Canadian Rail No098 1959

Canadian Rail No098 1959

NEWSNEviS REPOREPORTRT NNO.O. 98 98 MARCHMARCH 1959 1959 CANADIAN RAILROAD HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION I NCONCO:R.PORATI:D.EPORA!:E::D. P.O.O . BOX 22. STATIONSTATION "B"" B " MONTREAL 2.2 . QUEBEC QUEBEC CANADIAN CLACLASSICSSIC ••••• ••••• ( A GRAND TTRUNKRUNK ""MOGUL"MOGUL" Complete with cross-bar pilot, rifle-barrrifle-barrelel stack, and distinctive steam dome, this locomotive is a rrepresen­ epresen­ tative of a classic development in CanaCanadiandian locomotive This picture, contributed by Mr. C.F.H. Allen, shows one of the very few Grand Trunk RRailwayailway 2-2-6-0s6-0s not built at Pointe St.St . CCharleshar l es works; an 11881881 proproductduct of the Rhode Island Locomotive Company,Company, NNo.239lo . 2391 final­ ly puffed into history ini n 1934 whwhen,en, asas CanCanadianadian Nat­ ionionalal RailwaysRa i lways NNo.540,o. 540 , Class EE-4-a,- 4-a, it wawass sentsent to ththee {( scrscrapap dock at the aagege of fifty-three. -000000­-000000- C .• H!.a 1'1.. AA_._____________ .Ji::;v News'JS .}teRe po po rr~_ t - 19591959 _ 22 - -------- Pa.,ge r-----., The Marrchch mmeetingeeti ng ofof tthehe AsAsss ocioc iaatt ioni on 1" f '\r ' t ' ~o~_ d O t.- J.ce 0 l~!eet'Ole<=:; "' ln~ing ....; willwi l l be hheldel d ini n RRoomoom 2202,0 2, MI'10ntreaon t.r-eaIl 1~ 0·V' l- 1'1"''I'r.l0.1. " "1L ~_ ,=' ) p..1 or-t.J. lJ ....::'1" A. 'V~ I ..L.'; 0 .1'1 C.J ommil ~ i_~_ . ~ ssS5• ion_ . BL u ~ i _ . , I .... aCAl."\ '':"'_.) ,, ' .J: v ....Pt A. iO"'l1 eO'rltli-' ..,i1 T , ion-...' BuiL i.Ll d j_ ng , ,,0 '.I c> c: t 1 ./59;; cr'Cr"'I. <'i:Ls:1. ""'8'p"O" ,3'.)- i-Y"tv rGec~ I::;' e'!-v \CT, e-:.'....,s t , Mrrront,ner_'1o ntL J.r ea,Q l ,I on ~9~ 1- -,.. ~J e c' r l ec d' ~ y ft rl o r c~ ._] ~l 'C ~l 9 1- -,.. P'p-.",r Wednesday'It ! ,!. - l..") t c ... , 1M'- ac....... rch1, .1. 11 thJ. , 191. 9- ) "' , a'c ( : .1J. :)J h'1. ThThee prproogr aammemme willwi Ll, ffe eatura t uree Ll.iliw3tratedLust.r at.ed ppapaperer tto o be givengiven bbyy 1V\'1l1' . H. NMI.. Biinns nns , oonn ththe,iFe 'iP'.J.J..y-As-y-As- You-EnYcu-Entter er-"!1 syssysttem em oo.f s,-,v1'E.8,~ t·I- ree·, ·,t t 1r"\" l·.l- L"wa..'_ <3. yV.1 f~c.rcf'~ar e'" colo 11l e,e::,~cv-,-on c't1-;i on , Hl1wh., 1 iJ.' chCn1_ 01lorin' 6gi.. .-ln<3.' .n at ·t ede d\ iIn. n MVlontrealoritr eaL momorer-e thathann f ifti ftyy yeayearsr s agoago ,. il'JJIIooboobersers area r e cordiacordiallllyy invitei nvi t edd to atttend, tend , anandd t s , asas uusuasual,l , w\rIi i.llLl, be welcol commee . Wh ili lee ttherehere wwii lll l be nnoo bbususini nesess mmeeeetint i ngg , t he meeteetiningg willi l l bbee calledcal l ed to oror derder bbrir i efeflyl y by t hehe CChairmanhairman forf or the aacceptanceccept an ce ofof pproporoposas allss oror a pprrovals ova l s foforr mmeembembersr shhipi p iin n the A~:;ssosociatciatiion. on . -- '----- ', -----~ TTElEl P Cm·'[]COIv1l'VJlITlITTEETEE ••• MembersMembe rs {;re{;re remindedr em inde d onceonce . , 'IIT I [ As:=atiOnAs ;~ oc lat l o n newsNe>!s JJ agaagaini n ofof the eexcxc.urs ioni on v{hich~ l ich i s to bbee hheldeld outout of BBellevel leville,i l le , Ont .,. , oonn SSundayunday , MMayay 101 0t h, ususingi ng ddoubloubl e- heheaadded steam l . A circularci r cul ar givigivingng detdetaa ilsi l s i s atattat a chechedd ttoo tthihis i sss sueue . HAIRAILWAYLiJJAY DDIVIVIISIONSI ON ••• I'ilembeMembersrs willi l l alsoalso nnoteote tthatha t tthehe bbenefitenefit f'f a r-r eeWewe lll.L eexcxcuursionr s i on , whwhichich isi s bbeineing spsponsoredons ored bbyy mmembersemb er s ofof thet he RaiHai lwal wayy DDivisivi,sioni on to go ttoward owar-d the prereservser vatat ioi onn of some ofof ththee rorollinglling stostockck of tthehe CCanadan ad­­ (( i an NNEJ:tionaElt i onal'sl ' s Montmontmorenencycy Subdivisioni visi on , wilwilll be heldl d on tthehe l asa s t dayda y ofof services ervice on ththisi s l~ iine ne,l SSundayunday , .fMilaa rrchch .11 5th5t h , 1959959 , us ingi ng carcar 4hOl·01 anda nd paspasses e­ ger/bager/baGgagegga ge cocomm1nn8bi na.. tlont.Lon cara li' 105105. CCli rrccuul ar 'VIawasE:> atattact a chheded ttoo l astast mmonthont h 's' s NeNewsws HcportHeport . Tiickckeets ts areare :~;i)j~ 2 ... 5050 , obtainabobt ainablel e ffromrom tthE he RaHa iil l.wayway DDivivisi s iion, on , BBoxox 2222, StatiStati onon B, MMontreaont real 2, CCaa nadaa da . ReservationReservati ons area r e eequeste equesteedd . r-- -- '--'1 I An ilillustrlus t r atea t edd bubulletinl let in hasa s bbeeeen PuPublicationbl i cati on by t hhee VancouverVancouv er ,I prpreparede pared bbyy this AssAssociationoc iati on , on IslI sl andand Ra ili l vvawayy Hisi sttoric or i caal AAssnssn . i the subjectsub j e ct of a hihistorys tory of the I r ---J.J KKASLOASLO & SSLOCANLOCAN RA IIMI IMAYAY, a ththreeree­ footfoot gaueE':~ e mmini nini ngg lil i nnee wwhichhich flourishedf lourished in tthehe KKooototenenaaysys ini n BBrr itishi t ish ColumbiaCo Lumbi .a at tth he.e tturn urn ofof the cen­cen­ ttury ur y . Thisi s bubullll etin, 1jJwhhiich ch is ililll usustratedt r at ed and sei;381l 1sl s for fiftf i f t y centscents , isi s an exexppansnsioni on of a histhistoryory ofof the KK&&S,S 'whichwh ich a ppeppearedared ini n ththee CCRHARHA NewNewss Reepportor t some yyearsear s agagoo . We cco o ~~nendn e n d thisi s pubpublicl icatationion tot o youyou anandd tthehe cauauses e forf or wwhichhich tthehe pproceedsr ocee ds areare intended:i ntende d : the prepreservservatitionon of CCanadiana na dian NaNatt ­ i oonanall'' s 2-$- $-0- 0 ttypeype Noo.2141. 214l i n VictoriVictoriaa 1, BritishBr i t i sh CColumbiaolumbia . OrdersOrders sshouhouldl d bbee ssentent directd i rect tto o : Vancouvcouveer r I sls l and HaRaiil l way Historor ici caal AAssociation,s sociation , 58$77 MccKenzieKenzi e AAvenuevenue , , VVictorii ctor i a , Br'itishBr iti sh CColumbiaolumbi a . WWee araree adviseda dvi sed thatat an2rtotherot her VVIHHAI RHA BulB1Jl1l etetini n i s almostlmost rreadyeady forf or rreeleasasee , aandnd willi l l ddeaeal with ththee privati vatee railr ail waay y anandd opeperatr atiionson s ooff ththee Caananadidianan Foresorestt ProProcluctsdu ct s ccompanyompany , atat EEnng 1l. ewce v-lOOo d0. , VVancouveran couv er I sl anandd, BritishBr iti sh Columbia.Co lumbia . TThosehose ofof ourour membemembersr s vihowho uuncJ.ertnder- t [-a:lkkee pper.ersonasonal correspondencecorrespondence forf or mmutuautual advantaadvant a ggee area re i nvinvit t ed t o wwithi th MMrr . B. G• ..3Sleal eatt hh,, of 9900 , Christ­Christ­ iani an FieF' LelLdsd.s , NNorburyorbur y , LLondonondon S.3 .W.1. 166,, .EEngngl.l ana ndd ., MMrr .S. Slealeath,.t h , whoses e ageage isi s 21,1 , isi s interesteder e s t e d in the historicori cal,l , photographgraphic,i c, nnarrowarrow gaugeuge anandd op ere r ~~tt ­ ioi onnaall aspaspectsects of r-raihraysa i Lvzays , aandnd isi s 'wivIillingl l ing to eexchangexchange corcorrespondenceres pondence , as wweelll l asa s bbooksooks , magmagaza zinineses and phphotographsotographs, withwi th annyy of ourour readers.r ea ders. :~ : ~ . t-I • jj~ • c. .H:~. .:..:..::A._ ----, NeNewsws ;;i.eportte£ort - ,1 959,599 , "' I PPageage 23 TTHHEE FIFTII FTIEETTHH ANN IVEHSARY OOF'F PPOVOi/JElEREDRED FFLIGHTLIGH T IN CANADNADA.A. DURDUrL INI NGG THTHEE MONTr,'lONTHI-l OOFF FFEBEB.RUAmJARYRY , Canadanada cecellebraebratestes a ververyy signigni f icanantt ddatat e in i tst s historyhi s t or y ooff transpans portortat ion. I t wwasas oonn FeF'e brbr uau,:cl rry y 2323rd,rd, 1909,1909, thathatt t.hthee f irstirst ppoweredowered f lil igghht in Can­Can­ adadaa wwasa s mademade onon thet he ici ce ooff the BBrasras d ' Or LaCl. kes ofJ'f f BaBaddecdde ckk,, CCapeape Brer et­t ­ on, Noovava Scoticotiaa , by tthehe AAerialerial EExpexperri immentent AAssos soci ationi on , headeheadedd bbyy DDrr . Alel exanderxand er GGrahamr aham Bell,Bel l , whwhoseose naameme aatt't t a chesche,s itselfitself moorere familiarly,f ami l iar l y, iin n an inti nt ernaer natiotionnala l s enseense,, ttoo tthehe i nvnventent i on ofof the tteelepl ephhonone.e . The a ircraft,i r cr af t , kknmVYlno wn as the ,111,'3,S ili l vverer DaDartrt 11Ii , wwasa s thethe bbrr ainchainchildi l d of DDr.r . BellBel l aandnd ofof hishis assistants,ass istants , oonene ofof whomom, ththee Honon . ,J.J. AA..D.D. MMccCCuurrdydy , l atter er lilieutenant-governoreutenant- gove rnor of Noovvaa Scoticot iaa and hhappilya ppi l y alivealive totoddayay,, pilotpil oted thet he crcr aftf t on itsi t s inii nitit i alal CCanadiananadi an flight.f l i ght . The iiSnSiilver l ver DaDartr t IIi1 was tthehe culmin-culmi n­ itSilveril Si l ver Dart IrlI --.•-... --. ~ .. <:"-~~:: : : - .. ; '.i!',,..' ... ~~#r.?......-/.....-?.......~............... ~ ' ~' ~ :-:-.;; :_~:::,~~;:: '::~.:.: -: : ::7 :- - - ' - ,.. .:.,..--,.. 4 '.. ,' ..fI! ®'-­ .-_----- ------:----.:--:---.:;:--:-:--- -_._---- -- -_.-._-..-_-----.._ --- ----- ----.. .._- -.-"" -"- "'... __.­.- ~ --~. ~ _-_.- .. -.. .----_ ......•_ _ ( atiionon of aann aircrafta ircraft dedess igi gnn wwhhiichch Dr.Dr . Bell pupurrsue sued i ndndepependendeentntlyl y ffollow­ol l ow­ ingi ng hishis ownown pr-principleE3,Ln cLp.Les , andnd whichwh i ch he i nitnitiai atted ed ini n the forf orm of manma11-ca-icar-rry­r-y ­ ini ng kiti toses of ttetrahedraletrahedral design.des i gn .

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