
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2016 No. 30 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was The benefits of CCS are bringing the bombers—which have not been used called to order by the Speaker pro tem- folks who do not traditionally work to- in 65 years, have been unable to help us pore (Mr. HARDY). gether to the same table for the better- with the military challenges that we f ment of our Nation’s energy security. face now in the Middle East and are Often people believe they are forced going to consume huge sums of money DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO to choose between supporting economic in this hopelessly redundant program. TEMPORE development or environmental stew- It is dangerous because of the cuts in The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ardship. However, this bill is evidence the nuclear nonproliferation program fore the House the following commu- that that is a false choice. Above all, of over $100 million. I mean, these are nication from the Speaker: CCS serves as a testament to the entre- real threats to our security. preneurial spirit and gumption found WASHINGTON, DC, We are battling ISIS now. They have throughout this great country. February 25, 2016. already obtained some low-grade nu- I hereby appoint the Honorable CRESENT In Texas District 11, I have seen this clear material in a facility near Mosul. HARDY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this innovative spirit daily. These projects We have had a few nuclear weapons day. will play an important role in west gone missing and other nuclear mate- PAUL D. RYAN, Texas’ and our Nation’s future energy rials unaccounted for or stolen. Speaker of the House of Representatives. portfolio. f I hope my colleagues will join me in We need to have these proven pro- grams to reduce the inventory, track it MORNING-HOUR DEBATE supporting this important legislation. f down, and take it out of circulation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- We should be expanding them, not cut- ant to the order of the House of Janu- DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION AND ting them back. It continues an overall ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- APPROPRIATIONS trillion-dollar spending that we are nize Members from lists submitted by The SPEAKER pro tempore. The going to have on the nuclear programs the majority and minority leaders for Chair recognizes the gentleman from over the course of the next 30 years. morning-hour debate. Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- Now, these are resources that are The Chair will alternate recognition utes. going to be at the expense of our con- between the parties, with each party Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, in ventional weapons. As I mentioned, the limited to 1 hour and each Member the weeks ahead, we will be dealing nuclear triad is far more than we need other than the majority and minority with the budget resolution and we will to deter anybody in the world right leaders and the minority whip limited be dealing with defense authorization now and do not help us with the stra- to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- and appropriations. tegic challenges that we face today. bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. Already we have seen the administra- It is not going to prevent Russian ad- tion unveil a budget that is not only f venturism in Ukraine or Crimea, but it unrealistic, but actually could be dan- will result in our having to cannibalize CARBON CAPTURE ACT gerous. the Guard and Ready Reserve, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The It keeps spending for all the nuclear Army that will be paying the price for Chair recognizes the gentleman from modernization on track over $3 billion, this. Texas (Mr. CONAWAY) for 5 minutes. and it includes funding for a long- Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, this range, standoff replacement cruise mis- These are conventional forces that morning I introduced the Carbon Cap- sile, $2.2 billion in the future year de- have paid the price for the last two ture Act, which makes simple changes fense program, ultimately costing $20- decades of activities and are going to to the existing section 45Q tax credit to $30 billion, if not more, this to re- be needed for both deterrence and, God that further incentivizes carbon cap- place a cruise missile that the father of forbid, actual activity in the future. ture and sequestration projects. this device, former Secretary of De- We cannot do all of this within the cur- CCS technology will help reduce car- fense William Perry, feels is no longer rent budget horizon. bon emissions while simultaneously relevant and has argued against. The budget gimmicks ignore that. We creating jobs, bolstering domestic oil There are billions of dollars for the have a little trust fund with the over- production, and providing regulatory controversial modernization of each seas contingency account that ignores relief for our coal industry. Yes. You leg of the nuclear triad—the land-based budget realities that we are not going heard that right. missiles, submarine-based missiles, and to be able to continue in perpetuity. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H895 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:31 Feb 26, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25FE7.000 H25FEPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 25, 2016 We ignore the long-term costs of the Tuscarora Council of the Boy sometimes life is very complicated and budget programs for weapons, prefer- Scouts of America. sometimes things don’t work out as ring to put that off to a future admin- His dedication to business and to his you expect them to. istration and future Congresses. community were certainly highlights Many of the families that I met dur- In so doing, we are playing fast and of his long and full life. But the true ing my stay included at least one loose with the integrity of the Pen- foundation of George Jeffreys’ life was working parent, but they had fallen tagon with the resources and the mate- his family. into the gap where they earned too lit- rials that are necessary to support our His wife Lucy and his three chil- tle to make ends meet, but too much to troops now and in the future. dren—his daughters, Leigh and Ellen, qualify for other housing assistance It is not too late for this Congress to and his son Robert—and seven grand- programs. demand a spending plan, cost account- children will all remember him with Some of the residents included col- ability, kill the new cruise missile pro- love. lege-educated parents with families gram, and put us on a path of fiscal Mr. Speaker, I am honored to call that fell on hard times. Maybe a parent stability and sanity while we have ap- George Jeffreys a friend. is sick or a child is sick or a parent got propriate priorities for the military I pray for God’s blessings and God’s laid off from a job. Those families are strength and defense of our country. peace to his family. not there because they made poor f f choices. There were a series of events END HUNGER NOW that led to this. IN MEMORY OF GEORGE COLLINS One thing parents at the shelter have JEFFREYS The SPEAKER pro tempore. The in common is that they love their kids The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from more than anything and they are work- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) for 5 ing tirelessly to get back on their feet. North Carolina (Mr. HOLDING) for 5 minutes. The families at IHN are not charged minutes. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, last rent and work with a caseworker to Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I rise week during our district work period, I budget and save money for their own today to honor the life and work of spent the night at the Interfaith Hospi- apartments. The caseworker also helps Goldsboro’s own George Collins Jef- tality Network, a family homeless families access necessary health care freys, who passed away on January 20. shelter in Worcester, Massachusetts. or counseling, learn job skills, enroll in Born over 90 years ago, in 1925, This was my second time spending a job training or educational classes, and George lived a long and full life. The night there in recent years. assists them with other life issues. It was a wonderful opportunity to eldest of four children, he attended St. Mr. Speaker, IHN is a very special hear firsthand the stories of families Mary’s School and Oak Ridge Military place. It is a home. It is comfortable. It who are facing tough times and to see Academy in Oak Ridge, North Caro- is safe. Families prepare and eat dinner the incredible support provided by lina. During the Second World War, together. Children do their homework groups like IHN. together, color in coloring books, and George served in the Pacific. In today’s media environment, where After the war, George returned home play games. IHN provides a sense of every development in the Presidential to work in the family business, which normalcy during these times of turmoil campaign gets a breaking news banner, was originally established back in the and uncertainty for these families.
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