African Minds Higher Education Dynamics Series Vol. 2 Student Politics in Africa: Representation and Activism Edited by Thierry M Luescher, Manja Klemenčič and James Otieno Jowi A NOTE ABOUT THE PEER REVIEW PROCESS This open access publication forms part of the African Minds peer reviewed, academic books list, the broad mission of which is to support the dissemination of African scholarship and to foster access, openness and debate in the pursuit of growing and deepening the African knowledge base. Student Politics in Africa: Representation and Activism was reviewed by two external peers with expert knowledge in higher education in general and in African higher education in particular. Copies of the reviews are available from the publisher on request. First published in 2016 by African Minds 4 Eccleston Place, Somerset West 7130, Cape Town, South Africa [email protected] www.africanminds.org.za 2016 African Minds This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ISBN: 978-1-928331-22-3 eBook edition: 978-1-928331-23-0 ePub edition: 978-1-928331-24-7 ORDERS: African Minds 4 Eccleston Place, Somerset West 7130, Cape Town, South Africa [email protected] www.africanminds.org.za For orders from outside Africa: African Books Collective PO Box 721, Oxford OX1 9EN, UK [email protected] CONTENTS Acronyms and abbreviations v Acknowledgements x Foreword xi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Thierry M Luescher, Manja Klemenčič and James Otieno Jowi Chapter 2 Student organising in African higher education: Polity, politics and policies 9 Manja Klemenčič, Thierry M Luescher and Taabo Mugume Chapter 3 Student representation in a context of democratisation and massification in Africa: Analytical approaches, theoretical perspectives and #RhodesMustFall 27 Thierry M Luescher Chapter 4 The evolving nature of student participation in university governance in Africa: An overview of policies, trends and emerging issues 61 Ibrahim Oanda Chapter 5 The three ages of student politics in Francophone Africa: Learning from the cases of Senegal and Burkina Faso 85 Pascal Bianchini Chapter 6 Revisiting student participation in higher education governance at the University of Buea, Cameroon: 2004–2013 109 Samuel N Fongwa and Godlove N Chifon iii STUDENT POLITICS IN AFRICA: REPRESENTATION AND ACTIVISM Chapter 7 Student participation in the governance of Ethiopian higher education institutions: The case of Addis Ababa University 130 Bekele Workie Ayele Chapter 8 Private higher education and student representation in Uganda: A comparative analysis of Makerere University and Uganda Christian University 162 Taabo Mugume and Mesharch W Katusiimeh Chapter 9 Student actions against paradoxical post-apartheid higher education policy in South Africa: The case of the University of the Western Cape 182 Mlungisi BG Cele, Thierry M Luescher and Teresa Barnes Chapter 10 The University of Burundi and student organisations: Governance system, political development and student representation 202 Gérard Birantamije Chapter 11 Politicisation of the National Union of Ghana Students and its effects on student representation 224 Ransford EV Gyampo, Emmanuel Debrah and Evans Aggrey-Darkoh Chapter 12 Conclusion 244 James Otieno Jowi Epilogue Students, politics and universities: In search of interpretive schemes for the 21st century 249 Lis Lange About the authors 252 Index 257 iv ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AAU Addis Ababa University AEF Afrique équatoriale française AEOM Association des étudiants originaires de Madagascar AESF Association des étudiants sénégalais en France AEVF Association des étudiants voltaïques en France AEVO Association des étudiants voltaïques de Ouagadougou ADDEC Association pour la défense de droits des étudiants du Cameroon AGED Association générale des étudiants de Dakar AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AMEAN Association musulmane des étudiants d’Afrique noire ANC African National Congress ANEB Association nationale des étudiants burkinabé AOF Afrique occidentale française ASSER Association des étudiants de Rumuri ASV Association des scolaires voltaïques de Dakar AUC African Union Commission BA Bachelor of Arts BAdmin Bachelor of Administration BCom Bachelor of Commerce BLib Bachelor of Library Science BPharm Bachelor of Pharmacy BSc Bachelor of Science BIF Burundian Franc BMD Bachelor-Master-Doctorate BSU Botswana Student Union CC Central Committee CCM Chama Cha Mapinduzi CCNY Carnegie Corporation of New York v STUDENT POLITICS IN AFRICA: REPRESENTATION AND ACTIVISM CDP Congrès pour la démocratie et le progress CED Coordination des étudiants de Dakar CERFOPAX Centre de recherche et de formation pour la paix CESUP Centre d’études supérieures CDR Comité de défense de la Révolution CHET Centre for Higher Education Trust CFA Central African Republic Franc CGER Cercle général des étudiants de Rumuri CGT-B Confédération générale du travail du Burkina CMPRN Comité pour le redressement patriotique et le salut national CNTS Confédération nationale des travailleurs du Sénégal CODESRIA Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa CODMPP Collectif des organisations démocratiques de masses et de partis politiques CPP Convention People’s Party CSV Confédération des syndicats voltaïques CUE Commission for Universities Education DARUSO Dar es Salaam University Students’ Organization DUSO Dar es Salaam University Students’ Organization ENA Ecole nationale d’administration ENS Ecole normale supérieure EPRDF Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front ESU European Students’ Union FEANF Fédération des étudiants d’Afrique noire en France FELD Fédération des étudiants libres de Dakar FER Fraternité des étudiants de Rumuri FESCI Fédération des étudiants et scolaires de Côte d’Ivoire FLN Front de libération nationale FPI Front populaire Ivoirien GCSU Gold Coast Students’ Union GER Gross Enrolment Ratio GET Fund Ghana Education Trust Fund GNSO Ghana National Students’ Organisation GNUPS Ghana National Union of Polytechnic Students GPA Grade Point Average GRASAG Graduate Students Association of Ghana GRC Guild Representative Council GUPS Ghana Union of Professional Students HEI Higher education institution HELP Higher Education in Africa Leadership Programme HERANA Higher Education Research and Advocacy Network in Africa ICT Information and Communication Technology vi ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS IEA Institute of Economic Affairs IHED Institute des hates études de Dakar IMF International Monetary Fund ISSER Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research IUIU Islamic University in Uganda KUSA Kenya University Students’ Association LLB Bachelor of Law MAK Makerere University MBDHP Mouvement burkinabé des droits de l’homme et des peuples MEEL Mouvement des étudiants et élèves libéraux MEOCAM Mouvement des étudiants de l’organisation commune africaine et malgache MLN Mouvement de libération nationale MoE Ministry of Education MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development MUPSA Makerere University Private Students Association MUWATA Muungano wa Wanafunzi Tanzania NASSO National Association of Socialist Students’ Organisations NCHE National Commission on Higher Education NEC National Executive Committee NDC National Democratic Congress NPP New Patriotic Party NPU Nigerian Progress Union NRM National Resistance Movement NSFAS National Students Financial Aid Scheme NUGS National Union of Ghana Students NUSO Nairobi University Student Organisation OCAU Office de coopération et d’accueil universitaire OCV Organisation communiste voltaïque ODJ Organisation démocratique de la jeunesse OSPHERA Observatory of Student Politics and Higher Education Research in Africa OUB Official University of Bujumbura PAI Parti africain de l’indépendance PALIPEHUTU Parti pour la libération du peuple Hutu PCD Communist Party of Dahomey PCRV Parti communiste révolutionnaire voltaïque PDS Parti démocratique sénégalais PRA Parti du regroupement africain RDA Rassemblement démocratique africain RDR Rassemblement des démocrates républicains RNDP Révolution nationale démocratique et populaire vii STUDENT POLITICS IN AFRICA: REPRESENTATION AND ACTIVISM RSRCs Regional SRCs of senior high schools SAP Structural Adjustment Programme SAPA South African Press Association SASCO South African Students Congress SAUS South African Union of Students SC Student Council SCM Student Credit Management SCNC Southern Cameroons National Council SDF Social Democratic Front SES Syndicat des enseignants du Sénégal SET Science, Engineering and Technology SHE Studies in Higher Education SLTF Student Loan Trust Fund SONU Student Organisation of Nairobi University SRC Student Representative Council SSNIT Social Security and National Insurance Trust SU Student Union SUL Student Union Legislation SUVESS Syndicat unique voltaïque de l’enseignement secondaire et supérieur SYNTER Syndicat des travailleurs de l’enseignement et de la recherche SYNTRAGMIH Syndicat des travailleurs de la géologie des mines et hydrocarbures SYNTSHA Syndicat des travailleurs de la santé humaine et animale TANU Tanganyika African National Union TCU Tanzania Commission for Universities TEIN Tertiary Educational Institution Network TESCON Tertiary Education Students Confederacy TTAG Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana TYL Tanzania Youth League UAD Union of African Descent UB University of Burundi UB University of Buea UBSU University of Buea Student Union UCU Uganda Christian University UCAA University College of Addis Ababa UCT University of Cape Town UDES Union démocratique
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