DFTS-05898 -. - TITJ 51Sl EIEJ , ......'S 1000 DAYS...._DAYS___ __ _____ .... TITl s;Sl Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii, known by millions around the world as Ba'ba', has D. passed his lOOOth day of fasting in Bankipur Jail in Patna, India on December 26, 1975,1975. AlAI He has been fasting on two cups of Horlicks liquid per day in protest of harsh H,y, and cruel treatmenttreatment to Himself and His followers who have been imprisoned for more L,L< thanthan four years in Patna, India, awaiting trial on charges which are based on the 0;o; testimonytestimony of one witness who has a severe grudge against Him.Him, Unless His four 0;o; demands are met, He has firmly stated, He will not discontinue the fast.fast, Those demands are: la. Restoration of facilities for receiving His meals from His home. b.b, Seeing visitors from His family and friends.friends, c.c, Bring back His four co-accused toto this jail and allowing them to visit with Him 2.2, Withdrawal of the false cases against Ananda Marga workers,worker •• 3.3, Unconditional release of falsely accused workers,workers. 4.4, A judicial inquiry into thethe alleged poisoning attempt made on His life February 1212,1 1973,1973. Recently we have received word from Ba'ba' thatthat the atrocities against Him by thethe Indian autboritiesauthorities are continuing full force.force, In a .piritualist'sapiritualist's life, meditation is more important than food, sleep or even life itself.itself, It seems from His recent letter of complaint that even our Ba'ba's meditation is disturbed.disturbed, The letter follows: WORLD 01al :: The Governor of Bihar of Patna, India Sub: Affairs in Bankipur Central Jail - Patna sp 13/9/75 be wh Sir: I would like toto bring toto your kind notice thatthat for the past few days, the authorities of BanktpurBankipur Central Jail are creating a disturbance in my SANDHYA' PUJA" (the very rnama name indicates thatthat it is done in thethe evening) and trying to force me toto do it before 4:30 in the afternoon and thus directly wounding my Dharmic sentiment.sentiment, in Thanking you, so Yours faithfully, PrabbatPrabhat -Ranjan·Ranjan Sarkar an Bankipur Central Jail - Patna of ti In addition He has informed us that the progress of newsletter publication is "not good." He wants more newsletters from all thethe sectors. Ba'ba' has also said re­ pe cently that the amount of initiations should increase and a very extensive Dharma For All program shouldshould begin immediately.immediately, He has given His order to start the trainingtraining center in Stockholm, Sweden im­ we mediately. Ac.Ac, Dhribbodananda Avadhuta will be the trainer and Ac. Yatiishvarananda id we Avadhuta will be thethe examiner.examiner, All interested persons should inform their local a'carya as soon as possible.possible, va pIpl ge ed DFTS-05899 SUPREME COMMAND PARAMAPURUSHA (THE THE MAN WHO PERFORMS SADHANA TWICE A DAY REGULARLY, THE THOUGHT OF PARAMAPURUSHA (THE OF DEATH: HIS LIB­ SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS) WILL CERTAINLY ARISE IN HIS MIND AT THE TIME OF DEATH: HIS LIB­ TO PERFORM SADIIANA ERATION IS A SURE GUARANTEE. THEREFORE EVERY ANANDA MARGII WILL HAVE//AVE TO PERFORM SAD/lANA YAMA AND NIYAMA, TWICE A DAY INVARIABLY-VERILY IS THIS THE COMMAND OF THE LORD. WITHOUT YAMA AND NIYAMA, TO FOLLOW YAMA AND NIYAMA. SADHANA IS AN IMPOSSIBILITY; HENCE THE LORD'S COMMAND IS ALSO TO FOLLOW YAMA AND NIYAMA. TORTURES OF DISOBEDIENCE TO TIlISTHIS COMMAND IS NOTIIINGNOT/liNG BUT TO TIIROW ONESELF INTO THE TORTURES OF AS TIIIS, THAT ANIMAL LIFE FOR CRORES OF YEARS.YEARS. TIIATTHAT NO ONE SHOULD UNDERGO TORMENTS SUCIISUCH AS TI!IS, THAT SHELTER OF THE HE MIGHT BE ENABLED TO ENJOY THE ETERNAL BLESSEDNESS UNDER TilE LOVING SHELTER OF THE ALL TO THE LORD, IT IS THE BOUNDEN DrITYD[JTY OF EVERY ANANDA MARGII TO ENDEAVORENDEAVOR TO BRING ALL TO THE OF BLISS. VERILY IS THIS A PART AND PARCEL OF SADHANA, TO LEAD OTHERS ALONG THE PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. SHRII SHRII ANANDAMURTIJII JANUARY 1S1761SI76 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Cosmic Family, Welcome once again to Harbinger, the Ananda Marga global news. This exciting issue with its all new format and fresh inspiring articles shows once again the invincibilityinvincibility and undying courage of our great world movement. Although thethe corrupt Indian politicians tried to stop thethe publication of Harbinger, we have sprung up again with great vigor and more enthusiasm and devotion toto our great mission thanthan ever before. Let this regeneration be a clear indication of our determination and strength toto those who wish to crush the rise of spiritualism and moral leadershipleadership in thethe world today. Harbinger means something thatthat foreshadows thatthat which is toto come or one that pioneers a major change. Harbinger, thethe magazine, hopes to be just that. Our purpose will be to help spread expansive ideas,ideas, sublime ideology and futuristic social innovat'ions;innovat·ions; moving everever towards thethe establishment of the mission of thethe great spiritual and social leader, Lord Shrii ShrLi Anandamurtiji. In this news magazine, we hope toto deal with all the pleasures (and problems) of establishing an inspired,inspired, moralistic human society inin thethe twentiethtwentieth century. From thethe view of our OWllowtt Central office, we can promote thethe exchange of valuable discoveries and new information on thethe organiza­ tional level also. Of course, without the inspiration, guidance, and correspondence of the workers and family people, none of this will be at all pospos.sible.sible. , This third issueissue of the Harbinger also marks the lOOOth day of BABA's miraculous fast and we.we, as aisa1s devotees, are once again amazed at His invincible determination and unbelievable ideological strength. No other leader of this world past or present has matched �is~is feats and we can only imagine what the future will bring in thethe company of our BABA. He has told us recen�lyrecen~ly thatthat He is not very impressed, at present, with the work in the various sectors. Let us now pledge to work harder, with even more dedication and devotion to please our beloved Father and to gain love,love 1 respect and support for this great �ovement~ovement from thethe general mass who is crytng out inin the darkness for our help every day. We would greatly appreciate comments, letters, artwork and ideasideas from anyone who is interest­ ed inin contributing. Thank you and Namaskar .. ..__ANANDA MARGA PRACARAKA SAMGA: CENTRAL ___. .....-ANANDA MARGA PRACARAKA SAMGA: CENTRAL--'" DFTS-05900 .---a,...._a messagemessage from the General Secretary Secret.ry... ------------._________---. For the past long months, even since before the erJ1ergencyer,lcrgency and banning;banning; wewe havehave had no T contactcontact withwith the Lord. During this period, the government has inhumanly intensified hh c theirthetr tortllre of Hi.m.Him. He was completely cut off from all communicationommunication -- previously He waswas t c at leastleast seeing us onceon e a week and receiving a minimum number of newsletters (after unjustunjust t 'censorship') from the hundreds being sent to Him from all over the world.wo rld. But during the c pastpast months, not even His family nornor relatives have been permitted to see Him and all mail hasha s been stopped; nothing could reach Him from eeitherither India or outside countries. His law­ yers also were barredb a rred from meeting withwith Him. Only very recently, due to a court order) have s the jail authorities allowed the lawyers to consult with Him, but this too is only after their clothescl othes and bagsba gs h.:weh.WE! been tthoroughlyhoroughly searched -- such a thing is surely unheard of in g other countries.countries . The government has totally ignored another recent court order, that He shouldshould be restor­ ed the facilities which He was previously receiving. Inst~adInst�ad in complete violation of it, they continue to harass Him We havehave come to learn that they have given Him 'maar''maar' (maar is1s left over water after cooking rice, usually used in India to feed to cattle and domestic animals) in place of hor1icks.hor 1icks. In addition, they have refused to supply Him soapsoap for bath and wash. Brothers, the above information, especially the last part~part� is to be highlighted in our net>.<lettersne~.>.<letters and the other leading newspapers of your sectors. He once said that every co1·:1try,COI':ltry, every house and every man should know of the tortures being perpetrated against us an';an,; �urely~urely our greatest suffering is the cruel torture of Him by a heartless governmentgovernment .Now your duty is to make all aware of the latest crimes against Him. VICTORY IS OURS. �DVENTURES----DVENTURES inin India..___India,"",,--_ by an unnamed correspodent By December 26, 1975, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii, known by his millions of loving de­ votees around thethe world as BABA, had fastedfasted for 1000 days 1inn a small dirty jail cell in Bihar State, India. He is alaloneone now, seeing no one day after day except for hostile jail authorities who have torturedtortured Him and d2nied Him even the minimum necessities of llife,ife, such as soap and clean water for his bbath.ath. He has been inin pprisonrison for more thanthan fourfour years on contrived and baseless charchargesges await­ ing trial.trial. We have now heard fromfrom reliable sources thatthat thethe government has carefully pre­ pared more thanthan 100 prosecution witnesses and no defense witness is daring toto testifytestify so far because-ofbecause· of fear of imprisonment.imprisonment. It is doubtful thatthat even BABA himself will be able toto testifytestify inin court due toto ill health and He has repeatedlyrepeatedly requested thatthat thethe trialtrial be post­ poned forfor thethe rreasoneason thatthat a fairfair ttrialrial isis virtually iimpossiblemposs ible at thisthis timetime in India ..
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