Technician North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXIV, Number es Wednesday. April 27, 133 Raleigh. North Carolina Phone 737-2411/2412 No agreement on Hunt’s DUI bill by Gene Wang The Senate adopted provisions allow- ing an appeal before a state hearing United Press International officer. while the house said appeals Raleigh. N.C. (UPI) — A legislative should be considered by magistrates. conference committee named to work 0 A house provision establishing out a final version of Gov. James procedures for law enforcement agen- Hunt's antidrunken driving package eiestosstnprosdbloehstocateh held it's first joint meeting Tuesday drunken drivers. The Senate did not without reaching an agreement on consider the issue. major differences between House and The standards that would be con- Senate versions. sidered in determining the The panel quickly endorsed com- seriousness of a drunken driving promises on major differences bet- violation and the penalties imposed by ween the two proposals. before spen- judges. The Senate approved a re ding most of the session reviewing. quirement that speeding more than 25 but not debating. the major dif- miles per hour over the limit be a ferences. grossly aggravated offense requiring The committeee agreed to meet a mandatory jail term; while the again Wednesday in an effort to reach House called for lesserpenalties. The an agreement on some unresolved House also made a .20 blood alcohol issues that the cochairmen felt could content a violation requiring a man- be resolved. datory jail term while the Senate did “There are four or five we are close not. on." said Rep. Martin Lancaster. 0 Grand“ of limited driving D-Wayne. the House chairman. privileges for those convicted of Asked about the time needed to violating the driving while impaired resolve the major differences. he said. law. The Senate version would allow “I don't know because we've not had violators to immediately obtain driv- any kind of discussion on those." ing privileges. while the House pro The anti-drunken driving package posals call for them to fulfill other re- was the major focus of the Governor’s quired punishments. such as jail terms legislative program this year and was or community service. before being Staff photo by Scott Montgomery introduced on the first day of the ses allowed to drive. sion Jan. 12. 0 Application of the dram shop Kill two birds with one stone It contains a new driving while im- law. The Senate applied liability only paired law carrying mandatory jail to bars. restaurants and stores that Seasonable weather has brought students outdoors, Instead of Into the students shed their winter clothes for more comfortable summer wear, offer- terms for serious violations and sell to underage customers. while the tougher driver's license suspension House also applied it to sales by on- library, for studying. Recent balmy temperatures In the 10’s and 00's have let lng a little relief from the pressures of finals. standards; an increase to 19 from 18 in premises establishments to intox- the legal drinking age for beer and icated adults. wine; and a dram shop law making cer- Although the conference committee tain businesses liable for sales to did not discuss the differences in customers who later cause accidents. detail. there was some debate on the Parking preregistration remedies hassles While those three provisions are issues of open beer and wine con- contained in the bills adopted by the tainers in cars. semester office hours. ed during the permit purchase period. Students who are allocated a park- House and the Senate: the two ver- Sen. George Marion. DSurry. who Students who are ineligible to par- Resident ‘ students should ing permit will be notified by mail sions differed in details. pushed the provision through the Preregistrstion for parking permits flew pro-registration include: preregister only7 for the appropriatel R . afterl August 31. The major differences include: Senate. said it is needed to make the 18 wannabe ‘y'18 for the an dents whose " faii“ parking“ and". ’U I'V- Mailed“ law er» semester. privileges will be suspended because eligible for C or F permits. will be included with the notification. fagthetranspsrtatlsnofopsuheer forceable. Without it. a driver could The Parking Services Office has of parking violations. For preregistration. students will No information will be provided by and wine eontshus in the passenger hand a beer to a passenger when stop adopted a student permit assignment 2. Commuter students who live need to bring their student identifica- phone. esmparhont of a ear. The house ap ped by police. process designed to ensure an within a onemile radius of the in- tion card. student registration card. State parking and traffic rules and proved a version allowing passengers. But Lancaster said the House ver‘ equitable allocation of permits and to tersection of Cates Avenue and Mor- vehicle registration card or verifica- regulations stipulate that falsification but not drivers. to drink beer and sion allowing passengers to drink was eliminate long lines during the pur- rill Drive. tion of vehicle registration. which may of information in order to obtain a wine. Both versions still outlaw open designed to encourage the idea of us chase period. 3. A 198384 freshman resident stu- be obtained from Public Safety. parking permit may result in a $50 liquor containers in a car. ing a designated driver who would re The new process allows students to dent. Vehicles must be owned by and fine. suspension of parking privileges . Procedures for an automatic main sober. Banning open beer and preregister during spring semester 4.A Fraternity or Sorority resident registered in the name of the student. (not to exceed 12 months). suspension 10-day driver's license revocation for wine would simply encourage drivers for permits valid during the following studentt . the student's spouse or the student's from the University or all of the those who fail breethalyaer tosts used to drink and defeat the purpose of the academic year. 5. A [6.8. King Village resident stu- legal guardian. above. to determine blood alcohol content. House provison. Permits are then assigned during dents the summer and distributed at the it These students may purchase an beginning of the fall semester. appropriate decal at any time during Preregistration does not guarantee the fall semester. State prOfessor awarded Fulbright grant that a permit will be available. Students may preregister for only Students may preregister for C' one type of permit. by Chris Crew faculty since 1962. is one of approx- (Commuter). F (Fringe). J (North Those who preregister for C per- Staff Writer imately 2.000 Americans being sent Hall). R (Resident. all resident halls mits will automatically be considered abroad for the 198384 academic year .l except North Hall). for F permits if C permits are not Dr. Walter Dobrogosz of the depart— under the Fulbright exchange pro- Preregistration is not necessary for available. ment of microbiology has been award~ gram. according to a press release. any other type of permit. Only one member of a carpool group ed a Fulbright grant to collaborate The Fulbright Grant was establish- Other permit types may be purchas is needed to preregister for a carpool. with scientists in Uppsala. Sweden to ed in 1946 under the congressional ed at any time during regular fall All additional information will be add- conduct research on lactic acid legislation introduced by former bacterium. Senator J. William Fulbright of He will spend a year at the Swedish Arkansas. University of Agricultural Sciences at The purpose of the program is “to Uppsala researching the molecular increase mutual understanding bet- Kremlin invites youth biology of lactobacilli which is a strain ween the people of the United States of bacteria essential to digestion and and the people of the other countries" to the fermentation process of various in the sciences. according to the foods such as pickles. sauerkraut. and release. yogurt. Scholarships are awarded to to visit Soviet Union The genetic research which American Graduate students. Dobrogosz plans to conduct teachers and professors to study. MANCHESTER. Maine (UPI) Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin represents a new era in microbiology teach and lecture and conduct Samantha Smith. 10. who struck up a in Washington. D.C. for him. research abroad. and to foreign na- correspondence about the arms race An embassy official telephoned He has done similar research with tions to engage in similar activities with Soviet leader Yuri i. Andropov. Samantha Saturday and told her the E. coli Salmonella. a frequent cause of here. L——_._—————.__———-..———-—_— says she'd like to accept his invitation letter was in the mail. food poisoning. Individuals are selected on the to visit his country. "I guess (Dobrynin) told Andropov I Dobrogosz hopes his research will basis of academic and professional “I reallyMt to go. My mother has had complained and Yuri wrote back lead to genetic improvements in all qualifications in addition to their abili- pictures from when she went to to me." Samantha said. areas. and in specific lead the way to a ty and willingness to share ideas and Russia and I can tell it's a pretty coun On Monday. a mailman carrying a new form of food preservation. experiences with people of diverse try." said Samantha. a fifth grader at letter from Andropov showed up at Dobrogosz. a member of State's cultures. Dr. Walter Dobro!cm Manchester Elementary School. Samantha's home in Manchester. I She sent a letter to Andropov located 5 miles outside the state earlier this year pleading for an end to capital of Augusta. Auto runs down student the arms race and received a letter “I was really surprised.
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