HUDSON INSTITUTE News & Review WWW.HUDSON.ORG SUMMER 2008 HUDSON LAUNCHES 2008 INDEX OF GLOBAL PHILANTHROPY The core product of Hudson Institute’s Center for Global Prosperity, under the direction of Senior Fellow Carol Adelman, is the annual Index of Global Philanthropy, which details the sources and magnitude of private giving to the HUSAIN HAQQANI developing world. As the only comprehensive guide to private assistance and for- eign aid, the Index reframes the discussion about the roles of the public and pri- named Pakistan’s vate foreign aid sectors by showing that the full scale of a country’s generosity Ambassador to includes tremendous assistance from the private sector. The Index demonstrates the United States that the most effective philanthropic bridge between industrialized countries and developing nations is built on private philanthropy, volunteerism, remittances, HUSAIN HAQQANI, a Fellow and public-private partnerships, not exclusively on official foreign aid. with Hudson’s Center for Islam, This year’s Index, released in May, breaks new ground with the results from the Democracy, and the Future of the first ever national random-sample survey of religious giving in the United States, Muslim World, who also co-edits undertaken by the University of Notre Dame’s Center for the Study of Religion the center’s journal Current Trends and Society, in partnership with the Center for Global Prosperity. The survey doc- in Islamist Ideology, has been offi- uments $8.8 billion in disaster and development assistance from U.S. religious cially designated Pakistan’s new Ambassador to the United States. congregations in 2006, the reference year for the Index. Haqqani will assume his post in “You can see people affecting the lives of other people in less fortunate circum- May and will have a broad portfolio stances,” Adelman says. Adelman also notes that private CONTINUED ON PAGE 23 of shaping Pakistan’s foreign and defense policies, including serving as a national security adviser to re - cently appointed Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani. Haqqani has served as Pakis - tan’s Ambassador to Sri Lanka and as a political adviser to Pakistani Prime Ministers Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Na waz Sharif, and Benazir Bhutto. “We congratulate Husain on his appointment, and look forward to sup porting him in his new capaci- ty at this important time in U.S.- Rob Buchanan, Director of International Pakistan relations,” Center Director Programs for the Council on Foundations, Hillel Fradkin said. with Senior Fellow Carol Adelman SUMMER 2008 / HUDSON INSTITUTE 1 CONTENTS CHAIRMAN’S Summer 2008 LETTER 1 2008 INDEX OF GLOBAL Dear Friend of Hudson Institute: PHILANTHROPY In our spring newsletter I announced the beginning of The Campaign for Hudson— HUSAIN HAQQANI named together with my personal commitment to the campaign. I want to explain why I have embarked on this ambitious goal and reflect with you, as a fellow supporter of Hudson’s Pakistan’s Ambassador to work, on the value that the Institute brings to our society’s public policy debate. the United States Established in 1961 by the visionary strategist Herman Kahn, the Institute’s propen- sity for the unconventional has been our trademark and our strength. Kahn’s now 2 Chairman’s LETTER famous motto, “Thinking About the Unthinkable,” challenged Cold War strategists of the day to move be yond the realm of fear to find positive and real prospects for an oth- 3 Hudson MEDIA Highlights erwise bleak future. Challenges such as the War on Terror and energy security looming on today’s landscape are no less urgent. Understanding how to deal with these threats 4 Scholar in the Spotlight: demands the forward-looking, nonpartisan, and empirical scholarship Hudson offers. ZEYNO BARAN The true value of Hudson research is best demonstrated in the growth in our research staff—doubling since the decision to consolidate in Washington in 2004. As we grow, Hudson’s promise is to keep the focus on quality and innovative scholarship. This is why WALLACE O. SELLERS: we have set the main objective of the capital campaign to enable our scholars to explore In Memoriam cutting-edge issues, maintain a high level of independent thought, and foster our colle- gial interdisciplinary approach to complex issues. These unique aspects of Hudson schol- 5 Excerpts of Congressional arship are exemplified in the Scholar Spotlight on page four featuring Senior Fellow TESTIMONY by Hudson Zeyno Baran, whose expertise covers separate but very critical current subjects—the SCHOLARS Islamic world and the geopolitics of energy. For our scholarship to have purpose, we understand that our work has to have prac- 6 WAR AND DECISION tical results and reach policy and opinion makers. Hudson’s roster of scholars comprises Hudson Panel experienced government and business practitioners, such as our newest Senior Fellow Rod Hunter, former senior director for international economics at the White House and a former senior legal practitioner on EU legal and regulatory matters in Brussels. Our 7 Hudson UPDATES team of experienced research staff identifies not only where their work is needed, but where it may prove transformational. The Index of Global Philanthropy, produced by 8 Hudson EVENTS Senior Fellow Carol Adelman, and featured on the cover, is an exciting example of our scholars’ tangible success. 13 New York BRIEFING Across its wide-ranging coverage of international and domestic issues, Hudson COUNCIL embodies an admirable blend of skepticism about conventional wisdom and optimism about solving problems, combined with an abiding respect for the importance of values, 15 Hudson PUBLICATIONS culture, and religion in human affairs. In supporting Hudson, I am proud to contribute to an institution that cultivates 17 HERMAN KAHN’S workable public policies to promote global freedom, prosperity, and security. I know you, as a reader, also value our institution and ask you to show your support for Hudson suppressed legacy during the next few important years. by MAX SINGER 18 COMMENTARY Photos on page 7 and for Hudson Events by Rachel DiCarlo Currie and Philip Ross ALLAN R. TESSLER Chairman 2 HUDSON INSTITUTE / SUMMER 2008 HUDSON MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS ■ France 24 ■ NPR ■ NBC News Amy Kauffman discusses the Diana Furchtgott-Roth on Nina Shea on Christian persecu- Democratic primaries / May 7 equal pay / April 24 tion in Iraq / March 13 ■ C-SPAN ■ France 24 TV Herbert London on Cold War Kenneth Weinstein on the politics / May 3 Democratic primaries April 23 ■ C-SPAN Richard Weitz on Afghanistan ■ Radio Free Europe May 2 Meyrav Wurmser discusses the Israeli-Palestinian peace process ■ NPR April 23 Alex Avery on genetically-modified food / March 6 ■ C-SPAN Richard Miniter featured on current ■ Global National TV events / April 23 Christopher Sands interviewed on NAFTA / March 6 ■ CNN Espan˜ ol ■ Today Show Jaime Daremblum on radical pop - ■ CNN Zeyno Baran interviewed on ulism in Latin America / April 3 David Satter on the Russian Turkish culture / May 1 elections / March 2 ■ CNBC Dennis Avery on biofuel / April 25 ■ Fox Business Channel John Weicher on the mort gage market / April 25 ■ BBC Irwin Stelzer interviewed on taxes ■ C-SPAN April 21 Paul Marshall on religious freedom February 24 ■ BBC Laurent Murawiec discusses the ■ PBS Iraq war, five years later Carol Adelman interviewed on March 19 foreign aid / February 23 SUMMER 2008 / HUDSON INSTITUTE 3 In Memoriam: SCHOLAR IN THE SPOTLIGHT ZEYNO BARAN WALLACE O. SELLERS Trustee Emeritus ZEYNO BARAN is a Senior Fellow and Director of Hudson Institute’s Center for Eu- WALLACE O. SELLERS, a Hud- r asian Policy. Her unique scholarship foc uses on developing strategies to thwart the spread son Institute Trustee from 1984 until of radical Islamist ideology in Europe and in Eurasia and promoting democracy and ener- 2007 with ser vice on the Executive Committee and as Chairman of the gy reform pro cesses across Eurasia. Because of her tireless work, Hudson President Herbert In vestment Committee, passed away London has described her as “one of the great voices for moderation in the Muslim world.” on May 5, 2008. “Wally Sellers, who Baran’s work has appeared in Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, served Hud son Ins ti tute with such Weekly Standard, Foreign Affairs, and many other publications. She has provided com - gra cious commitment, will be missed mentary for CNN, Fox News, the NewsHour, the Today Show, NPR, the BBC, and other by all who had the pleasure of work- outlets. ing with him,” Hudson Chairman The recent edition of Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, published by Hudson Insti- Emeritus Walter Stern said. tute’s Center for Islam, Democracy, and the Future of the Muslim World, features an essay During his lengthy and distin- by Baran detailing the Muslim Brotherhood’s network of organizations in the United States. guished career, Sellers held senior man agement and leadership posi- In April, Baran edited a white paper, The Azerbaijan-Turkey-U.S. Relation ship and Its tions with organizations as diverse as Importance for Eurasia. The paper provides a summary of the conclusions and recommen- En hance Financial Services Group, dations from an international conference on trilateral cooperation among Azerbaijan, Inc; Natural Gas Services, Inc; FCIA; Turkey, and the United States. This conference—the first of its kind—took place in Wash- the Association of Financial Guaranty ington, D.C., and was co-organized by Hudson Institute, the Central-Asia Caucasus Insti- Insurers; the Public Securities Associ- tute at Johns Hopkins University, and the Azerbaijan Turkey Business Association. ation (now The Bond Market Associ- Baran has testified numerous times before congressional committees on issues ranging ation); and Merrill Lynch. He was ap - from U.S.-Turkey relations to political develop- pointed by the SEC as one of the or ig i nal members of the Mun icipal ments in the South Caucasus and integration and Securities Rulemaking Board.
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