applied sciences Article A 3-D Simulation of a Single-Sided Linear Induction Motor with Transverse and Longitudinal Magnetic Flux Juan Antonio Domínguez Hernández 1,*, Natividad Duro Carralero 1 and Elena Gaudioso Vázquez 2 1 Dpto. Informática y Automática, ETSI Informática, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Juan del Rosal, 16, 28040 Madrid, Spain; [email protected] 2 Dpto. Inteligencia Artificial, ETSI Informática, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Juan del Rosal, 16, 28040 Madrid, Spain; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-913-987-169 Received: 16 September 2020; Accepted: 5 October 2020; Published: 8 October 2020 Abstract: This paper presents a novel and improved configuration of a single-sided linear induction motor. The geometry of the motor has been modified to be able to operate with a mixed magnetic flux configuration and with a new configuration of paths for the eddy currents induced inside the aluminum plate. To this end, two slots of dielectric have been introduced into the aluminum layer of the moving part with a dimension of 1 mm, an iron yoke into the primary part, and lastly, the width of the transversal slots has been optimized. Specifically, in the enhanced motor, there are two magnetic fluxes inside the motor that circulate across two different planes: a longitudinal magnetic flux which goes along the direction of the movement and a transversal magnetic flux which is closed through a perpendicular plane with respect to that direction. With this new configuration, the motor achieves a great increment of the thrust force without increasing the electrical supply. In addition, the proposed model creates a new spatial configuration of the eddy currents and an improvement of the main magnetic circuit. These novelties are relevant because they represent a great improvement in the efficiency of the linear induction motor for low velocities at a very low cost. All simulations have been made with the finite elements method—3D, both in standstill conditions and in motion in order to obtain the characteristic curves of the main forces developed by the linear induction motor. Keywords: single sided linear induction motor; transverse magnetic flux; thrust force; levitation force; airgap magnetic flux density; eddy currents 1. Introduction A linear induction motor (LIM) is a type of asynchronous machine that in comparison with the traditionally rotary induction machine does not develop an electromagnetic torque [1]. The electromagnetic forces in an LIM operate along two directions: horizontal and vertical, instead of rotating. Figure1 illustrates the process for generating the electromagnetic forces in an LIM [2]. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7004; doi:10.3390/app10197004 www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7004 2 of 26 Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 26 FigureFigure 1.1. Electromagnetic forcesforces inin aa linearlinear inductioninduction motormotor (LIM).(LIM). AsAs shownshown in in Figure Figure1, a,1, LIMa, LIM has has two two di ff erentdifferen parts,t parts, which which produce produce twodi twofferent different magnetic magnetic fields. Thefields. first The part first is part a ferromagnetic is a ferromagnetic steel (called steel (called stator stator or primary or primary part). part). Inside Inside this this part, part, is located is located an alternatingan alternating current current (AC) (AC) three-phase three-phase winding winding that that generates generates a a traveling traveling magnetic magnetic field. field. The The secondsecond partpart isis composedcomposed of of two two joined joined layers layers of of aluminum aluminum and and iron iron (called (called rotor rotor or secondaryor secondary part), part), where where the generatedthe generated eddy eddy currents currents produce produce a new a new magnetic magnetic field. field. The The interaction interaction between between the the two two magneticmagnetic fieldsfields createdcreated inin bothboth partsparts causescauses thethe motionmotion ofof thethe secondarysecondarypart. part. TheThe relevancerelevance ofof LIMsLIMs inin thethe industryindustry isis hugehuge becausebecause therethere areare aa lotlot ofof applicationsapplications inin didifferentfferent areasareas [3[3],], such such as transportationas transportation systems systems (propulsion (propulsion of wheel-on-rail of wheel-on-rail vehicles vehicles and magnetic and levitationmagnetic high-speedlevitation high-speed trains), vertical trains), drives vertical (passenger drives elevator (passenger or an elevator withoutor an elevator ropes), industrialwithout ropes), drives (impactindustrial machine drives and (impact machine machine tools), or and automotive machine control tools), and or robotic. automotive Additionally, control these and motors robotic. are relevantAdditionally, in military these applicationsmotors are relevant [4], such in as military electromagnetic applications aircraft [4], such launch as electromagnetic or electromagnetic aircraft rail gunlaunch systems. or electromagnetic Besides, LIMs rail are verygun importantsystems. Besides, in all magneto-hydrodynamic LIMs are very important applications in all magneto- because underhydrodynamic low-velocity applications conditions, because an LIM canunder be usedlow-velocity as an electromagnetic conditions, pumpan LIM where can thebe liquidused metalas an representselectromagnetic the moving pump part.where the liquid metal represents the moving part. AA generalgeneral classificationclassification ofof LIMsLIMs [[1],1], divides these electrical induction machines intointo two didifferentfferent familiesfamilies dependingdepending onon twotwo criteria:criteria: thethe configurationconfiguration of thethe magneticmagnetic fluxflux andand thethe geometrygeometry ofof thethe machine.machine. The firstfirst family can bebe divideddivided intointo twotwo categoriescategories dependingdepending onon thethe numbernumber ofof primaryprimary parts.parts. Hence, an LIMLIM thatthat operatesoperates withwith onlyonly aa primaryprimary partpart isis calledcalled single-sidedsingle-sided linearlinear inductioninduction motormotor (SSLIM)(SSLIM) andand anan LIMLIM withwith twotwo primaryprimary partsparts isis calledcalled double-sideddouble-sided linearlinear inductioninduction motormotor (DSLIM).(DSLIM). TheThe secondsecond familyfamily cancan bebe alsoalso divideddivided intointo twotwo didifferentfferent categories.categories. First,First, anan LIMLIM withwith aa magneticmagnetic fluxflux thatthat circulatescirculates alongalong thethe directiondirection ofof thethe movementmovement calledcalled aa longitudinallongitudinal fluxflux linearlinear inductioninduction motormotor (LFLIM). (LFLIM). Second, Second, an an LIM LIM with with a magnetica magnetic flux flux closed closed to ato perpendicular a perpendicular plane plane to the to directionthe direction of the of movementthe movement called called a transverse a transverse flux flux linear linear induction induction motor motor (TFLIM) (TFLIM) [5,6]. [5,6]. TheThe mostmost popularpopular topologytopology inin thethe literatureliterature isis LFLIM.LFLIM. However,However, TFLIMTFLIM presentspresents somesome advantagesadvantages [[1],1], suchsuch asas aa magneticmagnetic fluxflux thatthat crossescrosses thethe airgapairgap twice,twice, aa reductionreduction ofof thethe consumedconsumed magnetizationmagnetization current,current, andand aa reductionreduction inin thethe weightweight ofof thethe device.device. InIn thethe literature,literature, therethere areare severalseveral techniquestechniques toto increase increase the the effi ciencyefficiency of LIM of ´LIM´ss which which can be can classified be classified into the threeinto the following three strategies.following Thestrategies. first strategy The first is calledstrategy winding is called skew winding and itsk isew oriented and it is to oriented reduce theto reduce ripple whosethe ripple effects whose are unwishedeffects are [ 7unwished]. The second [7]. strategyThe second is focused strategy on employingis focused theon third-orderemploying harmonicsthe third-order current harmonics injection tocurrent improve injection the thrust to improve and thethe levitationthrust and forcethe levitation [8] and theforce third [8] and strategy the third modifies strategy the modifies geometric the parametersgeometric parameters of the LIM of [9– the13]. LIM [9–13]. OurOur paperpaper is focusedis focused on theon thirdthe strategythird strategy that allows that us allows to modify us theto modify magnetic the flux magnetic configuration flux insideconfiguration the armature inside on the the armature LIM and on redesign the LIM the and paths redesign available the paths for the available eddy currents for the induced eddy currents inside theinduced aluminum inside plate. the aluminum The starting plate. point The is a starting prototype point of an is LIMa prototype that will of be an called LIM model that will 1. Model be called 1 is anmodel SSLIM 1. Model with a 1 configuration is an SSLIM with of TFLIM, a configuration whose geometry of TFLIM, has whose been modified geometry in has both been parts modified (primary in andboth secondary parts (primary part) and in order secondary to improve part) in the order efficiency to improve of the the LIM. efficiency Changes of in the the LIM. geometry Changes have in beenthe geometry introduced have to configurebeen introduced a relevant to threeconfigure dimensions a relevant main three magnetic dimensions circuit main (3D-MMC). magnetic Our circuit
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