 302. 14. M. Kaasalainen, J. Torppa, and J. Piironen (2002): Binary structures among large asteroids. Astron. Astrophys. 383, L19. 15. M. Kaasalainen, J. Torppa, and J. Piironen (2002): Models of twenty asteroids from photometric data. Icarus 159, 369. 16. S. Kaasalainen, J. Piironen, M. Kaasalainen, A. W. Harris, K. Muinonen, and A. Cellino (2003): Asteroid photometric and polarimetric phase curves: Empirical interpretation. Icarus 161, 34. 17. S. Slivan, R. Binzel, L. da Silva, M. Kaasalainen, M. Lyndaker, and M. Krco (2003): Spin vectors in the Koronis family: Comprehensive results from two independent analyses of 213 rotation lightcurves. Icarus 162, 285. 18. J. Durechˇ and M. Kaasalainen (2003): Photometric signatures of highly nonconvex and binary asteroids. Astron. Astrophys. 404, 709. 1 19. M. Kaasalainen, T. Kwiatkowski, M. Abe, J. Piironen, T. Nakamura, Y. Ohba, B. Dermawan, T. Farnham, F. Colas, S. Lowry, P. Weissman, R. J. Whiteley, D. J. Tholen, S. M. Larson, M. Yoshikawa, I. Toth, and F. P. Velichko (2003): CCD photometry and model of MUSES-C target 25143 1998 SF36. Astron. Astrophys. 405, L29. 20. J. Torppa, M. Kaasalainen, T. Michalowski, T. Kwiatkowski, A. Kryszczynska, P. Denchev, and R. Kowalski (2003): Shapes and rotational properties of thirty asteroids from photometric data. Icarus 164, 346. 21. M. Kaasalainen (2003): Unveiling asteroids: international observing project and amateur-profes- sional connection. J. Roy. Ast. Soc. Can. 97, 283 (invited review). 22. M. Kaasalainen, P. Pravec, Yu.N. Krugly, L. Sarounov´a,J.ˇ Torppa, J. Virtanen, S. Kaasalainen, A. Erikson, A. Nathues, J. Durech,ˇ M. Wolf, J.S.V. Lagerros, M. Lindgren, C.-I. Lagerkvist, R. Koff, J. Davies, R. Mann, P. Kuˇsnir´ak,N.M. Gaftonyuk, V.G. Shevchenko, V.G. Chiorny, and I.N. Belskaya (2004): Photometry and models of eight near-Earth asteroids. Icarus 167, 178. 23. D. Vokrouhlick´y,D. Capek,ˇ M. Kaasalainen, and S.J. Ostro (2004): Detectability of YORP rotational slowing of asteroid 25143 Itokawa. Astron. Astrophys. 414, L21. 24. T. Michalowski, T. Kwiatkowski, M. Kaasalainen, W. Pych, A. Kryszczynska, P.A. Dybczyns- ki, F.P. Velichko, A. Erikson, P. Denchev, S. Fauvaud, and Gy.M. Szabo (2004): Photometry and models of selected main-belt asteroids (I): 52 Europa, 115 Thyra, and 382 Dodona. Astron. Astrophys. 416, 353. 25. M. Kaasalainen and P. Tanga (2004): Photocentre offset in ultraprecise astrometry: implications to barycentre determination and asteroid modelling. Astron. Astrophys. 416, 367. 26. S.J. Ostro, L.M. Benner, M. Nolan, C. Magri, J. Giorgini, D. Scheeres, S. Broschart, M. Kaasalainen, D. Vokrouhlick´y,S. Chesley, J.-L. Margot, R. Jurgens, R. Rose, D. Yeomans, S. Suzuki, and E. DeJong (2004): Radar observations of asteroid 25143 Itokawa (1998 SF36). Met. Plan. Sci. 39, 407. 27. M. Kaasalainen (2004): Physical models of large number of asteroids from calibrated photometry sparse in time. Astron. Astrophys. 422, L39. 28. P. Pravec and 19 colleagues, incl. M. Kaasalainen (2005): Tumbling Asteroids. Icarus 173, 108. 29. A. Nathues, S. Mottola, M. Kaasalainen, and G. Neukum (2005): Spectral study of the Eunomia family. I: Eunomia. Icarus 175, 452. 30. S. Kaasalainen, J. Peltoniemi, J. N¨ar¨anen,J. Suomalainen, M. Kaasalainen, and F. Stenman (2005): Small-angle goniometry for backscattering measurements in the broadband spectrum. Ap- plied Optics 44, 1485. 31. S. Kaasalainen, M. Kaasalainen, and J. Piironen (2005): Ground reference for space remote sensing: Laboratory photometry of an asteroid model. Astron. Astrophys. 440, 1177. 32. S.J. Ostro and 12 colleagues, incl. M. Kaasalainen (2005): Radar observations of Itokawa in 2004 and improved shape estimation. Met. Plan. Sci. 40, 1563. 33. T. Michalowski, M. Kaasalainen, A. Marciniak, P. Denchev, T. Kwiatkowski, A. Kryszczynska, R. Hirsch, F.P. Velichko, A. Erikson, Gy.M. Szabo, and R. Kowalski (2005): Photometry and models of selected main-belt asteroids (II): 173 Ino, 376 Geometria, and 451 Patientia. Astron. Astrophys. 443, 329. 34. T.G. Mueller, T. Sekiguchi, M. Kaasalainen, M. Abe, and S. Hasegawa (2005). Thermal infrared observations of the Hayabusa spacecraft target asteroid 25143 Itokawa. Astron. Astrophys. 443, 347. 2 35. M. Kaasalainen and L. Lamberg (2006): Inverse problems of generalized projection operators. Inverse Problems 22, 749. 36. T. Laakso, J. Rantala and M. Kaasalainen (2006): Gravitational scattering by giant planets. Astron. Astrophys. 456, 373. 37. F. Marchis, M. Kaasalainen, E. Hom, J. Berthier, J. Enriquez, D. Hestroffer, D. Le Mignant, and I. de Pater (2006): Shape, size and multiplicity of main-belt asteroids. I. Keck adaptive optics survey. Icarus, 185, 39. 38. P.L. Lamy, I. Toth, H.A. Weaver, L. Jorda, M. Kaasalainen, and P.J. Gutierrez (2006): Hubble Space Telescope observations of the nucleus and inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astron. Astrophys., 458, 669. 39. T. Michalowski, M. Kaasalainen, M. Polinska, A. Marciniak, T. Kwiatkowski, A. Kryszczynska, and F.P. Velichko (2006): Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. III. 283 Emma, 665 Sabine, and 690 Wratislavia. Astron. Astrophys., 459, 663. 40. J. Durech,ˇ T. Grav, R. Jedicke, M. Kaasalainen and L. Denneau (2006): Asteroid models from Pan-STARRS photometry. Earth, Moon, and Planets, 97, 179. 41. S. Kaasalainen, M. Kaasalainen, T. Mielonen, J. Suomalainen, J. Peltoniemi, and J. N¨ar¨anen (2006): Optical properties of snow in hotspot region. Journal of Glaciology, 52, 574. 42. P. Lamy, B. Davidsson, O. Groussin, P. Gutierrez, L. Jorda, M. Kaasalainen, S. Lowry and I. Toth (2007): A portrait of the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Space Science Reviews, 128, 23. 43. J. Durech,ˇ M. Kaasalainen, and 40 colleagues (2007): Physical models of ten asteroids from an observers' collaboration network. Astron. Astrophys., 465, 331. 44. M. Kaasalainen, J. Durech,ˇ B. Warner, Yu. Krugly, and N. Gaftonyuk (2007): Acceleration of the rotation of asteroid 1862 Apollo by radiation torques. Nature, 446, 420. [Together with: Nature Advance Online Publication 7 March 2007, Supplementary Information, News and Views (W. Bottke, Nature, 446, 382), Nature Podcast 8 March 2007 (] 45. A. Marciniak, T. Michalowski, M. Kaasalainen, J. Durech,ˇ M. Polinska, T. Kwiatkowski, A. Kryszczynska, R. Hirsch, K. Kaminski, M. Fagas, F. Colas, S. Fauvaud, G. Santacana, R. Behrend, and R. Roy (2007): Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. IV. 184 Dejopeja, 276 Adelheid, 556 Phyllis. Astron. Astrophys., 473, 633. 46. A. Marciniak, T. Michalowski, M. Kaasalainen, A. Kryszczynska, T. Kwiatkowski, R. Hirsch, K. Kaminski, M. Fagas, M. Polinska, F.P. Velichko, M.J. Michalowski, C. Snodgrass, R. Behrend, and L. Bernasconi (2008): Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. V. 73 Klytia, 377 Campania, and 378 Holmia. Astron. Astrophys., 478, 559. 47. P. Descamps, F. Marchis, J. Pollock, J. Berthier, F. Vachier, M. Birlan, M. Kaasalainen, A. Harris, M. Wong, W. Romanishin, E. Cooper, K. Kettner, P. Wiggins, A. Kryszczynska, M. Polinska, J. Colliac, A. Devyatkin, I. Versetchagina, and D. Gorshanov (2008): New determination of the size and bulk density of the binary asteroid 22 Kalliope from observations of mutual eclipses. Icarus, 196, 578. 48. F. Marchis, P. Descamps, M. Baek, A. Harris, M. Kaasalainen, J. Berthier, D. Hestroffer, and F. Vachier (2008): Main-belt binary asteroid systems with circular orbits. Icarus, 196, 97. 49. M. Kaasalainen and S. Kaasalainen (2008): Aperture size effects on backscatter intensity mea- surements in Earth and space remote sensing. J.Opt.Soc.Am. A, 25, 1142. 3 50. J.Durech,ˇ D. Vokrouhlick´y, M. Kaasalainen, P. Weissman, S.C. Lowry, E. Beshore, D. Higgins, Y.N. Krugly, V.G. Shevchenko, N.M. Gaftonyuk, Y.-J. Choi, R. Kowalski, S. Larson, B.D. Warner, T. Michalowski, and K. Kitazato (2008): New photometric observations of asteroids (1862) Apollo and (25143) Itokawa { analysis of YORP effect. Astron. Astrophys., 488, 345. 51. P. Lamy, M. Kaasalainen, S. Lowry, P. Weissman, M. Barucci, J. Carvano, Y.-J. Choi, F. Colas, G. Faury, S. Fornasier, O. Groussin, M. Hicks, L. Jorda, A. Kryszczynska, S. Larson, I. Toth, and B. Warner (2008): Asteroid Steins: II. Multi-telescope visible observations, shape reconstruction and rotational state.

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