Cambridge University Press 0521791979 - International Law in Antiquity David J. Bederman Index More information Index Achaeans— see also treaties see also Greek city-States agricultural/mercantile interests, 159 leagues and federations, 168 Amyntas/Chalcidians (Chalcis), 161 Peloponnesian War, 161, 163 Athens/Argives, 70, 175, 182 relations— Athens/Chalcidians (Chalcis), 164 Athens, 163 Athens/Egesta, 164 Sparta, 163, 182 Athens/Thebes, 163–64, 181 Trojan War, 228, 245, 256, 257–58 Babylon, 141 Adcock, Frank, 35, 96, 160, 168, 212–13 defensive, 36, 161–63, 172, 176, 177, 180, adjudication, norms, 268–69, 271 214–15 Adkins, A. W. H., 216 Egypt/Hittites, 148–49 Adrastus, 258 Elea/Heraea, 70, 162, 174–75, 182 Aegina, 94, 228 epimachia, see epimachia Aeschines, 69, 131, 254 Greek city-States, 35, 37, 156, 159–65 Aetolians— leagues, see leagues and federations see also Greek city-States military, 36, 161–65 federations, 168 offensive, 36, 159, 161–64, 214–15 relations— Peloponnesian War, 35, 37, 156 Macedon, 36, 198 philia, 125, 159–61, 184, 190 Rome, 118, 190–91, 198, 199, 205 Rome/Carthage, 42, 72–73, 134, 160 Sparta, 181 sanctity, 7 Agamemnon, 57, 250 Sparta/Argives (Argos), 163, 182 Ago, Roberto, 38, 42 Sybaris/Serdaioi, 159, 179 Ahhiyawa, relations, Hittites, 90, 91 symmachia, see symmachia Akkadian Empire— ambassadors— conquest, 22, 23 see also envoys covenants, 65 authority, 102 Elam, 140 credentials, 99–102, 104, 105, 116 oaths, 62 diplomacy, see diplomacy statecraft, 3, 47 embassies, see diplomatic missions Akkadian language, 24, 25, 140, 143, 147 immunities, see diplomatic immunities Alexander of Pherae, 112 Israelite kingdoms, 96, 108 Alexander the Great, 21, 31, 41, 93, 153, 167, liberty restrained, 112 250 Mesopotamia, 100 aliens, see foreigners Near East, 96 alliances— punishment, 91 303 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521791979 - International Law in Antiquity David J. Bederman Index More information 304 index ambassadors—(cont.) relations— religion, 75, 90–91 Athens, 70, 158–59, 175, 182 right of legation, 94–95, 104 Sparta, 163, 182, 253 ritual and custom, 75–76 Aristophanes, 98 Rome, 104 Aristotle, 9, 38, 39–40, 120–21, 183 Amit, M., 178 Arundell of Wardour, 208 amphictyones— Assyria— Amphictyonic Council (Delphi), 61, 69, covenants, 63, 64 82, 169–71, 260 Palestine, 30 religious leagues, 36, 60, 158, 162, 168–71 Phoenicians, 30 sacred sites, 251 relations Babylon, 100, 105 sacred wars, 169–70 State relations, 24, 25–26, 27, 28, 30–31 sovereign equality, 169 statecraft, 3 Amurru, 145 times and places, 2 ancient international law— treaties— comparison and relativism, 4–6 curses, 144 metaphysics, 50, 51–59 formalities, 144 modern critique, 11–15, 51, 268, 271 New Empire, 142 primitive legal system, 6, 7, 11–12, 48 oaths, 62, 63, 143 religion, see religion vassalage, 26, 63–64, 143, 145 sovereignty, 2, 12–13, 274 Athenaeus, 98 State relations, 1–2, 16–47 Athens— universal community, 12 see also Greek city-States ancient international relations, see State alliances, see alliances relations asylum, 121–22 ancient law of nations— burial rituals, 259–60 adaptability of rules, 49 colonial expansion, 37, 92 faith, 7 Darius’ heralds, 55, 57–58, 113 fictions, 12, 48 Delian League, see Delian League formalism, 12, 48–49 foreigners, 121–22, 129 friendship, 135–36 hegemony, 35, 168, 215, 218 Greek city-States, 38 heralds, 98 obligations, see obligations metoikoi, 122 primitive legal system, 12, 13, 48–51, 267 Peace of Nicias, 156, 162–63, 180, 217 religion, see religion Peloponnesian War, see Peloponnesian rhetoric, see rhetoric War single idea, 277–79 Pericles, 178 Andocides, 261 polemarchos, 129 anthropology, moral relativism, 12 population, 33, 122 aramaic language, 143 relations— arbitration— Achaeans, 163 leagues and federations, 167 Aegina, 228 oracles, 82–83, 84, 251 Andrians, 111 Persian empire, 93–49 Arcadia, 163, 182 reason, 82–84, 270 Argives (Argos), 70, 158–59, 175, 182 Rome, 135 Camarinaeans, 216 archeology, evidence, 9, 10, 26 Carthage, 184 archidamian War, 221, 230 Chalcidians (Chalcis), 164, 178 Argives (Argos)— Chios, 164 arbitration, 163 Colophon, 69 Archidamian War, 230 Corcyraea, 81, 177, 213 Peloponnesian War, 158–59 Corinth, 81, 177, 213–14 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521791979 - International Law in Antiquity David J. Bederman Index More information index 305 Croton, 221 Macedon, 36, 38 Egesta, 164 Rome, 47, 120, 247 Euboeans, 178 Persia, see Persian empire Leucon of the Bosporus, 182 sacred sites, 250 Macedon, 110, 181, 225 Second Athenian Naval League, 37 Megara, 254 Bauslaugh, Robert, 36, 40, 94, 160, 161, 218, Melians (Melos), 164, 219–20 251 Miletos, 178 Bickerman, Elias, 184, 188 Neapolis, 180 Bithynia, 43 Persian empire, 55, 57–58, 60, 113–14, Boeotians, see Thebes 157 Bull, Hedley, 16–17, 274 Plataea, 220 burial rituals, 20, 246, 257–60 Rhodes, 39, 276 Samians (Samos), 178 Cappadocia, 43 Sparta, see Sparta Carthage— Syracuse, 114, 216, 230, 250 Hannibal— Thebes, see Thebes brutality, 247–48 Second Confederacy, see Second Athenian defeat, 44, 222–23, 226 Naval League Macedonian embassy, 118 Social War, 39 Macedonian treaty, 185–88, 204 Solon, 98, 121, 122 Spanish emissaries, 104 Themistocles, 92, 111, 112 victories, 44, 116 inscription evidence, 184 Babylon— neutrality, 226 Akkadian language, 24, 25 Peloponnesian War, 184 Hammurabi, 25, 100, 107, 141, 142, 277 Phoenicians, 31, 183 relations— relations— Assyria, 100, 105 Agrigentum, 184, 247 Elam, 107 Athens, 184 Larsa, 100, 141 Greek city-States, 32, 37 Mari, 25, 100 Libyan tribes, 93 Sea Peoples, 28 Macedon, see Macedon state relations, 24, 25 relations with Rome— times and places, 2 alliances/treaties, 42, 72–73, 134–35, treaties— 160, 184, 193, 240 alliances, 141 diplomatic missions, 105, 115, 116, 119 curses, 65, 144 Punic Wars, see Punic Wars oaths, 62, 63, 142 statecraft, 3, 47 touching his throat, 63, 142, 277 times and places, 2 balance of power politcs— treaties— see also State relations Agrigentum, 184 Greek city-States, 35, 158, 159, 168, 214, covenants, 183 216, 275 Macedon, 44, 185–89, 204, 205, 226 Hittites, 27 military leaders, 184–85 modern critique, 17 oaths, 62, 72–73, 183–84 Near East, 28 philia, 184 Rome, 43, 46 practices, 183–89 Sumerian city-States, 23 Rome, 42, 72–73, 134–85, 160, 184, 193, barbarians— 240 see also foreigners Cato the Younger, 115, 269, 270 attitudes— Chalcidians (Chalcis), 161, 164, 178 Greek city-States, 60, 120, 158, 245 China, 3–4 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521791979 - International Law in Antiquity David J. Bederman Index More information 306 index Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 115, 119, 222, 233, diplomatic immunities, 107–08, 119 234, 235, 241, 247, 248, 280 foreigners, 126, 127, 149 colonies, Greek city-States, 35, 37, 92, 159 curses— community— see also oaths ancient international law, 12 Assyrians, 144 civilization, 267–80 Babylon, 65, 144 Greek city-States, 32–33 heralds, 97 State systems, 18 Hittites, 65, 144, 150 comparison and relativism— Israelite kingdoms, 66 correct context, 5 vassalage treaties, 63–65 methodology, 4–6 customary rules— competitive spirit, Greek city-States, 216, see also ritual and custom 221–22, 245, 278 diplomatic immunities, 99, 108–10 conflict management— envoys, 99 ataphos, 260, 264 fetials, 234 dualities, 265 Greek city-States, 38, 40, 56, 58, 80, 85, moral superiority, 209, 263 180, 230 neutrality, see neutrality Hellenic, see Hellenic law non-aggression, 263 norms, 49, 50, 136 peace offered/demanded, 211, 244 positive law, 49 provocative acts, 213–14 primitive legal system, 13, 49, 50 weapons limitation, 246 sanctions, 51, 56 Corcyraea, 81, 177, 213, 228 State conduct, 13 Corinth— see also Greek city-States Damascus, 153 Dorian colonies, 32 Darius I (King of Persia), 55, 57, 58, 66, 70, neutrality, 215 79, 113, 277 relations— Darius III (King of Persia), 153 Athens, 81, 177, 213–14 David (King of Israel and Judah), 29, 153, Corcyraea, 81, 177, 213, 228 211 Rome, 116, 256 de Ste Croix, G. E. M., 38–39, 40 Sparta, 81, 156 deceit— territory, 33 envoys, 91, 92–93, 111 Corinthian (Hellenic) League, 36, 41, 106, treaties, 174, 175–76, 188, 197, 203, 270 165–67 declaration of war— Cornelius Nepos, 109, 112 bellum indicere, 233, 237, 239, 241, 264 covenants— constraints, 7, 8 see also treaties diplomatic missions, 106 Akkadian Empire, 65 fetials, 56, 77–79, 231–41 Assyria, 63, 64 Greece, 76, 212 berit form, 186, 188 Greek city-States, 212–22, 228–29 Carthage, 183 heralds, 213–14, 227–29 covenant thesis, 150–51 justification, 208–27 Hittites, 63, 64, 65 legati, 239, 241 Israelite kingdoms, 30, 60, 63, 65–66, neutral nationals, 229 150–54 redress demanded, 212, 231–32 oaths, 62–66 rerum repetitio, 77, 231–32, 235, 239, 240, substantive provisions, 145 241 credentials, ambassadors, 99–102, 104, 105, rhetoric, 209 116 ritual and custom, 76–79 criminal charges— rotatio, 232 Corinthian League, 167 Rome, 46, 47, 76–79, 231–41 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521791979 - International Law in Antiquity David J. Bederman Index More information index 307 spear throwing ritual, 233, 237–39, 264 obligations, 13–14, 107, 110 Delian League— privileges, 95, 106–20 see also leagues and federations religious sanctions, 110 Athens, ascendancy, 37, 165 Rome, 114–20 dissolution, 181 unpleasant messages, 75 oaths, 70–71, 179 diplomatic missions— relations, Persian empire, 70–71 autocratores, 102 Delphic Oracle— conduct,
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