September 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1551 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE NATIONAL DAY OF Monterey Peninsula area, and later expanded eral Monterey Peninsula jurisdictions and the THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA (TAI- to provide service to the cities of Marina, Sali- city of Salinas have also become funding part- WAN) nas, and Watsonville. With the formation of ners with MST to extend this taxi discount the Monterey-Salinas Transit District on July 1, voucher program to all seniors in their commu- HON. DENNIS A. ROSS 2010, MST today serves one-fifth of the coast- nities. In addition, MST is at the forefront of forging OF FLORIDA line of California from San Jose in the north to Paso Robles in the south at 1,300 bus stops partnerships with local stakeholders to expand IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 25 communities throughout Monterey, Santa public transit options throughout the commu- Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Cruz, Santa Clara, and San Luis Obisbo nity. MST’s award-winning partnership with the Mr. ROSS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, October Counties. United States Army’s Defense Languages In- 10th is the National Day of the Republic of Through the foresight of the MST board stitute at the Presidio of Monterey transports China (Taiwan). members and the ongoing support of the Fed- nearly 50,000 military and civilian personnel Despite its small geographical size, Taiwan eral government, transit service in the Mon- each month from all corners of the MST serv- is a vibrant democracy and a free market terey region is consistently at the forefront of ice area to work, relieving local traffic conges- economy that respects human rights and the technology and innovation, with ridership of tion and enabling the redevelopment of park- rule of law. four and a half million passengers each year, ing lots into language classrooms and training The United States and Taiwan have enjoyed on traditional fixed-route buses as well as facilities vital to the global mission of our mili- a strong security and economic partnership for paratransit minibus service for disabled cus- tary. At Naval Postgraduate School, MST has over half of a century. Our common interest in tomers, the popular MST Trolley system for again partnered with the military to provide peace and security has guided U.S.-Taiwan visitors, ‘‘MST OnCall’’ demand response two additional transit lines connecting student, relations and our commitment to Taiwan’s se- services in south Monterey County, and the faculty and staff housing areas with the col- curity, as stated in the 1979 Taiwan Relations award-winning Carmel Valley Grapevine Ex- lege. And, MST’s latest military partnership Act, has enabled Taiwan to build a strong press. provides employees at Fort Hunter Liggett in democratic government that, today, serves as New for 2012 is the MST JAZZ Bus Rapid rural southern Monterey County with two more a beacon for others in the region and beyond. Transit system, funded in part by a $2.78 mil- transit lines connecting the base with commu- Similarly, Taiwan’s economic partnership lion Federal Transit Administration Section nities in the Salinas Valley and San Luis with us has benefited both countries. As a re- 5309 Capital New Starts grant. MST JAZZ fol- Obispo County. MST’s partnerships also ex- sult, Taiwan is our ninth largest trading part- lows a 6.75 mile route on the Monterey Penin- tend to local colleges, with a University Pass ner, with the United States importing nearly sula starting in Sand City, running along Fre- program with California State University-Mon- $36 billion worth of Made in Taiwan goods mont Boulevard in Seaside, through downtown terey Bay and a free fare zone at Hartnell and exporting $26 billion in goods and serv- Monterey and along the visitor-intensive Light- Community College in Salinas. The Monterey ices to Taiwan. house Avenue corridor in New Monterey, end- Bay Aquarium is also a local funding partner In recent years, the communications be- ing at the world famous Monterey Bay Aquar- for transit, helping to support the MST Trolley tween Washington and Taiwan President Ma ium at the edge of the city of Pacific Grove. visitor-oriented service in downtown Monterey Ying-jeou’s administration has been smooth MST has partnered with the legendary Mon- and Cannery Row and leading a new initiative and effortless. However, there is still room for terey Jazz Festival, currently celebrating its designed to increase accessibility to the improvement. For instance, we still need to 55th year, to create a distinct brand and mar- Aquarium for low income and minority resi- assist Taiwan’s meaningful participation in keting identity for the new ‘‘JAZZ’’ line. The dents of the Salinas Valley. world agencies, help Taiwan meet its military Festival has opened its archives for the project Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to commend needs, negotiate a free trade agreement with and has worked with MST to develop a year- Monterey-Salinas Transit for providing 40 Taiwan, and waive visa requirements for Tai- round linear jazz museum featuring dramatic years of exemplary public service to the Cen- wanese tourists coming to the U.S. With the jazz-themed displays on the buses and at tral Coast of California and ask my colleagues support of the United States, I hope Taiwan’s each of the 30 custom designed shelters in the House of Representatives to wish them goals come true. along the route. Passenger amenities include well on the next 40 years. Congratulations to the people and leaders of benches, bike racks and real-time electronic f bus arrival and departure signage linked via Taiwan on their National Day. A TRIBUTE TO BRETT BUNNELL f Global Positioning Systems to the location of each JAZZ vehicle along the route. While wait- IN HONOR OF THE 40TH ANNIVER- ing for the JAZZ buses, passengers will be HON. TOM LATHAM SARY OF MONTEREY-SALINAS able to listen and view on their smart phones OF IOWA TRANSIT (MST) actual recordings from the Monterey Jazz Fes- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tival throughout its 55-year history and learn Wednesday, September 19, 2012 HON. SAM FARR more about the artists who performed for Fes- Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF CALIFORNIA tival audiences over the decades. recognize and congratulate Brett Bunnell of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Not only does MST play a significant role in Norwalk, Iowa for being awarded the Girl the transportation system of the Monterey Bay Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Scout Gold Award. region, but it helps meet the basic transpor- The Gold Award is the highest award that a Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I have the distinct tation needs of thousands of constituents. high school-aged Girl Scout can earn. This is honor and privilege of representing California’s More than one out of every three MST pas- a prestigious honor as fewer than 6 percent of 17th congressional district and, on behalf of all sengers live in a household without an auto- eligible Girl Scouts attain the Gold Award in a the residents of the Central Coast, I would like mobile. A majority of MST passengers are ei- given year. to commend to my colleagues’ attention the ther low-income and/or elderly. To further en- To earn a Gold Award, a Girl Scout must 40th Anniversary of Monterey-Salinas Transit, hance senior mobility, MST is utilizing Federal complete a minimum of 80 hours towards a (MST). Transit Administration Section 5317 New Free- community project that is both memorable and The Monterey Peninsula Public Transit Sys- doms funds to provide free travel training and lasting. For her project, Brett worked to update tem Joint Powers Agency was formed by the volunteer assistance through the innovative rooms in her church by installing blinds and cities of Carmel, Del Rey Oaks, Monterey, Pa- ‘‘MST Navigators’’ program to Monterey Coun- redecorating. The work ethic Brett has shown cific Grove, Seaside and the county of Mon- ty residents 65 years and older, as well as to earn her Gold Award speaks volumes about terey on October 1, 1972. As the predecessor subsidized trips in local taxicabs at a cost of her commitment to serving a cause greater of Monterey-Salinas Transit, it served the only $3.00 for paratransit-eligible clients. Sev- than herself and assisting her community. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:38 Sep 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19SE8.001 E19SEPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 19, 2012 Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young I applaud the USPTO for its continued ef- dinal Cooke Health Care Center, a faith- woman and her supportive family dem- forts to educate the public on the important based, multi-specialty nursing facility in East onstrates the rewards of hard work, dedication role of trademarks and the benefits of federal Harlem, which has been serving the commu- and perseverance. I am honored to represent registration through the National Trademark nity since 1978. During the 4th Annual ‘‘Step- Brett and her family in the United States Con- Expo. I urge my colleagues to join me in rec- ping Up in Faith for HIV and AIDS’’ Commu- gress. I know that all of my colleagues in the ognizing the USPTO, at this time when trade- nity Events Week, the Health Care Center is House will join me in congratulating her on ob- mark protection and intellectual property rights sponsoring ‘‘A Sacred NYC HIV & AIDS Con- taining the Gold Award, and I wish her contin- play an increasingly important role in our glob- versation’’ among faith-based organizations, ued success in her future education and ca- al economy.
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