Discovery and Innovation Volume 19 (AFORNET Special Edition No. 3) March 2007 ISSN 1015-079X pp 181 — 276 The African Forest Research Network (AFORNET) A Special Edition on Ghana Workshop Sponsored by African Forest Research Network (AFORNET) with Institutional support from: African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) Published by Academy Science Publishers(ASP) Discovery and Innovation Volume 19 (AFORNET Special Edition No. 3) March 2007 Discovery and Innovation is a journal of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) and the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (formerly Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)) meant to focus attention on science and technology in Africa and the Developing World, emphasizing the progress in scientific research and issues that impinge on these two areas as well as circumscribe science-driven development. THOMAS R. ODHIAMBO Editorial Advisory Board Founder ABBAS ALIKHAN (Kuwait), chemical engineering D.A. AKYEAMPONG (Ghana), mathematics KETO E. MSHIGENI M. BALABAN (Holland), communication science Editor-in-Chief A. BBUKU (Zambia), engineering A. EL DIN KHALIL BADR (Sudan), geology SAMUEL O. AKATCH A. HASSANALI (Kenya), chemistry Associate Editor L. JIAXI (China), pure science MALU WA KALENGA (Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)), physics M.O. KHIDIR (Sudan), environmental science J. KONDO (Japan), engineering R. KUMAR (Papua New Guinea), biology W. MASSEY (USA), physics A. MAZRUI (USA), political science J. MENYONGA (Burkina Faso), agriculture C.C. MJOJO (Malawi), chemistry G. OBASI (Switzerland), meteorology A. PALA OKEYO (Kenya), anthropology J.M. POLAK (UK), molecular biology Published quarterly by Academy Science Publishers, P.O. Box 24916 - 00502 Nairobi, Kenya. Copyright © 2007 by Academy Science Publishers – African Academy of Sciences. The opinions in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Publisher, Editor or Editorial Advisory Board of Discovery and Innovation. Subscription Information: Rates for Africa: $300 (institutional), $160 (individual); Outside Africa: $500 (institutional) $300 (individual). Within Kenya: KShs. 6,000 (institutional) KShs. 3,000 (individual). Rates inclusive of air mail charges. Advertising: Full page mono – KShs. 20,000/US$500; half page – KShs. 12,000/US$300; quarter page – Kshs. 5,000/US$125. Write to Academy Science Publishers, P.O. Box 24916 - 00502 Nairobi, Kenya; Telephone: +254 (20) 884401–5; fax: +254 (20) 884406; e-mail: [email protected] We wish to acknowledge the very generous financial sponsorship and contribution of African Forest Research Network (AFORNET) and Institutional support from the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World and the African Academy of Sciences towards the publication of Discovery and Innovation. The sponsors and supporting Institutions will not take responsibility for any views or statements made in this publication. Discovery and Innovation Vol. 19 (AFORNET Special Edition No. 3) March 2007 GUEST EDITORIAL 181 Towards Forest Industrial Reform in Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon: Akande, J. A., S. L. Larinde, E. Ntabe, C. Adu-Anning and B. O. Agbeja AFORNET RESEARCH PAPERS 190 Fifteen Years of Capacity Building in Forest Research in Africa: Yonas Yemshaw 199 Charcoal Production as Sustainable Source of Livelihood In Afram Plains And Kintampo North Districts In Ghana: Blay, D., L. Damnyag, K. Twum-Ampofo and F. Dwomoh 205 Conservation Status, Natural Regeneration Pattern and Shoot Borer Susceptibility by Khaya Ivorensis and K. Anthotheca Genotypes in Nigeria: P.I. Oni and A.B.I. Igboanugo 212 Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest Lands: The Performance of Indigenous Trees Species: Dominic Blay, Mark Appiah, Lawrence Damnyag, Francis K. Dwomoh and Ari Pappinen 222 Site Differences in Morphological and Physical Properties of Bambusa Vulgaris Grown In Ghana: Emmanuel Ebanyenle and Andrew Akwasi Oteng-Amoako 226 Assessment of Forestry Manpower on South Eastern Nigeria: Ogar, D. A. and Labode Popoola 230 The Role of Borassus aethiopum (Mart) on Livelihood Sustainability, the Northeastern Nigeria Experience: Tee, N. T. and Labode Popoola 238 Breakfast Meal from Breadfruit and Soybean Composite: Oduro, I., W. Ellis, A. Sulemana and P. Oti-Boateng 243 Expanding Breadfruit utilization its Potential for Pasta Production: Oduro, I., W. O. Ellis and S. T. Narh 248 Micropropagation of Triplochiton scleroxylon Using Axillary Buds: Ofori, D. A. 253 Pricing Conduct of Spatially Differentiated Borassus aethiopum (Mart) Products Markets in Northeastern Nigeria: Labode Popoola and N.T. Tee 260 Joint Forest Management in Niger Republic: Community Awareness and SWOT Analysis: Tahirou Abdoulaye, B. O. Agbeja, Charles Adu-Anning, P. O. Adesoye and T. Abasse 267 Quality of Oil From Treculia africana – An Underutilized Forest Plant: Ellis, W. O., I. Oduro, F. Appiah, Y. Antwi 271 Treculia africana Consumer Acceptability Test in South Eastern Nigeria: Enibe, D. O. BOOK REVIEW 274 Assistance to Forestry: Expenses and Potential for Improvement: Samuel O. Akatch ANNOUNCEMENT 276 World Renewable Energy Congress X And Exhibition 19- 25 July 2008, Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre Glasgow - Scotland, UK Cover Photograph: AFORNET Logo: A Graphic Illustration of African Forest Cover ACADEMYSCIENCEPUBLISHERS Current Titles TITLE Kenya Outside Kenya Kshs. (US$) Soil Fertility Management in Africa: A Regional Perspective 2,250 30.00 30 Years of Independence in Africa: The Lost Decades? 800 25.00 Directory of Scholarly Journals Published in Africa * 150 7.00 NASO Proceedings: Industrialization at Bay 450 12.50 Environmental Crisis in Africa: Scientific Response * 150 7.00 Mobilization of African Scientific Talent for Development * 450 12.50 Profiles of African Scientists - Third Edition 300 30.00 Profiles of African Scientific Institutions 600 18.00 Regional Integration in Africa: An Unfinished Agenda 600 18.00 Soil and Water Management and Biotechnology in Africa: A Report of the Fact Finding Mission 150 7.50 Arms and Daggers in the Heart of Africa: Internal Conflicts 800 25.00 Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Capacity Building in Soil and Water Management in Africa 150 7.00 Guide to Directories on Science and Technology in Africa * 150 7.00 Philosophy, Humanity and Ecology: Philosophy of Nature and Environmental Ethics 650 25.00 The Greening of Africa 450 12.50 Building Technical Capacity and Gender Advocacy of Young Professional AfricanWomen 450 25.00 Africa in the Context of World Science 250 10.00 Kenya : The Promised Land? 500 15.00 Program on Research Priorities for the Education of Girls and Women in Africa: Directory on Researchers on Female Education 150 8.00 Supporting Capacity Building in Forestry Research in Africa 100 5.00 INFORBank of Gender and Gender Related Institutions in Kenya 100 5.00 Female Participation in Education in Sub-Saharan Africa 150 8.00 NEPAD: A New Path? 500 20.00 The Context of Privatisation in Kenya 500 20.00 * Temporarily out of stock Postage will be charged accordingly for each title listed above SERIALS Discovery and Innovation: Quarterly multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed bilingual journal of the African Academy of Sciences for an international audience. The journal focuses on progress in scientific research, technological development and policy and emphasizes topical issues in Africa in its editorials. Cumulative Index for Discovery and Innovation: Annual publication for reference on content, subjects and authors published in Discovery and Innovation. Whydah: Biannual Information and Policy magazine of the African Academy of Sciences. SUBSCRIPTIONS RATES Discovery and Innovation Journal Institutional Individual Kenya Kshs. 5,000.00 Kshs. 3,000.00 Africa US$ 300.00 US$ 160.00 Outside Africa US$ 500.00 US$ 300.00 Two-year subscription 7% discount Agents get 5% discount on all orders Send enquiries, orders and make cheques payable to: ACADEMY SCIENCE PUBLISHERS P.O. Box 24916 - 00502 Nairobi, Kenya Fax: 254 (20) 884406 Tel.: 254 (20) 884401/2/3/4/5 E-mail: [email protected] Discov. Innov., 2007; Vol. 19 (AFORNET Special Edition No. 3) G UEST E D I T O R I A L Towards Forest Industrial Reform in Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon 1*Akande, J. A., S. L. 2Larinde, E. 3Ntabe, C. 4Adu-Anning and B. O. 5Agbeja 1Bowen University, P.M.B. 284, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria 2University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria 3University of Dschang, POB 222, Dschang, Cameroon 4Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana 5University of Ibadan, Nigeria *Corresponding Author Preamble introduction, transfer, adoption and operation of environment-friendly forest industrial processing. This Editorial documents, a cross-country assessment This editorial, therefore, highlights key areas of of forest industry technology of selected West Africa improvement in forest utilization capabilities across States. In Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon, a trend the region; suggests new policy guidelines on forest assessment was made on forest industry technology industrial growth in the sampled countries while adsorption and use, environmental impact and emerging opportunities of support for forest industry market for forest products in order to appreciate the development in Sub-Sahara Africa are identified. status quo and make recommendations for growth and development. Base-line data on major forest Introduction industries including sawmills, plywood and particleboard mills, pulp and paper mills, match When judged
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