Whitchurch Emerging Strategic Planning Framework Stage 1 Report ISSUE 08 | November 2018 Prepared on behalf of: Bath and North East Somerset November 2018 | Issue 08 © Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd 2018 For further information please contact: Stephen George E: [email protected] Contents Page 1 Introduction 03 This report takes into account the particular instructions and requirements of our client. It is not intended for and should 2 Planning Context 07 not be relied upon by any third party and no responsibility is undertaken to any third party. 3 SDL Context 17 In preparing this report we are relying on information contained in reports supplied by the client and third parties, as stated 4 Development area definition 33 throughout the document. 5 Vision 39 We have relied in particular on the accuracy and completeness of such reports and accept no liability for any error or omission in this statement to the extent the same results from error or 6 New Settlement Options 45 omission in the other consultants’ reports. Please note, this report is intended to be viewed and printed as an A4 double-sided document with cover page. Unless otherwise stated, all images are copyright of Ove Arup & Partners Ltd (2016). OS Data is reproduced under licence number © Crown copyright and database rights [year of supply or date of publication] Ordnance Survey 100023334. Introduction 1 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this document The West of England Joint Spatial Plan (JSP) has This report is intended to be used as a discussion identified the Whitchurch area as a strategic document to; development location (SDL), capable of meeting part Inform the policy framework for the location, the future housing and development needs of JSP area. - Highlight emerging physical and environmental This report has been prepared on behalf of Bath and - constraints, and North East Somerset Council by Arup with market advice from Cushman and Wakefield. - Reveal initial design opportunities. This is a stage 1 report encompassing an initial desktop baseline study, policy review, draft visioning, and Following an assessment of consultation feedback, the concept options, to test possible design approaches, location will be subject to further design development. and the capacity of the SDL. This report is intended to set out issues and options for community consultation, and Local Plan Consultation processes. N N.T.S 4 Emerging Whitchurch Strategic Framework: October 2018 Fig. 1. SDL Area of search Emerging Whitchurch Strategic Framework: November 2018 5 1 View towards Bristol from the SDL 2 View towards Queen Charlton, with its distinct heritage character 3 View of rolling landscape from existing PRoW at Queen Charlton 4 View towards Maes Knoll from existing PRoW 3 1 2 4 Fig. 2. Existing condition photos at the SDL 6 Emerging Whitchurch Strategic Framework: November 2018 Planning Context 2 Emerging Whitchurch Strategic Framework: November 2018 7 2.0 Location The area shown in the image opposite shows the initial area of search identified during the baseline study stage prior to the report commission. This area has been used as a guide for the study, which has not been constrained by the boundary in exploring the reasonable options for development. It includes land to the west, south and east of the existing village of Whitchurch and stretches south towards Publow and Woollard. The A37 bisects the search area and the area is criss-crossed with local lanes. N Fig. 3. SDL Area of search Not To Scale 8 Emerging Whitchurch Strategic Framework: November 2018 Fig. 4. Strategic housing growth areas extract from the Joint Spatial Plan N Not To Scale Emerging Whitchurch Strategic Framework: November 2018 9 2.1 Planning Policy Context The JSP’s policy framework details seven key The proposed Whitchurch Strategic Development West of England Joint Spatial Plan (JSP) strategic policies for the Whitchurch SDL area: location is located within Bath & North East Somerset (2017) Council (B&NES) administrative boundary and, just • Policy 2 identifies Whitchurch as an SDL, establishing south of, the local authority boundary of Bristol City The West of England JSP provides the overarching the principle of strategic growth at the SDL which will Council. strategic planning framework for the four West of need to be allocated within the B&NES Local Plan. It England authorities (B&NES, Bristol City Council, specifies that the general extent of the Green Belt The Adopted Development Plan comprises; the Local North Somerset and South Gloucestershire) and should be maintained – except where it is required to Plan made up of the B&NES Core Strategy (adopted July sets out the spatial strategy for meeting the growth 2014) and Placemaking Plan (adopted July 2017); the aspirations for housing and employment for the next 20 enable the delivery of the SDL at Whitchurch. West of England Joint Waste Core Strategy (2011) and years. • Policy 3 identifies that a target of 35% affordable ‘saved’ policies within the Local Plan 2007. housing is to be delivered on SDL delivering 5 or more The Publication Draft of the JSP is at the examination dwellings. Given the proximity of the SDL to the Bristol City stage. • Policy 4 states that new employment land may be Council boundary, further consideration of the Bristol identified at the SDLs and the amount should be Local Plan Review may be necessary for any future The JSP makes provision for the supply of at least applications within the area. 105,000 new homes in the plan period. The JSP specified within each Local Plan to respond to the identifies Strategic Development Locations (SDL’s) proposed amount of residential development. The The planning policy context for Whitchurch Village to accommodate this additional planned growth, to delivery of employment land will be secured has evolved since the adoption of the Development be assessed in detail through each Authority’s Local through Local Plan allocations and policy detail. Plan. The West of England Joint Spatial Plan is Plans. The Whitchurch area is identified as an SDL • Policy 5 states that all new development must currently being prepared, which will provide the for B&NES, capable of delivering 1,600 homes in the Plan contribute towards the delivery of high quality and overarching strategic planning framework for the West Period. of England (B&NES, Bristol City Council, North Somerset sustainable places and sets out key principles to and South Gloucestershire), setting out the spatial be used to prepare the SDL’s - including at strategy to meet growth aspirations for the four Whitchurch - in Local Plans or other documents, authority area. including; improving health and protecting the environment. • Policy 6 sets out that strategic transport 10 Emerging Whitchurch Strategic Framework: November 2018 infrastructure identified in the Infrastructure B&NES Local Plan Local Plan 2016 to 2036 Delivery Programme and on the Plan’s Key Diagram will be provided within 2016 – 2036. B&NES is currently preparing a new Local Plan for • Policy 7.2 sets out the policy requirements associated the area, to align with the emerging requirements and designations within the West of England Joint with Whitchurch. It states that the location can deliver Spatial Plan. approximately 2,500 homes (1,600 in the Plan Period) and employment space with associated transport, It undertook initial public consultation on Issues and education, green infrastructure requirements and Options in December 2017 & January 2018, and heritage/ environmental policy principles. further options consultation is due to take place from November 2018. The new Local Plan will provide a more detailed planning policy framework setting out the development requirement and the design aspirations for the SDL. It will also remove the SDL from the Greenbelt. The Issues and Options draft set out a number of broad spatial scenarios to be explored through a ‘Concept Diagram and Vision’. The concept masterplan was informed by a detailed Background Paper and is built on the following principles; heritage and landscape assets, local facilities, green infrastructure, sustainable and active travel and employment. Emerging Whitchurch Strategic Framework: November 2018 11 Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan seeks to guide development in the village until 2042, and was approved in December 2017. The overall vision for the village is: to remain as a distinct, stable, separate and sustainable community in a valuable Green Belt setting; to work with developers and the new communities to achieve improvements and integration for all its residents. The main objectives of the Plan are to maintain the village identity and increase sustainability, manage and maintain the Green Buffer, ensure that new development is integrated within the village, set out impacts on the A37 and seek improvements for the community arising from future growth. There is a established hierarchy of plans and once adopted, the strategic policies in the JSP as well as the Local Plan will take precedence over the Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood plan will then need to be updated to conform to the strategic policies of both the JSP and Local Plan . Fig. 5. Whitchurch Village Parish Boundary N Not To Scale 12 Emerging Whitchurch Strategic Framework: November 2018 Whitchurch Village Character Assessment The Neighbourhood Plan is supported by background papers including a character area assessment. The Whitchurch Village Character Assessment identifies two characters within the search area including; 1- east of the village farm clusters associated with Horseworld, 5- A37 Bristol Road. Also, two of the Rural Fringes RF1- south of the village, RF2- North East- Stockwood Vale overlap the search area. The diagrams opposite illustrate the four character areas in relation to the study search area boundary. Area 4a- Horseworld Rural Fringe 1- Horseworld The Neighbourhood plan states- ‘All proposals for new development shall comply with and have regard to the Whitchurch Village Character Assessment Document (2015).
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